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Avoid Being Picketpocketed: Great Article And Video

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I'll certainly watch the video later on. Recently a customer of mine was probably pickpocketed whilst stepping down from a quay into a boat, somebody "helped" her.


Great post. This happened to me outside of Central World. The guy was actually going for my passport when I noticed him out of the corner of my eye. What was really impressive was once a had a firm hold of the pickpocket's arm, three other members of his team came out of the crowd and started making a lot of noise. I was just happy I hadn't lost my PP., so I let the guy go.


I watched it 2 times...... lol.

I was pickpocketed in China 8 years ago, for the first and last time in my life, touch wood!

I was at the Shanghai motor show, in a Marks & Spencers' silk suit. I observed a few cars and stalls outside, and it was the first time I had been to Asia. although I had been in China for 5 months.

Going to the gates/stalls to get in on the first day, I see now how vulnerable I was, from this video.

I was with my wife, it was busy and hustling and justling to get in. I had felt a rear approach outside watching, and was aware of pickpockets. I really was.

However, at the entrance stalls, with mayhem, I was concerned for my wife as she was being jostled by a few Chinese. I noved in to protect her and I WAS pushed and shoved left and right. We got in and continued to the Arena. It was then that my ass felt cold, and I touched my ass. My trousers had been slit from the bottom of my pocket!!!!!!

My ass was bare, as my underpants had been slit too......... ALL OF THIS WITH A SURGICAL KNIFE, I was told afterwards.

I felt nothing, and received not a cut to my skin.

My wallet had my driving licence, credit cards and little money... minimal money, as I didn't carry large money ever, in China.

I was more pissed off at the cost of the destruction to a 500 quid suit...... as it just couldn't be replaced!

They got nothing, as within 20 mins my cred cards were cancelled, as HSBC security were excellent in an emergency call.

The experience did teach me to keep my wallet in my front pocket, at all times; be it work trousers or jeans!

Never had a prob in Thailand. One of my wife's friends had her expensive handbag sliced open also, on the Shanghai metro/underground.

The Chinese pickpockets don't use hand of deft, they use fine blades, and if you get in the shit to complain they'd probably slice your neck and disappear - just a word of warning for you to adhere to, in crowds in Shanghai, Beijing etc. etc.

I hear the Thais are also adept at using fine blades, learning from the Chinese......... so the super actor needs to take his cameras to China!

-mel. ;)


I was in Ecuador several years ago. We'd all been warned about the central plaza. Signs were even posted there warning about thefts. I was staying at the same hotel as a couple from Australia. They knew what was going on, were totally aware and fully prepared. Even held hands and stood side by side. Somehow, somebody slit her boyfriends cargo pants and got some spare change and candy. Luckily, that's all they kept in their pockets. Everything else was in a money pouch. He never felt a thing.

They're good!


Used to live in London and I always found it amazing when standing on the platform of the tube you would get the announcement " pickpockets are operating in this station......." almost everyone then feels for their purse or wallet! Want to know where it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never ever react with your hands.

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I always use a money pouch and my pants/shorts usually have a hidden zipper pocket. I don't carry a wallet, just a money clip in my front pocket.

I've had attempts in the Philippines (ferry dock, Manila), Buenos Aires (got into daypack), Madrid (train from airport), Lisbon (stole wifey's purse). Saw several attempts in Paris and have been with friends who've been pickpocketed in Guatemala (stole entire day pack!), Ecuador, Los Angeles and Rome (on the bus).

But not bad after visiting 70 countries and traveling full time for almost 5 years.


My wife was in the Future Park shopping mall at Rangsit. There was a temporary indoor market set up next to Big C. My wife was looking at some watches when she felt someone pushing into her. A few minutes later she discovered her bag had been slit, and her purse stolen. We went to security and asked to look at the security camera tapes. Guess what? Someone had aimed a display foodlight at the camera, so there was no footage.

They recovered her purse from a waste bin an hour or so later. Cash had gone, but cards and ID was still there. She was very lucky.


Back in 2005 I was doing a semester abroad here and did a bus ride from Bangkok to Krabi. I was with a bunch of girls who never traveled outside of the US, I had cargo pants on and kept everything in one pocket against the side of the bus, the girls didn't do this and left their purses out. We all got our free snack from the bus attendant and w/i 10 minutes we were out. They didn't realize until after they got off the bus that over 6,000 baht was stolen, cash only. Luckily I had made my things too annoying to access. I am pretty sure we were drugged as I rarely sleep when I travel and I never drop off that fast. I have heard of this happening elsewhere too.


For me, a golden rule is that my pants must have a button pocket.

For a professional thief, I am sure that this would be only a momentary distraction but when they are looking for 'a mark' I would presume that they try for the easiest and not the richest one.

Did have a very drunk LadyBoy attempt it one time when waiting at the lights at Asoke and Sukhumvit Rds … I was, of course there with purely puritian thoughts at 1.30 in the morning. The button slowed her down ... as did her previous consumption of alcohol … thankfully.


My old school mate was robbed on a school trip to Italy (we were 17/18). Two monstrously hot chicks started talking to him, then got a bit touchy feely and after a minute, one went for his bag (the one attached in his gentlemens area) while the other took his wallet. Job done they laughed and walked off. We were saying what a hero he was right up until the point he realised that something was missing (and not his cherry either).

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I was in Ecuador several years ago. We'd all been warned about the central plaza. Signs were even posted there warning about thefts. I was staying at the same hotel as a couple from Australia. They knew what was going on, were totally aware and fully prepared. Even held hands and stood side by side. Somehow, somebody slit her boyfriends cargo pants and got some spare change and candy. Luckily, that's all they kept in their pockets. Everything else was in a money pouch. He never felt a thing.

They're good!

the "watch out for pickpockets" signs are a hazard some times too

a persons reads it, checks their pocket with most valuable items in it, and alerts the cooks what pocket to target.

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