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of course number one says how and the actual is where.

So it should match. Where people think we live picture of a teak bungalo on the beach/ or a colonial period mansion. Then the second picture makes sense.

The first picture how people think we live. Should be a picture of something elegant then the how we actually live picture of Ian at one of the night establishments getting drunk.

The rest match up well enough

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last time I was in Bolivia I talked to the housekeeper and she believed that the rest of the world thought that Bolivians walked around in feathered attire ('todos piensan que nos andamos con plumas') presumably to indicate that the assumed general western impression was one of savagery...

Thailand ain't Bolivia but I'll bet the general impression is similar; middle aged western fat guys in feathers with with a gaggle of naked local women...bonfires with people being cooked up in large pots, etc...when I moved out to the Suphan countryside friends and family in Pasadena said: 'you weird, man...just like Col. Kurtz in Apocalyse Now...'...the tribesmen in the movie all had feathers if I remember correctly, throwing spears and etc...I'll have to get out my DVD copy to verify...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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