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How To Import Own Car From Europe To Thailand


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A Thai can import a car they have owned for 1 year with minimal tax, about 30%.

For a foreigner or a Thai with a new car there are horrendous tarrifs the amount of which will make it prohibitvely expensive.

The total amount will be dependant on how much they 'like' your car.

I think the general opinion would be don't bother.

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When I wanted to ship my Harley here from Canada 9 years ago they wanted 700% tax payment against the black book market value at that time. That's all I needed to hear.

You would maybe have better luck calling one of the shipping companies here in Pattaya or even in Bkk. I'm sure they have all the info you need as we here could only speculate.

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Depending on age of the car, cc's and actual value of the car, you may pay up to 250% of the value in taxes.

Import is possible if the car was actually registered in the importers name and if the importer would like to import the car within 6 (or 12 months) after his arrival in Thailand with a long term visa.

If you live abroad with your Thai spouse and do have the intention to move to Thailand over 6+ months, put the car in your wifes name; easier for import and cheaper in taxes.

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Official (albeit dated 2009) Thai customs info here http://www.customs.g...personalvehicle

Shows official rates of between 188 and 328% of CIF (cost,insurance and freight) price .but...as Necronx99 pointed out "the total amount will be dependant on how much they 'like' your car.".

Note that according to the customs site you need to apply for an import license before you ship. It will also have to conform to Thai regulations to get it taxed. Also site states that if a Thai imports they would have had to have owned the vehicle and have driving license in foreign country for 18 months. Not sure if that's still valid now but it was 20 years ago when I was finishing work in Japan.

The main problem is, I believe, that you will not get a price quote of total duties until the vehicle arrives in Thailand, then they've got you. Pay up or ship the vehicle back at your expense, or "donate" the vehicle to customs.

Short answer....Forget about it !!

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Guys, it's not about the cost of the importing. It's about the fact that even if you do what is legally required, hire a reputable exporter, Thai customs can go pear shaped on you and either slap on more fees than they are entitled to in order to seize your car (once in Thailand) and sell it at auction so that the Thai mafia and other connected individuals get to purchase your car.

See this thread regarding one person's attempt to import a Toyota Supra: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/23946-car-import-update

It was seized and sold at auction.

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Whilst living in the UK a few years ago now I was involved in a passion of mine at the time. Old Mercedes cars.

When I came to Thailand I was amazed to see so many older models on the roads in pristine condition.

I then saw how much they were being sold for 2nd hand even after the original engine and gear box had been ripped out and replaced with a Toyota engine. The prices are staggering compared to the UK.

There is a car sales place on Sukhumvit that has a nice 10 year old Merc going for 1.8 million baht. In Pounds that is 37,000.

The same car in the UK would be barely worth 6,000 to 7,000 Needlees to say the Merc has been sitting there for nearly a year.

I learned from a car dealer in the UK that he had wanted to import a load of old Mercs hoping to make a killing selling them on but failed at the first hurdle of being asked 300% import tax on the value of the car.

Lesson to learn from this...buy a Camry. It already has a Toyota engine in it....

Nuff said.

Edited by lonewolf99
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