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Conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart dies at 43


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Now they have a new conspiracy to attack Obama with, thinly veiling their racism.

Racism? His mother was white and he was raised in a middle class caucasian family. Omama is more white than Bill Clinton. His problem is not being black. It is that he is one of the worst presidents in history.

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Now they have a new conspiracy to attack Obama with, thinly veiling their racism.

Racism? His mother was white and he was raised in a middle class caucasian family. Omama is more white than Bill Clinton. His problem is not being black. It is that he is one of the worst presidents in history.

Good talking points but it is obvious this "birther" undercurrent is not only about race but about perceived foreign origins. The Muslim father, the childhood in Indonesian schools, the cosmopolitan liberal idealistic mother, the name itself, face it, it doesn't sound American to the redneck set.
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IMO, they are just looking for any excuse to get rid of him for his lousy policies. The Muslim stuff is just icing on the cake.

Yeah, like support for women's health rights, not being obnoxiously anti-gay. Horrible man!
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Now they have a new conspiracy to attack Obama with, thinly veiling their racism.

Racism? His mother was white and he was raised in a middle class caucasian family. Omama is more white than Bill Clinton. His problem is not being black. It is that he is one of the worst presidents in history.

Good talking points but it is obvious this "birther" undercurrent is not only about race but about perceived foreign origins. The Muslim father, the childhood in Indonesian schools, the cosmopolitan liberal idealistic mother, the name itself, face it, it doesn't sound American to the redneck set.

But then, it might also be about upholding the constitutional requirements to serve as President.

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I'm sorry for his family, but clips that have been shown on Fox News of his speaking makes it clear he was a horrible, obnoxious, superficial man. Apparently, he lost many of the liberal friends he grew up with. Understandably. Not saying liberals and conservatives can't be friends, but his actions were massively sleazy.

Founder of the tea party? Fitting perhaps because the tea party is dead.

" horrible, obnoxious, superficial man."

you could say exactly the same thing about Bill Ayers ... you know Obama's " mate "

Except that Ayers was actually involved in bombings that killed people. He also advocated killing mass numbers of Americans who could not be reformed to a new way of thinking in his post-revolution America. Sounds a lot like Stalin.

One day the world will wake up to the fact that the Left in America is at its core, mean-spirited at best, anti-freedom racists at semi-worst. Every country in the past 100 years where the Left was in 100% control, they killed millions of their own people and their leaders were some of the worst monsters the world has ever seen.

Brietbart was great at pointing out the less than nice ways of the Left. Hopefully his colleagues will keep it going.

The worst of it is that the far left has infiltrated the once reasonable liberal left and is now trying everything it can to undermine the western capitalist culture it despises, hence the repugnant marriage of convenience with militant Islam, which shares the same ideals being totalitarian, having contempt for human rights and individual freedoms.

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IMO, they are just looking for any excuse to get rid of him for his lousy policies. The Muslim stuff is just icing on the cake.

Yeah, like support for women's health rights, not being obnoxiously anti-gay. Horrible man!

In those too respects his foreign policy has hardly worked like a charm has it now?

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I'm sorry for his family, but clips that have been shown on Fox News of his speaking makes it clear he was a horrible, obnoxious, superficial man. Apparently, he lost many of the liberal friends he grew up with. Understandably. Not saying liberals and conservatives can't be friends, but his actions were massively sleazy.

Founder of the tea party? Fitting perhaps because the tea party is dead.

" horrible, obnoxious, superficial man."

you could say exactly the same thing about Bill Ayers ... you know Obama's " mate "

Except that Ayers was actually involved in bombings that killed people. He also advocated killing mass numbers of Americans who could not be reformed to a new way of thinking in his post-revolution America. Sounds a lot like Stalin.

One day the world will wake up to the fact that the Left in America is at its core, mean-spirited at best, anti-freedom racists at semi-worst. Every country in the past 100 years where the Left was in 100% control, they killed millions of their own people and their leaders were some of the worst monsters the world has ever seen.

Brietbart was great at pointing out the less than nice ways of the Left. Hopefully his colleagues will keep it going.

What's you take on European democratic socialism then, generally elected ??

You know, the NHS, free education, a fair days pay for a fair days work, abolition of slavery, taxation with representation, Aneurin Bevan, Michael Foot, Eric Blair, etc etc not to mention the French.......

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Conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart dies at 43

He set himself up as a judge for others. Someone Bigger than him cut him short.

No loss.

Well, it was a loss for his friends and family. I guess he deserves respect as a human being. After all, he wasn't Hitler. Someone had to say it and I'm sure y'all glad it was me, not you.
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Conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart dies at 43

He set himself up as a judge for others. Someone Bigger than him cut him short.

No loss.

Well, it was a loss for his friends and family. I guess he deserves respect as a human being. After all, he wasn't Hitler. Someone had to say it and I'm sure y'all glad it was me, not you.

He was not so kind as you are JT. He was quite prepared to destroy other people's lives.

So a bigger fish stabbed him. Live by the sword etc.....

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I'm sorry for his family, but clips that have been shown on Fox News of his speaking makes it clear he was a horrible, obnoxious, superficial man. Apparently, he lost many of the liberal friends he grew up with. Understandably. Not saying liberals and conservatives can't be friends, but his actions were massively sleazy.

Founder of the tea party? Fitting perhaps because the tea party is dead.

" horrible, obnoxious, superficial man."

you could say exactly the same thing about Bill Ayers ... you know Obama's " mate "

Except that Ayers was actually involved in bombings that killed people. He also advocated killing mass numbers of Americans who could not be reformed to a new way of thinking in his post-revolution America. Sounds a lot like Stalin.

One day the world will wake up to the fact that the Left in America is at its core, mean-spirited at best, anti-freedom racists at semi-worst. Every country in the past 100 years where the Left was in 100% control, they killed millions of their own people and their leaders were some of the worst monsters the world has ever seen.

Brietbart was great at pointing out the less than nice ways of the Left. Hopefully his colleagues will keep it going.

Donkeys years ago Back home in Manchester England ,I used to frequent a bar I lovingly called "Kremlin korner" the local "wontworks used to wax lyrical about the joys of Communism/Socialism ,one night sick of listening to their bleatings I said to them Hey ya know when you see some poor guy strung out on barbed wire in East Berlin with bullet holes in his back trying to escape ,what is he trying to escape from and which way is he heading? , No one even tried to give me an answer!.
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Good riddance to a dishonest creep

Reliably prove one thing he was dishonest about..

"And in July 2010, Breitbart received a storm of criticism after publishing two short videos which appeared to show Shirley Sherrod, Georgia State Director of Rural Development for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, making racist remarks. Senior U.S. government officials quickly forced her to resign, but a review of the unedited video proved that Sherrod's remarks were taken out of context.

Prior to that, in late 2009, Breitbart was involved in a series of videos which purported to show encounters between a young couple and workers at the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). The videos appeared to show how ACORN workers advised the couple in how to hide prostitution activities and avoid taxes, but a criminal investigation later found that the videos were heavily edited."

Besides those on the OP you mean?

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Too bad he didn't expose the crass Bush/Cheany/Rumsfeld Coalition's massacre of millions of Iraqi's for no other reason than grabbing their oil industry. Nor the pathetic imprisonment of 60+ year old Afghani's in Guantanamo, nor the treatment of prisoners in Abu Graeb Prison. Just a few oversights in his short, pathetic life.

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It's mixed. Who killed Osama?

Uhhh...the US Military?

That's rich. If Bush was president then you would give credit to Bush. But Obama gets no credit. Typical.

But you didn't ask who issued the order. You asked who killed Osama.

Unless Barack took a vacation trip to Pakistan on AF One, he didn't kill Osama.

Edited by chuckd
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But America got rid of the WMD's...oops, forgot there weren't any...but the pre-Obama group did manage to start two wars that have cost over 6,000+ American troops and 130,000+ civilian lives at a cost of over $1,000,000,000...and the same pre-Obama group was in charge for the years leading up to the 2008 financial crisis...seems Obama's been trying to clean up messes started by others...

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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Three pages of posts and all we have from his detractors is ad hominem attacks on the man, he didn't kill anyone and couldn't be given that wonderful euphemism 'freedom fighter', though I do believe it was freedom from oppression and the protection of freedom of speech that the man stood up for. Still in the absence of any defensible argument the far left chooses to resort to profaning the dead.

At least we still have Pat Condell. to point out some home truths the lib-left don't want to hear.

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