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Email Scam….Death Threat.


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Checking my mail yesterday, I opened what I consider a scam. I’m used to the; “Hello Friend, I am an African Princes” you know the usual ‘dog and pony show,’ but this is a new, and I think disturbing level of con.

Personally, I detest these wanke_rs with a vengeance, this is a new low in internet scams………. I replied with a healthy dose of abuse, (I like to wind them up if I can) I have to admit when first reading it, it concerned me for a while…..Until we came to the pay-off, and on reading it a few times I noticed a lot of inconsistencies.

I posted this for two reasons; the first was to show anyone else who has been sent this, (and who is worried by it) you’re not the only one to get this….So don’t panic…….And don’t pay anything! The second is to ask what you would do?

I’m not really looking for advice guys, but would be interested in what you would do.


"This is the only way I could contact you for now, I want you to be very careful about this and keep this secret with you until I make out space for us to meet. You have no need of knowing who I am or where I am from. I know this may sound very surprising to you but it's the situation. I have been paid some ransom in advance to terminate/kill you with some reasons listed to me by my employer. He has provided us with your name, picture and other necessary information we needed in order to carry out a successful execution, you can check your information below:

Your Name: **************************

Address: *********************************************** (I've removed details)

Phone Number: ***************************************

Picture: Not to display.

This is someone you call your friend who has paid me to do this, but when I monitor, watched and followed you very closely for some time now and have seen that you are innocent of all the accusations leveled against you .Do not contact the police or try to send a copy of this to them, because if you do, I will know, and I might be pushed to do what I have been paid to do. Besides, this is the first time I turn out to be a betrayer in my job. I took pity on you, which is why I have made up my mind to help you if you are willing to help yourself.

Now listen, I will arrange for us to see face to face, but before that, I need $10,000. To pay off cover, I will come to your home or you determine where you wish we meet; I repeat, do not arrange for the cops and if you play hard to get, it will extend to your family. Do not set any camera to cover us or set up any tape to record our conversation; my employer is in my control now. Payment details will be provided for you to make a part payment of $3 000 first, which will serve as guarantee that you are ready to co-operate, then i will post a copy of the video tape that contains his/her request for me to terminate you which will be enough evidence for you to take any legal action against him/her before he employs another person for the job. You will pay the balance of $7000 once you receive the tape.

WARNING: Do not contact the police, make sure you stay indoors once it is 7.30pm until this whole thing is sorted out, if you neglect any of these warming, you will have yourself to blame. You do not have much time, so get back to me immediately.

NOTE: I will advise you keep this to yourself alone, not even a friend or a family member should know about it because it could be one of them… Trust no one not even your co-worker.

Thank you,


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That sounds like one of those joke e-mails you can have sent to people, especially if they have some personal data about you.

On the other hand as the blether says, do not reply because you are then on their mailing lists and making money for them.

You also have a 'spam' box :)

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Your Name: **************************

Address: *********************************************** (I've removed details)

Phone Number: ***************************************

Picture: Not to display.

You say you have removed the details of your name and address, did you also remove the phone number and the photo of you.

If you still have the photo, where was it taken, who else is in the photo, what is in the background etc.

Did this message also have your phone number, what number was it a Mobile or Home number. How many would have the number.

The email would have a senders name as well as an IP address.

Not that hard to work out who it may have came from if it is a genuine threat.

If you think its genuine, take it to the Police, if you think it's a scam forget it and don't open anything on your comp unless you know where it came from or who it came from.

Edited by OZEMADE
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Your Name: **************************

Address: *********************************************** (I've removed details)

Phone Number: ***************************************

Picture: Not to display.

You say you have removed the details of your name and address, did you also remove the phone number and the photo of you.

If you still have the photo, where was it taken, who else is in the photo, what is in the background etc.

More importantly, if the information that the OP deleted is in fact accurate, I would be showing a little concern as it is either real or a very bad taste wind-up.

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Your Name: **************************

Address: *********************************************** (I've removed details)

Phone Number: ***************************************

Picture: Not to display.

You say you have removed the details of your name and address, did you also remove the phone number and the photo of you.

If you still have the photo, where was it taken, who else is in the photo, what is in the background etc.

More importantly, if the information that the OP deleted is in fact accurate, I would be showing a little concern as it is either real or a very bad taste wind-up.

Which is why I put on the bottom.

If you think its genuine, take it to the Police, if you think it's a scam forget it and don't open anything on your comp unless you know where it came from or who it came from.

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Hitman scam:




419 Eater


Iditos View - Conversation with a hitman


And the list goes on.

Save yourself a load of hassle and delete without opening this crap. It`s easy to tell just by the senders names and the titles.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Your Name: **************************

Address: *********************************************** (I've removed details)

Phone Number: ***************************************

Picture: Not to display.

You say you have removed the details of your name and address, did you also remove the phone number and the photo of you.

If you still have the photo, where was it taken, who else is in the photo, what is in the background etc.

More importantly, if the information that the OP deleted is in fact accurate, I would be showing a little concern as it is either real or a very bad taste wind-up.

Agree with Thaddeus on the last bit; if all the fields were filled in with correct information, then someone you know is winding you up. Either that or you have posted that information somewhere, like Facebook, Hi-5 or any of the social networks and that has been hacked.

Rule of thumb with spam like this is:

1. Check the subject line

2. Check the email address

(Usually through items 1 & 2 you should be able to tell if it is legit, but not always)

3. To open the email is OK but to open any attachments on click on any links is a huge no-no.

4. Never, ever reply to one of these, even if it is to tell them where to go and what to do with themselves when they get there. As pointed out earlier, all this does is to verify the (your) email address is active and available for further abuse.

5. Once you have confirmed that it is spam, delete it and get it off your system, if only to take the temptation away in case you still have an urge to reply to it.

Edited by chrisinth
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Hitman scam:




419 Eater


Iditos View - Conversation with a hitman


And the list goes on.

Save yourself a load of hassle and delete without opening this crap. It`s easy to tell just by the senders names and the titles.

Yeah, well done Sherlock.

However.... there is always a however.

Those scams are fairly well known and should be dismissed instantly.

And to be honest I really can't be bothered discussing this, but if you can work out my real name, my address, have a photo of me and you know my phone number........ you win ten pounds.

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Your Name: **************************

Address: *********************************************** (I've removed details)

Phone Number: ***************************************

Picture: Not to display.

You say you have removed the details of your name and address, did you also remove the phone number and the photo of you.

If you still have the photo, where was it taken, who else is in the photo, what is in the background etc.

Did this message also have your phone number, what number was it a Mobile or Home number. How many would have the number.

The email would have a senders name as well as an IP address.

Not that hard to work out who it may have came from if it is a genuine threat.

If you think its genuine, take it to the Police, if you think it's a scam forget it and don't open anything on your comp unless you know where it came from or who it came from.

I removed name, address and Phone No before posting…No Photo.

All info they sent me if from my CV…….Not hard to get.

I’m more than sure it’s a con!

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Maybe this will provide some thought for those who think online privacy is unimportant.

But probably not.

If you want to have a little fun, open a new yahoo email address and reply from there, be sure to not echo any of your real data ("you sent me an email, so you know who I am"). They probably send these out by the hundreds. Maybe tell them you're willing to meet and you'll outbid the employer, but it'll have to be in the back of beyond somewhere in the Philippines or something like that.

Or maybe something like Siam Paragon at a certain time in a certain spot so you can have a look at them, and then go tell a security guard that you saw this guy pull a wallet out of the purse of a woman passing by. Then again, maybe the guard won't care.

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Tonto, I've gotten one of these exact e-mails before, years ago. It does come across a little more chilling than the typical Nigerian scam e-mail, but rest assured, it is a scam. No need to worry or be concerned. Just delete.

Berkshire, thanks for that, I don’t consider myself a shrinking violet, but when I first read this it did make me think. After reading it a few times I could see it was a scam.

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As I said, in the topic post I sometimes reply to these emails, however I don’t use my email address, I cut and paste to a new page and reply using a disposable address. This I think tells me, they don’t know who I am, and as pointed out already I also think they send hundreds of these out.

Here is a follow up mail I received.

“You may think is a joking matter . as I am talking to you right now , my men is after you , just do what I ask you to do . here is a little prove, for you to know that the person behind this knew you too well. this ******** is your Birthday, you work as ***********? (I removed)

You need to be very much fast on this matter, if you follow my instruction, I will give you the video Tape, and with this tape you can hold them bot in court and police ,( I am a professional in this flied, I only use the very best tools) when I found out that you are innocent of the accuse, so I make out this time to contact you. Unfortunately international crime syndicates won't admit to mistakes and cancel the hit so I will be force to carry out the assassination on you.

There is an option for me to help you in order for you to know who had paid NIKITA for your DEATH and also the reason. don't forget my men had been monitoring you for the past few days and daily record of your activities is been sent to me but I have refuse to order your DEATH.

Get back to me if you value your LIFE with all due speed to make the payment now or else I regret I will have to carry out my original contract to assassinate you

Notice. do not tell any one about this , and stay at home . or in the hotel before 7:30 pm , till you get the tape.



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As I said, in the topic post I sometimes reply to these emails, however I don’t use my email address, I cut and paste to a new page and reply using a disposable address. This I think tells me, they don’t know who I am, and as pointed out already I also think they send hundreds of these out.

Here is a follow up mail I received.

“You may think is a joking matter . as I am talking to you right now , my men is after you , just do what I ask you to do . here is a little prove, for you to know that the person behind this knew you too well. this ******** is your Birthday, you work as ***********? (I removed)

You need to be very much fast on this matter, if you follow my instruction, I will give you the video Tape, and with this tape you can hold them bot in court and police ,( I am a professional in this flied, I only use the very best tools) when I found out that you are innocent of the accuse, so I make out this time to contact you. Unfortunately international crime syndicates won't admit to mistakes and cancel the hit so I will be force to carry out the assassination on you.

There is an option for me to help you in order for you to know who had paid NIKITA for your DEATH and also the reason. don't forget my men had been monitoring you for the past few days and daily record of your activities is been sent to me but I have refuse to order your DEATH.

Get back to me if you value your LIFE with all due speed to make the payment now or else I regret I will have to carry out my original contract to assassinate you

Notice. do not tell any one about this , and stay at home . or in the hotel before 7:30 pm , till you get the tape.



Did you cut and copy the original email when you replied? Was the birthday / job correct?

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Hitman scam:




419 Eater


Iditos View - Conversation with a hitman


And the list goes on.

Save yourself a load of hassle and delete without opening this crap. It`s easy to tell just by the senders names and the titles.

Yeah, well done Sherlock.

However.... there is always a however.

Those scams are fairly well known and should be dismissed instantly.

And to be honest I really can't be bothered discussing this, but if you can work out my real name, my address, have a photo of me and you know my phone number........ you win ten pounds.

Thaddeus - I've worked out your real name, and your address, and I have a photo of you, and I know your 'phone number and yes.....even which beer you prefer. Shall I be able to pick up my ten pounds on Tuesday or would you prefer to credit it to my numbered Swiss bank account?

Is that scary or not..........

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Hitman scam:




419 Eater


Iditos View - Conversation with a hitman


And the list goes on.

Save yourself a load of hassle and delete without opening this crap. It`s easy to tell just by the senders names and the titles.

Yeah, well done Sherlock.

However.... there is always a however.

Those scams are fairly well known and should be dismissed instantly.

And to be honest I really can't be bothered discussing this, but if you can work out my real name, my address, have a photo of me and you know my phone number........ you win ten pounds.

Thaddeus - I've worked out your real name, and your address, and I have a photo of you, and I know your 'phone number and yes.....even which beer you prefer. Shall I be able to pick up my ten pounds on Tuesday or would you prefer to credit it to my numbered Swiss bank account?

Is that scary or not..........

No, not really mate, we have been friends for many years so I would expect you to know all that.

And that really was the point I was making, if I received an email from someone I had never heard of before who had all that info I would think it's either a very sick joke, an attempt at fraud or real..... one thing I wouldn't do is just delete and ignore.

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Hitman scam:




419 Eater


Iditos View - Conversation with a hitman


And the list goes on.

Save yourself a load of hassle and delete without opening this crap. It`s easy to tell just by the senders names and the titles.

Yeah, well done Sherlock.

However.... there is always a however.

Those scams are fairly well known and should be dismissed instantly.

And to be honest I really can't be bothered discussing this, but if you can work out my real name, my address, have a photo of me and you know my phone number........ you win ten pounds.

Thaddeus - I've worked out your real name, and your address, and I have a photo of you, and I know your 'phone number and yes.....even which beer you prefer. Shall I be able to pick up my ten pounds on Tuesday or would you prefer to credit it to my numbered Swiss bank account?

Is that scary or not..........

No, not really mate, we have been friends for many years so I would expect you to know all that.

And that really was the point I was making, if I received an email from someone I had never heard of before who had all that info I would think it's either a very sick joke, an attempt at fraud or real..... one thing I wouldn't do is just delete and ignore.

How would you know they "had all that info" unless you opened it?

Far better never to open an email that you don't recognise unless, of course, you think someone may be 'after you'! 555

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Your Name: **************************

Address: *********************************************** (I've removed details)

Phone Number: ***************************************

Picture: Not to display.

You say you have removed the details of your name and address, did you also remove the phone number and the photo of you.

If you still have the photo, where was it taken, who else is in the photo, what is in the background etc.

Did this message also have your phone number, what number was it a Mobile or Home number. How many would have the number.

The email would have a senders name as well as an IP address.

Not that hard to work out who it may have came from if it is a genuine threat.

If you think its genuine, take it to the Police, if you think it's a scam forget it and don't open anything on your comp unless you know where it came from or who it came from.

I removed name, address and Phone No before posting…No Photo.

All info they sent me if from my CV…….Not hard to get.

I’m more than sure it’s a con!

Tonto21, I still think it is a wind-up by one of your mates. i am quite sure that the normal scumbags that release this kind of mail do not have software or code to remove fields from CV's and move it to the spam mail before sending as there is no standard fields for CV's. They sure aren't going to copy and paste if they are bulk mailing.

The point about CV's is very interesting, and they obviously need to be in the public sector for people to read them. My advice for this is never send a working copy (ie, .doc) but change to PDF. Yes, now a days it is easy to copy from PDF, so take an extra step and scan the working file and then turn the scan into PDF. When you scan, you change the format to image (jpg, tiff, giff, bmp) and this makes it harder to extract from.

I know there are certain companies that prefer the format of the CV in "Word" format; good luck there!

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When you scan, you change the format to image (jpg, tiff, giff, bmp) and this makes it harder to extract from.

and just hope he is armless...so he cannot write it down.

Yep, there is that, but that is why i think it is a windup by his mates and not from a bulk spammer.

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