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Getting Back To Thailand. My Goal.


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Old guys who come here after retirement and a failed marriage or two really have little idea what it is like to be young in Thailand. It is not their fault per se, but is reflected in their perspective on all things Thai.

As a young guy, I think the OP should just get on with living his interesting life and rack up as much experience as he can, while he can. Not much he can expect to gain from these pages in my opinion.

Even my own experience of being young in Thailand is of little or no relevance as it was so many years ago and that world no longer exists. Sure the reverse culture shock, the hormonal haze, the heightened emotions, the thrill of adventure, the overwhelming sense of self is not that different I suppose but the specifics have all changed.

I say go for it and enjoy the ride. Even if things don’t work out the way you hope, you will have learned some invaluable life lessons.thumbsup.gif

OP, I for one can tell you that these words from VF are probably as good advice as you'll ever get. I second every ounce of it.


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OP: 10 years ago I was 19 and had a great idea "Make as many stories for my future grand kids as I possibly can"

2 degrees, 1 marriage, 1 divorce, 1 career change, and ton of great experiences along the way. I sometimes look at the job paths that my friends have chosen and get a little jealous, but they are just as jealous of my years spent in Thailand. I know teaching won't bring me much in any country, but I will try to live out my dreams and see how it all goes.

If you are truly serious, go for it. But I will tell you that having a degree will make your life easier. Come and have fun, but when you realize it's time to get back home to study, do it. Thailand will still be there when you get back, and with better opportunities than before you left.

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Go easy on the kid. Can any of us old farts even remember back when we were 19 and a raging bundle of hormones? I'm not sure WHAT might have happened to me had I come to Thailand when I was 19. I might have been ruined forever.

I came when I was 25. Ruined me pretty much. I ended up moving here soon after.

It was paradise and I couldn't handle my 'addiction'.

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