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I booked flights in December to travel to BKK on 20 March.

Wife needs to apply for a visa to the UK, her third visa. We also have other reasons to visit BKK.

Checking for appointments, there are none. I do not remember having a problem on previous visits.

On the VFS website it states you must have an appointment.

I seem to remember you could just go and wait to submit your application if you could not get an appointment.

Have VFS changed the system?

Makes it very hard when you have to travel a long distance and make travel arrangements etc.

Can anyone offer their experience with the system.



You cannot just turn up anymore. The system changed a while back. You must have an appointment.

It's unusual for all appointments to be booked. Perhaps they are now in the start of their busy season. They did advise applying early as they were expecting an increase in applications due to the Olympics in UK this year. Normally, the appointment diary only goes one week ahead, so I would advise checking a couple of times a day, at least, for any cancellations.


You cannot just turn up anymore. The system changed a while back. You must have an appointment.

It's unusual for all appointments to be booked. Perhaps they are now in the start of their busy season. They did advise applying early as they were expecting an increase in applications due to the Olympics in UK this year. Normally, the appointment diary only goes one week ahead, so I would advise checking a couple of times a day, at least, for any cancellations.

Thank you for your response, I will keep trying.

But, it is frustrating that you can only make an online application 30 days in advance of an appointment. If your online application is older than 30 days then you have to make a new online application, according to their website.

So, in theory, if you make an online application today the appointment register should be wide open in 30 days time, it is not.

When going to the link, which I have just done, it says "No date(s) available for appointment".

The application we made for an appointment on 20 March was done approximately 25 days prior. I have been checking regularly for appointments.

Rather confusing.


You cannot just turn up anymore. The system changed a while back. You must have an appointment.

It's unusual for all appointments to be booked. Perhaps they are now in the start of their busy season. They did advise applying early as they were expecting an increase in applications due to the Olympics in UK this year. Normally, the appointment diary only goes one week ahead, so I would advise checking a couple of times a day, at least, for any cancellations.

Thank you for your response, I will keep trying.

But, it is frustrating that you can only make an online application 30 days in advance of an appointment. If your online application is older than 30 days then you have to make a new online application, according to their website.

So, in theory, if you make an online application today the appointment register should be wide open in 30 days time, it is not.

When going to the link, which I have just done, it says "No date(s) available for appointment".

The application we made for an appointment on 20 March was done approximately 25 days prior. I have been checking regularly for appointments.

Rather confusing.

I think it may be because you are trying to book too far ahead. As I said earlier, you can normally only book one week ahead. I think you will either have to wait until nearer the 20th, or book an appointment for next week, and come to BKK earlier. Try booking an appointment for next week ( just to check ), and I think you will find empty slots.


You cannot just turn up anymore. The system changed a while back. You must have an appointment.

It's unusual for all appointments to be booked. Perhaps they are now in the start of their busy season. They did advise applying early as they were expecting an increase in applications due to the Olympics in UK this year. Normally, the appointment diary only goes one week ahead, so I would advise checking a couple of times a day, at least, for any cancellations.

Thank you for your response, I will keep trying.

But, it is frustrating that you can only make an online application 30 days in advance of an appointment. If your online application is older than 30 days then you have to make a new online application, according to their website.

So, in theory, if you make an online application today the appointment register should be wide open in 30 days time, it is not.

When going to the link, which I have just done, it says "No date(s) available for appointment".

The application we made for an appointment on 20 March was done approximately 25 days prior. I have been checking regularly for appointments.

Rather confusing.

I think it may be because you are trying to book too far ahead. As I said earlier, you can normally only book one week ahead. I think you will either have to wait until nearer the 20th, or book an appointment for next week, and come to BKK earlier. Try booking an appointment for next week ( just to check ), and I think you will find empty slots.

I will try again tomorrow, maybe because today is Sunday it does not function a week in advance.


Are you aware if there is a certain time of the day when the new day for appointments are available?



Are you aware if there is a certain time of the day when the new day for appointments are available?


No. We don't usually have any trouble finding an appointment slot in the week ahead. But, as I said, you will not be able to book more than a week ahead. I still suggest just logging on to see if there is an appointment slot available in the coming week, just for your own information. You don't have to submit your application, just check out the available appointments.


VFS are helpful on their helpline if you can find the option that gets through to the "ore aciants" (slightly gobbledygook english speaker - I think she means "our agents" (and its worth checking just to hear the rendition of www.) .

However, it's quite difficult finding that option because they (deliberately?) smokescreen it as a last item behind a long pause on only one of the sub-menu press button options. Having selected the visa application enquiries sub-menu it goes something like this:

"for information on visa fees please press 1, for information on ...etc - another 4 options ...; to return to the main menu please press 0"

Downward tones and long pause suggest that's the end of this sub-menu (reinforced by the fact that returning to the main menu is usually the last item in call centre convention), but hey, unexpectedly, there's one more:

"to speak to the ore aciants, please press zero" BINGO.

They have always picked up quickly when I've called.

PS - I booked last Tuesday and there was a long list of appointments available on each of 3 days, but all within one week, as that very helpful VisaPlus person says (Thursday, Friday and Tueasday). It's very annoying for out-of towners who would like to buy a cheaper domestic airfare a couple of weeks in advance.

Process time was stated as 15 days for a visit visa. BTW.

PPS For those of you in a rush, like me, you should know that you can get passport photos that will pass muster for 250 baht in 5 minutes flat at the visa agent that shares the VFS entrance vestibule. OK it will cost you only 120 to150 baht in a high street Kodak shop but it won't be instant and I've had real problems convincing such places that the standard Thai passport size is no use to man or beast at VFS! They will do your cashier cheque as well (about 300 baht), but the Thannachart bank down below will probably be cheaper; the main point is you do not need to go hunting for an Ayyudaya Bank, unless you have the time and want it charges-free. Parking at Regent House cost me 150 baht for just over 2 hours


Thanks very much for both the replies.

I have just checked the appointments and there are times on 6, 12 & 13 March. I will try again on 12 March and should get one for 20 March, hopefully.

I will get the photos done before the appointment, the Kodak shops never seem to get it right.

I booked the flights in December as AA had a 50% sale. Have been a little bit cheaper since but better than pay full fare.

Thanks again.


You can now book appointments on a Saturday but these incur a charge of 1,500 Baht, I cannot make my mind whether this is an extra service to help "customers" or a way to generate extra income.


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