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See attached photo.

I have about 15 of them and it's difficult to read the inscriptions.

The remaining c400 images turned out just fine. It was the first/initial 15 that have turned out blurred etc. The anti-shake feature on the camera may have been playing up for the first 5 minutes or so?

query: can someone recommend a free software package/pgm that would enable me to read the inscriptions.

Please experiment with this image first and let me know your recommendations.

Thanks in anticipation.

Bucklt :>)



1. You already can read the inscriptions. It's not easy to read or a nice picture, but you can make out the information.

2. There are software utilities out there such as Focus Magic which can, to a certain extent, correct for motion blur, and to a much more limited degree correct for out of focus, but I think you're asking a lot for them to be free and someone to do your testing for you..violin.gif Maybe you could try some of these utilties under their 30 day free trials. coffee1.gif

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