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Thais May Have Been Involved In Feb 14 Bangkok Bomb Blasts: Police


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Thais may have been involved in Feb 14 bomb blasts: police

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- It is likely that certain Thais were involved in the triple bomb blasts that rocked Bangkok on Valentine's Day, Deputy Police Chief Pol Gen Pansiri Prapawat said Wednesday.

He refused to give further information, saying the matter was still under investigation.

Pansiri was speaking after a meeting of police investigators in charge of the three bomb explosions in Wattana district on February 14, which injured five.

Arrest warrants have filed against five Iranians, three of them in police custody and two others still at large.

Saeid Moradi remains in hospital after losing both legs in an accident caused by his own explosive device, Mohammad Hazaei was arrested at Suvarnabhumi Airport while trying to flee the country and Masoud Sedaghatzadeh was arrested two days later by Malaysian authorities.

Still at large are Leila Rohani, who fled to Tehran before the explosions, and Norouzi Shaya Ali Akbar, a suspected bomb expert.

Police Chief Pol Gen Priewpan Damapong has said the five were involved in an alleged plot to kill Israeli diplomats including the ambassador.

Pansiri said the investigation showed the five suspects had clear job assignments to prepare for the plot and had travelled in and out Thailand more than once.

Rohani was in charge of accommodation and procured vehicles to be used in the mission while Akbar is suspected of being responsible for planning the mission. The others were assigned to carry out the attacks, he added.

Pansiri said the evidence and investigations offer about 80 per cent confirmation that Hazaei was involved in the alleged plot.

Morabi will be moved from Chulalongkorn to the Police Hospital on Tuesday. Police will wait for him to be ready physically and mentally before talking to him.

Thai police are in contact with the Malaysian authorities about sending Sedaghatzadeh back to Thailand.


-- The Nation 2012-03-06

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Well, considering 30% of Thai Visa members who frequent the News forum would already have us in the middle of an all out war with Iran over the incident, then it should come as a surprise. What will not be a surprise however are the excuses they all come out with to justify Thai involvement, such as

There are any number of Thais -- Muslim or not -- who might be sympathetic to the bombers' cause.

It is amusing that, that one will be used a lot, yet the same people who will use it considered it inconceivable that there could have been any Iranian citizens sympathetic to the desire of the US and Israel to get the current Iranian regime out of power via an attack.

I am sure there is much more to come on this 'little' issue. They still have to interview 'shorty', as it appears from the article above the police are still waiting.

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There are any number of Thais -- Muslim or not -- who might be sympathetic to the bombers' cause.

Hard to picture a buddhist thai sympathetic to a Muslim cause

No it would be about money - the Iranians did not come into the Thai airport with the c4 - they bought it here and if you blow up ammo dumps and stage break in - it is easy way over time to make off with products you ned for the market. People that do that don't care if your Pol Pot or Muslim just bring the cash.

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There are any number of Thais -- Muslim or not -- who might be sympathetic to the bombers' cause.

Hard to picture a buddhist thai sympathetic to a Muslim cause

No it would be about money - the Iranians did not come into the Thai airport with the c4 - they bought it here and if you blow up ammo dumps and stage break in - it is easy way over time to make off with products you ned for the market. People that do that don't care if your Pol Pot or Muslim just bring the cash.

Fully agree with your assertion. It's all about money.

Thais are thoroughly uninformed of the world outside Thailand. They have no comprehension of the political dynamics of the present age and cannot envision how their participation (as unwittingly as it may be) in terrorist acts can impact their own country and economy. To those involved (to whatever degrees) it was most likely a matter of how to make money. Last year it was the sale of grenades, C4 and detonators to Red shirts or Southern separatists. Now is still a sale of like goods to these semi-falang foreigners; the Iranians. It's all about the money, not ideals.

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"Rohani was in charge of accommodation and procured vehicles..."

Leila Rohani obviously was not doing her job procuring vehicles!!!!

The bomber got so pissed off trying unsuccessfully to hail a cab that he blew himself up after lobbing a grenade in frustration,

thereby blowing the lid off this mission - PUN INTENDED!

Edited by TungnaaTom
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"Involved" as regards the Thais here is kind of a vague word, and it didn't get any elaboration from the police official quoted in the article.

The Thai person (presumably) who rented the house to the Iranians that they blew up inadvertently was "involved" in the plot...to a certain extent.

But the question for that individual or any others would be... knowingly and/or with political motive... or unknowingly and/or with no motive other than perhaps earning some possibly easy money.

It will be interesting to eventually learn, perhaps, just what "involved" in this case meant.

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"Rohani was in charge of accommodation and procured vehicles..."

Leila Rohani obviously was not doing her job procuring vehicles!!!!

The bomber got so pissed off trying unsuccessfully to hail a cab that he blew himself up after lobbing a grenade in frustration,

thereby blowing the lid off this mission - PUN INTENDED!

I don't think blowing up their rented house in Phra Kanong day was part of the Iranians' operational plan...

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There are any number of Thais -- Muslim or not -- who might be sympathetic to the bombers' cause.

Hard to picture a buddhist thai sympathetic to a Muslim cause

MONEY trumps Thai Buddhism just as it does everything else here.

It not only a religious issue; it is a political one as well. I have met many Thais who have expressed anti-Israel sentiment.

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What a load of codswallop!

To say Thais were involved, I mean; not the previous codswallop posts.\ but that it IS BS to make any link with being paid, and getting what one wants in this instance.

If you droop so low to even make an assumption that Thais were a party to their own planned attack with bombs in BKK, then sorry : You're a lunatic!

Propaganda is as it is, and this Nation news is purely propaganda.

Grow up and see middle-east hate for what it is.


Edited by sbk
Do NOT bring the Royal Family into a political discussion
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There are any number of Thais -- Muslim or not -- who might be sympathetic to the bombers' cause.

Hard to picture a buddhist thai sympathetic to a Muslim cause

MONEY trumps Thai Buddhism just as it does everything else here.

It not only a religious issue; it is a political one as well. I have met many Thais who have expressed anti-Israel sentiment.

Really? In 15 years I don't think that I have met a Thai who could find Australia on a world map, let alone Israel. Where do we find these erudite Thais, and what has caused them to form, and express, such opinions about a remote small country with minimal political interaction with Thailand? Do you attend a Southern Muslim University? I ask because the only way I can imagine Thais holding anti-Israeli sentiment is if it was handed out as religious dogma.

I have bought my family an inflatable globe, which they used as a football, and friends laminated flat maps in Thai and English, which were used as place-mats, and have been asked many times isn't Australia and Austria the same. Given that, I doubt most Thais would recognize an Israeli if he wore a star of David on his shirt, carried an Israeli flag in one hand and a sign saying "I AM AN ISRAELI" in the other.

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It not only a religious issue; it is a political one as well. I have met many Thais who have expressed anti-Israel sentiment.

Yeah, sure. Maybe something about them being tight with a tip, but not "politics". cheesy.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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What a load of codswallop!

To say Thais were involved, I mean; not the previous codswallop posts.\ but that it IS BS to make any link with being paid, and getting what one wants in this instance.

If you droop so low to even make an assumption that Thais were a party to their own planned attack with bombs in BKK, then sorry : You're a lunatic!

Propaganda is as it is, and this Nation news is purely propaganda.

Grow up and see middle-east hate for what it is.


And pray tell why a Thai wouldn't want to make money with the sale of C-4 to who ever wants it. We have had US military personal selling weapons to right wing groups in the states. When it comes to criminal activity and money national affenity has never mattered.
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coffee1.gif Of course a lot hinges on that word "involved" as another poster noted.

However, there are Thai muslims who would quite likely have a political motive...the Thai treatment of the "security situation" in Southern Thailand...Patani...hasn't helped that either.

Certainly, also, there are Thai criminal groups who would supply explosives if the money was good enough.

And I seriously doubt it is a coincidence that at least some of the Iranians first flew to Malaysia and then entered Thailand from there.

But what's really interesting in that article...my opinion...is that the Thai police mention all the other suspects that were apprehended or fled Thailand and where they probably went.

The only one NOT apprehended or known to have fled Thailand for ...somewhere...is the one supposedly in charge of the whole operation.

To my suspicious mind, that suggests he may still be somewhere in Thailand.

If you have a suspicious mind too, then maybe that fact also gives you a clue as to why airport exit delays are so long (see another current topic on this forum) now.

But that's another topic and only speculation anyhow.


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What a load of codswallop!

To say Thais were involved, I mean; not the previous codswallop posts.\ but that it IS BS to make any link with being paid, and getting what one wants in this instance.

If you droop so low to even make an assumption that Thais were a party to their own planned attack with bombs in BKK, then sorry : You're a lunatic!

Propaganda is as it is, and this Nation news is purely propaganda.

Grow up and see middle-east hate for what it is.


I think after the post you need a revision about just who you are telling to grow up. Your post is nothing but emotional rants that contain no substance, no expertise, and display no knowledge at all of global current affairs. Subjective emotional ill informed ranting, that's all. Try putting a little more meat on the bones eh!

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There are any number of Thais -- Muslim or not -- who might be sympathetic to the bombers' cause.

Hard to picture a buddhist thai sympathetic to a Muslim cause

MONEY trumps Thai Buddhism just as it does everything else here.

It not only a religious issue; it is a political one as well. I have met many Thais who have expressed anti-Israel sentiment.

In 23 years and most of that time spent in wholly Thai neighbourhoods and interacting daily with Thai people right across the spectrum I have yet to meet a single person with anti Israeli sentiment, or for that matter, anyone having any interest in middle east politics.
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There are any number of Thais -- Muslim or not -- who might be sympathetic to the bombers' cause.

Hard to picture a buddhist thai sympathetic to a Muslim cause

MONEY trumps Thai Buddhism just as it does everything else here.

It not only a religious issue; it is a political one as well. I have met many Thais who have expressed anti-Israel sentiment.

It's beyond me where you must meet these people who know enough about Israel to be 'anti'. I have been travelling this country and living here for many years and have yet to meet a Thai that knows where Israel is, or indeed, even knows it exists ! I often find myself being questioned about other countries by Thai's who are interested in knowing what is outside this country's borders because they are just taught so little at School about the outside World and read so little that may give them any information about the Planet in general. To meet 'many' Thai's who are 'Anti- Israel' must be a very rare occurance.

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