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Goodbye Uk, Hello Thailand. I Think ?


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A foreigner can also acquire land by inheriting it as a staturory heir, subject to certain restrictive rules about how they then use it or dispose of it.

Do yo,u know what these conditions might be?

not 100% sure,so dont take as gospel,i think if spouse dies you are allowed to live in it till your demise and then,it must be sold in one year to a thai.??????

No, that's not correct. You can inherit the land but cannot retain ownership of it. It has to be sold within 12 months of you acquiring it through inheritence.

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In other words you trust all your life savings to the Thai government officials rather than a much smaller portion to one Thai national. Are those the same Thai government officials that have managed the flooding in Thailand for the past 10 years?

Not sure what the management or mismanagement of a major natural catastrophe has to do with it; one could argue that Australia, for example, also 'manages' similar natural disasters badly on the basis they happen pretty much every year - both floods and fires.

Anyway, on your second point, Thai bonds have a much higher credit rating than most European bonds these days.

I can't comment on members' wives as they are not currently assessed by S&P, Moodys or Fitch.

Major natural catastrophes are one thing. Poor planning when the same natural events occur on a regular basis is another thing entirely. Building on a flood plain means you MUST do some prior planning for when the inevitable occurs. A great portion of Holland would flood if they didn't have plans in place to prevent it happening. A simple solution for Thailand's flooding is to build low dikes around all the northern rice paddy farms and pay the farmers NOT to grow anything during flood season. Then, the rice paddies could be used as low storage reservoirs during the flood periods. But, that would take a bit of long range thinking of which Thailand seems to be lacking. I see that right down to the education system and personal planning by Thais.

But my point is why focus on the Thais. What preventative infrastructure steps have the Aussies taken to mitigate the effects of annual bush fires? Why aren't you similarly criticising the Aussies for not building firewalls right across NSW and Victoria?

Some people just can't resist the urge to think everything in Thailand is crap because the Thais are stupid, yet look askance when you ask the same question about their own countries.


Now that's truism. I don't believe I've ever read any topic on here without some sort of Thai bashing, related or not.....Seems anything that happens in Thailand is the fault of Thai people, Thai wife, Thai g/f, Thai workers...blah blah blah. The truth of the matter is that the majority of these stories are mostly exaggerated to gain attention from other posters.

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Maybe offer to build a small house near to them for when she visits.

Yeah and while she's putting on his trousers in the morning, he can also buy her a brand new Merc, the complete Giorgio Armani Summer 2012 collection and a Tiffany diamond.

Build a small house??!!

<deleted> . . .

All the guy needs to do is lay down the law. If, owing to the nature of his relationship with his missus, she forces him to back down then he needs to re-evaluate his move RIGHT NOW, TODAY.

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Some people just can't resist the urge to think everything in Thailand is crap because the Thais are stupid, yet look askance when you ask the same question about their own countries.


Now that's truism. I don't believe I've ever read any topic on here without some sort of Thai bashing, related or not.....Seems anything that happens in Thailand is the fault of Thai people, Thai wife, Thai g/f, Thai workers...blah blah blah. The truth of the matter is that the majority of these stories are mostly exaggerated to gain attention from other posters.

yes - the Thais are brilliant at everything.

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Major natural catastrophes are one thing. Poor planning when the same natural events occur on a regular basis is another thing entirely. Building on a flood plain means you MUST do some prior planning for when the inevitable occurs. A great portion of Holland would flood if they didn't have plans in place to prevent it happening. A simple solution for Thailand's flooding is to build low dikes around all the northern rice paddy farms and pay the farmers NOT to grow anything during flood season. Then, the rice paddies could be used as low storage reservoirs during the flood periods. But, that would take a bit of long range thinking of which Thailand seems to be lacking. I see that right down to the education system and personal planning by Thais.

But my point is why focus on the Thais. What preventative infrastructure steps have the Aussies taken to mitigate the effects of annual bush fires? Why aren't you similarly criticising the Aussies for not building firewalls right across NSW and Victoria?

Some people just can't resist the urge to think everything in Thailand is crap because the Thais are stupid, yet look askance when you ask the same question about their own countries.

Just this morning people leaped on to the fact that a fire broke out in a hotel in Sukhumvit as if it's something intrinsically 'Thai'. Fires happen in hotels all around the world, including the US, UK and Europe.

I just call them as I see them. I'm not picking on Thailand other than to state the obvious. I could say exactly the same thing about America and central Canada in the flood belt plain that starts in Manitoba and spreads all down through the Missouri and Mississippi valleys. In areas of high tornado action in the US central states it is a guessing game where one will touch down. The same can be said for areas of annual hurricane action. There were REASONS why primitive locals built flimsy bamboo huts in hurricane areas. The huts could be easily replaced after a storm. Man has always been fighting with nature, and periodically, nature wins.

But, there ARE things that man is able to accomplish if they have a shred of foresite. There is a good reason why so many Thais have their homes built on stilts. Man CAN build levees, dams, reservoirs, water diversions, and all sorts of ways to prevent flooding that naturally occurs on a regular basis.

In areas of tinder dry brush there is just naturally going to be fires. You can either burn the brush in a series of small fires... and have the consquently smoggy conditions, or you can wait until nature does it for you in one huge, devastating fire that destroys towns and villages.

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Some people just can't resist the urge to think everything in Thailand is crap because the Thais are stupid, yet look askance when you ask the same question about their own countries.


Now that's truism. I don't believe I've ever read any topic on here without some sort of Thai bashing, related or not.....Seems anything that happens in Thailand is the fault of Thai people, Thai wife, Thai g/f, Thai workers...blah blah blah. The truth of the matter is that the majority of these stories are mostly exaggerated to gain attention from other posters.

yes - the Thais are brilliant at everything.

No they're not. They are pretty much just normal - some are exceptional, some are lazy. Some are gifted. Some are stupid.

Can you name another nationalility or race of people where that is any different?

The sad thing with you cynics is that you're so bitter - for some reason - that you can only see the negativity. Something bad happens in Thailand; it's Thailand's fault. Something doesn't go your way; it's the Thais to blame. A fire happens in a hotel? Wow, the reply comes - that can only happen in Thailand. A few Iranians lob some grenades around? At best the result is that the Thai security systems are crap; the worst is that the Thais are complicit, completely ignoring the fact that similar activities happen in pretty much every country around the world.

I'm usually a cynical type too, but frankly you lot put me to shame. The irony is that because you spend all your time whinging and whiny and slating the Thais that you cant understand that any REAL grievances or criticisms get lost in the general noise you're all clamouring to make.

I'd hate to be like you lot, stuck in a place you will never truly enjoy.

My goodness Bendix you must have several chips on your shoulder. You have gone over the top with the inappropriate analogy of the recent bomb.

Please do not assume that I am not happy where I am or, that I do not enjoy it.

I manage to do that despite some of the things that the Thais try to do to hamper that enjoyment. No - not all of them, but there are a few common themes that you can attach generally to Thais.

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In other words you trust all your life savings to the Thai government officials rather than a much smaller portion to one Thai national. Are those the same Thai government officials that have managed the flooding in Thailand for the past 10 years?

Not sure what the management or mismanagement of a major natural catastrophe has to do with it; one could argue that Australia, for example, also 'manages' similar natural disasters badly on the basis they happen pretty much every year - both floods and fires.

Anyway, on your second point, Thai bonds have a much higher credit rating than most European bonds these days.

I can't comment on members' wives as they are not currently assessed by S&P, Moodys or Fitch.

Major natural catastrophes are one thing. Poor planning when the same natural events occur on a regular basis is another thing entirely. Building on a flood plain means you MUST do some prior planning for when the inevitable occurs. A great portion of Holland would flood if they didn't have plans in place to prevent it happening. A simple solution for Thailand's flooding is to build low dikes around all the northern rice paddy farms and pay the farmers NOT to grow anything during flood season. Then, the rice paddies could be used as low storage reservoirs during the flood periods. But, that would take a bit of long range thinking of which Thailand seems to be lacking. I see that right down to the education system and personal planning by Thais.

But my point is why focus on the Thais. What preventative infrastructure steps have the Aussies taken to mitigate the effects of annual bush fires? Why aren't you similarly criticising the Aussies for not building firewalls right across NSW and Victoria?

Some people just can't resist the urge to think everything in Thailand is crap because the Thais are stupid, yet look askance when you ask the same question about their own countries.

Just this morning people leaped on to the fact that a fire broke out in a hotel in Sukhumvit as if it's something intrinsically 'Thai'. Fires happen in hotels all around the world, including the US, UK and Europe.

people probably leaped on the fire story because thailand has very very very lax safety laws ......im sure there are laws in legislature ,but im talking about enforced ones

have you ever seen a motorbike overloaded many large cylinders of butane or propane gas secured by a piece of string in australia or germany or america ?

is that ingeuineity or is that an accident waiting to go off ? have you ever seen a guy standing on a steel ree bar in flip flops 10 floors up reaching to make a bamboo scafold in the west ? you would be kicked off the premises or more likely not allowed to enter in flip flops

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Some people just can't resist the urge to think everything in Thailand is crap because the Thais are stupid, yet look askance when you ask the same question about their own countries.


Now that's truism. I don't believe I've ever read any topic on here without some sort of Thai bashing, related or not.....Seems anything that happens in Thailand is the fault of Thai people, Thai wife, Thai g/f, Thai workers...blah blah blah. The truth of the matter is that the majority of these stories are mostly exaggerated to gain attention from other posters.

yes - the Thais are brilliant at everything.

No they're not. They are pretty much just normal - some are exceptional, some are lazy. Some are gifted. Some are stupid.

Can you name another nationalility or race of people where that is any different?

In the same ratio ??

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Some people just can't resist the urge to think everything in Thailand is crap because the Thais are stupid, yet look askance when you ask the same question about their own countries.


Now that's truism. I don't believe I've ever read any topic on here without some sort of Thai bashing, related or not.....Seems anything that happens in Thailand is the fault of Thai people, Thai wife, Thai g/f, Thai workers...blah blah blah. The truth of the matter is that the majority of these stories are mostly exaggerated to gain attention from other posters.

yes - the Thais are brilliant at everything.

No they're not. They are pretty much just normal - some are exceptional, some are lazy. Some are gifted. Some are stupid.

Can you name another nationalility or race of people where that is any different?

In the same ratio ??

point proven.

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Some people just can't resist the urge to think everything in Thailand is crap because the Thais are stupid, yet look askance when you ask the same question about their own countries.


Now that's truism. I don't believe I've ever read any topic on here without some sort of Thai bashing, related or not.....Seems anything that happens in Thailand is the fault of Thai people, Thai wife, Thai g/f, Thai workers...blah blah blah. The truth of the matter is that the majority of these stories are mostly exaggerated to gain attention from other posters.

yes - the Thais are brilliant at everything.

No they're not. They are pretty much just normal - some are exceptional, some are lazy. Some are gifted. Some are stupid.

Can you name another nationalility or race of people where that is any different?

In the same ratio ??

point proven.

Yes - I think so ! :)

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But my point is why focus on the Thais.

Because, and I know this is not the first time this has been explained to you - You are reading a post on Thaivisa.com, a web forum dedicated to aspects of life in Thailand, living with and dealing with Thai people, culture and society.

Or did that fact escape you.... Again?!

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But my point is why focus on the Thais.

Because, and I know this is not the first time this has been explained to you - You are reading a post on Thaivisa.com, a web forum dedicated to aspects of life in Thailand, living with and dealing with Thai people, culture and society.

Or did that fact escape you.... Again?!

You can do better than that GH. What happened to you in the years I was away from TV? I remember you as quite smart before . . . .

Seriously, I know you know what I mean.

People make these points as if they are EXCLUSIVELY Thai, not because they are on Thaivisa. It is perfectly valid to raise it because they are, in effect, singling the Thais out as particularly stupid and inept in a world where everyone else runs things so much better.

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But my point is why focus on the Thais.

Because, and I know this is not the first time this has been explained to you - You are reading a post on Thaivisa.com, a web forum dedicated to aspects of life in Thailand, living with and dealing with Thai people, culture and society.

Or did that fact escape you.... Again?!

You can do better than that GH. What happened to you in the years I was away from TV? I remember you as quite smart before . . . .

Seriously, I know you know what I mean.

People make these points as if they are EXCLUSIVELY Thai, not because they are on Thaivisa. It is perfectly valid to raise it because they are, in effect, singling the Thais out as particularly stupid and inept in a world where everyone else runs things so much better.

Good move... cool.png . Turn an entirely reasonable post into a post that has something wrong with it...

edit - without specifying what precisely was wrong with the post.

Edited by F1fanatic
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Nothing was 'wrong with it' per se. I just disagree with it.

I remain convinced there is a massive pool of TVers whose automatic default position is to enter every single thread with a 'Thais are crap' response, irrespective of whether those failing are uniquely Thai or - more likely - generally human.

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Nothing was 'wrong with it' per se. I just disagree with it.

I remain convinced there is a massive pool of TVers whose automatic default position is to enter every single thread with a 'Thais are crap' response, irrespective of whether those failing are uniquely Thai or - more likely - generally human.

cheesy.gif , why do l get the feeling you don't live in LOS. cowboy.gif

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Nothing was 'wrong with it' per se. I just disagree with it.

I remain convinced there is a massive pool of TVers whose automatic default position is to enter every single thread with a 'Thais are crap' response, irrespective of whether those failing are uniquely Thai or - more likely - generally human.

cheesy.gif , why do l get the feeling you don't live in LOS. cowboy.gif

Lived in LOS 2004-2009. Now split my time between LOS and HK for work reasons. Married to a Thai and have two properties here. Retiring fulltime here on August 21 2014, if not before.

Good enough for you?

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Guest House Nailed it.

KNOW what you are getting into. KNOW (as in not just guess, or assume) what your wife's plans REALLY are. KNOW what your exit strategy is if things get out of control.

Just a quick thought. suggest to your wife that you rent a house for the first couple of years while you establish your business over there and then when you have it all under control and know what your income projections are, build a house. IF she agrees, you are winning. If she goes mental and says things, "but I promised my mum this... and I already planned that..." Run far and run fast! you are lamb going to the slaughter, my friend.

Not all Thais are thieving scum, but the ones that tend to marry older men of means tend to account for a healthy portion of that number. Sorry to be so blunt. I've lived here for almost 6 years and am looking forward to going home soon. Didn't burn my bridges. In fact, while I've been away my bridges have grown me a new BMW and rather nice new home. God bless my bridges! Wouldn't know what to do without them.

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But my point is why focus on the Thais.

Because, and I know this is not the first time this has been explained to you - You are reading a post on Thaivisa.com, a web forum dedicated to aspects of life in Thailand, living with and dealing with Thai people, culture and society.

Or did that fact escape you.... Again?!

You can do better than that GH. What happened to you in the years I was away from TV? I remember you as quite smart before . . . .

Seriously, I know you know what I mean.

People make these points as if they are EXCLUSIVELY Thai, not because they are on Thaivisa. It is perfectly valid to raise it because they are, in effect, singling the Thais out as particularly stupid and inept in a world where everyone else runs things so much better.

I would just like to state - categorically - that the Thais are not exclusively stupid and inept.

I have to say that, those who are, are particularly adept at it.

You cannot get away from the fact that this is Thai Visa.com - ostensibly about Thailand. If I should talk about 80% of the drivers being inept/crap/untrained/stupid it is likely that I am referring to a MINIMUM of 80% of them being Thais (obviously it is likely that the Thai/Farang split will not be 80/20). This is not a sleight against Thais/Thailand - it is a recognition of the fact that we are IN Thailand.

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But my point is why focus on the Thais.

Because, and I know this is not the first time this has been explained to you - You are reading a post on Thaivisa.com, a web forum dedicated to aspects of life in Thailand, living with and dealing with Thai people, culture and society.

Or did that fact escape you.... Again?!

You can do better than that GH. What happened to you in the years I was away from TV? I remember you as quite smart before . . . .

Seriously, I know you know what I mean.

People make these points as if they are EXCLUSIVELY Thai, not because they are on Thaivisa. It is perfectly valid to raise it because they are, in effect, singling the Thais out as particularly stupid and inept in a world where everyone else runs things so much better.

I would just like to state - categorically - that the Thais are not exclusively stupid and inept.

I have to say that, those who are, are particularly adept at it.

You cannot get away from the fact that this is Thai Visa.com - ostensibly about Thailand. If I should talk about 80% of the drivers being inept/crap/untrained/stupid it is likely that I am referring to a MINIMUM of 80% of them being Thais (obviously it is likely that the Thai/Farang split will not be 80/20). This is not a sleight against Thais/Thailand - it is a recognition of the fact that we are IN Thailand.

In clear breach of rule 1:

A sleight would be a cunning feat of prestidigitation, like for example magically plucking a number seemingly out of the air, whereas in fact you had it up your sleeve all the time. A slight would have been a belittling insult, but I am sure that you knew that.

Blethering blithely on, the reason why there always seem to be soldiers on hand in an emergency is because the Thais keep their armies up their sleevies - oh, that takes me back to when I was about five, but nostalgia's not what it used to be!


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Guest House Nailed it.

KNOW what you are getting into. KNOW (as in not just guess, or assume) what your wife's plans REALLY are. KNOW what your exit strategy is if things get out of control.

Just a quick thought. suggest to your wife that you rent a house for the first couple of years while you establish your business over there and then when you have it all under control and know what your income projections are, build a house. IF she agrees, you are winning. If she goes mental and says things, "but I promised my mum this... and I already planned that..." Run far and run fast! you are lamb going to the slaughter, my friend.

Not all Thais are thieving scum, but the ones that tend to marry older men of means tend to account for a healthy portion of that number. Sorry to be so blunt. I've lived here for almost 6 years and am looking forward to going home soon. Didn't burn my bridges. In fact, while I've been away my bridges have grown me a new BMW and rather nice new home. God bless my bridges! Wouldn't know what to do without them.

It would be good to see the reality of some members lives here...........I fear many have burned their bridges and are existing in a state of panic.

You normally find that those that attack first are the one's with most to fear, would you believe for example, that there are expats living in Thailand without health insurance for example??

Tally ho!!

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Guest House Nailed it.

KNOW what you are getting into. KNOW (as in not just guess, or assume) what your wife's plans REALLY are. KNOW what your exit strategy is if things get out of control.

Just a quick thought. suggest to your wife that you rent a house for the first couple of years while you establish your business over there and then when you have it all under control and know what your income projections are, build a house. IF she agrees, you are winning. If she goes mental and says things, "but I promised my mum this... and I already planned that..." Run far and run fast! you are lamb going to the slaughter, my friend.

Not all Thais are thieving scum, but the ones that tend to marry older men of means tend to account for a healthy portion of that number. Sorry to be so blunt. I've lived here for almost 6 years and am looking forward to going home soon. Didn't burn my bridges. In fact, while I've been away my bridges have grown me a new BMW and rather nice new home. God bless my bridges! Wouldn't know what to do without them.

It would be good to see the reality of some members lives here...........I fear many have burned their bridges and are existing in a state of panic.

You normally find that those that attack first are the one's with most to fear, would you believe for example, that there are expats living in Thailand without health insurance for example??

Tally ho!!

Top Troll! I particularly liked the line about 'burning their bridges'; No doubt Anatole France is spontaneously combusting in his grave!


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Guest House Nailed it.

KNOW what you are getting into. KNOW (as in not just guess, or assume) what your wife's plans REALLY are. KNOW what your exit strategy is if things get out of control.

Just a quick thought. suggest to your wife that you rent a house for the first couple of years while you establish your business over there and then when you have it all under control and know what your income projections are, build a house. IF she agrees, you are winning. If she goes mental and says things, "but I promised my mum this... and I already planned that..." Run far and run fast! you are lamb going to the slaughter, my friend.

Not all Thais are thieving scum, but the ones that tend to marry older men of means tend to account for a healthy portion of that number. Sorry to be so blunt. I've lived here for almost 6 years and am looking forward to going home soon. Didn't burn my bridges. In fact, while I've been away my bridges have grown me a new BMW and rather nice new home. God bless my bridges! Wouldn't know what to do without them.

It would be good to see the reality of some members lives here...........I fear many have burned their bridges and are existing in a state of panic.

You normally find that those that attack first are the one's with most to fear, would you believe for example, that there are expats living in Thailand without health insurance for example??

Tally ho!!

Top Troll! I particularly liked the line about 'burning their bridges'; No doubt Anatole France is spontaneously combusting in his grave!


I am quite proud of it, thumbsup.gif

Some people don't like it up them you know

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I would just like to state - categorically - that the Thais are not exclusively stupid and inept.

I have to say that, those who are, are particularly adept at it.

You cannot get away from the fact that this is Thai Visa.com - ostensibly about Thailand. If I should talk about 80% of the drivers being inept/crap/untrained/stupid it is likely that I am referring to a MINIMUM of 80% of them being Thais (obviously it is likely that the Thai/Farang split will not be 80/20). This is not a sleight against Thais/Thailand - it is a recognition of the fact that we are IN Thailand.

In clear breach of rule 1:

A sleight would be a cunning feat of prestidigitation, like for example magically plucking a number seemingly out of the air, whereas in fact you had it up your sleeve all the time. A slight would have been a belittling insult, but I am sure that you knew that.

Blethering blithely on, the reason why there always seem to be soldiers on hand in an emergency is because the Thais keep their armies up their sleevies - oh, that takes me back to when I was about five, but nostalgia's not what it used to be!


A Freudian slip on my part SC, well spotted.

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If find it interesting and bit humorous that whenever a thread of this type is posted on TV, that without fail, the tone of the thread turns negative, citing how a westerner should best protect themselves should things go pear shaped when living in Thailand. Irregardless of whether the person is single or married, with or without children, young or old, entrepreneur or laborer, cashed-up or poor. Often followed by the apologists who attempt to refute the negative claims by asserting that Thailand is no more corrupt, dangerous or disingenuous than their home lands.

Given that TV is the most popular expat forum for Thailand and assuming that the membership covers a broad cross section of the expat community, the negative tones of these threads would lead a person to deduce that where there is smoke, there is fire. If the majority of expats were extolling the positives as opposed to the negatives, the tone of the threads would be upbeat, whereas they are anything but. On balance, there is a far more negative posts than positive with regards to life in Thailand.

A balance has to be found by each expat as the whether the pleasure outweighs the pain. Having said that, if a person has to constantly be leary of those around them and their motives, just what quality of life does that offer?

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If find it interesting and bit humorous that whenever a thread of this type is posted on TV, that without fail, the tone of the thread turns negative, citing how a westerner should best protect themselves should things go pear shaped when living in Thailand. Irregardless of whether the person is single or married, with or without children, young or old, entrepreneur or laborer, cashed-up or poor. Often followed by the apologists who attempt to refute the negative claims by asserting that Thailand is no more corrupt, dangerous or disingenuous than their home lands.

Given that TV is the most popular expat forum for Thailand and assuming that the membership covers a broad cross section of the expat community, the negative tones of these threads would lead a person to deduce that where there is smoke, there is fire. If the majority of expats were extolling the positives as opposed to the negatives, the tone of the threads would be upbeat, whereas they are anything but. On balance, there is a far more negative posts than positive with regards to life in Thailand.

A balance has to be found by each expat as the whether the pleasure outweighs the pain. Having said that, if a person has to constantly be leary of those around them and their motives, just what quality of life does that offer?

I think it is almost impossible to get a 'balanced view' on an internet forum. There are, of course, many people with a balanced/neutral view that won't bother to post because they don't feel strongly enough about the subject.

I could be accused of adding negativity to the thread because I have chosen to give an opinion about one particular aspect of Thais. This does not dent my pleasure of this country, it is simply my view of one of the factors that goes into the +ve and -ve melting pot. Nowhere is perfect and recognising imperfections is a first step to dealing with those imperfections and ensuring that they do not weigh too heavily on the scales of life.

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Thank you to everyone for some excellent advice. I had been taken on board.

Just to give a little more clarity to people. My Wife is a Thai National by right, not birth. (Her Mother is from Thailand, she is mixed race), she has a Thai Passport (as does our Son), Thai ID Card in her name and this blue land book. (Not really sure what that is). She is all intense English as I am I.

We have been married for 4 years and been together 12 years. We have a Son and no trust issues.

I have personally been to Thailand pretty much every year for a month at least since 2004. Sadly my first experience was the year of the Tusnami. We were thankfully unaffacted.

We had the dreams people have of moving out to Thailand "one day". Buying land, building a dreamhouse etc etc, but it seems the momentum of it all has turn from theoretic bull to well reality. I am not in any rush and so we will be renting for a while at least, I was just overwhelmed with the reality, that at the moment I work from home, (Usually with the curtains closed at my PC) I am a web developer and in a few months, I will be well working from Thailand.

For me, it seems like a massive culture shock, things in the UK especially my part of the UK are being hammered by the recession and so she (the wife) wants to sell up and go. We have a buyer for the house and so it has gone from "dont worry love we'll move there one day", to "have you sorted out a flight yet ?"

My head is screaming, slow down and I genuinely feel like a have been pulled along with the momentum of things and now its seems foolish to say, I'm a little frightened to go. Isnt it funny, I can say that on a forum on the internet anonymously and I cant tell that to my own wife who is the closest to me.

I have tonnes of great advice to take on board and a big big thank you for those who took the time to post.


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Didn't realise your wife was a halfy like me. Seems like similar circumstances to me and my wife.

Dare I suggest Bangkok may be an option. Cracking city to live in if you ask me.

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Guesthouse's post is bang on. You need to sit down with your wife and work out exactly what she thinks is going to happen not least because she knows Thailand and might be assuming that the two of you will slip into the Thai way of doing things as opposed to the way of life you live now. I firmly recommend making sure there is a good distance between Family and you; 20 + miles, to make sure that visits are accessible but enough of a ball ache to make sure it is not all the time. Getting on well with family when you are there for a holiday is completely different to having them camped out in your house as they superimpose the letters ATM onto your forehead. If you know that basically you do everything your wife asks / tells you to then this issue might just get a whole lot worse when you move here "darink, we buy farm for parents; going cheap, 2m baht. No papers or lawyers but its ok we pay black money and it is ok" was something an old friend of mine had in about 3 months of moving here. The real message was "My mum and dad have told all their neighbours they are buying a farm unofficially from someone and we now have to do it or they lose face". That was almost divorce and goodbye to everything he had saved for the last 10 years.

Get some control. Embrace Thailand (you will not regret it!) but take some control. Talk to the wife about what she believes is going to happen and stamp onto these changes that without acceptance you will not do it. I don't blame your wife for wanting to return home, but also she needs to know that just because you are moving here, does not mean the rules of engagement are any different. Don't castrate yourself at immigration basically.


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