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Supoth Claims Millions Earned From Second Job


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Supoth claims millions earned from second job



BANGKOK: -- Suphoth Sublom, the suspended permanent secretary for Transport being investigated for possible corruption, yesterday told the national anti-graft agency that he earned extra income by moonlighting as an engineering designer for 20 years. However, a member of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), which is investigating the allegations, yesterday said Suphoth could not produce documents to prove his claim.

NACC member Preecha Lertkamolmart said the agency asked Suphoth to appear before it again on March 26 as his testimony was incomplete. "He has to come by himself to explain the source of his extra income," Preecha said.

The NACC members needed to study more than 200 pages of documents that Suphoth submitted an hour before he met the graft-busters yesterday, according to Preecha, who added the agency would also have to interrogate more than 10 witnesses named by Suphoth.

After meeting with commission members for over three hours, Suphoth told reporters yesterday that he had "answered all the NACC's questions" - verbally, in writing and with supporting documents".

He insisted that only Bt5 million was stolen from his house in November. Police seized Bt18 million from the suspected robbers. Suphoth said he was not concerned about his case. He said he had earned extra money honestly between 1977 and 1997 by doing extra work producing engineering designs.

Preecha said Suphoth had not been able to produce documents to support his claim. "Suphoth said it was 20 years ago, and that the banks could not help because they don't have records going back further than 10 years," Preecha said.


-- The Nation 2012-03-09

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There was a report that the bank wrappers and serial numbers were traced back to contractor payments. If 5m was stolen, why was 18m recovered? The robbers gave testimony they saw more money in bags, is that testimony credible or not? Is moonlighting of this kind not a conflict of interest? How were the house, cars, etc affordable on the legitimate normal salary? Still seem to be many many questions left unanswered.

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Does this genius really believe that anyone believes him? Probably would have been better to say he's been lucky at the casinos, black lottery, and the track for the last 30 years.

Edit: If banks only have records for 10 years, than that 30 year mortgage that everyone has won't have to be honoured after 10 years as there won't be any records. Case closed.

Edited by steelepulse
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He has not sued any individual or newspapers as yet, for tarnishing his good name???? I would wonder if he isn't another bagman/mule. If so, he knows names, dates, amount etc. I can see him riding of into the sunset in the near future.

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Does this genius really believe that anyone believes him? Probably would have been better to say he's been lucky at the casinos, black lottery, and the track for the last 30 years.

Edit: If banks only have records for 10 years, than that 30 year mortgage that everyone has won't have to be honoured after 10 years as there won't be any records. Case closed.

The question is wrong.

It should be: is he really interested in anyone believing him?

He knows, he will get off the hook, so why worry!?

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His claims of the amount stolen change.

His claims of where the money came from change.

He still has not produced any evidence of where the money came from.

No one keeps bags of money lying around the house 15-20 years after they earned it.

I'm more inclined to believe the robbers, who claim there was more money than the 18 million already recovered, over this guy.

His fate will depend on how much dirt he has on those above him. Most likely the court's decision will be that there is 'insufficient evidence'.

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When I look at Mr. Sablom's luxurious estate, I'd say it cost at least 40 million (and only assuming the land was already his family's property and he didn't need to purchase it). Plus about 7 luxury cars. Plus 5 million cash as a dowry. Plus an army of domestic helpers. Plus not inconsiderable monthly expenses for car insurance, estate upkeep, etc. Plus the daily living expenses of a rather large family. Producing engineering designs in your spare time must be really, really lucrative.

By the way, how much income tax has been paid on that extra income?

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Does this genius really believe that anyone believes him? Probably would have been better to say he's been lucky at the casinos, black lottery, and the track for the last 30 years.

It's completely irrelevant whether anyone believes him. What's important is to supply his government/ bureaucrat friends enough excuses, however implausible, to let him off the hook due to "reasonable" doubts.

What's most relevant to this man's future is how many people he can take down with him if he goes. Take your best guess!

Edited by fstarbkk
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When I look at Mr. Sablom's luxurious estate, I'd say it cost at least 40 million (and only assuming the land was already his family's property and he didn't need to purchase it). Plus about 7 luxury cars. Plus 5 million cash as a dowry. Plus an army of domestic helpers. Plus not inconsiderable monthly expenses for car insurance, estate upkeep, etc. Plus the daily living expenses of a rather large family. Producing engineering designs in your spare time must be really, really lucrative.

By the way, how much income tax has been paid on that extra income?

Didn't your mommy tell you that you should have gone for an engineering degree?

Or was it your grades?

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The car industry in China pays that much - upto 700,000 Bt a month for a Senior Vehicle Manager. However, the Chinese want Westerners, and not Thai's who know sweet FA about car design or management, less one or two.

Something tells me this lunatic doesn't know anything about cars, apart from knowing how to manage 7 of his own. ;)


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Love the way your post cascades like that.....but anyhow, what do 30 year old bank notes look like?

His claims of the amount stolen change.

His claims of where the money came from change.

He still has not produced any evidence of where the money came from.

No one keeps bags of money lying around the house 15-20 years after they earned it.

I'm more inclined to believe the robbers, who claim there was more money than the 18 million already recovered, over this guy.

His fate will depend on how much dirt he has on those above him. Most likely the court's decision will be that there is 'insufficient evidence'.

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