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27,000 Women Receive Medical Care As Result Of Violence Against Women In 2011

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27,000 women receive medical care as result of violence against women in 2011

BANGKOK, 9 March 2012 (NNT) - The Friends of Women Foundation has revealed that up to 27,000 women received medical treatment as a result of sexual harassment or domestic violence in 2011.

As March 8th of every year marks the International Women’s Day, groups of women yesterday staged a campaign to protect women’s rights and report the situation on violence against women.

According to the Foundation, the number of violence against women cases has been increasing over the past five years. It said over 500 women have sought help from this sort of violence this year so far. Eighty percent of the cases are related to domestic violence, while the other 20 percent involved sexual harassment. In 2011 alone, 1,300 women altogether asked for help from the foundation.

The organization added that there are many more cases that have not been reported because many women are too humiliated to do so, or afraid their families will not be able to accept the truth. Some have been threatened not to report to police, whereas many officials consider the cases as family matters.

The Foundation has compared the figures, saying 27,000 received medical attention in 2011, while only 1,300 reported the violence to authorities, which means only a small percentage of the women dare to report the incidents.

The Foundation is also asking Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, who is the first female prime minister of Thailand, to urgently find effective measures to protect the women.


-- NNT 2012-03-09 footer_n.gif


Some figures indicate that only 20% of those physically abused ever seek medical attention. If you throw in to this total figure the number of men abused by women, then double that total to come up with the battered and those doing the battering, you have a large number of the population who are not happy, sociable campers.


"The Foundation has compared the figures, saying 27,000 received medical attention in 2011, while only 1,300 reported the violence to authorities, which means only a small percentage of the women dare to report the incidents."

Firstly, it does not mean that "only a small percentage of the women dare to report the incidents".

It means 'only a small percentage of the women report the incidents'. Those are the facts and should be stated as such.

Secondly, 27,000 women got medical treatment. So what? The number is meaningless if it can't be compared to the number of men. It also loses relevance if we don't know the causes for the medical treatment and the underlying reasons. Maybe 28,000 men got treatment. Maybe there was woman on woman violence. Maybe the women attacked men, then got hurt by the tougher men through retaliation. Without knowing more, a number like 27,000 means nothing.

Lastly and most importantly, there should be no campaign to protect 'women' against domestic violence. That's sexist. There should certainly be a campaign against domestic violence, but it needs to be universal.


This seems like a high number for Thailand and true, most abuse cases are not reported. Many woman up in Isaan have to face abuse from their husbands who are drunk on cheap alcohol every night.


A Thai male is brought up to think he is the centre of the Universe. He is spoiled by his sisters,aunts, grandmothers.

When he becomes a father himself, he flees with no thought towards his child(ren). The Thai Government, female PM not withstanding, allow this - there is no legislation to make him pay.

No wonder he batters his spouse if she annoys him when drunk.

This is just a generalisation, (I know at least two responsible Thai dads.)


NGO's are fantastic mathematicians, or maybe the word "magician" is better. Although just 1300 women reported demoes tic violence they come to 27.000 cases. Great work.... I suppose it is an estimated guess. In that case they need to redo their homework. I am pretty sure that the statistics are completely wrong. Not so many people can count. The number of 1,300 is compete rubbish, they need to explain how they got it. The number is way way higher, just like the 27000 cases. Maybe the police is not consistent with their reporting of domestic violence and they might register them as an regular assault. The numbers make women look stupid and the authorities look stupid.

By the way, demonstrating in front of the big TV stations may make a real dent in the violence. Rape and abuse are loved ingredients of Thai soaps.


Watch "the world of Suzie Wong" on Youtube, I though this was exaggeration until I came to Asia. It reminds me of the old joke about two dogs discussing their owners. One says my master never forgets me, he takes me for a walk every day. The other dog said my master thinks of me all the time, every time he walks near me he kicks me.


Looks like Thai women's NGOs have spent too much time with western DV experts learning how to misrepresent and falsify data. If they take their lead from the Australian DV industry, they will also learn that DV is a great source of women only jobs that are well paid, involve lots of meetings and conferences in salubrious surroundings with those who share their sexist prejudices. Meanwhile taxpayers in Australia spend over 100 million AUD EACH YEAR on this irrational bureaucracy. That research shows most DV is mutual is conveniently ignored, and women are - as always - encouraged to adopt a victim mentality. There is no attempt to address the dynamics of DV, in fact this unproductive one-sided approach is encouraged by lame politicians. Also, medical treatment for sexual harassment!? Doctors now treat the effects of leers and inappropriate comments???



and i guess those women are happy compared to muslim countries, there the man has to obligation to correct his women (yes more than one and not mia noi) to keep them in line


If they would just do as they are told, then we wouldn't have these problems.


In the context of this topic, it ain't funny.

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Yesterday, my elderly landlady told me how her son, 31 hit her. Seems he boxed her in the face. One eye is almost closed and the swelling almost as large as an egg. And they applied ice right away!

I'll tell neighbors. The guy is covered with tattoos and "works" in Mom's business. Taking money and doing as he pleases.

Once this line is crossed, there could be more such DV.

Should I do more than tell the neighbors? Does this foundation have a hotline?


"The Foundation has compared the figures, saying 27,000 received medical attention in 2011, while only 1,300 reported the violence to authorities, which means only a small percentage of the women dare to report the incidents."

Firstly, it does not mean that "only a small percentage of the women dare to report the incidents".

It means 'only a small percentage of the women report the incidents'. Those are the facts and should be stated as such.

Secondly, 27,000 women got medical treatment. So what? The number is meaningless if it can't be compared to the number of men. It also loses relevance if we don't know the causes for the medical treatment and the underlying reasons. Maybe 28,000 men got treatment. Maybe there was woman on woman violence. Maybe the women attacked men, then got hurt by the tougher men through retaliation. Without knowing more, a number like 27,000 means nothing.

Lastly and most importantly, there should be no campaign to protect 'women' against domestic violence. That's sexist. There should certainly be a campaign against domestic violence, but it needs to be universal.

When was the last time you heard about a woman raping a man?

This is about International Women's Day.

Violence, domestic violence and rape, against women is a serious problem every where in the world.

Women are raped, beaten, and killed.

Women are physically disadvantaged against men.

Women are economically disadvantaged compared to men.

Women are discriminated against in the workplace, in education, and in health care treatment.

So, I say to all of you guys, next time you find yourself starting to say "yeah, but...", stop, think, and remember...

This is not about you.

You make valid points tlansford, except for one.

For a lot of posters on this thread it is indeed about themselves.

It is hard not to laugh at some of the nonsense posted by misogynous and bitter men within this thread.

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Looks like Thai women's NGOs have spent too much time with western DV experts learning how to misrepresent and falsify data. If they take their lead from the Australian DV industry, they will also learn that DV is a great source of women only jobs that are well paid, involve lots of meetings and conferences in salubrious surroundings with those who share their sexist prejudices. Meanwhile taxpayers in Australia spend over 100 million AUD EACH YEAR on this irrational bureaucracy. That research shows most DV is mutual is conveniently ignored, and women are - as always - encouraged to adopt a victim mentality. There is no attempt to address the dynamics of DV, in fact this unproductive one-sided approach is encouraged by lame politicians. Also, medical treatment for sexual harassment!? Doctors now treat the effects of leers and inappropriate comments???


Rantings, half truths and unsupported generalities. You really don't like women much do you?

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So sad and frankly embarrassing to see exposed the level of sexism, misogyny, male chauvinism, and total self-absorbtion of some male posters on this thread. As another poster quite rightly pointed out, this is NOT about you.


Looks like Thai women's NGOs have spent too much time with western DV experts learning how to misrepresent and falsify data. If they take their lead from the Australian DV industry, they will also learn that DV is a great source of women only jobs that are well paid, involve lots of meetings and conferences in salubrious surroundings with those who share their sexist prejudices. Meanwhile taxpayers in Australia spend over 100 million AUD EACH YEAR on this irrational bureaucracy. That research shows most DV is mutual is conveniently ignored, and women are - as always - encouraged to adopt a victim mentality. There is no attempt to address the dynamics of DV, in fact this unproductive one-sided approach is encouraged by lame politicians. Also, medical treatment for sexual harassment!? Doctors now treat the effects of leers and inappropriate comments???


Rantings, half truths and unsupported generalities. You really don't like women much do you?

Your logic escapes me. Opposing the dishonesty that drives the DV industry does not equal misogyny. The bulk of legitimate research (not the advocacy rubbish from those who have no appreciation of ethical research) shows that DV is far more complex a social issue than "man bashes woman". See for example - http://pubpages.unh.edu/~mas2/V74-gender-symmetry-with-gramham-Kevan-Method%208-.pdf

Men too are victims, women too are perps. Nowhere is this acknowledged by the very well funded DV industry, who prefer to maintain ideology rather than actually reduce the incidence of violence between partners.



I hold that any male that strikes a woman or abandons her with one or more children to care and foster for is, and never will be, a 'real man'. Violence begets violence and proves nothing, Indeed whoever resorts to violence has by definition lost any argument that there may be. How can a male person live with themselves knowing that their current or permanent partner lives in a climate of fear? As a youngster I was told to always speak well of the ladies and I have always followed that dictum and ASAIK have never had a female enemy.

On the other hand woman are more voluble and attention seeking about some matters. Campaigns were in full flow about better facilities and treatments for women with breast cancer, totally ignoring the fact that more men die of prostate cancer. I am proud to be able to say that I advanced more ladies then men in their careers but must admit to having great reservations about the way so many women make use and exploit their present day freedoms.


"The Foundation has compared the figures, saying 27,000 received medical attention in 2011, while only 1,300 reported the violence to authorities, which means only a small percentage of the women dare to report the incidents."

Firstly, it does not mean that "only a small percentage of the women dare to report the incidents".

It means 'only a small percentage of the women report the incidents'. Those are the facts and should be stated as such.

Secondly, 27,000 women got medical treatment. So what? The number is meaningless if it can't be compared to the number of men. It also loses relevance if we don't know the causes for the medical treatment and the underlying reasons. Maybe 28,000 men got treatment. Maybe there was woman on woman violence. Maybe the women attacked men, then got hurt by the tougher men through retaliation. Without knowing more, a number like 27,000 means nothing.

Lastly and most importantly, there should be no campaign to protect 'women' against domestic violence. That's sexist. There should certainly be a campaign against domestic violence, but it needs to be universal.

When was the last time you heard about a woman raping a man?

This is about International Women's Day.

Violence, domestic violence and rape, against women is a serious problem every where in the world.

Women are raped, beaten, and killed.

Women are physically disadvantaged against men.

Women are economically disadvantaged compared to men.

Women are discriminated against in the workplace, in education, and in health care treatment.

So, I say to all of you guys, next time you find yourself starting to say "yeah, but...", stop, think, and remember...

This is not about you.

Yeah, but...

...you only describe one side of the coin, and don't do a very decent job at that. You totally omit the other side except by implying it is the "man" who is at the root of all these evils. I resent that. I resent being called a "guy" by someone who seems to hate me for being what I am, and tells me it's not about me. I have no platform, so I'll just build my own and force my way into your little world, because it is about me simply because you degrade me in your rant, and then tell me to shut up because it's not about me.

I am here to stay whether you like it or not. So quit whining about overgeneralized realities on behalf of the female of the species, and finish your rant with all the abuses that males suffer psychologically at the hands of women whilst growing up. POINT: We're all in this together and we've got to figure it out together or, yes, men will continue to hit and women will continue to provoke, nag and nit-pick.

I do not like the tone of your post, even though you use hysteria and a few over-sensationalized facts to make yourself out to be a champion of something that is far broader and more complicated than your convenient and politically correct rant.

It's about all of us!


Looks like Thai women's NGOs have spent too much time with western DV experts learning how to misrepresent and falsify data. If they take their lead from the Australian DV industry, they will also learn that DV is a great source of women only jobs that are well paid, involve lots of meetings and conferences in salubrious surroundings with those who share their sexist prejudices. Meanwhile taxpayers in Australia spend over 100 million AUD EACH YEAR on this irrational bureaucracy. That research shows most DV is mutual is conveniently ignored, and women are - as always - encouraged to adopt a victim mentality. There is no attempt to address the dynamics of DV, in fact this unproductive one-sided approach is encouraged by lame politicians. Also, medical treatment for sexual harassment!? Doctors now treat the effects of leers and inappropriate comments???


Rantings, half truths and unsupported generalities. You really don't like women much do you?

Your logic escapes me. Opposing the dishonesty that drives the DV industry does not equal misogyny. The bulk of legitimate research (not the advocacy rubbish from those who have no appreciation of ethical research) shows that DV is far more complex a social issue than "man bashes woman". See for example - http://pubpages.unh....Method%208-.pdf

Men too are victims, women too are perps. Nowhere is this acknowledged by the very well funded DV industry, who prefer to maintain ideology rather than actually reduce the incidence of violence between partners.


That link you provide is a lightweight piece of nonsense. You can find documents to support any theory you want on the Internet.

To go back to the first post I quoted of yours, so you can follow my logic:

"Looks like Thai women's NGOs have spent too much time with western DV experts learning how to misrepresent and falsify data."

An unsupported generality.

There are hundreds of independent reports and pieces of research in western countries that show similar domestic violence patterns. You think the authors of these reports and statisticians are in collusion, falsifying reports through a secret network?

"If they take their lead from the Australian DV industry, they will also learn that DV is a great source of women only jobs that are well paid, involve lots of meetings and conferences in salubrious surroundings with those who share their sexist prejudices."

Unsupported nonsense, a generality and shows misogynist tendencies.

Most social workers within the Domestic Violence industry in Australia are not well paid on a comparative Australian wages scale. Many are part time, many are employed through charitable and non profit organisations, who do not pay top dollar. Many are married to men. This will certainly shock you, but not all DV counsellors are female.

To say the job involves lots of meetings and conferences in salubrious surroundings is laughable. You think they are all sitting around 5 star hotels plotting the downfall of men?

Meanwhile taxpayers in Australia spend over 100 million AUD EACH YEAR on this irrational bureaucracy.

Irrational how?

"That research shows most DV is mutual is conveniently ignored, and women are - as always - encouraged to adopt a victim mentality."

An unsupported generality showing misogynist leanings

Clearly you are living in a different era from other people. Most research does not show DV is mutual at all. The overwhelming majority of DV research shows the male is the perpetrator.

These days women are encouraged not to show a victim mentality at all, but show courage and remove themselves fro the situation, taking action against the perpetrator where necessary.

"Also, medical treatment for sexual harassment!? Doctors now treat the effects of leers and inappropriate comments???"

Sexual harassment can be a debilitating and psychologically debilitating experience for anyone who experiences it. Sustained and relentless harassment can lead to anxiety, depression withdrawal from society and suicide. Your sneering remarks about 'leers and inappropriate comments' intentionally cheapens the trauma many have gone through with sexual harassment.

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Your response to points I made about DV research and DV industry shows why this is an important issue. Too many people share your prejudices, and have not made the effort to look into legitimate research about DV. I can provide hundreds of similar examples showing the mutuality of most DV - from respectable academic sources, not the second rate reports sponsored by DV bureaucrats to support their ideological stance. Try for example the annotated bibliography of 282 refereed articles at; http://www.csulb.edu/~mfiebert/assault.htm

As to my "misogynist" leanings - you are either having a bad day and want to vent, or have a definition of the term not shared by the wider culture - or dictionaries. My negativity toward waste of taxpayers funds supporting a bloated & ineffective bureaucracy - based on specious research - does not extend to women as members of my species. I also believe social problems should be addressed rationally to best find suitable responses. The DV industry does not do that, but maintains a 60s feminist warfare model that sees DV as based purely in gender. Denigration of males, and attacks on males/females who question this misandry, is part of an over-the-top cultural disease that I hope never becomes entrenched in Thailand as it has in Australia/USA/Canada etc.


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