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Fast And Reliable Internetconnection On Koh Chang?


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maybe some People in this Forum can answer my Question:

I am planning to move to Koh Chang - but to the southern Salak Phet Bay, not to the popular Beaches like White Sand and co. -

and I would like to know, if TOT can provide a fast and reliable Internetconnection there?

Is TOT the only Internetprovider on Koh Chang?

Thanks Mates for any Answer


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  • 1 month later...

CAT is also an option but it took them weeks to get a cable to our house [we live in one of the smaller villages on the west coast] we pay 1800 baht a month and they're not very fast when it comes to repairing when the cable breaks somewhere [which happens on average once every 2 months] when it works its fast though :D

No clue whether any of them would come tot he east coast for just one connection and how much it would cost.

In case you actually did get some internet, could u let us know here? [Just curious!]

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

I have been in Koh Chang for 1 year and TOT is the WORSE ISP I ever seen in my many travels all over the world.

If you are lucky to stay in a big resort, you might have a 80% uptime quality. But anywhere else it is working 1 day on, 3 day off.

It is like they use a timer to shut your internet on and off.

My friend who work in TOT told me the politic is to have 100 lines for 500 customers. 10% of these customers will have Internet all the time: they are the premium ones, big resorts, people who give tea money etc...

For the rest of the people, they just switch on and off... people not have internet for 2 days call the hotline and the TOT orange truck come to re-connect you. But someone else ask and they disconnect you to connect someone else. This save them a lot of infrastructure and at the same time keep the customer crazy thinking it is because of the rain, because the modem is too hot, or anything else...

Stay away from this place if you do anything with Internet, you will only get frustrated and you will never have an Internet like with 3bb in Pattaya or in BK. Before when TOT was the only ISP in Pattaya they were doing the same there. It is just he way they do business.

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