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Sick Of People Knocking Pattaya


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i admit i did get a bit het up, but a guy who lives away from here and obviously either has never been here ,or if he has only visits the less salubrious parts ,stated that Pattaya was"the drain hole of south east Asia so better leave your standards at home and who lives in a place like that anyway?"

well to my mind that smacks of hypocracy,how does he know its the drain hole? has he read it or has he visited those parts of it and why? if its such a bad place .He certainly has not visited where i live and thousands like me and my familly ,there are far more decent people here than the other sort i can assure you. how would he like it if i said that onlt poor farangs like him live out in the boonies planting rice because they are low class dumboes? not nice is it?

Edited by Rimmer
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Pattaya has a well deserved negative stigma attached to it and we all know why. However that doesn't mean that all the people that live there are whoremongers and perverts, that is obviously not the case. But people all over the world know of Pattaya's reputation and it is natural for them to make assumptions. As with so many negative stereotypes applied to Thailand you just have to accept that the eagerness of Thai people to provide certain services which have made them infamous around the world are here to stay and you just have to rise above it or just ignore it.

Sticks and stones.

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People who want to knock Pattaya have a choice, come, stay, or leave. It’s there choice. Like all places around the world there are different faces of the location & destination. One thing we can boast for Pattaya we have the lot, Nightlife, culture, commerce, tourism in every guise, for party people & relaxing folk,

I have encountered many people who are experts & never once set foot in the country. You get out of life what you put in. My English wife & I put a lot of effort into our Thai friends & what we get back from them in friendship & assistance with things we have to do in Thai language is 10, fold.

We meet people from all corners of Thai life, from the wealthy, to the hard working survivors we get treated the same by them all. If folk want to listen to the

Knowledge less critics then it’s up to them. If they decide not to visit because they have listened to an idiot. Who saw it on TV or I heard it down the pub, do we really want them to visit & then promote the negatives. We are better off without them. As first said there are far more decent people here than the other sort.

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It is not unique to Pattaya.

You will find many expats in many places around the country who came here because it was different to home but then complain because it is not the same as home.

I personally do not go out of my way to defend my decision to live here just as I see no reason to defend my choice of car, my choice of clothes, my job, or anything else.

I have long accepted that others have their own choices which they made in an informed manner or otherwise and it does not bother me that their opinions differ from mine.

I like a phrase of a friend - he calls these knockers "energy thieves", and I know exactly what he means.

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Its good to see that so many posters do not have negative things to say about our city,i know there are some parts that are not "high class" but then most places are like that ,it seems that there are some small minded people who live out in the sticks for one reason or another and knock us ,but as another poster remarked ,it does tend to sound like sour grapes that they cannot afford to live here .

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Its good to see that so many posters do not have negative things to say about our city,i know there are some parts that are not "high class" but then most places are like that ,it seems that there are some small minded people who live out in the sticks for one reason or another and knock us ,but as another poster remarked ,it does tend to sound like sour grapes that they cannot afford to live here .

I'd imagine they don't get laid much either.

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I think Pattaya is all about how you use it.

Ok it has its bad points and it does seem to be the haven for some scum to arrive into but on the whole it depends how you use it.

As with any place in the world I would always come down on anyone who passes opinion on a place but hasn't lived there. We all know that coming here on holiday is a totally different world from living here.

I love it here.

Edited by rinteln
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You can't blame some guys for knocking Pattaya. They are the ones whose wives read their posts and they could get into serious trouble if they admitted liking the place.

There are others who are indeed sour grapes. They are the ones whose wives forbid them to even visit fun city.

Then we have the "Better than thou" types who want to ban all fun things. You know the type, the high society upper class (they think), whose wives are university graduates and have never been in a bar. The no smoking, alcohol is the scourge of the world and sex or even thinking about sex will send you to hell.

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I love people who knock on it, the place is crowded enough as it is year round so the less people that come here the better. I only wish the people who were bad mouthing it spoke a few different languages other then English..................

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I saw the guys snipe at Pattaya ,it seems to have been deleted now along with nervoussurgeons , but to make a comment like "what sort of people would live in Pattaya is a real insult ,i know many good people who live here ,i am sure there are many "bad" people where he lives along with small minded people just like him.

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I love people who knock on it, the place is crowded enough as it is year round so the less people that come here the better. I only wish the people who were bad mouthing it spoke a few different languages other then English..................

Never been there ....should be worth a look methinks..... is it like Patong with less/more Russians/whingeing POMS??..

.....was told not to go to Waikiki years ago "just like Blackpool" they said ..I liked Blackpool and I loved Waikiki ..

.....another PCP (post Chang post)

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I saw the guys snipe at Pattaya ,it seems to have been deleted now along with nervoussurgeons , but to make a comment like "what sort of people would live in Pattaya is a real insult ,i know many good people who live here ,i am sure there are many "bad" people where he lives along with small minded people just like him.

What's their problem? They're anti-sex? Personally, I have no problem with those who have an active sex life. People visit and live here because they can enjoy life more.

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If the quote that you refer to

but a guy who lives away from here and obviously either has never been here ,or if he has only visits the less salubrious parts ,stated that Pattaya was"the drain hole of south east Asia so better leave your standards at home and who lives in a place like that anyway?"

was made on this Forum, can you referance it please.

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i actually think Pattaya is much maligned. Sure there our some fairly sordid places i'm sure but you don't have to go there do you. Theres loads of decent bars available to frequent, loads of great restaurants and a lot of very attractive young ladies.

There actually needs to be clarification between the areas. Further down Jomtien, Nakula, over on the dark side... all decent places where normal people seem to live. However, Pattaya proper is a zoo in every sense of the word.

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I don't bash Pattaya, nor do I know a lot about it. However, it DOES have its reputation. If you choose to live there, you choose to live with the town's reputation and all the connotations that go with it. Whether they are true or false is irrelevant; it is what people believe. So if you don't like it, live somewhere else. You sure as hell are not going to change anybody's mind about the place. If you are over 50, you should be old enough to know that the masses will not under any circumsantces allow themselves to be confused by facts.

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It is not unique to Pattaya.

You will find many expats in many places around the country who came here because it was different to home but then complain because it is not the same as home.

I personally do not go out of my way to defend my decision to live here just as I see no reason to defend my choice of car, my choice of clothes, my job, or anything else.

I have long accepted that others have their own choices which they made in an informed manner or otherwise and it does not bother me that their opinions differ from mine.

I like a phrase of a friend - he calls these knockers "energy thieves", and I know exactly what he means.

PeterCool: I am 100% in agreement with what you so eloquently wrote ! ! Well phrased ! ! Oh, and by the way; the sailing here is magnificent too !

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I don't bash Pattaya, nor do I know a lot about it. However, it DOES have its reputation. If you choose to live there, you choose to live with the town's reputation and all the connotations that go with it. Whether they are true or false is irrelevant; it is what people believe. So if you don't like it, live somewhere else. You sure as hell are not going to change anybody's mind about the place. If you are over 50, you should be old enough to know that the masses will not under any circumsantces allow themselves to be confused by facts.

only people with a weak character give a flying fart about "what other people believe". moreover, the expression "living with a town's reputation" is ridiculous. to be on the safe side i have been checking our home which happens to be located in an area considered to be Pattaya. my wife, two domestic employees and my two dogs were helping me to search all nooks and crannies of said home for reputation and connotations.

result: we could not find any.

question: was our search not thorough enough or do reputations and connotations have an exponentially high capability to hide? huh.png

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I tend to drive down to Pattaya ever second weekend. It is only an hour and a half in the car, and my son loves the beach. During the flooding last year we ended up staying there for almost a month - at one stage we even considered renting a house because we didn't know how long it would be before we could return home. I don't think that I'd enjoy living in Pattaya full-time. I also don't feel that it is a good place to raise kids. I do agree that there is a great deal more to the place than its 'bad boy' image.

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It is not unique to Pattaya.

You will find many expats in many places around the country who came here because it was different to home but then complain because it is not the same as home.

I personally do not go out of my way to defend my decision to live here just as I see no reason to defend my choice of car, my choice of clothes, my job, or anything else.

I have long accepted that others have their own choices which they made in an informed manner or otherwise and it does not bother me that their opinions differ from mine.

I like a phrase of a friend - he calls these knockers "energy thieves", and I know exactly what he means.

PeterCool: I am 100% in agreement with what you so eloquently wrote ! ! Well phrased ! ! Oh, and by the way; the sailing here is magnificent too !

jaapfries, I is in 100% agreement with what you wroted. petercool, i is 100% agree with what you eloquent wroted. both of you well phrased. you both dun good posts.

about pattaya, all those who criticise they is sanctimonious and they dont have nuff money to live in pattaya. cos they cant afford it they is jealous. pattaya is full with cosmoplitan peoples who i is can have clever conversation with.

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about pattaya, all those who criticise they is sanctimonious and they dont have nuff money to live in pattaya. cos they cant afford it they is jealous. pattaya is full with cosmoplitan peoples who i is can have clever conversation with.

bingo! we in Pattaya is in no dire need to conduct unclever conversations with sanctimonious people who badmouth our beautiful city from their el cheapo hamlet huts located in the suburbs of Nakhon Nowhere where they don't have beach roads where elegant ladyboys promenade after sundown adding cosmo...whatever flair to the unchallenged international reputation of the city.


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