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Why Such A Name


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When i was signing up to TV, I was listening to Mr BoJangles (one of my most favorite tunes) , the Robbie Williams version. It prompted me for a nick name and I had to think quickly  :D

IMHO you didn´t think...I think you just typed what came to your ears.. :o  :D

Yes i think your right there :D

I'm just glad i wasn't listening to "A Boy named Sue" by Johnny Cash at the time :D:D

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I am skylar wherever I go and have been using the same for nearly a decade online. I took it from a character in one of the many Baby Sitter Club books I read when I lived in Bangkok. Strangely, a lot of people think it's a male name... :o

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Many years ago I wrote a program to teach how to read and write Thai to help myself learn in the form of a flashcard program. Later others were interested in it and I packaged it up as a shareware program. Needed to make a company name to tack on to it and wanted it short. So "Ty" for Thai and "Wais" meaning either 'ways', 'wise', or 'wais' (like in to wai someone). Stuck with me since. :o

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I am skylar wherever I go and have been using the same for nearly a decade online. I took it from a character in one of the many Baby Sitter Club books I read when I lived in Bangkok. Strangely, a lot of people think it's a male name...  :o

I think is a male name...why?

well because is a bird name...in spanish bird "pájaro" is male noun (pájara-the female noun refers to women who steals someone else´s husband or boyfriends)...

That´s why I though is a male name...

It does make sense? :D

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Glauka is the name of the main character of one of my favourites books "The old mermaid". I chose that name because  sometimes I identified myself with this character... :o

why did you chose yours?

"gbt" are my initials. "71" was the year I was born. "fa" is what I did in the military...Field Artillery. I know, kinda boring.

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I felt the most appropriate name for me would have been 'devilishly handsome, rich, talented, witty, urbane, potential Nobel prize winner'.

However, my kids offered their opinion and won.

:o That's funny Sadman. You have great kids :D

They bully me and call me names. I guess that's what's called payback time. :D

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Maybe I am concieted to call myself "Mighty."

I could have been a Mickey, but who wants friends that are Goofy.

....and besides, Mickey doesn't fly. He is only interested in Mini, and has no time to fly after other women.

I could have been a tit mouse too. There are plenty of possibilities there.  :o

I chose to be a mighty mouse, saviour of women and an all action hero.

Here I come to save the day.........

What about Danger Mouse?

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I'm not really at liberty to define what my screenname means but I can tell you it has nothing to do with smut or porn. 

Et in Arcadia Ego

Does it relate to your blood line? As in Holy Blood and Holy Grail, perchance?

I don't really have the freedom to go into it much more. Et in Arcadia Ego is an anagram of I Tego Arcana Dei (Begone! I know the secrets of God). Its a very involved story and my fingers would fall off trying to type the whole thing. Sorry!

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Maybe I am concieted to call myself "Mighty."

I could have been a Mickey, but who wants friends that are Goofy.

....and besides, Mickey doesn't fly. He is only interested in Mini, and has no time to fly after other women.

I could have been a tit mouse too. There are plenty of possibilities there.  :o

I chose to be a mighty mouse, saviour of women and an all action hero.

Here I come to save the day.........

What about Danger Mouse?

Wasn't there a cartoony dude called "Danger Mouse"? Now, that's MY kinda mouse!!! :D

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I'm not really at liberty to define what my screenname means but I can tell you it has nothing to do with smut or porn. 

Et in Arcadia Ego

Does it relate to your blood line? As in Holy Blood and Holy Grail, perchance?

I don't really have the freedom to go into it much more. Et in Arcadia Ego is an anagram of I Tego Arcana Dei (Begone! I know the secrets of God). Its a very involved story and my fingers would fall off trying to type the whole thing. Sorry!

Can we kidnap you Tripx...? What the ransom for you be worthwhile?


Kayo is as Kayo does, but kayo will do no more. OK?


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I'm not really at liberty to define what my screenname means but I can tell you it has nothing to do with smut or porn. 

Et in Arcadia Ego

Does it relate to your blood line? As in Holy Blood and Holy Grail, perchance?

I don't really have the freedom to go into it much more. Et in Arcadia Ego is an anagram of I Tego Arcana Dei (Begone! I know the secrets of God). Its a very involved story and my fingers would fall off trying to type the whole thing. Sorry!

Can we kidnap you Tripx...? What the ransom for you be worthwhile?


Kayo is as Kayo does, but kayo will do no more. OK?


so there is not Kayo anymore? :D:D

Edited by Glauka
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I'm not really at liberty to define what my screenname means but I can tell you it has nothing to do with smut or porn. 

Et in Arcadia Ego

Does it relate to your blood line? As in Holy Blood and Holy Grail, perchance?

I don't really have the freedom to go into it much more. Et in Arcadia Ego is an anagram of I Tego Arcana Dei (Begone! I know the secrets of God). Its a very involved story and my fingers would fall off trying to type the whole thing. Sorry!

Can we kidnap you Tripx...? What the ransom for you be worthwhile?


That would not be a smart move. Lots of important people depend on me and I don't think the outcome for my kidnapper would be very pleasant.

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I'm not really at liberty to define what my screenname means but I can tell you it has nothing to do with smut or porn. 

Et in Arcadia Ego

Does it relate to your blood line? As in Holy Blood and Holy Grail, perchance?

I don't really have the freedom to go into it much more. Et in Arcadia Ego is an anagram of I Tego Arcana Dei (Begone! I know the secrets of God). Its a very involved story and my fingers would fall off trying to type the whole thing. Sorry!

Sorry, my Latin is rusty, but I believe it means 'Begone, I conceal the secrets of God.'

In any event, it relates to Poussin's painting that is NOT Rennes-le-Chateau, but made up, as is the tomb, and probably owes it's origins to the Merovingian heresy of 1,500 years ago.

The anagram is interesting but meaningless: 'Et in arcadia ego' can not only be translated as 'And in Arcadia I...', but also as 'And I am in Arcadia'. By the way, Spiro Agnew is an anagram of 'grow a penis'.

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I think mines pretty much self explanatory.

Names rus and, I'm a red, (of the Manc kind) but, lets stick on topic and not turn this into a Footy or region debate.....! :D  :D



Can we kidnap you Tripx...? What the ransom for you be worthwhile?

so there is not Kayo anymore?

Of course ther is still Kayo. There will always be Kayo. :D

Kayooooooooooooooo? Glakula and khall are wondering what ever became of you!

Oh Krazy krown  :D ????

Can we kidnap you Tripx...? What the ransom for you be worthwhile?


That would not be a smart move. Lots of important people depend on me and I don't think the outcome for my kidnapper would be very pleasant.

Okay... Just asking you understand?


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My name came about because my best freind in the UK had the same first name as me, and when I moved here I was given the name Thai Pauly to avoid confussion on their part as most of the time they are wrecked like me. Now I am simply known as TP by most of my freinds back home

I wished I had called myself "General Topics" though

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