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Angry New Zealand Bodybuilder Stabs Canadian English Teacher In Pattaya


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Care to elaborate on your understanding of Jai Yen? Somebody insulted him.... An English teacher for crying out loud.

I am sure some English teachers can be just as insulting as anyone else. Are you confusing English teachers with Buddhist monks?

I agree with you on that. But there is an ancient saying and quite cryptic so you might not get. It goes something like this: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but....... You can't justify what this hulk did so don't even try. He's just plain wrong and his a*s should still be in jail not in the comfort of his own sex pad blogging about what he did and laughing about it.

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Appears the longer I live here the More Beef Cakes I see in town...

Agree with you... have seen this New Zeelander many times while in Pattaya... his stare, sometimes bloodshed eyes... most probably high on stereoids...

And there are many more of those musclepacks nowadays than few years back, I personally feel...

Always tend to change the street when I see those coming... you never know what kind of stuff they have just swallowed...

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Care to elaborate on your understanding of Jai Yen? Somebody insulted him.... An English teacher for crying out loud.

I am sure some English teachers can be just as insulting as anyone else. Are you confusing English teachers with Buddhist monks?

I agree with you on that. But there is an ancient saying and quite cryptic so you might not get. It goes something like this: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but....... You can't justify what this hulk did so don't even try. He's just plain wrong and his a*s should still be in jail not in the comfort of his own sex pad blogging about what he did and laughing about it.

You talk of my "not getting it" but did I try and justify what he did? No, I didn't.
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Ive seen this guy in Pattaya before. He's imposing and stands out because of his size and tattoos . I wouldnt have thought he needed to use a knife on anyone , he could just stare you into submission . The fake Louis Vuitton ladies handbag is a nice accessory though. But why the knives ? I guess when you look like him a lot of people comment on your look . Guess if you want to look like a circus attraction your going to get a few wayward comments from the public.

The guy is loaded - I doubt it's a fake Louis Vuitton. He made a fortune breaking legs etc. in Australia as a ruthless loan shark.

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Well...the girls don't seem to be afraid of him that's for sure. It's a shame he only has one towel at his place though. Why would someone his size need a knife to settle an argument?

There's no facts. It is not proven he used a knife. Personally I don't believe he did. He would have punched him. I think the story is bs.

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The guy looks like he is Maori/part Maori. (the indigineous people of New Zealand). They are thick people. Maoris would tattoo their bodies and faces...even the women. They are thick-bodied people. It is ignorant to say he is using steriods. For a Maori, that is a noraml body size. If he is using steroids...he is using counterfeit/bogus or cut steroids because he is small for a steroid user...especially with his bone structure! Look at how thick and wide his face and nose is. I have a friend who is a Maori/Anglo Caucasian mix bodybuilder and mountain biker. He is a super nice guy and is very thick like this guy. I have many Anglo Caucasian and Mestizo friends who have never used anabolic steroids or HGH and are far more muscular than this guy. I used to be a natural bodybuilder and some people would accuse me of using steroids. You get what you work for. I put in the gym time, good diet, plenty of sleep, visualization and I got good results. I used to squat 520 lbs freeweight (non-machine) for 3 strict reps...as much as some of the power lifters did...I am a medium-sized guy. So, dont assume people are roiders just because they are bigger than the average guy. Also, I did it for heath and fitness not vanity like some are accusing this guy of. Also for the poster who mentioned martial arts (ninja...) as being bad, etc...you know nothing about fighting arts and are just jealous. I have trained many fighting styles for half my life. I am a mellow, nice guy and hardly anyone knows that I am a good fighter at many styles. So, do not prejudge something until you have tried it yourself.

Why use a knife? Maybe the other guy had a bunch of friends with him. Maybe the guy was drunk. Maybe he has mental probelms. He seems to be vain based on his Facebook page photos with all the Thai women he is 'hanging' with, etc.. If one uses a knife on someone in non-self defense, one should do the jail time! jap.gif

You are wrong in this particular case. He's used steroids for nearly 30 years as I used to know him when he was still skinny.

This guy is not "normal size" for a part - Maori. He's about 135 kg - that's around 300 lbs. If you stand next to him you'll get a better idea of his size.

It's the GH which is puffing him out in the face - water retention. You can put on 10 - 20 kg quickly with GH combined with basic steroids but most of it is water. That's the main reason he is smooth with little muscle definition.

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Well...the girls don't seem to be afraid of him that's for sure. It's a shame he only has one towel at his place though. Why would someone his size need a knife to settle an argument?

There's no facts. It is not proven he used a knife. Personally I don't believe he did. He would have punched him. I think the story is bs.

I have just returned from beach rd., there were many witnesses to the knife attack last night. They told me the Canadian guy was drunk and running his mouth but it may not have been directed at him. They also told me the big guy has a bad temper and is on beach road almost everyday. They said after the knifing he ran away but it was more like a "wobble" as he could not really run.

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I have just returned from beach rd., there were many witnesses to the knife attack last night. They told me the Canadian guy was drunk and running his mouth but it may not have been directed at him. They also told me the big guy has a bad temper and is on beach road almost everyday. They said after the knifing he ran away but it was more like a "wobble" as he could not really run.

You haven't even got the day right and I'm supposed to believe your witnesses? The "knife attack" was on Saturday.

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At least he found love in Pattaya.


Good idea to keep the cap on, the weather is terrible these days. rolleyes.gif

Imagine if your daughter brought this thing back home to meet you?

I'd say "I accept you want to be a lesbian but there are much better looking women to choose from dear".
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I have just returned from beach rd., there were many witnesses to the knife attack last night. They told me the Canadian guy was drunk and running his mouth but it may not have been directed at him. They also told me the big guy has a bad temper and is on beach road almost everyday. They said after the knifing he ran away but it was more like a "wobble" as he could not really run.

You haven't even got the day right and I'm supposed to believe your witnesses? The "knife attack" was on Saturday.

I did misquote the date but it is up to you if you want to believe what they told me. All you have to do is take a stroll down beach road and chat with a few of the girls in the Royal garden area, they will tell you themselves. He also posted on his facebook page he used a knife because he did not have a gun.

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He also posted on his facebook page he used a knife because he did not have a gun.

You're not up on Aussie humour - that was a joke.

Anyway, it looks like Pattayadailynews.com has pulled the story so it's case closed.

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Ive seen this guy in Pattaya before. He's imposing and stands out because of his size and tattoos . I wouldnt have thought he needed to use a knife on anyone , he could just stare you into submission . The fake Louis Vuitton ladies handbag is a nice accessory though. But why the knives ? I guess when you look like him a lot of people comment on your look . Guess if you want to look like a circus attraction your going to get a few wayward comments from the public.

The guy is loaded - I doubt it's a fake Louis Vuitton. He made a fortune breaking legs etc. in Australia as a ruthless loan shark.

The guy was loaded. As far as I can understand from the many news reports about him he lost most of it in court.

Not surprising to see he has no friends on his facebook page.

Tim Sharky

7.363 Abonnente

= Same friemds!!

That is not friends, that's curious people watching the trainwreck.

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Well...the girls don't seem to be afraid of him that's for sure. It's a shame he only has one towel at his place though. Why would someone his size need a knife to settle an argument?

There's no facts. It is not proven he used a knife. Personally I don't believe he did. He would have punched him. I think the story is bs.

Well somebody was cut and there are pictures of the knives he allegedly used. He said on his facebook page that he stabbed the guy because he didn't have a gun to "Shoot the c*nt." That may not be enough proof for you but it's enough proof for me. So go ahead and try to spin it to suit yourself. Just because you knew him when he was skinny means nothing in regards to this incident.

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The guy was loaded. As far as I can understand from the many news reports about him he lost most of it in court.

Are you serious? The fine he paid was peanuts compared to what he had at the time - it was a joke for him.

Do you really think a person conducting a shady business doesn't keep stashes of cash hidden away? How do you think he's funding the good life over here (he spends a fortune on girls) and travels back and forth to Australia every few months?

It's a bit of a silly discussion, but knowing this guy it's almost certainly the real deal (the handbag).

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Well somebody was cut and there are pictures of the knives he allegedly used. He said on his facebook page that he stabbed the guy because he didn't have a gun to "Shoot the c*nt." That may not be enough proof for you but it's enough proof for me. So go ahead and try to spin it to suit yourself. Just because you knew him when he was skinny means nothing in regards to this incident.

Your story is equally as unlikely - that you've been going around the beach and asking witnesses about this case.

All I said was "I don't believe he stabbed the guy" - that's it. You're getting too sucked in by reading all the ridiculous news reports. I know this guy well enough to know that if a Canadian teacher was insulting him he'd punch him in the face. Would you believe I even knew him when he used to do security work in bars back in Oz? I also used to do security work in bars.

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No, I am not an Abonnente-friend, its also not possible in the moment to get one. To many people klicked on the friendship button and the Big guy is delayed with answering. You have to wait in line to get a friend. coffee1.gif

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