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Denmark to legalize same-sex marriage this year


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Then don't read topics about gay civil rights issues then! I am totally unconvinced of the merit of your point. Of course it is worthy news. Gay people are ALWAYS going to be a small minority in all societies. That is an unchangeable fact. Is it news when women or racial minorities achieve equal rights in different countries? Of course it is. So why not gay people?

Edited by Jingthing
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Then don't read topics about gay civil rights issues then! I am totally unconvinced of the merit of your point. Of course it is worthy news. Gay people are ALWAYS going to be a small minority in all societies. That is an unchangeable fact.

Because you feed the minority tag by statements like you have just made. What goes on in the bedroom and in your private lives is nothing to do with me or anyone else. Its because Gay's insist on making themselves different that they remain different. If they want acceptance then be like the rest of us, meld into the background and keep your private life private.

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Then don't read topics about gay civil rights issues then! I am totally unconvinced of the merit of your point. Of course it is worthy news. Gay people are ALWAYS going to be a small minority in all societies. That is an unchangeable fact.

Because you feed the minority tag by statements like you have just made. What goes on in the bedroom and in your private lives is nothing to do with me or anyone else. Its because Gay's insist on making themselves different that they remain different. If they want acceptance then be like the rest of us, meld into the background and keep your private life private.

That is ridiculous! If you don't have equal rights, you fight for equal rights, and when you achieve equal rights, that is news. Gays insist we are different? Are you joking? Are gays allowed to equal marriage rights in Thailand or most countries in the world? No, they are not. Would simply projecting not being different achieve those rights? Not in a million years. It's hard to tell if you are suggesting gays go back into the closet or it just offends you to hear about gay issues in the news. In any event, your position is indefensible. Also, so bloody what if people ARE different? Are all ethic groups the same? NO! Equal rights and tolerance of all kinds of diversity is NOT about everybody being exactly the same. How boring would that be? Edited by Jingthing
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Then don't read topics about gay civil rights issues then! I am totally unconvinced of the merit of your point. Of course it is worthy news. Gay people are ALWAYS going to be a small minority in all societies. That is an unchangeable fact.

Because you feed the minority tag by statements like you have just made. What goes on in the bedroom and in your private lives is nothing to do with me or anyone else. Its because Gay's insist on making themselves different that they remain different. If they want acceptance then be like the rest of us, meld into the background and keep your private life private.

That is ridiculous! If you don't have equal rights, you fight for equal rights, and when you achieve equal rights, that is news. Gays insist we are different? Are you joking? Are gays allowed to equal marriage rights in Thailand or most countries in the world? No, they are not. Would simply projecting not being different achieve those rights? Not in a million years. It's hard to tell if you are suggesting gays go back into the closet or it just offends you to hear about gay issues in the news. In any event, your position is indefensible. Also, so bloody what if people ARE different? Are all ethic groups the same? NO! Equal rights and tolerance of all kinds of diversity is NOT about everybody being exactly the same. How boring would that be?

Stop shouting. You're playing the victim. Equal rights, cool, positive discrimination, not cool. If the laws in some countries bug you then move to a country that is accommodating, that goes whether its property ownership, religion or Gay rights. I am not offended at all, I simply do not think it worthy of the title 'world news'. I have many good friends that are Gay and they lead normal lives, I have also been sat having a beer in the company of gays that insist in wanting to discuss the best types of lubes to use to avoid 'over heating'! That is not normal, they are just being purposely outrageous and I for one am not interested. You want to get married, go ahead, if you can't yet, then go somewhere you can if its that important.

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Again, what a completely ridiculous, totally out of touch point of view. Changing citizenship is not like changing your hair color. Its something a small percentage of people in the world ever do, or even are capable of doing. Also of course you completely ignore the realistic human side of this. People fall in love with who they fall in love with. You don't choose that person based on their citizenship and whether marrying them is legal in their country. The vast majority of people meet people from their own home countries. I'm not playing any kind of victim. I will leave that to the gays in Iran and some countries in Africa who are being murdered for being gay. Again, not interested in gay rights, avoid these topics. Don't want to hear campy gays in a bar, avoid campy gays.

Positive discrimination? What are you talking about? Are you suggesting gay Danes are getting a better deal now than non-gay ones? If that was really true, I wouldn't support that, but we both know that is not true. Making a news item is not positive discrimination. It is a news item like any other.

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Again, what a completely ridiculous, totally out of touch point of view. Changing citizenship is not like changing your hair color. Its something a small percentage of people in the world ever do, or even are capable of doing. Also of course you completely ignore the realistic human side of this. People fall in love with who they fall in love with. You don't choose that person based on their citizenship and whether marrying them is legal in their country. The vast majority of people meet people from their own home countries. I'm not playing any kind of victim. I will leave that to the gays in Iran and some countries in Africa who are being murdered for being gay. Again, not interested in gay rights, avoid these topics. Don't want to hear campy gays in a bar, avoid campy gays.

So I am expected to move bars to avoid listening to gays discussing lubes and fisting (at our table by the way, I am not on about eves dropping here), yet you think its terrible to have to move somewhere to achieve a personal goal such as marriage. The positive discrimination bug is entrenched I see. Why do you deem it acceptable for those guys to discuss that and say its my responsibility to move. Is that normal behaviour? Does that display any form of respect for the people around them? I always thought a camp gay was someone who was just rather effeminate, I never dreamt it was one who likes discussing his innermost sexual preferences in public, ah well you have set me right on that one, every day's a school day. Do heterosexuals normally sit in mixed company and discuss which lube they like to use on their wives whilst fisting them? Its not normal. You want to be treated as normal, then be normal, if you don't want to be normal then thats cool, but stop complaining when your treatment is anything but normal. There are many civil and human rights issues around the world that have many forms of prejudice at their roots, and those issues need addressing. If marriage is important to people then fine, do it, and when a country changes it's laws to permitt it then just do it. The rest of the world are simply not interested.

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I'll let your post stand. Not worth arguing with a person with such absurd attitudes towards gay people. Enjoy yourself. Move bars or don't move. It's so trivial either way. It's your life. Civil rights, however, are NOT trivial whether your care about them or not. Expect more news to come on gay rights issues in the years to come. Maybe you need some kind of filter.

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Fine, we're done with that then.spamsign.gif

Denmark is an interesting case that may or may not be instructive to the many other countries dealing with this issue. It is now an example of a country where it was possible legally, politically, and culturally to first win decent separate but equal civil rights, but that became a stepping stone to complete marriage equality some years later.

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