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Sex Crimes Involving Relatives On The Rise: Thai Expert


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Sex crimes involving relatives on the rise: expert

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Same old factors in rapes and sexual abuses closeness and male chauvinism still play roles in new cases a Bangkok seminar on sex crimes was told yesterday.

But the rise in sex crimes involving family members is high, said Nittaya Phiriyaphongphan, a senior Women and Men Progressive Movement Foundation official, citing an 11 percent increase of cases involving male violators and young female victims. The tendency of victims' ages becoming younger is another worry, she added.

In certain cases, a victim had been violated by three brothers for three years since she was nine, and many cases involving violators who were victims' grandfathers, fathers, stepfathers, and brothers. Another 38 per cent of the cases reported to police are violations by neighbours, associates, acquaintances and colleagues.

"The youngest victim is reportedly at five months by a violator at 13, and the oldest is a 89yearold by a 14yearold, who said he was made aroused after watching a porn movie which are shocking," she said.

WMPMF director Jadej Chaowilai, said male chauvinism needed to be altered or given up among males through selfconscience or motivation if not education and upbringing by concerned parents, while the law needed to make other sex acts culpable and punishable not just insertion in penis into vagina which defines rape in the Criminal Code's Article 276.

The other key factor attirbuting to rape and other sex crimes is the violators' drinking at 39 per cent of cases reported to police, while the other factors are lack of the violators' selfrestraint, assault and mugging followed by sex crimes, use of drugs or addictive substances, jealousy and arousal caused by watching porn or provocative materials.

The head of a lesbian group, Anchana Suwannanont, said an amendment to Article 276 was needed to include all sex acts against the recipients' will, including the use of sex toy or other objects into all entries of the victims, not just the insertion to define rape. The word "against women who are not violators' wives" must also be omitted, in order that the altered Article 276 could protect all women, she added.

A lawyer with WMPMF, Arunsri Meewongtham, said the sex crimes had increased by 20 to 30 per cent each year, and been reported to her foundation at 20 cases a month. She called on victims to see doctors for examination before cleansing their bodies, while calling for an education to the public to tell women of what they would do after ensuring the crimes before the cleanup.

More female police interrogators are needed at police stations for interviewing victims, while male interrogators should be taught better interviewing techniques or need to self motivate themselves to be careful about the victims' feelling in order that they did not "rerape" the victims, she said.


-- The Nation 2012-03-14

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Unfortunately this is happening all over the world, I grew up in the 60ies in a remote area btw germany/switzerland/austria alpine mountain and knew many victims my age abused in the families, the same happens all over africa where it's estimated 30% of all girls under 13 have been abused by family members.

I'm glad that more victims come forward, maybe it helps, I'm quite skeptical

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I am 76 and can assure you rape is out of the question, it needs a lot of help and encouragement to get me to perform;) <snip>

Edited by soundman
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The juvenile and insensitive postings here, making rape and sex crimes something of a joke, is abhorrent at best. Sometimes I wonder why I dare to even read the responses of readers here. I wish that there were better monitoring so that these callous and silly remarks would be removed. Shame on you!

Seems to me you've done a good job of putting those people in their place and that's the way a forum should be. If you start censoring comments then who decides which comments are acceptable? It's a slippery slope, better to just put the juvenile fools in their place.

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All the publicity regarding foreigners who come to thailand and engage in illegal sexual practices .when we all know Thailand is no different to any other country in having

the majority of sex crimes against minors by those who are closest to them and the ones they trust the most,namely FAMILY

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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  • 3 weeks later...

We find that it is easier to discuss crimes of this nature when the female is the victim.

Being a matriarchal country, I cannot help but be curious how many of these child victims are males, being molested by the females who nurture and raise them, and then grow up to become males with serious issues towards women.

Any search on Google about female sex offenses against children will find that many cases worldwide often go unreported, and the rate can be as high as 40% in reported cases; that's REPORTED!

Until social taboos are removed and this issue is discussed objectively and by ALL genders, then allowing the victims and lesbians to dictate justice will have no positive affect in this matter.

Men, as equal participants in all of society, must remove their masks of masculinity and chauvinism and begin to participate and contribute their side of the issue. Stepping forward and telling stories of being fondled frequently by female relatives and neighbors and such is not something a man will do, as males are sexually active and gloat about the opportunity at a very young age, It is also frowned upon for a man to admit he was sexually molested since most males are victims with no rights and there is no legitimacy to this issue; an issue that breeds males who have serious psychological issues towards women later in life.

Point: I'm taking nothing away from women's grievances, but it is not fair and more destructive to society to view only half the matter and ignore the rest. The fact that men and male issues are ignored in today's media world is offensive and ludicrous to intelligent people who feel that the truth in the media is never the complete truth, and merely a platform to push some agenda that allows further oppression of, or opiate to, the masses.

Maybe we should appoint homosexual men to form a judicial committee to disparage women who commit sex crimes against young boys when they are vulnerable and impressionable, since it is the women who raise these future "scoundrels" and most Thai men take no part in the upbringing of their children! Monkey see - Monkey do!

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The juvenile and insensitive postings here, making rape and sex crimes something of a joke, is abhorrent at best. Sometimes I wonder why I dare to even read the responses of readers here. I wish that there were better monitoring so that these callous and silly remarks would be removed. Shame on you!

Seems to me you've done a good job of putting those people in their place and that's the way a forum should be. If you start censoring comments then who decides which comments are acceptable? It's a slippery slope, better to just put the juvenile fools in their place.

Actually these forums are censored all the time. And this post and yours are in violation of the TOS for even discussing the censorship - so expect this post to disappear shortly.

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All the publicity regarding foreigners who come to thailand and engage in illegal sexual practices .when we all know Thailand is no different to any other country in having the majority of sex crimes against minors by those who are closest to them and the ones they trust the most,namely FAMILY

And what has that got to do with the price of potatoes?

If foreigners come and engage in evil crimes, then of course both the Thai and foreign governments, agencies, media and anyone possible should bring them to justice. Just because that's a tiny part of "the problem" - is it really just one big monolithic problem? no - doesn't make it wrong to focus western resources on the westerners' tiny part in the problem, that's the only part they can do anything about, and in fact the only part they care about.

If many more Thais do the same to each other, then that's nobody's business but the Thais, the reality is few will care. And if western NGOs try to change that side of things they'll find they're pushing shit uphill.

But a lot of easy money to be fund-raised wrt these scandalicious topics, and the anti-sex Christians can use it to condemn the victimless full-consent-with-adults side of things at the same time, lumping everyone in all together.

But that's reality as it presents itself, live with it and stop whining.

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This is shocking and tragic. Worse, people who have been sexually assaulted often cannot form close bonds with others, and so are damaged in a way that is difficult to repair, and made lonely for life. In cases of incestuous assaults, many suicide later from self-loathing, or fall into trauma induced dementia.

These kinds of attacks kill people, or leave them walking wounded. Experts can teach coping skills in controlling the emotional swings, but it's something most people cannot recover from. A very small number of people are called emotionally indestructible, and have only short term agonies, but most have their life stunted, and some are actually killed by the event long afterwards.

I wish I didn't know this first-hand.

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This is shocking and tragic. Worse, people who have been sexually assaulted often cannot form close bonds with others, and so are damaged in a way that is difficult to repair, and made lonely for life. In cases of incestuous assaults, many suicide later from self-loathing, or fall into trauma induced dementia.

These kinds of attacks kill people, or leave them walking wounded. Experts can teach coping skills in controlling the emotional swings, but it's something most people cannot recover from. A very small number of people are called emotionally indestructible, and have only short term agonies, but most have their life stunted, and some are actually killed by the event long afterwards.

I wish I didn't know this first-hand.

I think that the current increase in reports does not reflect an increase in 'activity', this is purely down to education and detection. For many many years (hundreds) I am sure young girls (and boys) have just been told, 'this is normal', within a family. The answer is continuing compassionate education, with a secure risk free environment to encourage abused children to come forward. Only then with severe publicly announced penalties will the situation change. In a country where a large majority of families sleep in one room the problem must actually be enourmous. A statistic of a 20% per year increase in abuse does not reflect the real situation, it is worse. Educate the children now!

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The number of incidents is not increasing. It's the numbers of those willing to come forward to articulate their abuse.

YES! So true, and long may youngsters be encouraged to come forward. But just imagine how hard that is when you are very young, powerless, intimidated, and one or more of your closest relations is/are the culprit(s).

A very experienced UK probation officer told me almost 20 years ago: "Daughters may give evidence against their fathers, but no-one has ever heard of any child giving evidence against their mother."

Last for now, this lead story is one of THE worst written and subbed stuff I've ever read in a newspaper which I otherwise respect. Get a grip you lot, or if you can't handle a sensitive topic, spike it!

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Anterian--2 lollypop sticks an a rubber band works wonders----also another cost saver is some starch---more painful is the old favourite a BEE sting. ask the doctor to take the sting out and leave the swelling.

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