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A Warning For Speeding Motorists

Jai Dee

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On Tuesday this week, I had the occasion to travel to Bangkok to visit the Embassy.

From Chonburi to Bangna I used the elevated tollway, as I find that the lack of heavy trucks and the wonderful view combine to make this an enjoyable trip.

On approaching the toll gates at Bangna, I was surprised to see 2 uniformed Policemen at every operating toll booth, and they were pulling a few drivers aside and issuing infringement notices.

I was waved through by the Police after they checked my vehicle licence number and I had paid my toll, but I stopped to ask one of the BIB what was happening.

He told me that they were having a blitz on speeding motorists, and were using the tollway camera system to do speed checks, then the vehicle licence numbers would be radiod to the Police at the toll booths so the offending drivers could be caught and fined.

It was happening on both sides of the expressway at the toll booths... both Bangna-bound and Chonburi-bound.

So... be warned... if you speed, you will be caught.

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On Tuesday this week, I had the occasion to travel to Bangkok to visit the Embassy.

From Chonburi to Bangna I used the elevated tollway, as I find that the lack of heavy trucks and the wonderful view combine to make this an enjoyable trip.

On approaching the toll gates at Bangna, I was surprised to see 2 uniformed Policemen at every operating toll booth, and they were pulling a few drivers aside and issuing infringement notices.

I was waved through by the Police after they checked my vehicle licence number  and I had paid my toll, but I stopped to ask one of the BIB what was happening.

He told me that they were having a blitz on speeding motorists, and were using the tollway camera system to do speed checks, then the vehicle licence numbers would be radiod to the Police at the toll booths so the offending drivers could be caught and fined.

It was happening on both sides of the expressway at the toll booths... both Bangna-bound and Chonburi-bound.

So... be warned... if you speed, you will be caught.

Speeding tickets given out on the Bangkok autobahn? Just out of curiousity, what is the speed limit on this road anyway?

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Just out of curiousity, what is the speed limit on this road anyway?

120 km/h is the signposted limit... although there are 80 illuminated signs on the expressway itself.

Tuky, 140 km/h will definitely get you an infringement notice.

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This is scam.

The cameras on the tollway are ordinary video and there is no way they can

be used for speed checking.

Unless they had a real speed check in operation, in which case they will be

able to tell you the exact speed, 142kph for Leith. :o

"You speeding" is not enough!!

I have never seen a sniff of a radar trap up there.

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Tuky, 140 km/h will definitely get you an infringement notice.

Luckily the old boy drives most of the time as I like to suck on a bottle of *chang* or two over such a vast distance, and you know how the old boy drives :o

However, get me behind the wheel (without the *chang*). :D

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If you travel in a pack than no matter what the speed was they can't just stop everyone - they are looking for those who drive above the average speed and overtake left and right.

It's the end of the month, the end of the year - what do you expect? Presents? Policemen need to finance their New Year parties, how can you blame them?

Legally, unless they produce documented evidence like actual videos, you have nothing to worry about, so if you decide to play a prick and drag it to the courts then go ahead, you have nothing to lose.

Give the guy his hundred baht note, wish him Happy New Year and be on your way - what could be more difficult?

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For the record there were over 40 Police in total involved in the operation, as far as I could see... at least 20 on each side on the expressway.

All were in contact with someone by radio, and they were writing down vehicle licence numbers then stopping them after the toll was paid.

I saw one driver offer a bribe, but it was refused and an infringement notice issued to him.

Scam? I don't think so... not with an operation of this size.

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They are using CCTV cameras and radars with a radio operator confirming the cars id. Also be careful along the Rama 9 elevated road just before the 40 Baht tollbooth about 1.5 Km before the radar is setup and they will get you at the tollgate. :o

Also on the Don Muang Tollway just after the international airport exit. They setup a radar there too. Usaully will get the offenders at the Rangsit toll. :D


Edited by ilyushin
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I don't think it's a "scam" - it's just the way the police stations make some money. One way or another they keep the proceeds. Maybe only 40% if everything is properly accounted for but nevertheless. They can collect more than a hundred baht if they look more official - with notices and forms, and the more people involved the merrier.

The worst case is if some big shot decides to show how everything is proper in his police district and there's no way you can weasel out of paying fines at the station itself. Maybe that is the case at the moment, Jai Dee.

Thanks for telling us, especially the size of the operation.

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I got busted for speeding on the Petchkasem Road in Chumporn province along with a long line of other cars. 100 baht and away you go again at previous rate of knotts. No probs!

Me too mate, a few contributions here are there can't hurt.

In the UK what's the fine, more than a few hundred Baht I'll bet.

In Japan $1,000US, and you have to write a letter saying how sorry you are!!!!

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Sounds like a rather primitive system for catching speeding drivers. Why don't they use the card system they hand out to calculate how long it took you to ge to the next booth?

The speed limit is indeed 80, slower than some of the traffic on Sukhumvit in some areas. :o

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It's 120 on expressways (and motorways and tollways). Usually you will get stuck behind some <deleted> somewhere along the way so your average speed will hardly be over the limit. Besides it's not about law enforcement, it's about making some money and "meeting targets".

I've seen those police on Don Muang Tollway just before the airport but I've never driven to Rangsit there so never had a problem.

Rama 9 is a news to me. Once I was stopped at the tollbooth there by a policeman who simply checked everyone's registration and insurance stickers. Clever guy - usually you can't read the stickers of moving cars but at the booth it's so easy, and you can operate it completely alone without any fancy equipment like radars and radios.

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Legally, unless they produce documented evidence like actual videos, you have nothing to worry about, so if you decide to play a prick and drag it to the courts then go ahead, you have nothing to lose.

Give the guy his hundred baht note, wish him Happy New Year and be on your way - what could be more difficult?

Pardon me? Is it playing a prick when I refuse to bribe someone who is trying to scam me?

Each to his own, but I'd like to take this occasion once again to advocate a little discussion with the policeman, ask for an evidence and you have a very good chance that he lets you go.

Watch out also for your road tax stickers, it is open season on motorists!

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Legally, unless they produce documented evidence like actual videos, you have nothing to worry about, so if you decide to play a prick and drag it to the courts then go ahead, you have nothing to lose.

I have never heard of a Traffic Court in Thailand.

As far as I know the police are judge and jury.

However they are expected to act within the law.

If you disagree you can take the ticket and go to the relevant police

station and take the matter up with the senior officer.

Generally they do not like "independant" stings by their officers

and will take action to stop it.

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I have never heard of Traffic court either but I suppose there are courts that will take issues related to traffic - there are jail sentences given when people are killed in road accidents, or drunk drivers cases.

Senior officers surely will not like it when people come to their doors complaining about this or that, but stopping "independent stings" altogether? That's what they live off. Even if traffic policemen don't bring a lot of money into the stations at least they can feed themselves and get out of the way of really big business like "protection","licensing", and "concessions" money.

As for "prick" - sad to say but stirring a lot of "bribery" shit up for a hundred baht is not worth it, at least for me. I'm not the one to change Thai police ways - it's their country and I obide their rules like everyone else.

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The speed limit on the airport expressway is only 80-90 km/h. I've been busted a couple of times for speed along there. The first time I was doing well over 140, so no complaints. The second time I was only doing about 120 and I was still stopped. I told them I was only doing 120 but the kind officer informed me that the speed limit was 80-90km/h. So be warned. Like others have said its only 100 baht 'fine' or else you forfeit your license to them plus fine.

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I think 120km/h speed limit is only for motorway, believe it's 80km/h for the city expressways. They are erecting more and more speed limit signs in the city expressways lately and they all show 80km/h as the speed limit. However, part of the Don Muang toll way speed limit is 60km/h beyond the airport.

I've seen police using speed gun on Don Muang tollway at Chaengwattana exit ramp many times on my commute to work. I was once pulled over on Don Muang expressway at the toll booth after the airport for only 107km/h (according to the police).

Edited by Nordlys
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I take it every morning inbound and usually drive at 140 until I reach the airport and traffic starts - no problem whatsoever. The electric boards on that tollway appear in the airport vicinity and usually display 80kmh and I think they override the general speed limit.

Today I saw a taxi ignoring "right only" sign, driving straight and cutting left right under police noses. I saw a policeman talking to someone on walkie-talkie but nothing happened - I followed the taxi for at least two km. Yesterday I saw an ordinary looking pickup driving in u-turn lane and then cutting left in the last moment. Policeman helping with u-turns immediately ran to pull him over but the guy just cut through two more lanes to extreme left and sped away. About a year ago I saw Toyota Wish making an illegal u-turn right in front of the police booth. One policeman jumped out flapping his arms like a bird but Wish just stepped on gas and dissappeared. Then there was a Benz who cut into the left, too. The policeman actually managed to stop him but, as soon as he walked to the side to talk to the driver the Benz drove off.

So much for law enforcment. I shouldpost this in Driving habits thread, too.

"Don't try this at home", as they say.

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The speed limit on the airport expressway is only 80-90 km/h. I've been busted a couple of times for speed along there. The first time I was doing well over 140, so no complaints. The second time I was only doing about 120 and I was still stopped. I told them I was only doing 120 but the kind officer informed me that the speed limit was 80-90km/h. So be warned. Like others have said its only 100 baht 'fine' or else you forfeit your license to them plus fine.

...and you bought the story with those 80-90 kmph? Is it rather 80 or 90 or...? Actually, if you insist on a ticket, chances are that they let you go! Own experience, I never bribe them! :o

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If anyone thinks there are no police hiding in the bushes with radar guns you are mistaken. Also if you think traveling in a pack will be safe, think again. I have seen and been pulled over in packs of 20 or 30 vehicles. It takes forever for them to get to you so as well as getting caught it will cost you much more time than you saved by speeding. If you are in the passing lane for a long period of time you are likely to be pulled over too. You have no defence even if you are innocent. I have been passed by a pack of cars and when the police were pulling them over I was waved on.

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Passing lane is a good one - we don't have those in Bangkok, or on the motorway to Chonburi but once the motorway is over there are policemen waiting to stop people who continue driving in the right lane - it's illegal on those roads. Thay call them local roads or something, unlike major roads where this rule doesn't apply.

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The speed limit on the airport expressway is only 80-90 km/h. I've been busted a couple of times for speed along there. The first time I was doing well over 140, so no complaints. The second time I was only doing about 120 and I was still stopped. I told them I was only doing 120 but the kind officer informed me that the speed limit was 80-90km/h. So be warned. Like others have said its only 100 baht 'fine' or else you forfeit your license to them plus fine.

...and you bought the story with those 80-90 kmph? Is it rather 80 or 90 or...? Actually, if you insist on a ticket, chances are that they let you go! Own experience, I never bribe them! :o

At the time I wanted the policeman to issue me a ticket too because I thought the whole thing was a load of <deleted>. However the policeman also wanted me to forfeit my drivers license which would be returned to me once I pay the fine. This would have been a major inconvenience thus the 'spot' fine.

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The speed limit on the airport expressway is only 80-90 km/h. I've been busted a couple of times for speed along there. The first time I was doing well over 140, so no complaints. The second time I was only doing about 120 and I was still stopped. I told them I was only doing 120 but the kind officer informed me that the speed limit was 80-90km/h. So be warned. Like others have said its only 100 baht 'fine' or else you forfeit your license to them plus fine.

...and you bought the story with those 80-90 kmph? Is it rather 80 or 90 or...? Actually, if you insist on a ticket, chances are that they let you go! Own experience, I never bribe them! :o

At the time I wanted the policeman to issue me a ticket too because I thought the whole thing was a load of <deleted>. However the policeman also wanted me to forfeit my drivers license which would be returned to me once I pay the fine. This would have been a major inconvenience thus the 'spot' fine.

..and this is part of the gamble. The correct answer is here: "The police station Nakorn Nowhere? Fantastic! My brother-in-law lives there and we are going to visit him next weekend. And I'm sure you have the picture from the radar cam there when I pay my fine?" That one always worked... :D

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I assume you speak fluent Thai to be able to tell the police that story. So if you speak fluent Thai and they take your driver's license how will you get it back without going to Nakorn Nowhere? :o

..and this is part of the gamble. The correct answer is here: "The police station Nakorn Nowhere? Fantastic! My brother-in-law lives there and we are going to visit him next weekend. And I'm sure you have the picture from the radar cam there when I pay my fine?" That one always worked... :D

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