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Why Do Most Female Expats Dress Like Hippies.


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I have yet in almost 10 years here to see a western expat woman fixed up a bit while out, they mostly always look disheveled and unkempt which gives off a bad impression of shear laziness but I guess that's what has brought many here in the first place away from that sort of "could careless how I look take me or leave me the way I am" attitude that most western women have.

I see them all the time. Where have you been hanging out the past 10 years, Walking Street?

Actually no, never been, not even once, being a family man I have higher standards I guess thank you.. But yes downtown and in other more higher end establishments and foreigner frequented areas I still have never seen any thank you..

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I have yet in almost 10 years here to see a western expat woman fixed up a bit while out, they mostly always look disheveled and unkempt which gives off a bad impression of shear laziness but I guess that's what has brought many here in the first place away from that sort of "could careless how I look take me or leave me the way I am" attitude that most western women have.

Well, shouldn't you take these Western ladies as they are? why would you want to take them as someone else?

Many of the replies I see here are from men whom I'd imagine are unable to find success in a relationship in their homelands and have found solace in the fact that their sexists and bigoted opinions are tolerated by someone with limited life choice.

So why are you here then?? You have a real problem with reading what's actually in the post don't you?? Actually my reasons for being here are nothing even close to your presumption but keep trying won't you??

And how do you presume to know what my missus life choices were or are? What a presumptuous twit..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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I know several Western girls living here who compare pretty well with the locals in terms of looks and obliterate them in terms of fashion sense. Granted, they're not out there in large numbers but then again, neither are well-groomed, physically-fit Western men who can carry off contemporary fashion.

As far as Western women being unable to compete effectively with the local gals for Western male attention, why on earth would they want to? Have you seen the state of the majority of these jokers?

Very true - It should be compulsory for people making such posts in threads like these to accompany their comments with a photo of themselves.

Lead the way!!!

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Well, shouldn't you take these Western ladies as they are? why would you want to take them as someone else?

Many of the replies I see here are from men whom I'd imagine are unable to find success in a relationship in their homelands and have found solace in the fact that their sexists and bigoted opinions are tolerated by someone with limited life choice.

And quite predictable, whenever there is even the slightest critical remark on Western women, immediatly the pussy-whipped White Knights jump into defense.

No, I won't comment about your success with women in your homeland. But I have quite a clear image.

clap2.gif But then push aside the hypocrisy of why they're here in the first place..

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Well, shouldn't you take these Western ladies as they are? why would you want to take them as someone else?

Many of the replies I see here are from men whom I'd imagine are unable to find success in a relationship in their homelands and have found solace in the fact that their sexists and bigoted opinions are tolerated by someone with limited life choice.

And quite predictable, whenever there is even the slightest critical remark on Western women, immediatly the pussy-whipped White Knights jump into defense.

No, I won't comment about your success with women in your homeland. But I have quite a clear image.

Rather a somewhat childish attempt at getting personal there GreenSnapper...

Respecting a lady by no means makes a pussy-whipped man. It does however establish those not intimidated by a lady of equality.

Please read my comments again. Rather than a defense of women, they are an attack on the opinions of some of the more bigoted posters.

Gee, here I was thinking respect was earned not instantly granted. I respect the lady that takes of herself and displays that with confidently dressing in a way that shows she respects herself too..

And I guess your response in which he referred to was in no way an attack on another posters opinion was it? It wasn't bigoted either, it is more grounded and realistic then your blinkered and denial perspective..

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I have yet in almost 10 years here to see a western expat woman fixed up a bit while out, they mostly always look disheveled and unkempt which gives off a bad impression of shear laziness but I guess that's what has brought many here in the first place away from that sort of "could careless how I look take me or leave me the way I am" attitude that most western women have.

Well, shouldn't you take these Western ladies as they are? why would you want to take them as someone else?

Many of the replies I see here are from men whom I'd imagine are unable to find success in a relationship in their homelands and have found solace in the fact that their sexists and bigoted opinions are tolerated by someone with limited life choice.

So why are you here then?? You have a real problem with reading what's actually in the post don't you?? Actually my reasons for being here are nothing even close to your presumption but keep trying won't you??

And how do you presume to know what my missus life choices were or are? What a presumptuous twit..

Have to agree.

Why is it that some people presume about our relationships in our home country and also to think we cannot have any?

Currently I am in the UK and I see so many huge lumps of lard walking around, I would not want any of them, nothing to do with if they want me or if I am capable of a relationship or not.

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Probably for the same reason that many of you like to presume about others. The terms pot, kettle black spring to mind in this thread. My misogyny limit has been reached.


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