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Eight Red-Shirt Leaders In Khon Kaen Jailed And Fined Bt29 Million


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There goes another 29 MB. This government will fund a project so they can skim 29MB from the treasury.

I'm with the impression that it was more a situation of the 29 million going to Bangkok Bank for restitution for the damage repair.

Additionally, contrary to the OP's title, these 8 guys weren't "Leaders" and I'd be surprised if they had 29 baht amongst them, let alone 29 million, so the money aspect is moot.

Bangkok Bank customers will end up footing the bill for rehabilitating the destroyed building.

Confirmation of my impression... sucks to be a customer and have to pay for the miscreants actions.

One was ordered to pay Bt8.3 million to the bank, one to pay Bt1.8 million, three to pay Bt5.3 million each and three to pay Bt3.5 million each.

Edited by Buchholz
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The Appeals Court said it decided not to suspend the sentences because the crime could be copied in the future and

that would cause confusion in society and possibly harm to innocent people.

a quite reasonable presumption

Dozens of fellow red shirts attended the session but no leaders were spotted.

Not surprising that they are abandoned by their leaders... it's been that way since the Red Shirts were formed.


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Never let it be said that Thai justice is not delivered swift and sure... drunk.gif

Look what happened in comparison with the guys who torched CentralWorld in BKK.

Posted 2011-12-01 16:14:09

Six Sentenced to Jail in Red-shirt Unrest Case

Bangkok's South Criminal Court has handed down a six-month prison sentence to six red-shirt defendants for violating the Emergency Decree but dropped the charges of arson and looting of the Central World shopping mall during last year's unrest.

Bangkok's South Criminal Court has handed down a six-month prison sentence to each of the six red-shirt defendants charged with robbery, resisting arrest, looting and arson at the Central World shopping mall in Bangkok during last year's unrest on May 19.

The defendants were also charged with illegal possession of firearms and violation of the Emergency Decree for organizing unlawful assembly of three or more people and obstruction of justice.

The court dropped most charges even though the defendants were arrested at the crime scene because the prosecutor has failed to produce evidence showing that they have committed the crimes as accused.

Also, no stolen items were found on them except for some cellphone batteries and a mobile phone recovered from one of the defendants who was a security guard of the shopping mall.

The court has also ruled that there is no evidence showing that the M-60 ammunition found at the scene actually belonged to the defendants.

However, they were still found guilty of violating the Emergency Decree and sentenced to a one-year jail term.

The sentence was commuted to six months because they pleaded guilty. [Other articles said they were freed upon the court's ruling because they had already served six months in custody by the time their case was concluded].

Meanwhile, the security guard was handed down three years and six months in jail sentence for theft. Other charges against him were dismissed.


-- Tan Network 2011-12-01

Oh dear, they didn't torch centralworld, thats the point.

Of course they didn't tourch Central World. The tooth fariy did it. Or maybe it was spontaneous combustion. Happens all the time.

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There goes another 29 MB. This government will fund a project so they can skim 29MB from the treasury.

I'm with the impression that it was more a situation of the 29 million going to Bangkok Bank for restitution for the damage repair.

Additionally, contrary to the OP's title, these 8 guys weren't "Leaders" and I'd be surprised if they had 29 baht amongst them, let alone 29 million, so the money aspect is moot.

Bangkok Bank customers will end up footing the bill for rehabilitating the destroyed building.


Obviously you are another TV critic who lives in isolation in Khrung Thepp and know nothing of the provinces and provincial people.

FACTS: (Eye witness facts).

1. The building was not destroyed

2. There was not extensive damage, only cosmetic damage to facias, screens and keypads of some of a bank of ATM/Paassbook update etc. machines.

3. I was able to use the bank two days after the attack. I probably could have used it the day after, but didn't need to do any transactions!

Inflamatory comments/criticism of provincial people, whatever their shirt colour, is unecessary and just brings down what SHOULD be an excellent forum.

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I have to agree, I was wondering which bangkok bank got torched in kkc at that time because I didny see or hear of any such thing

Now city hall did get torched, what is that worth?

There goes another 29 MB. This government will fund a project so they can skim 29MB from the treasury.

I'm with the impression that it was more a situation of the 29 million going to Bangkok Bank for restitution for the damage repair.

Additionally, contrary to the OP's title, these 8 guys weren't "Leaders" and I'd be surprised if they had 29 baht amongst them, let alone 29 million, so the money aspect is moot.

Bangkok Bank customers will end up footing the bill for rehabilitating the destroyed building.


Obviously you are another TV critic who lives in isolation in Khrung Thepp and know nothing of the provinces and provincial people.

FACTS: (Eye witness facts).

1. The building was not destroyed

2. There was not extensive damage, only cosmetic damage to facias, screens and keypads of some of a bank of ATM/Paassbook update etc. machines.

3. I was able to use the bank two days after the attack. I probably could have used it the day after, but didn't need to do any transactions!

Inflamatory comments/criticism of provincial people, whatever their shirt colour, is unecessary and just brings down what SHOULD be an excellent forum.

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I have to agree, I was wondering which bangkok bank got torched in kkc at that time because I didny see or hear of any such thing

Now city hall did get torched, what is that worth?

There goes another 29 MB. This government will fund a project so they can skim 29MB from the treasury.

I'm with the impression that it was more a situation of the 29 million going to Bangkok Bank for restitution for the damage repair.

Additionally, contrary to the OP's title, these 8 guys weren't "Leaders" and I'd be surprised if they had 29 baht amongst them, let alone 29 million, so the money aspect is moot.

Bangkok Bank customers will end up footing the bill for rehabilitating the destroyed building.


Obviously you are another TV critic who lives in isolation in Khrung Thepp and know nothing of the provinces and provincial people.

FACTS: (Eye witness facts).

1. The building was not destroyed

2. There was not extensive damage, only cosmetic damage to facias, screens and keypads of some of a bank of ATM/Paassbook update etc. machines.

3. I was able to use the bank two days after the attack. I probably could have used it the day after, but didn't need to do any transactions!

Inflamatory comments/criticism of provincial people, whatever their shirt colour, is unecessary and just brings down what SHOULD be an excellent forum.

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Oh dear, they didn't torch centralworld, thats the point.

Funny, that is what the article says...

Actually the article says that it couldn't be proven that they torched Central World, which actually spontaneously combusted as per the red shirts amazingly accurate prediction, along with quite a few other buildings in BKK, not necessarily predicted.

The red shirts were actually window shopping before the conflagration working out how the best way to spend their attendance money.

To avoid the risk of going further off topic I would recommend that you and your "likees" do a bit more investigation and reading on a seperate case of two suspects who were the suspects pinned by the prosecution as the people who set fire to centralworld. As the case went on, despite supposed "star" eyewitnesses (who subsequently couldn't identify the "accused") it gradually fell apart - I have not seen anything since regarding the "prosecution of those two people.

For example there are 18 pages here


discussing amongst other things the trial star witnesses turning out to be anything but. The story fades away after the last update about one of the "star witnesses" admitted signing his approval of the police charges of arson without looking at them.

To my knowledge there have been no more suspects or charges with regard to the setting fire of Central World.

But don't let that get in the way of your allegations.

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Ruling says reds must do time

The Nation

KHON KAEN: -- The Khon Kaen Appeals Court yesterday reversed suspended jail sentences for eight red-shirt protesters who burned a Bangkok Bank branch in the northeastern province during the political mayhem of 2010.

The Criminal Court had suspended the one- and two-year jail terms for the eight defendants due to their confessions and the fact that they had been misled during the political turmoil to commit the arson attack.


-- The Nation 2012-03-16

I wonder if anyone has any idea who on earth could have been so mean spirited as to misled these people to commit the arson attack?

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Oh dear, they didn't torch centralworld, thats the point.

Funny, that is what the article says...

Actually the article says that it couldn't be proven that they torched Central World, which actually spontaneously combusted as per the red shirts amazingly accurate prediction, along with quite a few other buildings in BKK, not necessarily predicted.

The red shirts were actually window shopping before the conflagration working out how the best way to spend their attendance money.

To avoid the risk of going further off topic I would recommend that you and your "likees" do a bit more investigation and reading on a seperate case of two suspects who were the suspects pinned by the prosecution as the people who set fire to centralworld. As the case went on, despite supposed "star" eyewitnesses (who subsequently couldn't identify the "accused") it gradually fell apart - I have not seen anything since regarding the "prosecution of those two people.

For example there are 18 pages here


discussing amongst other things the trial star witnesses turning out to be anything but. The story fades away after the last update about one of the "star witnesses" admitted signing his approval of the police charges of arson without looking at them.

To my knowledge there have been no more suspects or charges with regard to the setting fire of Central World.

But don't let that get in the way of your allegations.

Can anyone think of any other cases in Thailand where the "star witnesses" forgot what they saw or changed their story? DPM Chalerm's son comes to mind. And to my knowledge there have been no more suspects or charges with regard to the policeman's death that night.

Sorry Phip your rebuttal is as full of holes as swiss cheese.

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There goes another 29 MB. This government will fund a project so they can skim 29MB from the treasury.

I'm with the impression that it was more a situation of the 29 million going to Bangkok Bank for restitution for the damage repair.

Additionally, contrary to the OP's title, these 8 guys weren't "Leaders" and I'd be surprised if they had 29 baht amongst them, let alone 29 million, so the money aspect is moot.

Bangkok Bank customers will end up footing the bill for rehabilitating the destroyed building.

Obviously you are another TV critic who lives in isolation in Khrung Thepp

FACTS: (Eye witness facts).

1. The building was not destroyed

2. There was not extensive damage, only cosmetic damage to facias, screens and keypads of some of a bank of ATM/Paassbook update etc. machines.

3. I was able to use the bank two days after the attack. I probably could have used it the day after, but didn't need to do any transactions!

Inflamatory comments/criticism of provincial people, whatever their shirt colour, is unecessary

Thank you for your additional information as there is not much information and no photos available on this specific arson committed by the Red Shirts.

Given the large amount of financial restitution awarded to Bangkok Bank, the large amount of damage to other targets in Khon Kaen that are documented such as the Provincial Hall by arsonist Red Shirts, as well as the large amount of other targets destroyed by Red Shirt arsonists in many other provinces and Bangkok, led me to believe there was extensive damage done by the Red Shirt arsonists to the Bangkok Bank in Khon Kaen. Thanks for clarifying that in this specific criminal case that the damage by Red Shirt arsonists committed was not extensive.

btw, None of my comments were critical of "provincial people", only convicted Red Shirt arsonists. Sorry if my criticisms of them disturbed you

btwII, I don't live in Bangkok.


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To avoid the risk of going further off topic I would recommend that you and your "likees" do a bit more investigation and reading on a seperate case of two suspects who were the suspects pinned by the prosecution as the people who set fire to centralworld. As the case went on, despite supposed "star" eyewitnesses (who subsequently couldn't identify the "accused") it gradually fell apart - I have not seen anything since regarding the "prosecution of those two people.

For example there are 18 pages here


discussing amongst other things the trial star witnesses turning out to be anything but. The story fades away after the last update about one of the "star witnesses" admitted signing his approval of the police charges of arson without looking at them.

To my knowledge there have been no more suspects or charges with regard to the setting fire of Central World.

But don't let that get in the way of your allegations.

Can anyone think of any other cases in Thailand where the "star witnesses" forgot what they saw or changed their story? DPM Chalerm's son comes to mind. And to my knowledge there have been no more suspects or charges with regard to the policeman's death that night.

Sorry Phip your rebuttal is as full of holes as swiss cheese.

What you seem to forget is that these are the very same "untouchable" Judges that were praised to the hilt during the tenure of abhisit.

Just once, think outside of the very narrow viewpoint you hold and accept that these two guys were caught in the wrong place at the wrong time and the prosecutors tried to make a very serious charge stick - remember these two guys could be spending a very long time in jail just to please an ex government that were determined to find red shirts guilty for burning down centralworld, any red shirts.

Read the link to the TV discussions I provided and try to do it with an open mind and not just kneejerk post to please the masses.

Edited by phiphidon
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They violated the law but they did nothing wrong.

What happens if they can't pay the fines?

The court seizes your assets and liquidates them.

Glad to see they didn't get off the charges. However, the jail terms seem too short.

Edited by MaiChai
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There is plenty of evidence that red shirts burned down a number of buildings. There just isn't enough evidence to convict individuals.

Oh ... unless they were all fake reds.

I seem to recall Buchholz stating all were innocent until legal process proved otherwise...... I think in connection with the drug deaths.......you disagree?

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They violated the law but they did nothing wrong.

What happens if they can't pay the fines?

The court seizes your assets and liquidates them.

Glad to see they didn't get off the charges. However, the jail terms seem too short.

But it does at least send out the right message, as stated previously the legal process in Thailand encourages a guilty plea in return for a lesser sentence

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There is plenty of evidence that red shirts burned down a number of buildings. There just isn't enough evidence to convict individuals.

Oh ... unless they were all fake reds.

I seem to recall Buchholz stating all were innocent until legal process proved otherwise...... I think in connection with the drug deaths.......you disagree?

Everyone is innocent. It didn't happen.

edit: In the same vain ... the army didn't kill anyone.

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To avoid the risk of going further off topic I would recommend that you and your "likees" do a bit more investigation and reading on a seperate case of two suspects who were the suspects pinned by the prosecution as the people who set fire to centralworld. As the case went on, despite supposed "star" eyewitnesses (who subsequently couldn't identify the "accused") it gradually fell apart - I have not seen anything since regarding the "prosecution of those two people.

For example there are 18 pages here


discussing amongst other things the trial star witnesses turning out to be anything but. The story fades away after the last update about one of the "star witnesses" admitted signing his approval of the police charges of arson without looking at them.

To my knowledge there have been no more suspects or charges with regard to the setting fire of Central World.

But don't let that get in the way of your allegations.

Can anyone think of any other cases in Thailand where the "star witnesses" forgot what they saw or changed their story? DPM Chalerm's son comes to mind. And to my knowledge there have been no more suspects or charges with regard to the policeman's death that night.

Sorry Phip your rebuttal is as full of holes as swiss cheese.

What you seem to forget is that these are the very same "untouchable" Judges that were praised to the hilt during the tenure of abhisit.

Just once, think outside of the very narrow viewpoint you hold and accept that these two guys were caught in the wrong place at the wrong time and the prosecutors tried to make a very serious charge stick - remember these two guys could be spending a very long time in jail just to please an ex government that were determined to find red shirts guilty for burning down centralworld, any red shirts.

Read the link to the TV discussions I provided and try to do it with an open mind and not just kneejerk post to please the masses.

If these guys are innocent then I agree they should go free. The important things to remember are that the reds tourched the city halls of three provinces. This is an undeniable fact. Arisman stood on the red stage advocating buring a laundry list of different buildings and establishments in Bangkok which included shopping centers. Also there was one farang who advocated doing the same. These people at the rally were totally engulfed by emotion and finally hatred toward the ruling government. Then a shopping center was torched next door to the red shirt rally site.

Maybe these two guys did not start the fire but someone did. Common sense tells us that the red shirts had the motive and the means and their counter parts did the same thing with the city halls.

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To avoid the risk of going further off topic I would recommend that you and your "likees" do a bit more investigation and reading on a seperate case of two suspects who were the suspects pinned by the prosecution as the people who set fire to centralworld. As the case went on, despite supposed "star" eyewitnesses (who subsequently couldn't identify the "accused") it gradually fell apart - I have not seen anything since regarding the "prosecution of those two people.

For example there are 18 pages here


discussing amongst other things the trial star witnesses turning out to be anything but. The story fades away after the last update about one of the "star witnesses" admitted signing his approval of the police charges of arson without looking at them.

To my knowledge there have been no more suspects or charges with regard to the setting fire of Central World.

But don't let that get in the way of your allegations.

Can anyone think of any other cases in Thailand where the "star witnesses" forgot what they saw or changed their story? DPM Chalerm's son comes to mind. And to my knowledge there have been no more suspects or charges with regard to the policeman's death that night.

Sorry Phip your rebuttal is as full of holes as swiss cheese.

What you seem to forget is that these are the very same "untouchable" Judges that were praised to the hilt during the tenure of abhisit.

Just once, think outside of the very narrow viewpoint you hold and accept that these two guys were caught in the wrong place at the wrong time and the prosecutors tried to make a very serious charge stick - remember these two guys could be spending a very long time in jail just to please an ex government that were determined to find red shirts guilty for burning down centralworld, any red shirts.

Read the link to the TV discussions I provided and try to do it with an open mind and not just kneejerk post to please the masses.

If these guys are innocent then I agree they should go free. The important things to remember are that the reds tourched the city halls of three provinces. This is an undeniable fact. Arisman stood on the red stage advocating buring a laundry list of different buildings and establishments in Bangkok which included shopping centers. Also there was one farang who advocated doing the same. These people at the rally were totally engulfed by emotion and finally hatred toward the ruling government. Then a shopping center was torched next door to the red shirt rally site.

Maybe these two guys did not start the fire but someone did. Common sense tells us that the red shirts had the motive and the means and their counter parts did the same thing with the city halls.

Torching central world was not easy. It is not clear that regular protesters would have the means to set the building on fire. Don't misunderstand, start fires inside, sure, but buildings like that are extremely difficult to light up and burn the way it did. Whoever set it on fire needed to know what they were doing.

But Suthep predicted before the protest began that buildings would be burnt in BKK. Amazing crystal ball he has.

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Torching central world was not easy. It is not clear that regular protesters would have the means to set the building on fire. Don't misunderstand, start fires inside, sure, but buildings like that are extremely difficult to light up and burn the way it did. Whoever set it on fire needed to know what they were doing.

But Suthep predicted before the protest began that buildings would be burnt in BKK. Amazing crystal ball he has.

You may want to clarify that, because it looks as if you are peddling the monumental BS that Suthep staged the burning of the buildings in Bangkok.

In any case, there was no need for a crystal ball to know that mass arsonism was to be expected, Red Shirt leaders threatened to do so from the stage in front of thousands of cheering idiots. Or are we to forget that inconvenient fact?

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They violated the law but they did nothing wrong.

What happens if they can't pay the fines?

The court seizes your assets and liquidates them.

Glad to see they didn't get off the charges. However, the jail terms seem too short.

That seems obvious. But have they GOT those sort of assets? These aren't the paid agitators, they are just the mugs who did the dirty work.

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Torching central world was not easy. It is not clear that regular protesters would have the means to set the building on fire. Don't misunderstand, start fires inside, sure, but buildings like that are extremely difficult to light up and burn the way it did. Whoever set it on fire needed to know what they were doing.

But Suthep predicted before the protest began that buildings would be burnt in BKK. Amazing crystal ball he has.

You may want to clarify that, because it looks as if you are peddling the monumental BS that Suthep staged the burning of the buildings in Bangkok.

In any case, there was no need for a crystal ball to know that mass arsonism was to be expected, Red Shirt leaders threatened to do so from the stage in front of thousands of cheering idiots. Or are we to forget that inconvenient fact?

My friend A reports to me that some idiot named B has been boasting that he will burn my house down. When I come home and find my house burning, with B standing around watching, any logical person would know that that bastard A did it.

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I wonder what fine the yellow shirts got for closing down the airport and costing the country BILLIONS. None yet? Again the bias is showing. I believe only recently has anyone done anything about them. The democrats certainly didn't do anything about them. Now that was REAL damage.

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Torching central world was not easy. It is not clear that regular protesters would have the means to set the building on fire. Don't misunderstand, start fires inside, sure, but buildings like that are extremely difficult to light up and burn the way it did. Whoever set it on fire needed to know what they were doing.

What are you basing your assertions on?



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Torching central world was not easy. It is not clear that regular protesters would have the means to set the building on fire. Don't misunderstand, start fires inside, sure, but buildings like that are extremely difficult to light up and burn the way it did. Whoever set it on fire needed to know what they were doing.

But Suthep predicted before the protest began that buildings would be burnt in BKK. Amazing crystal ball he has.

You may want to clarify that, because it looks as if you are peddling the monumental BS that Suthep staged the burning of the buildings in Bangkok.

In any case, there was no need for a crystal ball to know that mass arsonism was to be expected, Red Shirt leaders threatened to do so from the stage in front of thousands of cheering idiots. Or are we to forget that inconvenient fact?

My friend A reports to me that some idiot named B has been boasting that he will burn my house down. When I come home and find my house burning, with B standing around watching, any logical person would know that that bastard A did it.

From my experience it always seems to be the consonants. 'B" did it! "A" reported some idiot burned the house. You came home with the house burning and the criminal consonant standing by. Unless they were in conjuction(And but and or, will get you pretty far).http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZqI5b5wGA4 with another structured sentence the crime has been solved. Det. Jim Beamhappy.png

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I wonder what fine the yellow shirts got for closing down the airport and costing the country BILLIONS. None yet? Again the bias is showing. I believe only recently has anyone done anything about them. The democrats certainly didn't do anything about them. Now that was REAL damage.

I think you should read more news.

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Torching central world was not easy. It is not clear that regular protesters would have the means to set the building on fire. Don't misunderstand, start fires inside, sure, but buildings like that are extremely difficult to light up and burn the way it did. Whoever set it on fire needed to know what they were doing.

What are you basing your assertions on?



Its called the "retard defense" - It couldn't have been me judge, I'm too stupid.

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Torching central world was not easy. It is not clear that regular protesters would have the means to set the building on fire. Don't misunderstand, start fires inside, sure, but buildings like that are extremely difficult to light up and burn the way it did. Whoever set it on fire needed to know what they were doing.

What are you basing your assertions on?



Its called the "retard defense" - It couldn't have been me judge, I'm too stupid.


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