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Bangkok To Bolivia


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hello, folks...I wanna suss out the expense and hassle for the subject journey...some folks here have probably flown direct to Buenos Aires, Lima, Peru or Santiago in Chile...what can one expect with regard to cost and travel time? (to travel next week)

I saw something on the wego.com website that advised thb260k and a 40 hour journey...unbelievable...and I got high blood pressure an' diabetes and can barely walk...

my estranged sister she sez: 'I'm goin' down to clean up our mother's grave and if you don't present yerself accordingly then you shall remain an irresponsible, disrespectful, self centered and monstrous POS...'

now, we all know that tutsi is neither so please help me to find a flight with a reasonable cost and travel time...(tutsi whimpers and thinks about the death of Ratzo Rizzo in the back of the bus in the film Midnight Cowboy...)

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35 to 40hrs with several stops seems to be the time it takes. That sucks, particularly in your condition.

Prices though are 100k bahtish one way.


Are you sure you would rather not just be a bastard? If you ignore family eventually they go away I find.

Edit, that was for La Paz. The puddle jump to Cochamba adds 30 hrs and doubles the price! Eeeek!

Must be cheaper and simpler to get that flight once in country.

Edited by necronx99
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egad...a major expense and a threat to my health...well, me mum is dead an' she don't care too much and the food in Bolivia ain't much to speak of...but it would be nice to see my jolly friends Oto (Octavio) and Orlando and to quaff a few Taquina cervezas...and I am still held in high regard by respectable folks in Cochabamba, Colcapirua and Quillacollo...the quechua/spanish language barrier notwithstanding...

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35 to 40hrs with several stops seems to be the time it takes. That sucks, particularly in your condition.

Prices though are 100k bahtish one way.


Are you sure you would rather not just be a bastard? If you ignore family eventually they go away I find.

Edit, that was for La Paz. The puddle jump to Cochamba adds 30 hrs and doubles the price! Eeeek!

Must be cheaper and simpler to get that flight once in country.

well...there is a bus service that I took in 1965 from La Paz to CBBA across the Altiplano and there is also a train line; me cousin got caught in a derailment and broke his leg and he managed to crawl over to the bar car and drink whiskey until the rescuers came...typical boliviano sangfroid...

better to enter Bolivia from the east, Santa Cruz that has a better airport and more frequent flights to CBBA...

years ago at the old Santa Cruz airport tutsi was in despair waiting to attend his mother's funeral as she had died in a horrible accident...and he watched as animals on the hoof were dragged into the airport kitchen and then heard the sounds of slaughter with no forgiveness or mercy...a realisation of casual brutality never to be forgotten...

I never did like Santa Cruz much but they sure do have a good time during Carnaval...in the mideaval highlands we considered them to be coarse and brutish...but them camba/cruzena girls sure were pretty...

and then after I had mentioned the classic 'camba girl' observation me girlfriend whose family had been in CBBA since the spaniards got into my face and said: 'am I not pretty enough fer you?...'...she was insane and later wanted to have me killed...and she had the softest and most fragrant skin...

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yeah...when I went, we went La Paz - Oruro - CBBA but that was years ago...useta be to get to Sucre ye had to go through CBBA first...nice place down there I've heard but never been there meself...further south in Tarija they're supposed to be more libertine than in Santa Cruz and they got the best wine...country girls bathing in the local big river and etc...

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From here getting to South America or Central America is a long journey. I looked about a year ago and the best options I saw was to fly through Holland, or fly to Florida, NY or LA,then get a connector. It seemed either way took some time but IIRC, breaking up the tickets was cheaper than getting an all in ticket but that was last year.

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yeah...the bolivian national airline Lloyd Aereo can be picked up in Miami but it is ridiculous to travel across the north american continent to back track to the west side of South America...when in the US I always traveled that way to Bolivia as it was the cheapest; direct from LA to La Paz was more than twice as much on Lufthansa...

oh well...Bolivia is a remote destination and travel will never be easy...a slow boat from Hong Kong would be easier...

thanks for all the suggestions...my sister can hire a guy at the cementario gate to clean our mother's grave and place flowers...she don't need me around...I hope that Oto and Orlando are OK, they were good buddies...

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Emirates or Singapore Airlines to Houston (IAH) and connect UA to La Paz, Bolivia - daily

UA to LAX and connect Avianca to La Paz

Singapore Airlines to Sao Paolo, Brazil and connect Avianca to La Paz

Japan Airlines to Tokyo, American to Dallas and Amercian to La Paz ( 92000 THB) Good luck

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I've been to Cochabamba, was back in 1994. I was a lot younger then and from what I remember of the buses, I wouldn't really look forward to the trip from La Paz (I understand you posting the movie clip) . Been on worse though.

One of the most surreal trips I have ever made was from Uyuni across the salt flat and down into Chile. Awesome.

Good luck with your trip.

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I have no clue on the journey but

"my estranged sister she sez: 'I'm goin' down to clean up our mother's grave and if you don't present yerself accordingly then you shall remain an irresponsible, disrespectful, self centered and monstrous POS...'

But considering your health issues it seems a but harsh for your sister to make such comments to you. Wonder what you think of her :) ?

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well, you know...tutsi wants to be all things to all people...and it's not my fault if my sister is impolite and would not care if her wastrel brother collapsed and died during his journey to Albion...

tombstone epitath: 'he did the best that he could do...under the circumstances...'

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Emirates or Singapore Airlines to Houston (IAH) and connect UA to La Paz, Bolivia - daily

UA to LAX and connect Avianca to La Paz

Singapore Airlines to Sao Paolo, Brazil and connect Avianca to La Paz

Japan Airlines to Tokyo, American to Dallas and Amercian to La Paz ( 92000 THB) Good luck

this sounds like a good one fer travelin'...a daily connection in Houston to La Paz and here's tutsi limping and struggling and then some cowboys rush up and say: 'easy there, old pardner an' let us hep ye...where are ye headed?...' tutsi with cowboy hat: 'just gettin around to checkin' the stock down Bolivia way and thanks so much fer yer help...'

and then tutsi's faith in the goodness of America is restored!

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Hi Tutsiewarrior,

Just checked my favorite website for booking flights, Skyscanner. One way (next week) is 104.000 baht to Cochabamba, 68 hours with stops at Seoul and Madrid. Roundtrip is a whopping 276.000 bht, 66,5 hours outbound and 46,5 hours homebound with stops at Frankfurt/Madrid and Santa Cruz/Madrid respectively.

Probably one of the most expensive routes you could come up with!

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thanks parbeau...I'm gonna give it a miss as it's too much like going to the Congo or such like...my sister can make all the representations and to clean our mother's grave...I'll hang in Thailand and a new job should be coming up soon so got's to prepare to mobilize...

thanks to everyone that has contributed...Bolivia is doable if you start from the US but forget it if traveling from Thailand...even with going first class all the way...sounds like a murderous journey...


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