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Where To Buy Fins/Flippers In Ubon Ratchatani?

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Does anyone know if that Sports shop in Sunnee Plaza (or anywhere else in Ubon) sells fins/flippers for snorkelling? They don't have to be too professional as I will mostly be using them for keeping me tight up against the deep end of my pool when I scrub its wallsbiggrin.png. It's much quicker and more effective than doing it with a long handled brush from above!

PS Any entreatments to buy an automatic pool cleaner that climbs the walls have been pre-envisaged; yes I will get round to that one day.

PPS Yes I know that Big C has what purports to be a sports and swimming section, but if it's anything like the Big C in SiSaket (and the other central department store in SS) it is clear that Thais use goggles but rarely use fins - ie they don't stock fins, not even kiddie play jobbies.


Yes, I have seen snorkeling gear in the sports shop on second floor of Sunee Tower. I just noticed it though, I didn't check prices or quality.


Yes, I have seen snorkeling gear in the sports shop on second floor of Sunee Tower. I just noticed it though, I didn't check prices or quality.


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