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The Thai Visa Clique


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Merry christmas everybody

The Merry Christmas Clique........ :D


How about all them in the "Rain" clique... :o

Yeah , whats the deal with that ?

Is it raining ? Who wants to know ?? Oh yeah it's raining ? Over here it's raining even more , you loser :D

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Must have cliqued the wrong button then, soz.....


Well said Father :D:D

See ?

Look at my avatar, I don't see a great deal fella.

Me and the Brit are gonna have to forward a motion to get this drinkin clique to the top of the clique pile though.

Can you help Dr PP or am I cliquin in the wind..... :o:D


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I have been a member of TV for a while now coming up for two years I think.. I have never felt the urge to really post on here due to the clique-ness of the site. I read it on a daily basis but just don’t have the urge to risk posting and being jumped on by some of the long term members.

So why is there such an urge to berate and bully new members and give sarcastic advise to them? Time and time again is see people threatening to tell somebody else about something that has been said get them ‘banned’ or ‘officially warned’.

Just curious to know why this forum is so much more inaccessible to new people.

It's a weeding out process. We wouldn't want the sick and weakly contaminating the forum.........now do we. :o

Just kidding! :D

Lots of newbies get a lot of flack and I see it happen all the time but not to all of them. See Thaibebop here, I never jumped on his case and treated him just like a normal person even though he was a scummy newbie and less than human! :D

AH, but I have passed the test, now I am more than human I am a TV MEMBER![/COLOR]

Ok, in all seriousness, newbies will either be accepted right away or they wont. Others it takes a while for them to immerse themselves into the forum where they are accepted by everyone. Even I too was a newbie once but back then there wasn't many people you had to prove yourself to. Also, back in the beginning, the questions being asked were all new because the forum had just started. Nowadays, many of the questions posed have been regurgitated over & over again by new people coming aboard and the old members are tired of answering them so they give the OP flack instead, even though its not fair to the OP. Just the nature of a forum.

Biggest thing is not to take anything said on here about you personally. :D

Edited by thaibebop
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I think it is fair to say that there are cliques here, but that is not really a bad thing.

I have made some good personal freinds whom I have regular contact with thanks to TV. If I was not a member then I would not have many freinds(saddo or what)?

Birds of a feather and all that......We all need FREINDS.... and this is an excellent place to make them ...if you want to.

I have some good drinking buddies now, I don't really see the Moderators as problematic, somebody has to "Police" the site otherwise it would get shut down. Its a thankless task they have, but at the end if the day thaivisa.com is a BUSINESS and the owners want to make MONEY..perfectly understandable in my opinion.

I don't really care if some people dislike me, I am thick skined (or just plain thick) enough to accept critisim and I am always quick to appologise if I offend somebody which is normally after a Chang fuelled post.

Carry on the good work Mods , thats what I say, and to those of you that disagree ... This is a sober early morning post..

BTW I thought it was a bit unfair to say TSG had a clique with nobody else.. untrue, he has many freinds on this forum who understand him

Have a happy....

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Nothing diffficult about this read what you like to read post where you want and don't worry about the rest of it Cliques and flaming don't change the pay check any. If a topic intersting then you'll probably have something to say, if not find one that is.

Easy to say, hard to practice. When you feel like you'd like to belong, but you don't; hard to ignore the chatter of the in-crowd.

And, yes IM "really".

Well I guess it's really in what the individual thinks of being involved in the forum, yep I have been flamed, If it was that offensive to me I just took a big breath and ignored it and I have even lets myself get dragged into a flame war. Not the other guys fault mine, should have taken it for what it was worth and moved on.

I have met some people in the forum that I shared a common interest with, not really that many. I have helped people from the forum get settled into Udon, that my first contact with them was on the forum. I have had guys help me in finding my way, doing research in things that I might be interested in doing. Got a better taste of what the international community is like. All and all it has been an interesting experience.

Most of my activity is now on a local Udon forum, since that really has more meaning my place in life these days.

But this to me on the positive side is what I have indicated in the above. I don't need to be accepted or rejected here, this is just one part of my life. If a mod wants to delete something I write OK so be it, I have other places to express my views. If I offend someone then I would truly feel bad about that. If someone wants to offend me, well I go for a bike ride and it's over.

The hardest thing in life for me today, is finding a balance in my life, that one I have to work on everyday. I hope to stay busy enough not to be invloved with sqaubbles. If a subjest gets out of hand I have the power not the poster, I just stop reading it.

I enjoy this but I don't live in cyber land, those poeple who have found others that they enjoy communicating with more then others, good for them, We all need someone we can do that with. If you participate long enough you will find them. The original poster now has his group, just had to get in there and express a thought and he found plenty of like minded people. I think thats great. he may have felt alone before but I really don't see how he could feel that way now. Look at how many people joined him on the battle lines.

So I stand by my original thought just isn't that hard.

Remember guys the hardest thing about Thailand is leaving, that why I stopped that.

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The original poster now has his group, just had to get in there and express a thought and he found plenty of like minded people. I think thats great. he may have felt alone before but I really don't see how he could feel that way now. Look at how many people joined him on the battle lines.

That's one of the great things about ThaiVisa... the majority of people are here to support others... not discourage them. :o

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Most of the people on this site (NOT ALL) are just low class white trash to put it bluntly.

Strongly disagree with this opinion - many of us have quite good sun-tans, so cannot possibly be considered as "poor white trash" :D

I would suggest to the OP that a sense-of-humour is essential to TV, as in life generally, and always life in LOS :o

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10 pages so far on this topic. Either someone is trying to get their post count up or there is some truth to this topic.

There is not only some truth to it, I think it is fully true; and not strange either.

Do you know any larger group of people that is forced, or have chosen, to interact with each other for one reason or other that does not develop cliques or 'sub groups' sooner or later? It happens at school, in the work place, in the extended family... everywhere. Human life is like that. The fact that it's in text and on a forum doesn't change anything much.

Some people you like, some you don't. Just follow the rules, apply common decency and make your skin a bit thicker, then you won't have any problems.

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