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Ever Have One Of Those Days?


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My wife and I got a suprise on Thursday. Our travel agent called us, and told us that she wanted to give us a suite at the Rembrant on Thursday night, because we are good customers, and she had a cancellation, that was already paid for. Since we recently got married, she said she thought of us first.

So we had a wonderful evening. Ate great mexican food at Senor Pico's, and enjoyed the luxurious accomadations.

The suprises were just beginning! When we arrived home the next morning, however, we found that our front door had been jimmied. We opened the door to find our safe lying there, with the door ripped off. Also gone were notebook, digital camera, various pieces of jewerly, etc.. Needless to say, we were upset. (Our house is less than a year old, in a new Land and House development).

But I have to say, the responce of the Thailand PD was swift and professional. Within 20 minutes, there were about 10 police and security there, including the local precinct commander, two detectives, and a fingerprinting lab tech. They were extremely professional. Questioning all the neighbors, security, gardeners, etc.. In less than two hours, they had two suspects in for fingerprinting (a pair of painters working on our street, who were hired by Land and House, to do repairs). Land and House was also extremely fast to respond. They had our door fixed in less than two hours, and sent there own security people in, to assess the damage, etc.. They even coordinated with our home owner's insurance providers.

While my wife and I are not happy about the event, we are grateful to those people who showed concern, and displayed swift action. My wife and I brought food for all the detectives who worked on our case, and they were very appreciative.

I know that any sort of response like that would be a fairy tale in my own country (US). We would have been lucky to get a single cop there hours later. (Can't interrupt those doughnut breaks). I read so many expat stories about bad dealings with the local PD, that I wanted to share a good experience.

THank you Phuttamonthon Police! Also thanks to Land and House, and the L&H Security Division.


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You got lucky. My office was robbed and even though the amount was "significant" (60k), the police didn't want to show up, and the management of the building had a "mai pan rai" attitude about the whole robbery. The security guards are probably in it because of the conditions under which it happened, but guess what ? same security guards.

Doors were not even shattered and properly locked when I came into the office. I didn't even realized we were robbed. They did the 5 offices in the building on the same day with the same method.

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Sorry but I am a cynic.

Is the travel agent on your list of suspects ?

Ehhhhrrrrrrrmmmmm ! ! ! Me too ! !

A while ago there was a lot of this in the UK. People would get a phone call saying they had won a weekend away somewhere and they would come back to an empty house.

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and did you get your goods back? Or did they just catch the next two guys who had also fingers (here are fingerprints, they have fingers and might come from Laos, so they are automatic wrong)?

the for free hotel room?? Thats really hard to belive!!! At least if our travel agency offers us something I'll refuse it....

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Its a wonder anyone bothers to write anything on this board, with all you cynical gits around. I just wanted to share a nice story about the helpfulness of the PD. You can keep your conspiracy theories.

Travel agent is a close personal friend of the family. (And she's from the UK, so Im sure that means she's innocent in your eyes!) Things recovered, yes, from the suspects houses.

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Alright JBowman, keep your hair on. Many a time such a scam is pulled in many a country, its quite an old one really, so since we didn't know the goods were recovered or that you knew the travel agent on a personal basis we suggested you might want to look into another avenue if the matter was not solved. Trying to help you recover the goods that were at the time of your OP still lost.

Whether the travel agent is from the UK or not is no care of mine, do not regard us as racists because we tried to help out.

In fact, don't think I will try to bother helping you with anything again, it seems its not appreciated.

What a pr1ck. :o

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Ok, Mea Culpa.  I am sorry I was so rash with my choice of words.  Just got a little ruffled over the wave of unsolicited advice.


As perhaps was I, so apolgies also, for myself I offered the unsolicited advice with good intentions.

Good job by the police, and glad you got your goods back. :o

Anyway, since I'm curious, any security cameras on these moo bans?

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Touch wood, it has not happened to us, but both our direct neighbours have been broken into and as far as I know about another 10 houses in our moo baan of about 200.

jbowman1993, my comment came from the fact that it was an inside job for 90% of these break ins. One become a little cynical when %'s are that high.

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