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Google Search Results In English Only, Please

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I think I have my Google languages preferences set pretty clearly to "English only" search replies:


However, my search results always seem littered with results in other languages. This search has been the worst: "Thermaltake Commander MS-III". It provides "About 77,800 results (0.12 seconds)," however take a look at the results. The top four were in English, but starting at #5:


Note that even Google realizes those pages are not English: see the "Translate this page" option?

How do I get Google to *really* restrict search replies to English only?


IS the cache in your system working .

the NCR trick is cool ,

you can also try clearing your cache . and then run google.com/ncr


the NCR trick is indeed cool. WEBHP is new to me, what is that? Seems to do the same as NCR?

Regardless of NCR/WEBHP unfortunately Chrome/Chromium still use the local Google search when you search from the URL bar, due to how the brainiacs at Google implemented the search function. blink.png

To fix you need to go to settings (click the wrench) >> options >> search >> manage search engines - then in the bottom line add the word google to the first two fields and the line http://www.google.com/search?q=%s to the third field. Hit enter to save. Now hover your mouse over the line you just made and a "make default" button should appear. Click it, and you're sorted.

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the NCR trick is indeed cool. WEBHP is new to me, what is that? Seems to do the same as NCR?

Regardless of NCR/WEBHP unfortunately Chrome/Chromium still use the local Google search when you search from the URL bar, due to how the brainiacs at Google implemented the search function. blink.png

To fix you need to go to settings (click the wrench) >> options >> search >> manage search engines - then in the bottom line add the word google to the first two fields and the line http://www.google.com/search?q=%s to the third field. Hit enter to save. Now hover your mouse over the line you just made and a "make default" button should appear. Click it, and you're sorted.

I've tried so many times to get my searches from the address bar returned in English. Phil Conners = God


Oddly enough, this might be browser related???

www.google.com/ncr in Opera then paste "Thermaltake Commander MS-III" and I get all the foreign-language results

www.google.com/ncr in Chrome then past "Thermaltake Commander MS-III" and I get all English results

Go figure.


Oddly enough, this might be browser related???

www.google.com/ncr in Opera then paste "Thermaltake Commander MS-III" and I get all the foreign-language results

www.google.com/ncr in Chrome then past "Thermaltake Commander MS-III" and I get all English results

Go figure.

Is your Opera language/locale settings all set to English?


I believe one of the mobile phone versions of Opera (Opera Mini?) routes traffic through Opera's own proxy servers in order to generate mobile-friendly content. Could perhaps have something to do with it.


the NCR trick is indeed cool. WEBHP is new to me, what is that? Seems to do the same as NCR?

Have no idea what NCR and WBHP are I just know they work for me.

I use IE and all my search results come in English, perhaps other browsers don't work the same.


In Firefox, if I use the browser's built-in search bar function for Google, I get Thai language results filling the top of most of my search results... Then have to go to the bottom of the page and choose "results in English" or something like that... Very annoying...

I knew about the /ncr tip mentioned above and had bookmarked it... So now after reading this thread, I've put that Google site bookmark into the lead position on my bookmarks toolbar, making it more likely I'll use and remember that instead of the browser's own search bar function.

But I don't know of any way to change the default address (to /ncr) that the Firefox browser uses for the Google search when you try to do a search from the browser's built-in search box.


In Firefox it's done similar to Chrome.

In the URL bar type "about:config" (you'll get a warning, just click ok)

Type "keyword.URL" (without quotes) in the Filter: line.

You should now have one line starting keyword.URL - double-click it. This should bring up a small window with an empty field. Enter "http://www.google.com/search?&q=" (again without quotes) into it and click ok and close the tab.

Don't forget to go once to www.google.com/ncr, this plants a cooking in your browser which makes it always go to the "real" google website for searches.

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