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Nakhon Sawan


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I've been visiting NS every couple of years now. About 6 or more years back there was a hotel with a very large (olympic size?) pool but that long since closed.

Are there any more hotels or resorts with pools? How about just public swimming pools, preferably open air? If not, it's the Pimarn hotel and a trip to Bung Boraphet lake.


Robin and family

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I am still looking for a Hotel pool as well. Out on the Pitsanulok Road (117) before you get the bridge on the right is a hotel that has a small pool, but I dont think its been weel looked after, cleaned etc.

Swimming pools, 2 that I know of, one near the army camp/golf course south of the river, 20bts entrance opens at 4pm, I did not detect any chemicals or water circulation. A similar situation is at the pool in ATAKVEE road, on the western side and almost at the out of town end, big car park, 50 bts opens at 330pm.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here some places in googlemaps, is first two what you nong are talking about?

http://maps.google.c...2369,100.124174 Jiraprawat Golf


http://maps.google.c...7559,100.109802 Sports Stadium

http://maps.google.c...6433,100.111981 Garden Suite Resort Hotel http://www.gardensuiteresort.com/

Yes you have got them, did not know there was one at the Sports Stadium. Checked out the Garden Suite about a year ago, the Spa/massage looked good but the pool had a lot of dirt in it so have not been back.
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I think they have swimming lessons in sports stadium pool, not sure about that. But lots of cars there in sundays. They are building some new hall next to pool, maybe indoor swimming? In Uthai Thani and even small Tap Than I saw they have build indoor swimming places.

Are these two places hotels or what? Looks like pools to me.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I am hoping to try the new steak place this lunch time so will let you know what its like.

The Milk of Magnesia is on it's way. Update on what the cherry thing is please.



Well we were the guest of a KPP state member and he seemed impressed with the new place and said he would certainly use it again, so save the money and postage but thanks for your thought. For the record we had 2 mango sodas and a melon iced drink, these came with a glace cherry on top so now you know what comes underneath! sliced steak with salad, sliced steak with large suasage and salad and chicken steak with the salad and 2 portions of chips. Clean place, goodfriendly service and food well prepared and cooked.

THe building work is now completed at the residence and the first ceremonial bath was taken yesterday, complete with a march past of the 2nd Nakhon Sawan parachute regiment ( the 1st were in Pattaya practising "jump" I think something was lost in translation here as they left the one set of parachutes in N/S) At 4pm a fly past of the survey squadron from N/S international airport, so it all went well.

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Today I descended from the mountains and walked among the ordinary people.and joined with the peasantry for lunch.

The restaurant Nong 38 was talking about is actually quite good. The menu is fairly large but more a case of add this or take that away to make it so.

Haing said that I found the place was clean and tidy, air conditioned (a blessing in the heat nowadays), the service was good and prompt, the food not that expensive. I had the beef steak and sausage platter which also had a sort of salad in mayo which I left because I am old enough now not to HAVE to eat garden peas or sweecorn. I t also came with a tiny scoop of mashed potato which was nice and half a slice of toast for 119 baht.

I ordered french fries which were extra but worth the money.

The mango and soda drink complete with plastic cherry but no umbrella was nice.

To show his appreciation David generously allowed me to pay the bill for 3 of us at 510 baht and promised to buy the next meal.

I suspect however that it may be a political election promise.

Marks out of 10

Menu choice 8

meal presentation 8

service 7 as they forgot 1 plate of french fries but they did provide another when reminded very quickly so perhapds an extra point

I also watched as other people left and their tables were cleared and cleaned very quickly.

A 3 star Michelin it isn't but it is good value and good pricing.

It was far better than KFC or McDs and a more relaxed plac

If I go to N/S again I will most probably eat at the restaurant again and perhaps try the NZ lamb chops though they are expensive at around 300 baht for the meal (especially if David is footing the bill) but it is imported western food.

Edited by billd766
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Today I descended from the mountains and walked among the ordinary people.and joined with the peasantry for lunch.

The restaurant Nong 38 was talking about is actually quite good. The menu is fairly large but more a case of add this or take that away to make it so.

Haing said that I found the place was clean and tidy, air conditioned (a blessing in the heat nowadays), the service was good and prompt, the food not that expensive. I had the beef steak and sausage platter which also had a sort of salad in mayo which I left because I am old enough now not to HAVE to eat garden peas or sweecorn. I t also came with a tiny scoop of mashed potato which was nice and half a slice of toast for 119 baht.

I ordered french fries which were extra but worth the money.

The mango and soda drink complete with plastic cherry but no umbrella was nice.

To show his appreciation David generously allowed me to pay the bill for 3 of us at 510 baht and promised to buy the next meal.

I suspect however that it may be a political election promise.

Marks out of 10

Menu choice 8

meal presentation 8

service 7 as they forgot 1 plate of french fries but they did provide another when reminded very quickly so perhapds an extra point

I also watched as other people left and their tables were cleared and cleaned very quickly.

A 3 star Michelin it isn't but it is good value and good pricing.

It was far better than KFC or McDs and a more relaxed plac

If I go to N/S again I will most probably eat at the restaurant again and perhaps try the NZ lamb chops though they are expensive at around 300 baht for the meal (especially if David is footing the bill) but it is imported western food.

Bill have you not twigged Dave's cunning ploy yet, he lead's you into the i'm a very nice chap come and enjoy!!!! a meal at the best restaurant in N/Smog then venture's orrrf to the loo just as the bill arrive's. On arriving back at the table it's the oh have you paid i'll pay next time. If there is a next time it will I'm sure be a light snack at one of the stall's that surround the bus station.

Thank's for the cherry info but H/M think's he'll give it a miss and stick to Mike's Oasis restaurant. At least you can get a great German beer 'without the cherry' their.

Welcome home Bill and don't go again unless your very hungry, tip take several of the family next time, cant let these lower class's get the better of us nice peep's.

H/M K.P.P.


P.S Bill Mike is on holiday till Saturday reopen's Sunday.

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I think I am going to send someone round to feel your head, I think it must be full of hot air and Tiger bubblesbiggrin.png Next time you come down to Immigration I will arrange for you to be taken upstairs for an examination and to show there are no hard feelings perhaps then arrange some local fare for you before you are deported north, where no doubt the hounds will be looking for supperw00t.gif

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I think I am going to send someone round to feel your head, I think it must be full of hot air and Tiger bubblesbiggrin.png Next time you come down to Immigration I will arrange for you to be taken upstairs for an examination and to show there are no hard feelings perhaps then arrange some local fare for you before you are deported north, where no doubt the hounds will be looking for supperw00t.gif

Sorry to disappoint you H/M does not go to N/Smog for visa renewal I go to M/Sot. I only came once that was to help out a chum. And I informed him then that that was the last time. Glad to hear that you got through the water throwing bit ok. H/M was a bit worried that your crisp's might have got a bit damp.

H/M K.P.P.


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I think I am going to send someone round to feel your head, I think it must be full of hot air and Tiger bubblesbiggrin.png Next time you come down to Immigration I will arrange for you to be taken upstairs for an examination and to show there are no hard feelings perhaps then arrange some local fare for you before you are deported north, where no doubt the hounds will be looking for supperw00t.gif

Sorry to disappoint you H/M does not go to N/Smog for visa renewal I go to M/Sot. I only came once that was to help out a chum. And I informed him then that that was the last time. Glad to hear that you got through the water throwing bit ok. H/M was a bit worried that your crisp's might have got a bit damp.

H/M K.P.P.


RRRRRRRRRR The Kraken Wakes, after several days of wallowing about in KPP he rememebers where the PC is and how to power it up and then all he can do is throw cold water on NS folk who try to help one of your provinces's matey boys!

We did try and find an unusal battery for him, he said it was for a huge motor bike and we believed him!

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I think I am going to send someone round to feel your head, I think it must be full of hot air and Tiger bubblesbiggrin.png Next time you come down to Immigration I will arrange for you to be taken upstairs for an examination and to show there are no hard feelings perhaps then arrange some local fare for you before you are deported north, where no doubt the hounds will be looking for supperw00t.gif

Sorry to disappoint you H/M does not go to N/Smog for visa renewal I go to M/Sot. I only came once that was to help out a chum. And I informed him then that that was the last time. Glad to hear that you got through the water throwing bit ok. H/M was a bit worried that your crisp's might have got a bit damp.

H/M K.P.P.


RRRRRRRRRR The Kraken Wakes, after several days of wallowing about in KPP he rememebers where the PC is and how to power it up and then all he can do is throw cold water on NS folk who try to help one of your provinces's matey boys!

We did try and find an unusal battery for him, he said it was for a huge motor bike and we believed him!

Sorry for the scant reply's in the last week or so but have now got my new TV set up installed, And H/M cant use the comp at the same time. I won't go into what English speaking channel's I can get but suffice to say you name it H/M get's it.

I think the batteries Bill need's are H/P 11's they seem to be the one's that power the you do it on your own my dear thing's. The huge motor bike is just one's of Bill's cunning ploy's allegedly.

Have I got this wrong Dave but are you venturing back to Blighty in the next week or two, Update wouldn't go amiss as all H/M will be left with then is exeter and his salt and vinigar crisp's, it'll be like the kid's song and then there was one.

As a closure how can taking Bill to a cheap Charlie cafe all be it with aircon: be helping him out???

H/M K.P.P.


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I think I am going to send someone round to feel your head, I think it must be full of hot air and Tiger bubblesbiggrin.png Next time you come down to Immigration I will arrange for you to be taken upstairs for an examination and to show there are no hard feelings perhaps then arrange some local fare for you before you are deported north, where no doubt the hounds will be looking for supperw00t.gif

Sorry to disappoint you H/M does not go to N/Smog for visa renewal I go to M/Sot. I only came once that was to help out a chum. And I informed him then that that was the last time. Glad to hear that you got through the water throwing bit ok. H/M was a bit worried that your crisp's might have got a bit damp.

H/M K.P.P.


RRRRRRRRRR The Kraken Wakes, after several days of wallowing about in KPP he rememebers where the PC is and how to power it up and then all he can do is throw cold water on NS folk who try to help one of your provinces's matey boys!

We did try and find an unusal battery for him, he said it was for a huge motor bike and we believed him!

Sorry for the scant reply's in the last week or so but have now got my new TV set up installed, And H/M cant use the comp at the same time. I won't go into what English speaking channel's I can get but suffice to say you name it H/M get's it.

I think the batteries Bill need's are H/P 11's they seem to be the one's that power the you do it on your own my dear thing's. The huge motor bike is just one's of Bill's cunning ploy's allegedly.

Have I got this wrong Dave but are you venturing back to Blighty in the next week or two, Update wouldn't go amiss as all H/M will be left with then is exeter and his salt and vinigar crisp's, it'll be like the kid's song and then there was one.

As a closure how can taking Bill to a cheap Charlie cafe all be it with aircon: be helping him out???

H/M K.P.P.


I am whisked off to the Jolly old UK next wednesday, just in time for the London Mayoral election, the polls will open as I arrive! I have to go for 90 days to become a UK resident again, so have a booked a few days out in Exeter, lovelly run from Waterloo, York, a Week in Penzance with daily sorties to Plymouth, St Ives and Falmouth. A weekend in Tunbridge Wells and a possibility of a little jaunt down to Weymouth. Lots of things to catch up on and put in place before the return.

The batteries Bill needs are PP9 like the ones that Roberts Radios use.

No fox hunting whilst over there, its banded dont you know.

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Sorry to hear your orrrf Dave. Three month's A, H/M has friend's just outside Exeter and for the last two week's it has been P/ssing down, hale, cold, and very windy.

I know there are advantage's to keep being a UK resident but in my case the tax tell's me I don't want to be there. I do go back once a year to see all the family and sort out the banking but that's only for 4 week's less if I can fit it all in.

Bill must be able to get PP9 batteries in K.P.P. I'll make inquiries at the electric shop I use, update later.

Have a good trip send the odd email if you can to let us upper class know how thing's are going in spot the English peep's land. Last time I landed at Terminal 3 H/R I thought I had got on the wrong plane and landed in India.

Oh and dont forget to tuck your vest into your underpant's.

H/M K.P.P.


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Actually Bill needs a 12 volt, 12 amp battery for my motoerbike.

I went around a few places including a quick jolly on the back od David's young ladies scooter but I couldn't find what I was looking for.

The closest I got to it was in Lat Yao but they were out of stock though offered to get me one next day but it has been so hot lately I bludged the car off me trouble and strife so it is not yet vital.

I will back up to KPP and I know at least one place there I can get one and Fred (thanks) has tipped me to another place.

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Actually Bill needs a 12 volt, 12 amp battery for my motoerbike.

I went around a few places including a quick jolly on the back od David's young ladies scooter but I couldn't find what I was looking for.

The closest I got to it was in Lat Yao but they were out of stock though offered to get me one next day but it has been so hot lately I bludged the car off me trouble and strife so it is not yet vital.

I will back up to KPP and I know at least one place there I can get one and Fred (thanks) has tipped me to another place.

Be careful Fred thinks you are talking PP9's!
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Actually Bill needs a 12 volt, 12 amp battery for my motoerbike.

I went around a few places including a quick jolly on the back od David's young ladies scooter but I couldn't find what I was looking for.

The closest I got to it was in Lat Yao but they were out of stock though offered to get me one next day but it has been so hot lately I bludged the car off me trouble and strife so it is not yet vital.

I will back up to KPP and I know at least one place there I can get one and Fred (thanks) has tipped me to another place.

Be careful Fred thinks you are talking PP9's!


You should know by now that H/M does not make mistake's. Poor old Dave live's in N/Smog and the fume's have got to him 'allegedly' said it was PP9 for a radio, but also that Bill wanted it for his M/Bike. I put two and two together no it's not 22 and made a phone call to clarify. Point of order we do also have some peep's up this way that are not playing with a full deck. I seem to employ most of them and have now got used to reading between the line's. But thank's for your concern.

H/M K.P.P.


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Actually Bill needs a 12 volt, 12 amp battery for my motoerbike.

I went around a few places including a quick jolly on the back od David's young ladies scooter but I couldn't find what I was looking for.

The closest I got to it was in Lat Yao but they were out of stock though offered to get me one next day but it has been so hot lately I bludged the car off me trouble and strife so it is not yet vital.

I will back up to KPP and I know at least one place there I can get one and Fred (thanks) has tipped me to another place.

Be careful Fred thinks you are talking PP9's!

Fred needs the PP9 batteries for his pacemaker.

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Actually Bill needs a 12 volt, 12 amp battery for my motoerbike.

I went around a few places including a quick jolly on the back od David's young ladies scooter but I couldn't find what I was looking for.

The closest I got to it was in Lat Yao but they were out of stock though offered to get me one next day but it has been so hot lately I bludged the car off me trouble and strife so it is not yet vital.

I will back up to KPP and I know at least one place there I can get one and Fred (thanks) has tipped me to another place.

Be careful Fred thinks you are talking PP9's!

Fred needs the PP9 batteries for his pacemaker.

Can you get the Home Service and the Light Programme on itbiggrin.png
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Sorry to hear your orrrf Dave. Three month's A, H/M has friend's just outside Exeter and for the last two week's it has been P/ssing down, hale, cold, and very windy.

I know there are advantage's to keep being a UK resident but in my case the tax tell's me I don't want to be there. I do go back once a year to see all the family and sort out the banking but that's only for 4 week's less if I can fit it all in.

Bill must be able to get PP9 batteries in K.P.P. I'll make inquiries at the electric shop I use, update later.

Have a good trip send the odd email if you can to let us upper class know how thing's are going in spot the English peep's land. Last time I landed at Terminal 3 H/R I thought I had got on the wrong plane and landed in India.

Oh and dont forget to tuck your vest into your underpant's.

H/M K.P.P.


I will send you the "odd" email to let you know what I see and find, I think it will be a bit of a shock, prices esp still there we are, have to go back for a while, will let you know if I see any foxes!
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Sorry to hear your orrrf Dave. Three month's A, H/M has friend's just outside Exeter and for the last two week's it has been P/ssing down, hale, cold, and very windy.

I know there are advantage's to keep being a UK resident but in my case the tax tell's me I don't want to be there. I do go back once a year to see all the family and sort out the banking but that's only for 4 week's less if I can fit it all in.

Bill must be able to get PP9 batteries in K.P.P. I'll make inquiries at the electric shop I use, update later.

Have a good trip send the odd email if you can to let us upper class know how thing's are going in spot the English peep's land. Last time I landed at Terminal 3 H/R I thought I had got on the wrong plane and landed in India.

Oh and dont forget to tuck your vest into your underpant's.

H/M K.P.P.


I will send you the "odd" email to let you know what I see and find, I think it will be a bit of a shock, prices esp still there we are, have to go back for a while, will let you know if I see any foxes!

Have a safe trip. Fuel is around £1.50lt, vat at 20% so price's will be up for sure. But if you poke around that's if any pub's are still open you can get a pint for under £3. but it will be REAL beer. Oh joy of joy's, Have a good time.

There's load's of fox's now since they stopped the hunting, Bounder's.

N/B H/M has got rechargable batteries for his old pace maker.

H/M K.P.P.


Edited by fredob43
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Time for another Tiger Fred and dont forget to go to church tomorrow its sunday! Hold on that calender I bought in KPP is useless, best have another Tiger and then go to wave Nong off to the Land of the GRIM !

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Time for another Tiger Fred and dont forget to go to church tomorrow its sunday! Hold on that calender I bought in KPP is useless, best have another Tiger and then go to wave Nong off to the Land of the GRIM !

Nong is a braver man than I am, Gunga Din.

I haven't been to the UK since 2005 and though I would like to take a trip back with my wife and son to show him where I am from it won't be the end of my world if I don't make it.

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Time for another Tiger Fred and dont forget to go to church tomorrow its sunday! Hold on that calender I bought in KPP is useless, best have another Tiger and then go to wave Nong off to the Land of the GRIM !

Nong is a braver man than I am, Gunga Din.

I haven't been to the UK since 2005 and though I would like to take a trip back with my wife and son to show him where I am from it won't be the end of my world if I don't make it.

H/M was back there Oct last year on his three week once a year trip. It's not got any better, price's through the roof EG curry and a few pint's with the lad's no change from £50. But it does have some advantages Wine and many other comestible's available and far cheaper. But they don't outway the advantage's of living here. Unless of course you live in N/Smog. Best of luck Dave/Nong I don't envy you one bit. And three month's EEEEEK.

H/M K.P.P.


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Time for another Tiger Fred and dont forget to go to church tomorrow its sunday! Hold on that calender I bought in KPP is useless, best have another Tiger and then go to wave Nong off to the Land of the GRIM !

Nong is a braver man than I am, Gunga Din.

I haven't been to the UK since 2005 and though I would like to take a trip back with my wife and son to show him where I am from it won't be the end of my world if I don't make it.

H/M was back there Oct last year on his three week once a year trip. It's not got any better, price's through the roof EG curry and a few pint's with the lad's no change from £50. But it does have some advantages Wine and many other comestible's available and far cheaper. But they don't outway the advantage's of living here. Unless of course you live in N/Smog. Best of luck Dave/Nong I don't envy you one bit. And three month's EEEEEK.

H/M K.P.P.


Had a good flight with Emirates and arrived back in the UK 30 minutes early and only 15 minutes to clear passport, from then on though 10C and have seen no sun!!!!!!!!!! Its grim here you dont need to go up north and prices yes, a box of cereals up 20% soups up from 43 to 59 and thats just the first day, more empty shops and streets and shopping centre needs some tlc, what will I find today? Looks like we might see the sun on sunday until then its grey, drizzle and damp, sure aint the Land of Smiles! But free cash withdrawalsclap2.gif
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Time for another Tiger Fred and dont forget to go to church tomorrow its sunday! Hold on that calender I bought in KPP is useless, best have another Tiger and then go to wave Nong off to the Land of the GRIM !

Nong is a braver man than I am, Gunga Din.

I haven't been to the UK since 2005 and though I would like to take a trip back with my wife and son to show him where I am from it won't be the end of my world if I don't make it.

H/M was back there Oct last year on his three week once a year trip. It's not got any better, price's through the roof EG curry and a few pint's with the lad's no change from £50. But it does have some advantages Wine and many other comestible's available and far cheaper. But they don't outway the advantage's of living here. Unless of course you live in N/Smog. Best of luck Dave/Nong I don't envy you one bit. And three month's EEEEEK.

H/M K.P.P.


Had a good flight with Emirates and arrived back in the UK 30 minutes early and only 15 minutes to clear passport, from then on though 10C and have seen no sun!!!!!!!!!! Its grim here you dont need to go up north and prices yes, a box of cereals up 20% soups up from 43 to 59 and thats just the first day, more empty shops and streets and shopping centre needs some tlc, what will I find today? Looks like we might see the sun on sunday until then its grey, drizzle and damp, sure aint the Land of Smiles! But free cash withdrawalsclap2.gif

How much for the somtum and lao kao?

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