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What Were You In The Days Of Your Youth?


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Excuse me Does anyone know if there is a biker among tv members?


Sorry, just testing the reply button. I...errm...thought it was sticking. Seems to be ok now though. :o

Gazza (A.K.A StinkFinger, WolfChild, The Mild One, Asphalt Apache)

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football, football,footbal up to 16

girls, girls, girls up to 18'

then discovered the meaning of life booze and pub clique

Was sent home to Sunny Wigan in disgrace after discovering the girls dorm in our boarding schoo in Nairobi. did not like workin th,mill so dad came home and introduced me to a mate in the recruiting office in liverpool,sign here said the nice man in khaki :o that was it welcome to the regular army :D at the ripe old age of 14 years on the 6/5/1958 there I was went :D regular soldier for 15 years and the rest is history :D Nignoy
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I went to four high schools (not all at the same time) in California, Bolivia and Tennessee Dude, those are three different planets. What a trip that must have been.

so I didn't have much opportunity to belong to any cliques I'm afaid...was mostly into getting high and getting laid....

yes...I am considered to be highly eccentric amongst my associates...

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I went to four high schools (not all at the same time) in California, Bolivia and Tennessee Dude, those are three different planets. What a trip that must have been.

so I didn't have much opportunity to belong to any cliques I'm afaid...was mostly into getting high and getting laid....

yes...I am considered to be highly eccentric amongst my associates...

I can only imagine. :o

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I was a bit of a designer hippy.... a trendsetter at the time. All my friends were  odd-bods, none of us quite fit into any category. We had a fun little group but weren't bothered whether or not the real hip chicks liked us or not. And certainly didn't care for any daggy high school geek boyfriends- that's for sure.... far too unwordly. Afterwards, I moved around a bit looking for my Utopia. Twenty years on, am still looking  but this one will do for the moment. Am still in touch with two of my high school group. It's been very cool sharing our journeys in life.

*Thaibebop, I think you were a surfer dude who played guitar and experimented with "alternative pathways".  :D

OH, you are so far off! :D But I will still buy you a drink, just cause I like you. :D

Hmmmmmmm.... captain of your hockey team and King of your high school prom? :D C'mon give us a hint!! :D

Hockey?! :D

I am a Yankee, they only thing that we do with ice is put it in our drinks. :D

You were a BAR FLY?? :o:D

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I was a bit of a designer hippy.... a trendsetter at the time. All my friends were  odd-bods, none of us quite fit into any category. We had a fun little group but weren't bothered whether or not the real hip chicks liked us or not. And certainly didn't care for any daggy high school geek boyfriends- that's for sure.... far too unwordly. Afterwards, I moved around a bit looking for my Utopia. Twenty years on, am still looking  but this one will do for the moment. Am still in touch with two of my high school group. It's been very cool sharing our journeys in life.

*Thaibebop, I think you were a surfer dude who played guitar and experimented with "alternative pathways".  :D

OH, you are so far off! :D But I will still buy you a drink, just cause I like you. :D

Hmmmmmmm.... captain of your hockey team and King of your high school prom? :burp: C'mon give us a hint!! :D

Hockey?! :D

I am a Yankee, they only thing that we do with ice is put it in our drinks. :D

You were a BAR FLY?? :o:D

No, I just grew up in them. Learned things pretty early hanging out there. :D

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  • 1 month later...

Spent my high school days at a Jesuit prep school. I'm not sure how you'd characterize that. Academics out the wazoo, I suppose. Four years of English, four years of math including calculus, four years of the sciences, four years of foreign languages, including latin, etc. By the time I got to college I could pretty much pass the tests without studying too much. I guess that's when I turned into a screw up. Spent the next 30 years trying to figure out what I wanted to do when I grew up. Never did figure it out, but I'm in a poistion to retire early in the next six months or so. I guess Thailand is next on the agenda.


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I was a Hippy Punk! Long hair, clothes old and patched, read my bible, as well as every other type of scripture, smoked loads of dope, camped in the country side all the time. Listened to every type of music, hippy music, punk, folk, classical. Enjoyed debating. Everyone said I was an enigma!

Thaibebop must have been a geeky nerd who loved computers!

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I was an enforcer. A case of beer and I would protect you from anyone. I was in too many fights to remember. Glad I grew out of that stage. Lost to many friends.

also played football and wrestling, but street fighting was in the blood.

I would have been in the rage catagory.

young and dumb

I am a very peaceful person now.


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Spent my high school days at a Jesuit prep school. I'm not sure how you'd characterize that. Academics out the wazoo, I suppose. Four years of English, four years of math including calculus, four years of the sciences, four years of foreign languages, including latin, etc. By the time I got to college I could pretty much pass the tests without studying too much. I guess that's when I turned into a screw up. Spent the next 30 years trying to figure out what I wanted to do when I grew up. Never did figure it out, but I'm in a poistion to retire early in the next six months or so. I guess Thailand is next on the agenda.


:D ... what a sad, sad story ... Don't tell me this is a real life ?!

Did you realy :Donly study and trying to find out what you wanted ?

... let your hair hang loooooose, mate ! ...



I will not speak about liquor or pot ...

Nor will I mention street-fights.

I will not discuss martial arts, nor boxing.

No "sex and drugs and Rock-and-Roll" story's will be told.

Questions concerning the life of a "singer in a Rock-and-Roll band" will be descarded.

Suggestions made about my former life will be ignored ...


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will not speak about liquor or pot ...

Nor will I mention street-fights.

I will not discuss martial arts, nor boxing.

No "sex and drugs and Rock-and-Roll" story's will be told.

Questions concerning the life of a "singer in a Rock-and-Roll band" will be descarded.

Suggestions made about my former life will be ignored ...


The Flying Dutchman. Destined to remain a mystery for ever. :D

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I was a Hippy Punk! Long hair, clothes old and patched, read my bible, as well as every other type of scripture, smoked loads of dope, camped in the country side all the time. Listened to every type of music, hippy music, punk, folk, classical. Enjoyed debating. Everyone said I was an enigma!

Thaibebop must have been a geeky nerd who loved computers!

Wrong, I and computers are like oil and water. I don't know them at all. Heck, I started e-mail a year ago! :o

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:o I like this thread. Talk about a trip down memory lane:


" Were you a bad kid who skipped class to get fcked up or smoked in between classes outside a side door with one foot keeping the door from locking you out?"

Yep. That's exactly what I was. My poor parents didn't know what the hel_l to do with me, being the youngest of a large family, and them being completely tired and worn out.

I went to a public school in a really bad neighborhood, had a lax home environment, and thought the academics at my school were a complete joke (which, they were). By the second year of high school, I was cutting class constantly and hanging out with the wild kids that smoked pot and got into all kinds of trouble. But I was never really a clique girl, because some of my friends were also the smartest, straightest kids. One of my best friends was valedictorian, and was the first in my school to get into Harvard. I ended up dropping out of high school that year, but little do they know that I ended up going to a top school as well, just a little later after I sorted myself out.

So, I guess you could say I was a little punk or rebel, who had not yet found a cause. That changed as soon as I got into college :D

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I was into everything good and bad. Played a couple of sports , made great grades without studying by just paying a little attention in class. Always on student council, sang in school chorus, was in school plays, sang in church choir, was officer in Interact social club (offshoot of Rotary club) went to off school functions for academic purposes, and I hated wasting my time at school, it was boring.

Sang in rock group, drank heavy from a young age, smoked at school, dated from the social elite to bad girls to pickups. My friends were from every class and status and mostly didn't mix between themselves, but I mixed with all. I didn't care what anyone thought or said about someone else, I treated them as they treated me, which generally was good. I was a bit of a wiseass to the teachers at times, ok a lot of times. I drove a 1955 plymouth then a 1959 Morris Minor, which was an unusual car to have in the states, but it was dependable enough, and different enough.

My spending money had to be provided by me, so I worked weekends and summers, then rock and roll took over till drafted by my uncle sam to help him out. I'd already been traveling with friends to the caribbean for vacations during high school. So thought I might like SE Asia where my uncle wanted me to go. But shooting and being shot at are not whats it cracked up to be on tv, and eventually we parted ways, and I went to being my usual drunk self going to a local college on the GI bill.

Since then life has occurred while I've gotten older with more than a few miles under my belt.

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Interesting thread. Although I was only 12 in 1977, I heard the Clash - 'White Riot', Ramones - "Blitzrieg Bop", and The Stranglers -" Something better change" in a London record store and that changed my life. I was in awe at some punks who had mohicans and were drinking cider/sniffing glue in the street.

Over the next few year I tried to be a punk and got into bands such as Crass, becoming a anarchist and more of a hippy than a punk. Punk was just really another cheap product for the consumer's head.

By the time I was 18, I was addicted to drugs/alcohol and that didn't mix too well with university, and playing Scottish second division rugby(very un-punk). At the same time gettin locked up frequenty.

I hear young guys today saying they were punks, but don't think that bands such as The Offspring/Green Day are punk - punk is long dead as the t-shirts say.

I rejected the whole of society and am now slowly trying to accept it, albeit in a different country, trying to make ammends for my errors of the past.

Anarchy, Love, and Peace are still in my heart, although sometimes in a strange mixture! :o

Edited by Neeranam
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Bringing back memories ......

I started off as a Rocker in the 70's - but with no motorbike ! This was a time when you had to be careful where you went in England as youths were all in gangs according to musical/fashion taste ; Punks, Skins, Rockers, Teds, Soul Boys, Mods etc etc ......

I was always into football though so as the 70's turned into the 80's I got caught up with the Football Casual scene - all Pringle jumpers and Stan Smith trainers etc.

Very expensive but very stylish ! And a bit of a transition from leather and denim of my youth.

Still go to football but never got into the Stone Island & Aquascutum thing.

Makes me laugh when people talk about the "violent modern society". Rubbish ! I dare any of the modern youth to take a trip back 25 years - they would go running back to mummy when those nasty Punks, Skins, Rockers, Teds, Soul Boys, Mods chased them down the high street.

I'm getting all emotional ........

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I was a Hippy Punk! Long hair, clothes old and patched, read my bible, as well as every other type of scripture, smoked loads of dope, camped in the country side all the time. Listened to every type of music, hippy music, punk, folk, classical. Enjoyed debating. Everyone said I was an enigma!

Thaibebop must have been a geeky nerd who loved computers!

Wrong, I and computers are like oil and water. I don't know them at all. Heck, I started e-mail a year ago! :o

A hippy then surely. Nose in all the far-out books, walking around going "Wow, far out man!".

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I used to sleep around a lot. I'd cheat on girls, with ex's. Girl would break up with me and I'd get with one of my ex's. Then I'd cheat on the ex, with the girl I'd just broken up with.

I was quite naughty that way... but then we all were. One of my ex's cheated on me somehting like nine times within six months. So did I.

Long gone are the days of free love I suppose.

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I used to sleep around a lot. I'd cheat on girls, with ex's. Girl would break up with me and I'd get with one of my ex's. Then I'd cheat on the ex, with the girl I'd just broken up with.

I was quite naughty that way... but then we all were. One of my ex's cheated on me somehting like nine times within six months. So did I.

Long gone are the days of free love I suppose.

Phew! That's a relief...

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Started out as a bully. This lasted for several years. Then i decided that this wasnt for me so i started hanging around with the very people i used to bully, this didnt really work out either as i missed scaring people so i took up the role of protector of the nerds, where i looked after them for their help with school work.

This worked out rather well as i was the biggest person in school by the age of 12, including teachers, so nobody ever messed with me or the people i looked after. :o

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I was a Hippy Punk! Long hair, clothes old and patched, read my bible, as well as every other type of scripture, smoked loads of dope, camped in the country side all the time. Listened to every type of music, hippy music, punk, folk, classical. Enjoyed debating. Everyone said I was an enigma!

Thaibebop must have been a geeky nerd who loved computers!

Wrong, I and computers are like oil and water. I don't know them at all. Heck, I started e-mail a year ago! :o

A hippy then surely. Nose in all the far-out books, walking around going "Wow, far out man!".

Wrong again! :D Never wore tye-dye and peace symbols. I had long hair but that was more lazy and not wanting to spend what money I had on a hair cut.

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