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I Am Scared Of Ants


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In Thailand it's only the centipede that I wouldn't want around if I had children.

There was one of these on the patio the other night. I coerced it onto a paper plate then carried it (on the paper plate) out onto the pavement (apologies to anyone who may have been have been confronted by him on their walk home from the pub). I had a feeling I needed to keep it away from the house - scary little thing!

In Thailand it's only the centipede that I wouldn't want around if I had children.

There was one of these on the patio the other night. I coerced it onto a paper plate then carried it (on the paper plate) out onto the pavement (apologies to anyone who may have been have been confronted by him on their walk home from the pub). I had a feeling I needed to keep it away from the house - scary little thing!

Little! The dam_n things are over 6" long, oh and some of the spiders here can jump.

Edited by Mosha
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When I buy a new wallet I keep the sample family photos they come with in it.

Sometimes, late at night I like to make up names for them and pretend they are my family..

It's pathetic...


I didn't know that you were a George Orwell fan

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Moet deng? Isn't that a type of champagne?

I must have been bitten thousands of times by these agressive little buggers. I guess that you build up some sort of immunity over time as the bites are more a nuisance than painful nowadays.

The fire ants are much worse and at times will drive me out of the area of the garden that I am working in.

I think that Ian posted earlier that geckos eat ants? We have a lot of geckos in the house and even more of the smaller JingJok lizards. Never seen them eat ants and we get a lot of ants also.

At least the ants will clean up dead mice and lizards in difficult to reach places, often before you are aware because of the smell.

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