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The Old Guys Are Funny


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Thanks very much to those that have commented and enjoyed the story. I've been in Thailand 12 times since 2008 and I think it was fate that I met that gentleman on my first afternoon. I had arrived with all my preconceived notions and he gently knocked them all right out of me.

I spend the majority of my holidays now in Chiang Mai and the North, however I'm contemplating going to Pattaya for Songkran. If I do I'll make myself known to oldgent at Wonderful Bar 2, but he'll have to keep it a secret as there is still a contingent of Pattaya OAP's after my blood. ph34r.png ( see previous threads about UK pension rights biggrin.png ).

Anyway, the story is not mine, the story is that of a man who loved and lost and was lost. Now he has found a new life and he is the better for it, and so is his family. All I had to do was listen, learn and remember.

The Op will find that as he travels through life circumstances have a habit of changing unexpectedly, the trick is to have the ability to adapt, accept, and get on with it. Pattayadingo did, Ianforbes did, and many other people who have contributed to this thread or are reading it did.

If you will indulge me with a combination of two of the most famous Scottish sayings, ( I'll be nice, I'll translate them into English )

The best laid plans of mice and men go wrong................but if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

Nah, you will be too tight to give anyone your alcohol laden blood. They'd be better off trying to get blood from a Blarney stone wink.png

Edited by pattayadingo
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Been there done that and I can relate to most everything said in this thread. For me, my wife, two boys, three dogs and two mothers keep me happy and broke. I travel a fair amount to mostly pretty nice places, but I am always happy to come home because it is home. I'll be 65 when the younger one graduates from high school and that was a late enough start for me.

I have a friend now in his late seventies, who had a kid after his 70 birthday, then his much younger wife died of cancer when their child was about 6 years old. He is quite well off, so the kid will not go without, but somehow I do not envy the child. The only real point is that if one wants to bring childern into the world at a latter age, then some serious planning needs to be done.

Edited by Pacificperson
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I suppose this will draw the ire of some, the offspring of older people tend to demonstrate more genetically related problems than do younger people. The ability of DNA and genes to repair themselves falls off as we age. I recognize that many of the older men will have younger wives. However, the deterioration does have an impact. (My father was over 40 when I was born, so perhaps that explains my diseased mindviolin.gif )

Well my 5 year old daughter is one of the most intelligent children I have ever come across (yes! I know, I would say that,her Teachers also confirm her intelligence.) so at an older age,it may be that in some way,some extra intelligence also gets passed on through genes, and from my observations in Thailand,Farang / Thai children,do seem to be particularly intelligent,obvious not a Scientific study though,which would also apply to other physical genetically related problems.

Your Daughter may be more intelligent than other kids because she has you as a Father.

My 6 year old stepdaughter is definitely more intelligent than her peers and much more intelligent than her adolescent older brother from the same gene pool.

She has grown up knowing only me as her father for 5 years and I have had not only the time, but also the inclination to encourage her to learn and to question.

She exhausts me at times (I'm 56) but I wouldn't have it any other way.

So many good Thai parents are so busy trying to put food on the table, that they simply don't have the time to nurture.

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I suppose this will draw the ire of some, the offspring of older people tend to demonstrate more genetically related problems than do younger people. The ability of DNA and genes to repair themselves falls off as we age. I recognize that many of the older men will have younger wives. However, the deterioration does have an impact. (My father was over 40 when I was born, so perhaps that explains my diseased mindviolin.gif )

Well my 5 year old daughter is one of the most intelligent children I have ever come across (yes! I know, I would say that,her Teachers also confirm her intelligence.) so at an older age,it may be that in some way,some extra intelligence also gets passed on through genes, and from my observations in Thailand,Farang / Thai children,do seem to be particularly intelligent,obvious not a Scientific study though,which would also apply to other physical genetically related problems.

Don't worry, the theory that older men have bad sperms, is just another Western myth, created by some journalists and fuzzy research.

The by far biggest danger for the mental health of a child is the "single mother" who prevents the child to have any contact to the father. Thus the "modern, free, empowered woman".

It depends how many times you've been kicked in the goolies.

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I suppose this will draw the ire of some, the offspring of older people tend to demonstrate more genetically related problems than do younger people. The ability of DNA and genes to repair themselves falls off as we age. I recognize that many of the older men will have younger wives. However, the deterioration does have an impact. (My father was over 40 when I was born, so perhaps that explains my diseased mindviolin.gif )

Well my 5 year old daughter is one of the most intelligent children I have ever come across (yes! I know, I would say that,her Teachers also confirm her intelligence.) so at an older age,it may be that in some way,some extra intelligence also gets passed on through genes, and from my observations in Thailand,Farang / Thai children,do seem to be particularly intelligent,obvious not a Scientific study though,which would also apply to other physical genetically related problems.

Don't worry, the theory that older men have bad sperms, is just another Western myth, created by some journalists and fuzzy research.

The by far biggest danger for the mental health of a child is the "single mother" who prevents the child to have any contact to the father. Thus the "modern, free, empowered woman".

It depends how many times you've been kicked in the goolies.

Nice one Arthur.you must have read a recent Post of mine.

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coffee1.gif You're in your twenties...and can't understand why some man in his fifthies might want a family.

Well, I'm going on 66 in a few months...no plans to start a family.

Obviously I don't expect to be around when you hit 50...but I hope you understand by then why a fifty something old man might feel that way. Or probably even want a relationship (of whatever kind) with a much younger woman?

Remember (no offense intended here) every fifty year old man was once 25 and stupid...although, like me, he probably thought at that time he already knew everything.

The only advantage to getting older is that you can, by learning from your experiences, grow out of your youthful stupidities.

I am an example of that fact.

You can qoute me as the old fool who told you that once if you want to.

But even trying to explain the reason to a younger person can sometimes be like talking to a brick wall.

Just in case it isn't, however, try this qoutation.

Then go not gentle into that good night,

and rage, rage, against the dieing of the light.

From a Shakespere play...can't remember which one...but you could look it up.

One of the "Richards" I believe. But I could be wrong.


P.S. my current wife is 63 years old.

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Thanks very much to those that have commented and enjoyed the story. I've been in Thailand 12 times since 2008 and I think it was fate that I met that gentleman on my first afternoon. I had arrived with all my preconceived notions and he gently knocked them all right out of me.

I spend the majority of my holidays now in Chiang Mai and the North, however I'm contemplating going to Pattaya for Songkran. If I do I'll make myself known to oldgent at Wonderful Bar 2, but he'll have to keep it a secret as there is still a contingent of Pattaya OAP's after my blood. ph34r.png ( see previous threads about UK pension rights biggrin.png ).

Anyway, the story is not mine, the story is that of a man who loved and lost and was lost. Now he has found a new life and he is the better for it, and so is his family. All I had to do was listen, learn and remember.

The Op will find that as he travels through life circumstances have a habit of changing unexpectedly, the trick is to have the ability to adapt, accept, and get on with it. Pattayadingo did, Ianforbes did, and many other people who have contributed to this thread or are reading it did.

If you will indulge me with a combination of two of the most famous Scottish sayings, ( I'll be nice, I'll translate them into English )

The best laid plans of mice and men go wrong................but if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

sorry mate im no longer in Pattaya hope to eventually retire in Chiangmai when i get things sorted. dont remember a Scotsman buying me a drink in Wonderfulbar 2........ many happy memories and great nights maybe see u in Chiangmai sometime.
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Ok, the question was how in the hell can a man jump into family hell once again after doing it one time?

I've been there, done family life two times back home and I enjoyed it very much both times though I were not able to be faithful which end my relations.

When my last family did not need me anymore I took my MC to Bangkok and did a research about settling for the rest of my life beeing well over the 50:s. I found Thailand to be country of choice for three reasons; climat, people and money.

But I could not see myself sitting somewhere alone with new ladies every night, I needed a more deep relation than that and what's better for social relations than a family?

I found the family girl and moved to her home in a small village in Isaan. I felt very welcomed of everyone in the family and the village. The girl already had two kids but her husband left her for another. So I was the big win! But actually she also was the big win for me!

We are now building a house in the village and I'm into it again, the family life. I'm in the early 60's and my gf just above half of that. So I'm a bad boy but we coop really well together both beiing the big win.

So if you ask me, I got everything I want and feel that I'm doing good by supporting a poor family. I participate in the village events and have no longings for another lady, she gives me everything I need and I have a social life.

I have a life, which probaply been much poorer in my previous environment! I still have the ability to make other people happy and feeling the joy of that.

Or as a friend of me gave me an advice for staying young. Don't stop living! Living for me is having relations, I can hardly feel that spending my time in a bar could give me the same satisfaction! So I have to take the energy of the kids as a sign for life!

good for you mate your a man after my own heart my thinking excatly
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I suppose this will draw the ire of some, the offspring of older people tend to demonstrate more genetically related problems than do younger people. The ability of DNA and genes to repair themselves falls off as we age. I recognize that many of the older men will have younger wives. However, the deterioration does have an impact. (My father was over 40 when I was born, so perhaps that explains my diseased mindviolin.gif )

I know three farangs in the early sixties who have younger wives (mid thirties) and their daughters and sons are exceptionally smart and precocious. Maybe it's just the attention they get, but there is no denying how quick they are at learning. But, I think that is true of most kids who get a lot of mental stimulation in an open environment. There have been studies where children who get a lot of mental stimulation in a wide variety of situations seem to mentally grow at a quicker rate.

Well my 5 year old daughter is one of the most intelligent children I have ever come across (yes! I know, I would say that,her Teachers also confirm her intelligence.) so at an older age,it may be that in some way,some extra intelligence also gets passed on through genes, and from my observations in Thailand,Farang / Thai children,do seem to be particularly intelligent,obvious not a Scientific study though,which would also apply to other physical genetically related problems.

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In another forum a member asked the question what has, in your opinion, changed the most since you took up residence in Thailand. My answer was ME - and I am thankful for that.

Sitting at the bar of my favourite bar/restaurant one evening waiting for my dinner to be served, the cashier asked me why I didn't have a lady. I said that although there was no shortage of attractive ladies I was concerned about their motives and I didn't relish the thought of being an ATM and that any lady, although maybe committed, steadfast and true, would only be an ersatz maid. I had not found a lady that I could become emotionally attached to and I felt that this was a prerequisite for a lasting relationship.

A few days later the senior waitress said that she had a good lady for me and the following evening over dinner introduced me to her cousin. Although her cousin spoke only 3 or 4 words of English and her rounded shoulders and lowered head showed her shyness and a degree of fright, this turned out to be one of the most momentous moments of my life. The lady would be coming home with me I was told. I decided to go with the flow but with little hope of a permanent relationship. There was so little that we had in common.

Slowly we progressed and I worked on seducing her from her state of fright and showed her every respect so that her confidence started to grow. After a week or so I became concerned about her coughing and took her off to Bangkok Hospital where after a thorough examination including X-rays and a complete blood test, the doctor said that she had a variety of ailments and unless admitted immediately and treatment commenced, opined that her life expectancy was about three months. Would I be paying the bill I was asked and I responded by asking what if I didn't? Then we cannot help her and we'll send her away I was told. Little innocent me was appalled - and I agreed to pay. At the forefront of my mind was that her two children back in Buriram had grown up without a father and could shortly become orphans. It has been money well spent and now 11 years later she is now in the full bloom of health and the source of my great joy and contentment. We have worked hard to find common ground and learned a lot from each other. I cannot erase the memory of her miserable existence before we met but now at least in her heart she knows she will never return to those days. We accept that, although we do not live in each other's pockets, we are no longer individuals but each of us is one half of a totally committed pair.

I have never had much time for the family that I was born into, indeed I have often wondered if I was born on the wrong side of the blanket since I have nothing in common with any of my siblings. Now I am part of a real and loving family. It gives me great joy in being a favourite uncle and now a grandfather too. The kids have everything that they need and at times get some of the things that they want. I spend time teaching them acording to their ages and capabilities, English, mathematics and simple physics. My darling 12 year old neice actually passed on her knowledge and showed her schoolteacher how to solve simultaneous algebraic equations; her 10 year old brother handles decimals and percentages without problem. Both show signs of developing analytic skills.

Some words of wisdom that those who have found their life's partner in this turbulent land called Thailand might appreciate :-

"To laugh often and love much... to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to give one's self... this is to have succeeded."

"Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it...It really is worth fighting for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk everything, you risk even more."

Words for the young and as yet unknowing (as they have yet to discover) :-

You are young, my son, and, as the years go by, time will change and even reverse many of your present opinions. Refrain therefore awhile from setting yourself up as a judge of the highest matters.

Absolutely outstanding!!.........thanks very much Bagwan, stories like that I could read all day.

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It's called companionship.......many men ( I would say myself included ) love companionship and the feeling of doing something for the greater good. There are some excellent older fathers all over the world and many excellent relationships too.

So if you you can see past the cynical view and see the reality that relationships can work for older gents then that would be a start. You've given me a chance to tell my favourite story about Thailand, and I can't remember if I have told it before so forgive me if you have seen it before.

My first trip to Thailand was Feb 2008, I had done a business deal and I was taken on holiday to Pattaya as a bonus. I was reluctant to go as I had heard all the usual nonsense about Thailand, but being Scottish I couldn't see the holiday go to waste.

I duly turned up at the hotel opposite Wonderful Bar 2 and you can imagine I was blown away with my first sight of Pattaya. The first afternoon there was live entertainment in the bar, so I wandered across and sat down on one of the stools. There was an older English guy doing his turn, and he had a good voice.

Once he finished he came to over my way and mentioned I had blagged his seat, I skipped up one and he sat with me. He asked me if it was my first time in Thailand, he must have smelled the newness off me. I said it was and to cut a long story short he launched into this story. If he is reading this, I hope he knows the impression he made on me.

" I was 59 and living in London when I lost my wife, I couldn't handle it, I loved that woman so much. For 18 months I was like a zombie, going to work, coming home, drinking by myself every night and just wanting it all to end, I was so miserable. My daughter kept pleading with me to get on with my life, but my life died with my wife. One day my daughter came into the house with my best friend, they had bought me a holiday to Thailand to try and get me out of my shell. I refused to go, no way I could contemplate going on holiday, it would be a betrayal of the memory of my wife, how could I enjoy myself?

My daughter burst into tears, and I relented, I was a miserable sod but now I was hurting my kids too. The day came for me to fly to Thailand and never was there a more reluctant tourist than me, all the way over I didn't want to be going on holiday, I was betraying my wife. I got to Pattaya and I was miserable, angry with myself for agreeing to come and the first day I was a nightmare, by day two I was starting to relax a little bit, and by day three I was starting to enjoy myself.

By the time the two weeks were over I went home and my daughter was ecstatic, she could see happiness in me, as she had already lost her Mum, and she felt she lost her Dad that day too. It was all I could do but get to work, save up and get back out again.

He went on to say.............The first girlfriend you get in Thailand is always the hardest to get rid of, you end up entrapped and unsure and that was a nightmare for me. Eventually it all ended, and I took up with another lady that didn't work out either, and it went on until I met my lady here.

I retired from my job, moved over here and got married, my best pal did the same thing and two other friends have moved here too. We all stay in the same villa, we get up at about 10.00am and go for a swim, the wives make brunch, we sit and eat together, and we all take off in different directions for the afternoon. Today I'm here because I love a sing song, my wife here is a sweetheart ( I would say she was about 54, and the gent I was talking to would be about 67 at the time ), and she looks after me so well.

He went on to say..........

" I would give all this up right now for my wife, I loved that woman so much, I would give up everything to be with her again........I thought my life was over when my wife died, but Thailand has given me a second chance at life............"

I hope that gentleman is still going strong and still loving life in Pattaya, and I bet you there are many men reading this and recognizing a bit of themselves in it........I think that was one of the best phrases I have ever heard in my life.

" Thailand has given me a second chance at life "

Reminds me of the couple I spotted on the BTS a few years ago. He must have been 70 if a day and his Thai companion at least mid fifties.

He was walking with the aid of a stick and holding his wife's arm. I was struck by the way the two of them, in what became a scrum as we passed through Siam Square, moved as one.

The look which passed between them was one of love, no question of that.

I wondered that day, seeing them so happy, if they were on an important and long awaited trip or simply making their daily journey home.....

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you sentimental types, these kind of stories have no place on a thai forum, hurry up the bitter and twisted, tell us how about how your thai ex, ripped you off.

You see?

The forum as you knew it has gone...to be replaced by this new positive Thai Visa model. smile.png

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you sentimental types, these kind of stories have no place on a thai forum, hurry up the bitter and twisted, tell us how about how your thai ex, ripped you off.

You see?

The forum as you knew it has gone...to be replaced by this new positive Thai Visa model. smile.png

Yes it's a disgrace............who do I complain to? angry.png

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you sentimental types, these kind of stories have no place on a thai forum, hurry up the bitter and twisted, tell us how about how your thai ex, ripped you off.

You see?

The forum as you knew it has gone...to be replaced by this new positive Thai Visa model. smile.png

Yes it's a disgrace............who do I complain to? angry.png

You can complain to me. I'm an expert at dealing with criticism and verbal abuse.

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bitter and twisted, i have supplied some starting lines for you

i met her in the .......bar

her brother was really her ....

she took the following items .....

it was all her fault because .....

she gambled all the money on....

her family were ....

sorry, for the bitter and twisted, but some posters are very happy with their partners

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bitter and twisted, i have supplied some starting lines for you

i met her in the .......bar

her brother was really her ....

she took the following items .....

it was all her fault because .....

she gambled all the money on....

her family were ....

sorry, for the bitter and twisted, but some posters are very happy with their partners

Harviestoun's Bitter and Twisted is one of my favourite beers too!

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bitter and twisted, i have supplied some starting lines for you

i met her in the .......bar

her brother was really her ....

she took the following items .....

it was all her fault because .....

she gambled all the money on....

her family were ....

sorry, for the bitter and twisted, but some posters are very happy with their partners

Harviestoun's Bitter and Twisted is one of my favourite beers too!

try asking for one of those when your 3/4 cut

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bitter and twisted, i have supplied some starting lines for you

i met her in the .......bar

her brother was really her ....

she took the following items .....

it was all her fault because .....

she gambled all the money on....

her family were ....

sorry, for the bitter and twisted, but some posters are very happy with their partners

Harviestoun's Bitter and Twisted is one of my favourite beers too!

try asking for one of those when your 3/4 cut

My old man runs the pub and is the only other person I know who speaks fluent smokie....

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you sentimental types, these kind of stories have no place on a thai forum, hurry up the bitter and twisted, tell us how about how your thai ex, ripped you off.

You see?

The forum as you knew it has gone...to be replaced by this new positive Thai Visa model. smile.png

Yea, this one is turning into a right old "tear jerker" I've run out of toilet roll tissues already smile.png

Edited by MAJIC
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They keep saying they're too old when they're only mid-fifties!

Age is a state of mind..........please God never let me be old before my time............

On that subject I was in the car park of my shop today and my pal told me he was trying to book The Wurzels for the Player of the Year dance, well you know what happened next..........you had the sight of 40 plus guys bouncing around the car park singing combine harvester at the top of their voices.

Go ahead.....try to resist dancing about!!

I am a cider drinker!!...........I drinks it all of the day guitar.gif

( I am as stupid in real life as I come across on here, just so you know ).

Edited by theblether
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you sentimental types, these kind of stories have no place on a thai forum, hurry up the bitter and twisted, tell us how about how your thai ex, ripped you off.

You see?

The forum as you knew it has gone...to be replaced by this new positive Thai Visa model. smile.png

Yes it's a disgrace............who do I complain to? angry.png

You can complain to me. I'm an expert at dealing with criticism and verbal abuse.

Oh......so your married then??.............

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