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The Old Guys Are Funny


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What is going on with this thread??? is it gentleman's week or something?

Seriously though i really enjoyed this thread and reading all the stories without silly arguing.

there is some compassion on thaivisa afterall and all the best to the people concerned in the stories.

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coffee1.gif You're in your twenties...and can't understand why some man in his fifthies might want a family.

Well, I'm going on 66 in a few months...no plans to start a family.

Obviously I don't expect to be around when you hit 50...but I hope you understand by then why a fifty something old man might feel that way. Or probably even want a relationship (of whatever kind) with a much younger woman?

Remember (no offense intended here) every fifty year old man was once 25 and stupid...although, like me, he probably thought at that time he already knew everything.

The only advantage to getting older is that you can, by learning from your experiences, grow out of your youthful stupidities.

I am an example of that fact.

You can qoute me as the old fool who told you that once if you want to.

But even trying to explain the reason to a younger person can sometimes be like talking to a brick wall.

Just in case it isn't, however, try this qoutation.

Then go not gentle into that good night,

and rage, rage, against the dieing of the light.

From a Shakespere play...can't remember which one...but you could look it up.

One of the "Richards" I believe. But I could be wrong.


P.S. my current wife is 63 years old.

I'm getting on myself so anyone can correct me on the name or ages,

I believe it was Oscar Wilde who said,

When I was eighteen I couldn't believe how stupid my father was and when I was 30 I couldn't believe how intelligent he had become.wai.gif

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My personal story is divorced, 52 now, 2 grown up sons... and planning my retirement to Thailand in few years...

Will I be one of these funny old guys getting married again? Well, I probably will be, when I will find the girl to fall in love... I think getting married is a mutual interest of both me and my future Thai wife... for one, I am not made to be alone, for two, I find it to stressful to find me another girl every few weeks, for three, I am looking for the security of having somebody be able to care for me if anything bad happens and for four, I will provide security to my future life partner through the marriage.

Does not sound too romantic, I know... but it is fact of life that love alone does not satisfy the security needs for people getting older.

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Thanks very much to those that have commented and enjoyed the story. I've been in Thailand 12 times since 2008 and I think it was fate that I met that gentleman on my first afternoon. I had arrived with all my preconceived notions and he gently knocked them all right out of me.

I spend the majority of my holidays now in Chiang Mai and the North, however I'm contemplating going to Pattaya for Songkran. If I do I'll make myself known to oldgent at Wonderful Bar 2, but he'll have to keep it a secret as there is still a contingent of Pattaya OAP's after my blood. ph34r.png ( see previous threads about UK pension rights biggrin.png ).

Anyway, the story is not mine, the story is that of a man who loved and lost and was lost. Now he has found a new life and he is the better for it, and so is his family. All I had to do was listen, learn and remember.

The Op will find that as he travels through life circumstances have a habit of changing unexpectedly, the trick is to have the ability to adapt, accept, and get on with it. Pattayadingo did, Ianforbes did, and many other people who have contributed to this thread or are reading it did.

If you will indulge me with a combination of two of the most famous Scottish sayings, ( I'll be nice, I'll translate them into English )

The best laid plans of mice and men go wrong................but if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

Nah, you will be too tight to give anyone your alcohol laden blood. They'd be better off trying to get blood from a Blarney stone wink.png

Don't confuse him with being Irish for goodness sake!

If the Blether ever kisses said stone, the world of internet forums is doomed! He's bad enough as he is............wai.gif

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@ theblether

Well, you seem to have done it again; perfectly good thread setup for severe slagging of the elder generation and you go and spoil it with a bar-related story about your first male/male relationship in Pattaya!

Excellent story mate, and I see it had the required effect of some sensible posts.

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@ theblether

Well, you seem to have done it again; perfectly good thread setup for severe slagging of the elder generation and you go and spoil it with a bar-related story about your first male/male relationship in Pattaya!

Excellent story mate, and I see it had the required effect of some sensible posts.

It's only a question of time before I get banned for wasting people's ability to have a right good moan........oh well onwards and upwards drunk.gif

ps..........on topic re the Wurzels song ( see, you thought the Wurzels weren't on topic didn't you ), one of the last lyrics is

Now that we'm both past our 50's I think that you and me

Should stop this galivanting and will you marry me

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It's called companionship.......many men ( I would say myself included ) love companionship and the feeling of doing something for the greater good. There are some excellent older fathers all over the world and many excellent relationships too.

So if you you can see past the cynical view and see the reality that relationships can work for older gents then that would be a start. You've given me a chance to tell my favourite story about Thailand, and I can't remember if I have told it before so forgive me if you have seen it before.

My first trip to Thailand was Feb 2008, I had done a business deal and I was taken on holiday to Pattaya as a bonus. I was reluctant to go as I had heard all the usual nonsense about Thailand, but being Scottish I couldn't see the holiday go to waste.

I duly turned up at the hotel opposite Wonderful Bar 2 and you can imagine I was blown away with my first sight of Pattaya. The first afternoon there was live entertainment in the bar, so I wandered across and sat down on one of the stools. There was an older English guy doing his turn, and he had a good voice.

Once he finished he came to over my way and mentioned I had blagged his seat, I skipped up one and he sat with me. He asked me if it was my first time in Thailand, he must have smelled the newness off me. I said it was and to cut a long story short he launched into this story. If he is reading this, I hope he knows the impression he made on me.

" I was 59 and living in London when I lost my wife, I couldn't handle it, I loved that woman so much. For 18 months I was like a zombie, going to work, coming home, drinking by myself every night and just wanting it all to end, I was so miserable. My daughter kept pleading with me to get on with my life, but my life died with my wife. One day my daughter came into the house with my best friend, they had bought me a holiday to Thailand to try and get me out of my shell. I refused to go, no way I could contemplate going on holiday, it would be a betrayal of the memory of my wife, how could I enjoy myself?

My daughter burst into tears, and I relented, I was a miserable sod but now I was hurting my kids too. The day came for me to fly to Thailand and never was there a more reluctant tourist than me, all the way over I didn't want to be going on holiday, I was betraying my wife. I got to Pattaya and I was miserable, angry with myself for agreeing to come and the first day I was a nightmare, by day two I was starting to relax a little bit, and by day three I was starting to enjoy myself.

By the time the two weeks were over I went home and my daughter was ecstatic, she could see happiness in me, as she had already lost her Mum, and she felt she lost her Dad that day too. It was all I could do but get to work, save up and get back out again.

He went on to say.............The first girlfriend you get in Thailand is always the hardest to get rid of, you end up entrapped and unsure and that was a nightmare for me. Eventually it all ended, and I took up with another lady that didn't work out either, and it went on until I met my lady here.

I retired from my job, moved over here and got married, my best pal did the same thing and two other friends have moved here too. We all stay in the same villa, we get up at about 10.00am and go for a swim, the wives make brunch, we sit and eat together, and we all take off in different directions for the afternoon. Today I'm here because I love a sing song, my wife here is a sweetheart ( I would say she was about 54, and the gent I was talking to would be about 67 at the time ), and she looks after me so well.

He went on to say..........

" I would give all this up right now for my wife, I loved that woman so much, I would give up everything to be with her again........I thought my life was over when my wife died, but Thailand has given me a second chance at life............"

I hope that gentleman is still going strong and still loving life in Pattaya, and I bet you there are many men reading this and recognizing a bit of themselves in it........I think that was one of the best phrases I have ever heard in my life.

" Thailand has given me a second chance at life "

Reminds me of the couple I spotted on the BTS a few years ago. He must have been 70 if a day and his Thai companion at least mid fifties.

He was walking with the aid of a stick and holding his wife's arm. I was struck by the way the two of them, in what became a scrum as we passed through Siam Square, moved as one.

The look which passed between them was one of love, no question of that.

I wondered that day, seeing them so happy, if they were on an important and long awaited trip or simply making their daily journey home.....

jap.gifjap.gif Love it.

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This is quite an interesting post as I have often quite wondered myself and I am a 24 year old woman. I'm not married and I don't have kids and to be frank, I'm not sure I ever want to go down that road...

I have to say that I have met a few lovely older men who have told me their story and its all quite heart melting. I met one guy who came out here to visit his daughter who is the same age as me after she begged him to come out here after his wife had done a runner with another guy in the UK. He came out here for a 3 week holiday and never went home! For his age (I think he was late 50s) he was totally full of life and very happy with his new wife. It was just really lovely to hear his story and nice to see.

Also I have a lovely female friend who is in her 60s who said she basically started living life when she moved here 5 years ago. She's totally rearing to go, doesn't act like an old lady and I have fab nights out with her! She's a real laugh! I sometimes look at my Mother and wonder if she would be the same if she came here to visit me... I feel sorry for both my parents who are working in the UK, however they're so trapped in their little lives that they're too scared to venture out of Europe. They keep saying they're too old when they're only mid-fifties!

So you're sure that your parents are too scared and sad (trapped in their little lives...) to travel? Could it be that they're v happy with their own lives so don't feel the need?

My father was in the merchant navy when v young and 'saw the world' - so he had no desire to go on foreign holidays.

Grow up! We all choose our own lives and there is no need to decide others are sad just because they enjoy different things to you.

I'm sure the female friend of yours in her 60s is a barrel of laughs, but not everybody needs to spend their life that way to enjoy it.

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I suppose this will draw the ire of some, the offspring of older people tend to demonstrate more genetically related problems than do younger people. The ability of DNA and genes to repair themselves falls off as we age. I recognize that many of the older men will have younger wives. However, the deterioration does have an impact. (My father was over 40 when I was born, so perhaps that explains my diseased mindviolin.gif )

Interesting thought that.

My Dad was 55 when I was born and my Mum was 40 and AFAIK I am mentally fit though slowing down through fair wear and tear on the physical side.

My parents both died at age 69, 15 years apart. My Dad of a heart attack, (I have had my warning and 2 stents) and my Mum of lung cancer and I quit smoking 42 years ago.

My brother is still going strong at 80.

We must have led good clean lives I suppose.

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I must admit l have a tear in my eye reading stuff here. Similar stuff with me and HOPE that those who run some of us down for coming to LOS understand something about life's traumas that they haven't met yet and see that we must move on. Mistake in some decisions BUT we did it. Rock On. drunk.gif

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Strangely enough for the younger generation among us but there are a lot of older guys very happily maried to younger Thai ladies and they have children, perhaps their own, perhaps their wive's children from a previous relationship and sometimes a mix of both.

A lot of them are members of the forum and having a wonderful full life and can count themselves fulfilled and don't need to whine and whinge about their lives.

They just quietly get on with it.

I do. rose tinted glasses and all.

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They keep saying they're too old when they're only mid-fifties!

Age is a state of mind..........please God never let me be old before my time............

On that subject I was in the car park of my shop today and my pal told me he was trying to book The Wurzels for the Player of the Year dance, well you know what happened next..........you had the sight of 40 plus guys bouncing around the car park singing combine harvester at the top of their voices.


Go ahead.....try to resist dancing about!!

I am a cider drinker!!...........I drinks it all of the day guitar.gif

( I am as stupid in real life as I come across on here, just so you know ).

Hope you have better teeth than the clown in that video.

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I suppose this will draw the ire of some, the offspring of older people tend to demonstrate more genetically related problems than do younger people. The ability of DNA and genes to repair themselves falls off as we age. I recognize that many of the older men will have younger wives. However, the deterioration does have an impact. (My father was over 40 when I was born, so perhaps that explains my diseased mindviolin.gif )

Well my 5 year old daughter is one of the most intelligent children I have ever come across (yes! I know, I would say that,her Teachers also confirm her intelligence.) so at an older age,it may be that in some way,some extra intelligence also gets passed on through genes, and from my observations in Thailand,Farang / Thai children,do seem to be particularly intelligent,obvious not a Scientific study though,which would also apply to other physical genetically related problems.

Don't worry, the theory that older men have bad sperms, is just another Western myth, created by some journalists and fuzzy research.

The by far biggest danger for the mental health of a child is the "single mother" who prevents the child to have any contact to the father. Thus the "modern, free, empowered woman".

No, it's true. I won't go off on citation tangent as I don't want to take away from a good positive thread. I would however suggest that some of the old codgers starting families might be a notch above others as they are predisposed to being active and probably didn't fall prey to booze and drugs that do a number on one's health. On the other hand, one of my father's friends, a former judge that retired to his farm in the boonies married a local farm girl when he was in his 70's and had a couple kids. He's got to be 90 now and still drinks his whiskey and his mind is still sharp. As my dad says, the clock is running and they might as well enjoy himself while he can lol.

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They keep saying they're too old when they're only mid-fifties!

Age is a state of mind..........please God never let me be old before my time............

On that subject I was in the car park of my shop today and my pal told me he was trying to book The Wurzels for the Player of the Year dance, well you know what happened next..........you had the sight of 40 plus guys bouncing around the car park singing combine harvester at the top of their voices.


Go ahead.....try to resist dancing about!!

I am a cider drinker!!...........I drinks it all of the day guitar.gif

( I am as stupid in real life as I come across on here, just so you know ).

Hope you have better teeth than the clown in that video.

If it's bad teeth you're after here you go.

The Oldies real are the Goldies guitar.gif

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I have only been married for three years, Its the first time, I am 58, My wife is 36. I meet her by accident in a factory outside Bangkok. I was not interested in her, after being a loner all my life. I Found that she was the best thing to Happen to me. I have had a full life but no children. i had a brain and it was in My head not in my balls. it amazes me how the younger generation have Ferrell kids all over the place with no though about the child's life, maybe if they had to pay child maintenance for all there children they would think twice. But i suppose thinking come with age.

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This is quite an interesting post as I have often quite wondered myself and I am a 24 year old woman. I'm not married and I don't have kids and to be frank, I'm not sure I ever want to go down that road...

I have to say that I have met a few lovely older men who have told me their story and its all quite heart melting. I met one guy who came out here to visit his daughter who is the same age as me after she begged him to come out here after his wife had done a runner with another guy in the UK. He came out here for a 3 week holiday and never went home! For his age (I think he was late 50s) he was totally full of life and very happy with his new wife. It was just really lovely to hear his story and nice to see.

Also I have a lovely female friend who is in her 60s who said she basically started living life when she moved here 5 years ago. She's totally rearing to go, doesn't act like an old lady and I have fab nights out with her! She's a real laugh! I sometimes look at my Mother and wonder if she would be the same if she came here to visit me... I feel sorry for both my parents who are working in the UK, however they're so trapped in their little lives that they're too scared to venture out of Europe. They keep saying they're too old when they're only mid-fifties!

So you're sure that your parents are too scared and sad (trapped in their little lives...) to travel? Could it be that they're v happy with their own lives so don't feel the need?

My father was in the merchant navy when v young and 'saw the world' - so he had no desire to go on foreign holidays.

Grow up! We all choose our own lives and there is no need to decide others are sad just because they enjoy different things to you.

I'm sure the female friend of yours in her 60s is a barrel of laughs, but not everybody needs to spend their life that way to enjoy it.

phuturatica is only 24 yrs old. These are HER observations and she is quite entitled to them dont you think without receiving caustic comments!! Personally I think its refreshing to have some female views on TV / happy balances etc!!

Keep them coming phuturatica!jap.gif

Ahem......you will be disappointed to hear that f1fanatic is female. Normally she is quite entertaining and brings a lot of balance herself but the last couple of days she has been fixing for a fight. I'm getting a little bit scared of her. crying.gif

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This is quite an interesting post as I have often quite wondered myself and I am a 24 year old woman. I'm not married and I don't have kids and to be frank, I'm not sure I ever want to go down that road...

I have to say that I have met a few lovely older men who have told me their story and its all quite heart melting. I met one guy who came out here to visit his daughter who is the same age as me after she begged him to come out here after his wife had done a runner with another guy in the UK. He came out here for a 3 week holiday and never went home! For his age (I think he was late 50s) he was totally full of life and very happy with his new wife. It was just really lovely to hear his story and nice to see.

Also I have a lovely female friend who is in her 60s who said she basically started living life when she moved here 5 years ago. She's totally rearing to go, doesn't act like an old lady and I have fab nights out with her! She's a real laugh! I sometimes look at my Mother and wonder if she would be the same if she came here to visit me... I feel sorry for both my parents who are working in the UK, however they're so trapped in their little lives that they're too scared to venture out of Europe. They keep saying they're too old when they're only mid-fifties!

So you're sure that your parents are too scared and sad (trapped in their little lives...) to travel? Could it be that they're v happy with their own lives so don't feel the need?

My father was in the merchant navy when v young and 'saw the world' - so he had no desire to go on foreign holidays.

Grow up! We all choose our own lives and there is no need to decide others are sad just because they enjoy different things to you.

I'm sure the female friend of yours in her 60s is a barrel of laughs, but not everybody needs to spend their life that way to enjoy it.

phuturatica is only 24 yrs old. These are HER observations and she is quite entitled to them dont you think without receiving caustic comments!! Personally I think its refreshing to have some female views on TV / happy balances etc!!

Keep them coming phuturatica!jap.gif

Ahem......you will be disappointed to hear that f1fanatic is female. Normally she is quite entertaining and brings a lot of balance herself but the last couple of days she has been fixing for a fight. I'm getting a little bit scared of her. crying.gif

She is an OK gal. drunk.gif

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I for one can't understand it for the life of me.

Why would anyone who has failed at relationships all their lives then think that somehow - in the twilight of their lives when they should be enjoying their latter years in peace - all will be fine now so they put themselves through the mill all over again?

I can understand the "Company" angle, but company is one thing, bringing a new life into the world when the father could well be dead by the time the life reaches puberty is just plain wrong.

There is high enough failure rate in Westerner - Bar Girl relations as it is (and most instances of this phenomena are with Bar Girls). Starting a family with a bar Girl is just plain irresponsible.

To me it's about the male ego gone crazy. An extreme menopause if you will. "Look at me, I'm 65 and can still churn em out"

I'd also wager the majority of such births are "accidental" as well and with Thailand's anti abortion laws the female merely has the baby to keep her meal ticket.

When I see some old fool hobbling down the street with their young offspring, I feel only contempt for the mis-guided fool and terrible pity for the young life who either through separation or death, will never really know their father.

Take up golf or fishing instead.

Is that more like it?

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I for one can't understand it for the life of me.

Why would anyone who has failed at relationships all their lives then think that somehow - in the twilight of their lives when they should be enjoying their latter years in peace - all will be fine now so they put themselves through the mill all over again?

I can understand the "Company" angle, but company is one thing, bringing a new life into the world when the father could well be dead by the time the life reaches puberty is just plain wrong.

There is high enough failure rate in Westerner - Bar Girl relations as it is (and most instances of this phenomena are with Bar Girls). Starting a family with a bar Girl is just plain irresponsible.

To me it's about the male ego gone crazy. An extreme menopause if you will. "Look at me, I'm 65 and can still churn em out"

I'd also wager the majority of such births are "accidental" as well and with Thailand's anti abortion laws the female merely has the baby to keep her meal ticket.

When I see some old fool hobbling down the street with their young offspring, I feel only contempt for the mis-guided fool and terrible pity for the young life who either through separation or death, will never really know their father.

Take up golf or fishing instead.

Is that more like it?

Think you've past your sell by date and should not condemn others for ''their'' lives not yours.

Can you find Horlicks here ? huh.png

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This is quite an interesting post as I have often quite wondered myself and I am a 24 year old woman. I'm not married and I don't have kids and to be frank, I'm not sure I ever want to go down that road...

I have to say that I have met a few lovely older men who have told me their story and its all quite heart melting. I met one guy who came out here to visit his daughter who is the same age as me after she begged him to come out here after his wife had done a runner with another guy in the UK. He came out here for a 3 week holiday and never went home! For his age (I think he was late 50s) he was totally full of life and very happy with his new wife. It was just really lovely to hear his story and nice to see.

Also I have a lovely female friend who is in her 60s who said she basically started living life when she moved here 5 years ago. She's totally rearing to go, doesn't act like an old lady and I have fab nights out with her! She's a real laugh! I sometimes look at my Mother and wonder if she would be the same if she came here to visit me... I feel sorry for both my parents who are working in the UK, however they're so trapped in their little lives that they're too scared to venture out of Europe. They keep saying they're too old when they're only mid-fifties!

I understand your point, and I'm getting to be like your parents, not wanting to travel much. My sparring partner has just hopped a plane to head up to BKK to visit with the sister and aunties. They're going to some village 1 hr out of town. I declined as a junket on Air Asia and a car trip doesn't interest me. Boring me. Meanwhile I'll be all alone for the next 2 days wondering if I should have gone. Honestly, I have work obligations and am working North american hours so i can't go. I could've I suppose, but I'm like your parents. the old galfriend of yours sounds like a lot of fun. That will probabaly tick some people off knowing that you can still be a girl when you get old. Cher's still going strong (just as long as she doesn't bend over and rip.) and she's close to 70 i think

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I for one can't understand it for the life of me.

Why would anyone who has failed at relationships all their lives then think that somehow - in the twilight of their lives when they should be enjoying their latter years in peace - all will be fine now so they put themselves through the mill all over again?

I can understand the "Company" angle, but company is one thing, bringing a new life into the world when the father could well be dead by the time the life reaches puberty is just plain wrong.

There is high enough failure rate in Westerner - Bar Girl relations as it is (and most instances of this phenomena are with Bar Girls). Starting a family with a bar Girl is just plain irresponsible.

To me it's about the male ego gone crazy. An extreme menopause if you will. "Look at me, I'm 65 and can still churn em out"

I'd also wager the majority of such births are "accidental" as well and with Thailand's anti abortion laws the female merely has the baby to keep her meal ticket.

When I see some old fool hobbling down the street with their young offspring, I feel only contempt for the mis-guided fool and terrible pity for the young life who either through separation or death, will never really know their father.

Take up golf or fishing instead.

Is that more like it?

What gets you thinking that you have the answer of my life? I would say you don't have a clue! Not about me and nor my mrs.

If you feel fine playing the game it's up to you, but dont try to get others feel miserably for not following your rules!

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What gets you thinking that you have the answer of my life?

Nothing at all. I have never met you, yet have found my above generalisations on this topic to be plumb spang on.

Visit the Orphanage in Pattaya and see how many of the kids there come from a relationship such as I have described where the relationship has ended or the father merely died of old age and the mother not wanting he kid.

Then, if you want still want to carry on blowing your beans all over Thailand to try and recapture your long lost youth, feel free...

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Then, if you want still want to carry on blowing your beans all over Thailand to try and recapture your long lost youth, feel free...

I am not and have no intensions of and have never been "blowing my beans all over Thailand".

I decided to move to Thailand, met a woman to share family with and we are all happy with that,

We have no joint children and have no intention to get any, moreover I give her two young Thai sons a

fathers figure as their Thai father left the family. I also give her family a much improved living standard.

I believe you are being very unfair to most men in this forum, you sounds like a bitter old lady that

shotgun every western male in Thailand because yo have seen something that upsets you.

Fortunately the world is not black and white, there are also a lot of shades so save your shotgun

to those who deserves it the next time. A lot of western men is doing something really good here in

Thailand and the things we get in yield is a young lady that love us and actually are happy with their life.

Not bad having a "long lost youth", or?

And if you did not already discovered it, there is a totally different sight on ageing in Thailand, not at all

the hysteric commercial youth culture that is so dominant in the west. Age still have a value here in Thailand.

Edited by mackes
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