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Democrat MP Seeks Unusually-Rich Probe Against ICT Minister Anudith


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Democrat MP seeks unusually-rich probe against Anudith

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- Democrat Party deputy spokesperson Mallika Boonmeetrakul yesterday filed a complaint with the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), alleging Information and Communications Technology Minister Anudit Nakhonthap of being unusually rich.

Mallika stated in her complaint that Anudit, upon taking office as an MP in 2008, declared he had assets worth B2 million.

But when he left office as an MP, he informed the NACC that he had Bt11 million worth of assets, Mallika said.

She said there was no justification for his assets increasing by Bt9 million within three years because his MP salary during the three-year period was only Bt3.6 million.


-- The Nation 2012-03-27

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Why stop with this fellow? He may have followed some of the thinking/practices of other wealthy members of govt. In fact the salaries drawn by many of the beauicrats could not pay or even finance the assits they have declared.

The past decade seems to have revealed the many politicans who are creating oppurnities for personal financial gain with taxpayer monies. Its almost as if they were trying to outdo those individuals/companies who have robbed/scammed the worlds investors of billions, while the former would appear exempt from any legal consquences. What is really depressing is that there seems no chance of any repayment (even partial) for the billions stolen via "corruption" by so called public servants.

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Those people know they are in power for very short period .... they need to fill their pocket as much as they can ( also their louis vuitton bags) Nothing new in this ...20 years here and 20 years of greedy politician. See that , done that ... nothing will ever change as corruption is in the genes of the people and at every level.

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As i have said before, 18-20% of the countrys G.D.P. is stolen!

You know this for a fact? How? Just curious.

It's been reported widely that the number is closer to 30%.


The aim of the project is to protect the public interest. Pramon Suthiwong, chairman of the private sector's anti-corruption network, said that surveys have shown that "tea money" usually accounts for as much as 30 per cent of a government project's value. This is a waste of the public's tax money.
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Oversees billions on the Smart Thailand project and billions more for the One Tablet Per 10 Or So Children scheme.

What's a few million?.

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Unfortunately you are not wrong. Thai politicians do not have exclusive rights on corruption. As an example, look at the news from the UK at the moment. The treasurer of the ruling party filmed offering access to the Prime Minister for 250,000 pounds. A lot of money. Of course he has been forced to resign, saying, ' i am sorry if i gave the impression of wrongdoing!' The impression? Laugh. Out. Loud. Of course the Prime Minister has denied all knowledge of it, and has ordered an internal enquiry by one of his mates! So thats all right then! I have no doubt that the inquiry will find that 250,000 quid is just for the pleasure of having dinner with the PM, no impropriety etc etc. So yes, they are all the same, taking the electorate as gullible fools. Which sadly an awful lot of them are!
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Why stop with this fellow? He may have followed some of the thinking/practices of other wealthy members of govt. In fact the salaries drawn by many of the beauicrats could not pay or even finance the assits they have declared.

The past decade seems to have revealed the many politicans who are creating oppurnities for personal financial gain with taxpayer monies. Its almost as if they were trying to outdo those individuals/companies who have robbed/scammed the worlds investors of billions, while the former would appear exempt from any legal consquences. What is really depressing is that there seems no chance of any repayment (even partial) for the billions stolen via "corruption" by so called public servants.

Would that include the owner of a million dollar pink Bentley aquired on a policeman's salary who is now DPM?

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A 9 million baht increase over 3 years, minus salary equates to 2 millions per year, this does not seem a lot to me if he had invested in property.

I bought some land in England for 4000 pounds, it is now worth a million pounds.

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Five Unusual Practices Found In CAT 3G Deals: ICT Minister Anudith


Meanwhile, democrat mp seeks unusually-rich probe against ICT minister Anudith - Surely some coincidence............hit-the-fan.gif

And what about the ownership cases still sitting around against the other players in the mobile market. This telecoms business really is the dirtiest crappiest business in Thailand.

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Oversees billions on the Smart Thailand project and billions more for the One Tablet Per 10 Or So Children scheme.

What's a few million?.

oversize fonts post removed

Unfortunately you are not wrong. Thai politicians do not have exclusive rights on corruption. As an example, look at the news from the UK at the moment. The treasurer of the ruling party filmed offering access to the Prime Minister for 250,000 pounds. A lot of money. Of course he has been forced to resign, saying, ' i am sorry if i gave the impression of wrongdoing!' The impression? Laugh. Out. Loud. Of course the Prime Minister has denied all knowledge of it, and has ordered an internal enquiry by one of his mates! So thats all right then! I have no doubt that the inquiry will find that 250,000 quid is just for the pleasure of having dinner with the PM, no impropriety etc etc. So yes, they are all the same, taking the electorate as gullible fools. Which sadly an awful lot of them are!

For 250 grand I hope they do a decent meal - of course they only talk about the weather, football, where they plan to go on holiday this year and the such!!!jap.gif.

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A 9 million baht increase over 3 years, minus salary equates to 2 millions per year, this does not seem a lot to me if he had invested in property.

I bought some land in England for 4000 pounds, it is now worth a million pounds.

Over a three year period, you must be a financial real estate wizard?

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Oversees billions on the Smart Thailand project and billions more for the One Tablet Per 10 Or So Children scheme.

What's a few million?.

oversize fonts post removed

Unfortunately you are not wrong. Thai politicians do not have exclusive rights on corruption. As an example, look at the news from the UK at the moment. The treasurer of the ruling party filmed offering access to the Prime Minister for 250,000 pounds. A lot of money. Of course he has been forced to resign, saying, ' i am sorry if i gave the impression of wrongdoing!' The impression? Laugh. Out. Loud. Of course the Prime Minister has denied all knowledge of it, and has ordered an internal enquiry by one of his mates! So thats all right then! I have no doubt that the inquiry will find that 250,000 quid is just for the pleasure of having dinner with the PM, no impropriety etc etc. So yes, they are all the same, taking the electorate as gullible fools. Which sadly an awful lot of them are!

For 250 grand I hope they do a decent meal - of course they only talk about the weather, football, where they plan to go on holiday this year and the such!!!jap.gif.

Of course, heaven forbid that anyone would think otherwise! Interesting that in the recent budget, bankers and the like on over 1 million pounds a year received a tax handout of 40,000 pounds. But i'm sure that is just a coincidence!smile.png On a more serious note, when a small minority of very wealthy people can buy influence in government policy which benefits them personally, it gives the lie to the claim that we live in a democracy.
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A 9 million baht increase over 3 years, minus salary equates to 2 millions per year, this does not seem a lot to me if he had invested in property.

I bought some land in England for 4000 pounds, it is now worth a million pounds.

Over a three year period, you must be a financial real estate wizard?

Nope, just lucky enough to establish an established usage right, from agricultural to residential. No bribery involved, just a lot of research in wartime archive and a knowledge of local history.

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A 9 million baht increase over 3 years, minus salary equates to 2 millions per year, this does not seem a lot to me if he had invested in property.

I bought some land in England for 4000 pounds, it is now worth a million pounds.

Over a three year period, you must be a financial real estate wizard?

Hah, but he didn't mention it was a square metre of the Manchester City Stadium and he's factored in the Sponsorship scam deal they've signed on it.

Thaksin is probably kicking himself now..............mind you, he still made 120 million quid on it.

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A 9 million baht increase over 3 years, minus salary equates to 2 millions per year, this does not seem a lot to me if he had invested in property.

I bought some land in England for 4000 pounds, it is now worth a million pounds.

Over a three year period, you must be a financial real estate wizard?

Nope, just lucky enough to establish an established usage right, from agricultural to residential. No bribery involved, just a lot of research in wartime archive and a knowledge of local history.

Over how many years?

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A 9 million baht increase over 3 years, minus salary equates to 2 millions per year, this does not seem a lot to me if he had invested in property.

I bought some land in England for 4000 pounds, it is now worth a million pounds.

Over a three year period, you must be a financial real estate wizard?

Nope, just lucky enough to establish an established usage right, from agricultural to residential. No bribery involved, just a lot of research in wartime archive and a knowledge of local history.

Over how many years?

I don't think you understand, at one moment in time it was classed as agricultural land, after a legal battle it became residential land. If you mean how long a legal battle, it was 2 years. In fact it never went to court, I produced enough evidence that the planning authorities conceded my claim.

But this is off topic, all I'm really saying that a combination of circumstances and luck can create a relatively large increase in one's fortunes. If his increase was the result of corruption then it seems to me he is not very good at it, I wouldhave expected much more, even most Obadors can do better than that.

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A 9 million baht increase over 3 years, minus salary equates to 2 millions per year, this does not seem a lot to me if he had invested in property.

I bought some land in England for 4000 pounds, it is now worth a million pounds.

Over a three year period, you must be a financial real estate wizard?

Here on Thaivisa, it's not that uncommon.

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I don't think you understand, at one moment in time it was classed as agricultural land, after a legal battle it became residential land. If you mean how long a legal battle, it was 2 years. In fact it never went to court, I produced enough evidence that the planning authorities conceded my claim.

But this is off topic, all I'm really saying that a combination of circumstances and luck can create a relatively large increase in one's fortunes. If his increase was the result of corruption then it seems to me he is not very good at it, I wouldhave expected much more, even most Obadors can do better than that.

With nothing to hide, you proudly declare your wealth increase. The Minister shows a substantial increase in his declared wealth, which may or not represent the actual increase. After all, it is not unknown for Thaksinistas to use nominees.

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A 9 million baht increase over 3 years, minus salary equates to 2 millions per year, this does not seem a lot to me if he had invested in property.

I bought some land in England for 4000 pounds, it is now worth a million pounds.

I don't think you understand, at one moment in time it was classed as agricultural land, after a legal battle it became residential land. If you mean how long a legal battle, it was 2 years. In fact it never went to court, I produced enough evidence that the planning authorities conceded my claim.

But this is off topic, all I'm really saying that a combination of circumstances and luck can create a relatively large increase in one's fortunes. If his increase was the result of corruption then it seems to me he is not very good at it, I wouldhave expected much more, even most Obadors can do better than that.

I understand that you made a good investment, but you're saying that the increase over 3 years isn't too much and gave an example of your investment ... but you don't want to state how many years (decades?) you had your investment ... which doesn't make it much of a comparison.

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I don't think you understand, at one moment in time it was classed as agricultural land, after a legal battle it became residential land. If you mean how long a legal battle, it was 2 years. In fact it never went to court, I produced enough evidence that the planning authorities conceded my claim.

But this is off topic, all I'm really saying that a combination of circumstances and luck can create a relatively large increase in one's fortunes. If his increase was the result of corruption then it seems to me he is not very good at it, I wouldhave expected much more, even most Obadors can do better than that.

With nothing to hide, you proudly declare your wealth increase. The Minister shows a substantial increase in his declared wealth, which may or not represent the actual increase. After all, it is not unknown for Thaksinistas to use nominees.

Or Thaugsubans either, apparently.

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A 9 million baht increase over 3 years, minus salary equates to 2 millions per year, this does not seem a lot to me if he had invested in property.

I bought some land in England for 4000 pounds, it is now worth a million pounds.

I don't think you understand, at one moment in time it was classed as agricultural land, after a legal battle it became residential land. If you mean how long a legal battle, it was 2 years. In fact it never went to court, I produced enough evidence that the planning authorities conceded my claim.

But this is off topic, all I'm really saying that a combination of circumstances and luck can create a relatively large increase in one's fortunes. If his increase was the result of corruption then it seems to me he is not very good at it, I wouldhave expected much more, even most Obadors can do better than that.

I understand that you made a good investment, but you're saying that the increase over 3 years isn't too much and gave an example of your investment ... but you don't want to state how many years (decades?) you had your investment ... which doesn't make it much of a comparison.

I get the impression that you are either not reading or not understanding my comment. For what it matters, I owned the land for three years before I got its status changed. If you mean how long for it to change in value, then one day, the day it changed status.

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I get the impression that you are either not reading or not understanding my comment. For what it matters, I owned the land for three years before I got its status changed. If you mean how long for it to change in value, then one day, the day it changed status.

You know what I'm asking, and you're avoiding answering the question.

Comparing the increase in value of a 50-60 year investment to a 3 year investment doesn't really work.

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I get the impression that you are either not reading or not understanding my comment. For what it matters, I owned the land for three years before I got its status changed. If you mean how long for it to change in value, then one day, the day it changed status.

You know what I'm asking, and you're avoiding answering the question.

Comparing the increase in value of a 50-60 year investment to a 3 year investment doesn't really work.

I give up, you seem to be being purposely obtuse. Where have I said it was a 50-60 year investment? I clearly stated I had owned the land for three years.

Don't bother to reply this is all now a long way from the OP topic.offtopic.gif

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