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Ministerial Action Urged Over Vice TV Message 'Thailand Is The World's Brothel'


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he's sort of right - but more to the point would be SEA is the worlds brothel not just Thailand

Ok, the hub, at the centre of the world's brothel. Does that sound any better?

been to angeles? phnom phen?

Have been to both, it is just a bit blase to claim that because it is everywhere, this makes the scale of the Thai industry any less monolithic.

Shouting, but they do it too, is the politics of the schoolyard.

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he's sort of right - but more to the point would be SEA is the worlds brothel not just Thailand

Ok, the hub, at the centre of the world's brothel. Does that sound any better?

been to angeles? phnom phen?

Have been to both, it is just a bit blase to claim that because it is everywhere, this makes the scale of the Thai industry any less monolithic.

Shouting, but they do it too, is the politics of the schoolyard.

I am not disagreeing that 90% of farangs come here for sex - take away the girls and we would all leave - but to call it the worlds brothel is a bit misleading and i was only pointing out that to call SEA the worlds brothel might be closer to the truth.

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"Thailand Is the World's Brothel"

Now, more than ever even, even more people will flog to Thailand to check for themselves if this is really true. In the age of "no news is bad news" TAT should award a medal to the program producer for coining a new "Thailand's best" slogan. And the stupid guy filing a law suite, should actually be arrested for trying to limit the freedom of speech, that is a constitutional right, well .. it should be. I'm ashamed he is a gay activist as gays are often smarter than that.

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Maybe I am wrong. Perhaps I am. I am always willing to learn new things. If I gave you 1000 baht and told you to find a woman for sex but it had to be in a mall and in the day time. What country would you choose? And what city?

I reckon if you gave me 1000thb and considering where I currently live Thailand/Pattaya.. perhaps? hahahawai.gif but of course if you offered 4000 peso that would be another story

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I wish, one day, Thailand will be as strict as some of the nordic european countries, were girls are extremely uptight, looking down on all males (especially those over 30 years old) in general (feminism is very strong in some of those countries), and where the tv show miss universe is viewed as extremely sexist to the point where the whole show is prohibited.

Prostitution? No problem, it is almost non existent.

The problem would be, more than half of all TV members would then leave Thailand.

And to my statement above about my wish, I was actually joking, I DONT want Thailand to be an uptight country with uptight laws and uptight feminist females.

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I can't feel other than pity for people like him. Has to 'erect' all his trophies and the 2 or 3 articles in which he was depicted (now he has one more to put in a frame) and whine about something of which there is little in the world more human than it.

People like him are highly responsible for tagging sex as something 'dirty' and for increasing the taboo around it, which is linked to an increase in STD infections and abortions for the mere reason of people (particularly women) remaining uneducated or not being able to talk about what is going on in their lives and relationships.


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It doesn't pay to speak the truth in Thailand!

you can get paid for almost anything in Thailand, but for speaking the truth its go to jail, go directly to jail, do not collect your Bt2million.

Its the sort of place where, no matter how hard the truth hits you in the face - Pattaya, Pat Pong, etc - you can't talk about it because you'll upset someone in authority and maybe disrupt the chain of bribes that keeps it 'hidden'.

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Thailand is this...Thailand is that....my goodness, what's with people? If there is to be change, it should be done naturally and willingly and it's no ones' concern. That change starts with each individual and from within..the rest will come, but peacefully and respectively.

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Excuse my ignorance - but she didnt insult anyone in particular?

I know in Thailand that stating the truth is not a defence for deffamation (yes .. if someone is caught a thief and you call him a thief he can infact sue you)

But insulting a country? What law is this?

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It doesn't pay to speak the truth in Thailand!


Lawsuits are for cowards who do not like to address problems directly. They are for tiny minded men and women, without courage, who do not know how to deal with the problems facing them, and they resort to petty harrassment, like this. Shame on this tiny minded litigious individual who knows little about anything.

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Culture Minister Sukumol Kunplome

Isn't one of their bunch the mayor of Pattaya. I think this is definitely a case of barking up the wrong tree. They probably appreciate the advertising.

Remember the famous US Film Mogul who said:

"All publicity is good publicity, even bad publicity"

He also reputed to have said:

"I don't care what they say of me, as long as they spell my name correct"

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in thailand its more out doors ,

in europe its more indoors.

outdoors is more in yeh face.

but i think " same same but different "

in Europe it is too cold to do it out doors

Yes, and the Russians in Pataya are well aware of this.

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NIce try, but ... the protests of gay rights defender Nathee and Culture Minister Sukumpol are so incredibly right of the decimal point as to be totally voiceless in an entire world awash with the names of Thai prostitutes, the numbers of Thai prostitutes, the very graphic photographs of Thai prostitutes, the bothels of Thai prostitutes, all manner of evidence contrary to their childlike denials.

I understand that the Buddha teaches about recognizing and accepting reality ... then deal with that reality ... this ... is a ... Thai ... reality. Deal with it, but please don't deny it even exists!

In a country where the illegal sex industry warrants its own dedicated line item in the national GDP, Thailand is indeed arguably the whorehouse to the world.

I wish it were otherwise, but this is the reality that Thailand's cultural values have created for Thailand ... it is hard here to raise my Thai childen to be ethical and moral ... children I hope will avoid adopting Thai cultural values.

And, it is about time Thai cultural values are being recognized by enlightened Thais as the lynchpin to Thailand's future ... "In Desperate Need of Role Models in National Politics" - http://www.thaivisa....n/#entry5171223 .

Edited by swillowbee
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It doesn't pay to speak the truth in Thailand!

It can cost though. I remember a young journalist being sued by a well known politician for one billion baht once for even suggesting the truth might be true.

Edited by bigbamboo
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Thankfully I"m part of the 10% who are not here for the girls.I have never been to Pattaya and don"t want to go either,I don"t care if Thailand is called Amazing or Brothel it will do for me.

The best thing about Pattaya is that it keeps all the farang riff-raff away from Chiang Mai!

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With regard to Thailand being the world's brothel, and some comments about Thailand, I think some users need to get a little education here.

Take a quick peak at the following, and evaluate Taiwan, China, Brazil, AND YES The good ol' U.S of A. !!


Do a bit of google research, and you'll find Thailand is no where near the top of the pile!


So for the sake of accuracy he should have said Thailand is ONE of the world's brothels. Typical Thai, they always exaggerate!

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