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Racism Against Farangs


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"poo ying mai bpen, law?"

I'm still figuring out what this is supposed to have meant....

I know. You are Thai and speak fluent Thai, Samran. We all know that. Romanisation of Thai speech is utterly impossible. Try reading it again, otherwise, please move on.

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Somtamnication - to spare yourself further ridicule I suggest you admit your story was not true (or based on a dream not real-life)...

If you plan on re-using your story in another context (maybe at the next hard-done-by-looney-farrang-expat convention) I recommend the following amendments to make it more believable...

...you should say it happened in a small Mom&Pop shop not in a huge (British) multi-national chain store where staff have to adhere by strict rules; maybe also say a couple of locals who were sat outside gave you an evil look as you entered (to help set the scene)...

... you should say that the cashier said "you do" and pointed at the basket as "empty" or "basket" are both quite obscure vocabulary that would only be known by someone who had made some effort to learn English, which doesn't fit with your attempt to paint this character in your story as a racist...

... also, add an ending to your story; your last sentence before your concluding narrative ("I then picked up the basket, as high as I could, tipped it over and let all fall wherever it may.") sounds more like the beginning of the story than the end... it is somehow hard to believe that your cashier character who was you had said was so racist not to empty your basket would do nothing after your destroyed a basket full of goods that you hadn't paid for and I would assume made quite a mess...

.... or better still just admit you were lying and never repeat this silly story again

Glad you know me so well. 'nuff said. Next!

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Glad the topic got wound up. It was starting to die. lol

The good thing about here is when you're a victim of racism, you get it twice: first time by the racists and the second time by expats in denial.

Oh goodie smile.png

Careful, you will be attacked shortly!

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Bear one thing in mind, they are all JELOUS of us, farangs. dont know why.

Our literary talents

Dont think I was serious, i might have forgetten to put a smiley by the end. biggrin.png

I was trying to be sarcastic, this topic should not be running so long anyway.

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"poo ying mai bpen, law?"

I'm still figuring out what this is supposed to have meant....

I know. You are Thai and speak fluent Thai, Samran. We all know that. Romanisation of Thai speech is utterly impossible. Try reading it again, otherwise, please move on.

I know what the individual words are, but the sentence has no meaning....

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Glad the topic got wound up. It was starting to die. lol

You will notice that the topic became wound up again after Aneliane returned to it.

It's what she does.

Winds people up.

it is called redirecting the issue.

I am only trying to point out the post in the direction of the topic

thank you

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I really don't understand why it is so hard to admit that they are racists people in this country.

Racism is a fact of life, why would be Thailand the exception ?

Every country has racists people.

Why is it so bad to say that Thailand has racists too ?

Really I *don't get* you ...

I personally don't deny that they are racist people in Thailand.

The examples of "racism" that yourself and others have given are not racism. Misunderstanding, stupidity, paranoia yes. Racism, no.

Yeah! more names to add to my looooong list ! yuppy!

So far I am :



not chic,


smelling of soi dogs,

-a man (yes someone called me a "he") -

and sanctimonious,

so I can add "stupid" and "paranoiac",

Stupid/paranoiac/sanctimonious etc ..questions :

1/What are you still doing on my Stupid/paranoiac/sanctimonious etc post ?

2/ How comes none of the "whiteys" racism experiences are valid ?

3/ Do you only believe in racism against black people ?

Just to clarify, English isn't your first language, correct? Because you seem to lack comprehension of my (and many others) posts.

What ?

ahhh it was all because I am not an English native !!!!

it's just me being not able to understand English

So tell me what other meaning than "delusional" or "making false accusations" has the word "paranoia" in your English native sense ?

forgive me I am keen to learn, I am a poor uneducated woman who relies on Wikipedia

Paranoia [ˌpærəˈnɔɪ.ə] (adjective: paranoid [ˈpærə.nɔɪd]) is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs, or beliefs of conspiracy concerning a perceived threat towards oneself. (e.g. "Everyone is out to get me.") Making false accusations and the general distrust of others also frequently accompany paranoia.

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Glad the topic got wound up. It was starting to die. lol

You will notice that the topic became wound up again after Aneliane returned to it.

It's what she does.

Winds people up.

You seem to like it, you keep coming back for more, even after leaving "gracefully" lol

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This topic is a total waste of space!

Now I see Analaine why you have a problem, sereiously!

Please I am stupid, tell me what my problem is, "sereiously"!

Analaine, I dont think your stupid at all. You know exactly what you are doing! I actually feel that your post is attention seeking and naturally it is working.

Instead of whinging and whining maybe look at the less fortunate in this world and do something constructive, if not for others than for yourself!

You chose Thailand as your host country, yes you had the choice, something many unfortunates dont have. Therefore you have the option of leaving!

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This topic is a total waste of space!

Now I see Analaine why you have a problem, sereiously!

Please I am stupid, tell me what my problem is, "sereiously"!

Analaine, I dont think your stupid at all. You know exactly what you are doing! I actually feel that your post is attention seeking and naturally it is working.

Instead of whinging and whining maybe look at the less fortunate in this world and do something constructive, if not for others than for yourself!

You chose Thailand as your host country, yes you had the choice, something many unfortunates dont have. Therefore you have the option of leaving!

So my problem is that I should not be in Thailand ? Just because I bumped into racists ?

Wake up : Racism is everywhere, there is nowhere to hide

When did I whinge ?

What do you know about my charity work ? Nothing. So please don't comment.

And my name is Aneliane

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Today saw a cute dog chasing a Thai man in a motorcycle down the street, playfully. He stopped the motorcycle, got off, and gave it a very strong muay thai style kick where he extended his foot practically above his head.

Perhaps love for soi dogs is a not a common trait in Thailand.


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Posted 2012-03-28 13:45:55

Hello all,

I live a quite fugal life here.

I am a frugal person in general and don't like luxury items, I try to respect the environment as much I possible, buy my veggies from organic markets, choose not to have a car and I rescued 5 dogs from the streets. Last month alone I spent 20 000 bath in vet fees, so this is with the house with garden I rent for them my two biggest expenses.

I take buses most of the times, go to public hospitals for healthcare, and patron cheap vegetarians restaurants.

Because of my lifestyle I get confronted mostly to what we could say are "poor" Thai people, who I found have an increasingly negative attitude towards me:

-Shop assistants refusing to serve me,

-nurses at ER pretending not to see me and doing paperwork to avoid attending my urgent medical care,

- doctors refusing me medical care and telling me to go to a private clinic or making me pay expensive and painful treatments that I don't actually need,

- bus assistant telling me to "take a taxi", etc...

It would be very easy for me to drop the soi dogs and spend my money to live comfortably in a condo, travel exclusively by taxi, or get a car, and only go to farangs restaurants. This is not why I came here for: I chose to help.

Living cheaply in Thailand is also a way not to participate in the increasing cost of living which make Thai poor people's life harder everyday.

Living as much as possible in respect of Thai beautiful natural environment, is a way to show that I care.

Taking the bus instead of taxi is doing my bit for the environment.

Going to cheap organic restaurants is encouraging these businesses to resist against poor value american fast food chains.

Spending a good chuck of my earning to help street dogs which have a very hard life here is also a way of giving back.

Most foreigners I talk to don't have the same experience, because everywhere they go they pay double price as I do, and the legendary Thai smile is included.

I totally get Thai peolpe's frustration: the price of flour, eggs, meat, veggies has doubled.

But why do they take their anger on me? Don't they realize, It's the people who pay double price for everything, that makes the costs of living so high?

Making farangs pay more is not helping them, it's only making the few greedy Thais who work with farangs richer, the vast majority of the population will suffer the soaring cost of living.

Farangs bringing their western lifestyle here ( ie double or triple environmental footprint) are the ones destroying their beautiful country, not me!

Or do they resent me for something else ? As in just being here in their country where I apparently should be ? You tell me ...

Anyway it feels better now I said it smile.png

Thanks for reading, and if somewhat you feel the same please share.

Thank you "

These are your own experiences Analainelicklips.gif

Never have I been asked to take a taxi when on a bus in Bangkok. Never!

I have attended many hospitals with my father who is a very long term resident, usually government hospitals , be it in Bangkok or NongKhai and he has been treated with the utmost of dignity by all the staff.

Shops assistants! well on the whole they are great for having a banter with and I find usually they are extremely helpful. The disinterested versions, you walk away, that also happens in the western world strangely enough.

Poor service in any country is a pet hate of mine, but again you have the choice.

Find a friendlier hospital/shop/restaurant, they are out there believe it or not.

I find the "good" outweighs the "bad" for me in Thailand and if I didnt then I have many options open to me.

I have the utmost respect for the quiet charity giver who goes about their life with a smile on their face.

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Today saw a cute dog chasing a Thai man in a motorcycle down the street, playfully. He stopped the motorcycle, got off, and gave it a very strong muay thai style kick where he extended his foot practically above his head.

Perhaps love for soi dogs is a not a common trait in Thailand.


My "colleagues" are very Thais:

- A very old and tiny Thai lady who comes every morning even though she has problem to walk, and is all bent, she comes to do her round and feed the soi dogs and stay with them a little.

- A funny motorcyclist who had attached a huge metal pot at the back of his bike. Inside: chiken+rice leftovers of restaurants that he collects everyday and then come around 6pm to do his round feed 40 to 50 dogs. He's also doing birth control and has taken some of them to be spayed/neutered

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I had to go back to the original post to remember what we are all talking about. The whole topic has wandered all over the place... Oh yah, racism against farangs.

Who actually gives a shit? Why should I worry about some racist idiot in any country? Sure there are racists in Thailand, just as there are axe murderers, paedophiles, bank robbers, thieves, pickpockets, terrorists and gawd knows what all. But, they are not hiding behind every tree trying to get you. That is bordering on paranoia.

I've been traveling around Thailand for 15 years and accepting what happens while dealing with thousands of Thais, and apart from the driving or riding on Thailand roads, I can't say I've ever had a bad experience. Sure I've been panhandled in the street, and had various scam artists try to separate me from my money, but it's pretty easy to spot. A sucker and his money are soon parted. I've had attractive young women try to scam me, and others try to use me as an ATM machine, but it doesn't bother me. It's just like a big game.

As far as the traffic goes, I take the idiocy that goes on in Thai traffic as some sort of a real live video game. Sure it's dangerous, but so what. I don't think they are actually out there TRYING to kill me... even though it seems like they are. It's just that they never learned to drive (or ride) and have no concept of danger.

How you act, dress and present yourself is going to have some bearing on how you are treated by others. Show no respect for the locals and it will be returned. I am pretty observant of things and people around me. As a writer I have to be, and I have to say that the illogical things that happen in Thailand are mostly just a case of poor training and education. There is a whole funny topic just on that subject alone and there are over 300 entries. It's not racism, it's just what Thais do.

Is there racism in Thailand? Of course there is, but most often it is directed at other Thais rather than farangs. We've all seen and heard the skin whitening game, where white skinned people are supposed to be somewhat superior to darker skinned people because the dark skinned people had to work in the sun while the white skinned people sat in the shade and let others do the work. That sort of loonacy has been around for centuries and it's ingrained in Asian cultures. There are fat parents who encourage their children to become obese just to show that they are from a wealthy family. Is it silly? Sure it is, but that is their belief and they have the right to believe it.

I still believe that those who feel the Thais are all out to get you are living in a world of paranoia. Ignore them and just CHOOSE to be respectful and happy within yourself.

18 pages within a week? I kept searching for the "visa crackdown" post, but it wasn't there.

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Racism against Farangs?

Not in Thailand.

Farangs are always treated as King in Thailand, as thai needs Farang hard currencies.

If any Thais do not treat Farangs as King, you may try to complaint to TAT or tourist police; they have KPI to make Farangs happy in Thailand.

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Posted 2012-03-28 13:45:55

Hello all,

I live a quite fugal life here.

I am a frugal person in general and don't like luxury items, I try to respect the environment as much I possible, buy my veggies from organic markets, choose not to have a car and I rescued 5 dogs from the streets. Last month alone I spent 20 000 bath in vet fees, so this is with the house with garden I rent for them my two biggest expenses.

I take buses most of the times, go to public hospitals for healthcare, and patron cheap vegetarians restaurants.

Because of my lifestyle I get confronted mostly to what we could say are "poor" Thai people, who I found have an increasingly negative attitude towards me:

-Shop assistants refusing to serve me,

-nurses at ER pretending not to see me and doing paperwork to avoid attending my urgent medical care,

- doctors refusing me medical care and telling me to go to a private clinic or making me pay expensive and painful treatments that I don't actually need,

- bus assistant telling me to "take a taxi", etc...

It would be very easy for me to drop the soi dogs and spend my money to live comfortably in a condo, travel exclusively by taxi, or get a car, and only go to farangs restaurants. This is not why I came here for: I chose to help.

Living cheaply in Thailand is also a way not to participate in the increasing cost of living which make Thai poor people's life harder everyday.

Living as much as possible in respect of Thai beautiful natural environment, is a way to show that I care.

Taking the bus instead of taxi is doing my bit for the environment.

Going to cheap organic restaurants is encouraging these businesses to resist against poor value american fast food chains.

Spending a good chuck of my earning to help street dogs which have a very hard life here is also a way of giving back.

Most foreigners I talk to don't have the same experience, because everywhere they go they pay double price as I do, and the legendary Thai smile is included.

I totally get Thai peolpe's frustration: the price of flour, eggs, meat, veggies has doubled.

But why do they take their anger on me? Don't they realize, It's the people who pay double price for everything, that makes the costs of living so high?

Making farangs pay more is not helping them, it's only making the few greedy Thais who work with farangs richer, the vast majority of the population will suffer the soaring cost of living.

Farangs bringing their western lifestyle here ( ie double or triple environmental footprint) are the ones destroying their beautiful country, not me!

Or do they resent me for something else ? As in just being here in their country where I apparently should be ? You tell me ...

Anyway it feels better now I said it smile.png

Thanks for reading, and if somewhat you feel the same please share.

Thank you "

These are your own experiences Analainelicklips.gif

Never have I been asked to take a taxi when on a bus in Bangkok. Never!

I have attended many hospitals with my father who is a very long term resident, usually government hospitals , be it in Bangkok or NongKhai and he has been treated with the utmost of dignity by all the staff.

Shops assistants! well on the whole they are great for having a banter with and I find usually they are extremely helpful. The disinterested versions, you walk away, that also happens in the western world strangely enough.

Poor service in any country is a pet hate of mine, but again you have the choice.

Find a friendlier hospital/shop/restaurant, they are out there believe it or not.

I find the "good" outweighs the "bad" for me in Thailand and if I didnt then I have many options open to me.

I have the utmost respect for the quiet charity giver who goes about their life with a smile on their face.

a/ all the justification about who I am what I do is to response to personal attacks here. I don't go about flaunting my good deed

b/quietly helping the animals is what I would love to do, unfortunately mistreatment to animal tortures is about education, and my friends can't talk.

c/ My name is Aneliane

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Racism against Farangs?

Not in Thailand.

Farangs are always treated as King in Thailand, as thai needs Farang hard currencies.

If any Thais do not treat Farangs as King, you may try to complaint to TAT or tourist police; they have KPI to make Farangs happy in Thailand.

I think the OP's complaint was about her being openly treated like a crackpot.

I think it's fair to say that someone acting like a crackpot **and** perceived to be spending very little money will get more criticism than a rich crackpot.

And being a farang will accentuate that difference in both directions.

But I agree that's not "racist" enough to get indignant about.

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What ?

ahhh it was all because I am not an English native !!!!

it's just me being not able to understand English

So tell me what other meaning than "delusional" or "making false accusations" has the word "paranoia" in your English native sense ?

forgive me I am keen to learn, I am a poor uneducated woman who relies on Wikipedia

Paranoia [ˌpærəˈnɔɪ.ə] (adjective: paranoid [ˈpærə.nɔɪd]) is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs, or beliefs of conspiracy concerning a perceived threat towards oneself. (e.g. "Everyone is out to get me.") Making false accusations and the general distrust of others also frequently accompany paranoia.

Yes, I would describe the examples that you and others gave as racial paranoia.

What you are experiencing is perceived racsism, not racism. And yes, there are studies linking perceived racism to nonclinical paranoia.

It's not rational to think that all the problems you described are solely based on your race.

"What do I mean by racial paranoia? It describes the suspicions black people have whenever, say, an idle white salesperson at their local drugstore sees them beckoning with a question but ignores them anyway. Or when that salesperson takes a few seconds longer than needed to sigh himself into an unenthusiastic response. Insignificant, I know, petty even offensively so. It may sound like so much more hollow bourgeois angst. But it is exactly within these crevices of real, imagined, or hallucinated tribialities that the seeds of larger paranoia grow" John Jackson Jr, (University of Pennsylvania)

Obviously racial paranoia isn't just black vs white though.

For people that have racial paranoia, racism charges come out of nowhere and over very little. The accused may not even know what they did wrong. Seems to sum up the examples given in this thread pretty much.

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What you are experiencing is perceived racism, not racism. And yes, there are studies linking perceived racism to nonclinical paranoia.

I think you've nailed it, in a nutshell. I would think one of the symptoms of nonclinical paranoia would be denial. I'd venture to say the OP is in full denial.

For those who grew up in the west, in my case the USA, the word "racism" conjures up all sorts of ugly images. Slavery, cross-burnings, lynchings, and the like. In contemporary times, it's inability to get a job, housing, loans, or even to hail a cab. It's being stopped by the police while driving or walking around because they look "suspicious." And so on.

Here in the LOS, we have TV members crying "racism" because the cashier at Tesco won't empty their basket. Surely Ms. Aneliane can see the absurdity of such claims. It doesn't even register.

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What you are experiencing is perceived racism, not racism. And yes, there are studies linking perceived racism to nonclinical paranoia.

I think you've nailed it, in a nutshell. I would think one of the symptoms of nonclinical paranoia would be denial. I'd venture to say the OP is in full denial.

For those who grew up in the west, in my case the USA, the word "racism" conjures up all sorts of ugly images. Slavery, cross-burnings, lynchings, and the like. In contemporary times, it's inability to get a job, housing, loans, or even to hail a cab. It's being stopped by the police while driving or walking around because they look "suspicious." And so on.

Here in the LOS, we have TV members crying "racism" because the cashier at Tesco won't empty their basket. Surely Ms. Aneliane can see the absurdity of such claims. It doesn't even register.

If you are a convenience store clerk in rough part of an American city and you've been robbed 6 times by young black males wearing hoodies, then chances are you MIGHT become a bit racist and not so happy when you see another black male wearing a hoodie enter your store.

Agreed. clap2.gif

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What you are experiencing is perceived racism, not racism. And yes, there are studies linking perceived racism to nonclinical paranoia.

I think you've nailed it, in a nutshell. I would think one of the symptoms of nonclinical paranoia would be denial. I'd venture to say the OP is in full denial.

For those who grew up in the west, in my case the USA, the word "racism" conjures up all sorts of ugly images. Slavery, cross-burnings, lynchings, and the like. In contemporary times, it's inability to get a job, housing, loans, or even to hail a cab. It's being stopped by the police while driving or walking around because they look "suspicious." And so on.

Here in the LOS, we have TV members crying "racism" because the cashier at Tesco won't empty their basket. Surely Ms. Aneliane can see the absurdity of such claims. It doesn't even register.

If you are a convenience store clerk in rough part of an American city and you've been robbed 6 times by young black males wearing hoodies, then chances are you MIGHT become a bit racist and not so happy when you see another black male wearing a hoodie enter your store.

Agreed. clap2.gif

Sorry to burst bubbles again but racism does not necessarily get expressed in extreme violent cases like the ones you mentioned (cross burning ..)

And "You are MIGHT" is just grammatically wrong, but Im not "a native speaker" as said regine, so who am I to say that ?

Let's go back to basics : racism definition ; Racism is the behavior of discriminating for or against people on the basis of race.

Thank you Wikipedia


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What ?

ahhh it was all because I am not an English native !!!!

it's just me being not able to understand English

So tell me what other meaning than "delusional" or "making false accusations" has the word "paranoia" in your English native sense ?

forgive me I am keen to learn, I am a poor uneducated woman who relies on Wikipedia

Paranoia [ˌpærəˈnɔɪ.ə] (adjective: paranoid [ˈpærə.nɔɪd]) is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs, or beliefs of conspiracy concerning a perceived threat towards oneself. (e.g. "Everyone is out to get me.") Making false accusations and the general distrust of others also frequently accompany paranoia.

Yes, I would describe the examples that you and others gave as racial paranoia.

What you are experiencing is perceived racsism, not racism. And yes, there are studies linking perceived racism to nonclinical paranoia.

It's not rational to think that all the problems you described are solely based on your race.

"What do I mean by racial paranoia? It describes the suspicions black people have whenever, say, an idle white salesperson at their local drugstore sees them beckoning with a question but ignores them anyway. Or when that salesperson takes a few seconds longer than needed to sigh himself into an unenthusiastic response. Insignificant, I know, petty even offensively so. It may sound like so much more hollow bourgeois angst. But it is exactly within these crevices of real, imagined, or hallucinated tribialities that the seeds of larger paranoia grow" John Jackson Jr, (University of Pennsylvania)

Obviously racial paranoia isn't just black vs white though.

For people that have racial paranoia, racism charges come out of nowhere and over very little. The accused may not even know what they did wrong. Seems to sum up the examples given in this thread pretty much.

Ok I will consult a shrink telling him I am suffering of racial paranoia, because Dr regine said so

I think you should also tell all the people of Thailand who have been told at school that they should be aware of Indians as much as snakes to get a shrink because they are suffering too of racial paranoia.

Still remains the unanswered question of: What are you STILL doing on such paranoiac racist thread ?

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