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Any Enlarged Prostrate (Bph) Forums Or Groups Available?


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I'd be interested in getting information as well. I'm in the position now where I have to do something as my condition (frequent urination etc) is steadily getting worse. I guess a trip to hospital for a prostate check is probably my first step, but am dreading it.

Edited by giddyup
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Yes pet subject. I knew mine was enlarged,had a ultra sound twice in close succession,one was way off beam,or might have been the other way round. The weight of the prostate can be estimated by the size,mine was big. Had a camera take a look see,gees that was painful,no cancer. Not prepared to have an op yet,not in Thailand anyway.

There is a new procedure being carried out that hooks the bladder away from the prostate that looks OK though

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I have my prostate checked annually by a specialist in BKK and I have found that Thai doctors are far more gentle than those I was used to in the west. It takes less than a minute and its all over.

I take Cardura XL, 4mg to keep it under control. I usually urinate around 3 times per night, but during the day my peeing habits seem to be quite normal. I don't know why I have a problem at night but not during the day.

Anyone who has prostate problems should see a specialist ASAP to make sure it is not cancerous.

Actually, there is a lot of info on the net if you look hard enough. I remember doing so long ago, when I was first diagnosed and found a wealth of information, including videos.

No joking - try You Tube. You'd be surprised. I recently found some great vids on aortic stenosis.

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I have had an enlarged prostate for many years and and am happy to share my experiences here in this thread if you like...

Sure, go ahead.

Well In thought I just did. What else do you want to know?

Anyone else want to share?

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Has anyone been taking proscar and doxazosin long term and do you think surgery can be avoided?

I started out on doxazosin and after 6 months had retention and added proscar then dropped doxazosin taking only proscar and developed bladder stones. Had the bladder stones removed recently and now back on proscar and doxazosin and I would say it's 98% improved. Talked to my current doctor about having turp surgery but he told me the new thinking is to avoid surgery if the medicine works.

Would like to hear other people's experiences, advice and suggestions.

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Had the so called TURP in 2003. No drama 3 days in a Perth Aust Hospital. Takes about 3 weeks to recover though as still psssing blood. Doctors give a 10 year guarantee. 9 years up PSA up to 4.5 prostate grown to 62mm, no problems though and no worries as Hollywood Hospital Perth WA do the same thing with a "Green Lazer" as a day surgery. A mate had it said 12Hrs all over Red Rover good for another 10-12 years. That should see me out.

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Tried Proxcar for about 6 months, seemed like zero improvement so dropped it.

Doxazosin? The doc didn't mention this one, will ask about it next visit.



Doxazosin is Cardura XL.

I have been taking it for about 6 years and it seems to keep everything pretty much under control. I was previously taking Proscar until my specialist switched me to Cardura.

Note that Doxazosin also reduces your blood pressure, but that is fine for me as I also have hypertension...

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  • 2 months later...

I have been taking finasteride (Propecia/Proscar - sold here as Firide) 5mg with doxasozin 2mg for a couple of weeks. Our GP told me to take both and sure enough, the web says the two together yield the best results. It seemed to be helping my weak stream until last night when it slowed way down again. Now I turn on the shower and talk nicely to my thing in hopes I can pee some more, because I know there is much more in my bladder. I notice Mobi was taking 4mg of doxasozin so I am going to use that dose too.

It seems in the cards I'm going to have to get the ghastly TURP done perhaps very soon. I may try the herbal saw palm-something-or-other as a last resort before going under the knife.

I read TURP is done under general or spinal so no issue with having somebody stick a poker up my peenie and make me see stars (NEVER AGAIN). Sound like recovery is not quick, 3 days inpatient and a catheter in for up to 10 days, and it takes months to feel near normal again. I guess it is the the damned cath which causes the most post procedure discomfort.

Now, to begin to search for an qualified, affordable MD to do the TURP. Any suggestions? I hear Saraburi Hospital has a good one for that and am checking into it. My health has been going to hell lately, what a drag.

Any other general enlarged prostate related experiences welcome.

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  • 7 months later...

Anybody still following this thread? If you are, here is a 8 month update. I am still on finasteride 5mg and doxasozin but I have increased the dose up to 8mg (the max per USA drs) as my stream remains weak. I finally bought a ticket to go to the USA to have this looked into. If I need to have anything done I would prefer there only because I have Medicare coverage. It's also time for my two year cardio exam to see if my double LAD stent and separate angio are keeping my arteries open. I'll feign chest pains if necessary but I want my Dr to use a camera again. Oh, plus that damned new ailment, sciatica leg pain - an MRI for that.

Back to the BPH, the finasteride unfortunately did have a cautioned side-effect on me, depression, which at times gets tough. So also while there I'll see the shrink about replacing the Androgel, a med I had to discontinue due to the BPH which I hated to because it was working great for me. What a fcking basket case I am.

How are you other guys doing?

(Clicked some 'Likes' hoping to have notification msgs/emails sent out)

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