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Why Do Some People Moan About Phuket And Others Don'T?

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Ah yes.......still continuing the "if it doesn't bother me, then it shouldn't bother you, but, if it does you're a moaner" type posts.

Different name; same tedious BS.

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It seems to me a lot of people have not visited there home country for

a very long time and do not know how things have changed there and

the inflation in those countries.and crime rates etc etc.

I am always happy to return to Phuket and Thailand after visiting other

countries, and no i do not wear rose coloured glasses, i have seen whats

happening in other countries

I agree, but I have a question, "Is Phuket heading in the same direction?" If it is, when will it catch up and be the same as the "other countries" and will you leave the island if/when that day comes?

Also, if that day comes, and you leave, and post your reasons why you are leaving, how would you feel about being called a "moaner" or "Phuket basher?"

every country in the world is heading in the same direction, i doubt Phuket

will catch up or pass other places and i cannot see myself ever leaving


This why I left Phuket and I am hoping to be non-confrontational.

I left Karon almost a year ago and have not regretted it at all. I had businesses in Karon and I will not go down the greedy suppliers, leaseholders, tuk-tuk etc. road. I admit that there were financial reasons involved in me leaving. Basically both times I was offered a good deal as I was lucky in that I sold both my businesses at the high tide mark or not far off but this was not the reason I left Phuket.

When I first moved to Phuket from Nakhon Si Thamarrat the Thai people everywhere in Phuket were open and friendly. I could walk along Karon beach looking at the sea, the buffaloes and the hills and have a laugh with any Thai I met including tuk-tuk drivers. I was made to feel welcome in any Thai business I went into and in those days I didn't speak much Thai but discovered a minor talent for mime and mimicry. Maybe they thought "look at that silly farang" but I really, really don't think so.

I lived in a small bungalow compound with predominantly Thai families and was surrounded by Thai people and businesses as Soi's around 18 and 20 were Thai and in 8 years I never had a problem with anyone in fact the reverse was true if I had a minor problem the local Thai's would sort it out without being asked. Kreng jai meant something to them!

By the time I left 8 years later I could speak enough Thai to get through day to day but I also understood a lot more of what was being said around me so to go east from the Temple past Karon Whisky down to the roundabout and along the beach road was never pleasant anymore. Aggressive, arrogant and downright rude Thai people everywhere. When someone tells me in Thai to "Go fxxk your mother" in Thai assuming that I wouldn't understand was not uncommon. For those who speak Thai can confirm that this proably the second worse thing a Thai can say to another Thai and boxing or a stabbing usually follows

Others have posted that the Thai's in the service business are under financial pressure or have had enough of rude farangs or their behavior but why do they forget that they are Thai's with a rich Buddhist culture and upbringing?

Where I live now the local population are the same as Phuket locals 9 years ago and long may it remain that way. No farangs getting robbed, beaten up, ripped off big time, minimal dual pricing and we are usually treated with a smile and some respect here. The Thai people from here have not got a single good word to say of Phuket based Thai's,even from the same city, after visiting there and don't let them get started on the prices. Greed is killing Phuket.

That is why I left Phuket.

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The thread, that lead to this thread, I said words to the effect, "Education at an ACCREDITED International School here would be fine, if you can afford it, but there are no career opportunities here when the 50/50 kids leave school." I then went on to give my reasons for my opinion. You then "went off" at the down side for you in my post and never mentioned the positive side for you in my post.

That's a perfect example of how you like to twist words and chase your own tail until everyone gets dizzy and falls over, and you walk off feeling you have won the argument. tongue.png

The truth is you started off by saying the education available was inadequate. Only after you were encouraged to investigate the websites of the two best International schools did you have to concede that the education system had to be scrubbed off your list. You started off by being negative about everything in that list above until you were forced to concede. You now are using it as an example of how you were positive about something!! blink.png (by the way, no one bought the rapid turn around that you made by saying you didn't know the BIS existed was just a joke. If you read that thread it's clear to see it was a genuine statement that you wish you hadn't said and tried to cover up. Don't worry, your secret's safe with me wink.png )

In your OP, on this thread, you said you would have more respect for people who put their hand up and admit they are a "moany old git." I will be perfectly honest and state, as I have done many times before, the lack of proper, affordable public transport here, really gives me the sh*ts. I have adapted, and have my workarounds,

So you admit that you make posts because of the frustrations about the things that give you the sh#ts. I think that's all I ever wanted to hear. You make negative posts because things wind you up and you can relieve that frustration by making posts on here. I know you'll deny it again but that's what it comes down to and you've as good as just admitted it. Please stop with good Samaritan routine, it's tedious beyond belief and we know 90% of the time it's just not true.

What it comes down to is that people can use these forums for whatever they want as you have pointed out countless times. My argument is that the people who choose to use them just to constantly highlight negative things are being a tad selfish, as they are choosing to make themselves feel better at the expense of everybody else.

If you follow up on all the negative posters it will invariably lead to people who are unhappy, disenchanted, frustrated people who will ultimately leave the island. Are they the best people to be on a forum about Phuket?

If a newby posted, "I'm coming to Phuket for a holiday and would like to rent a jet-ski. Can anyone give me some advice?" What would your advice be? Would some of it be advising them not to? If so, are you "Phuket bashing" or advising someone of the risks involved? Would you even bother posting some advice at all?

That's were you need to learn the difference. That would be a perfect time to fill your boots and advise and help until your hearts content. I don't believe posters like you can tell when the appropriate time is and when it is not.

I do like living here, however, I do agree with many of the points LivinLOS has made.

That's just it. After years of moaning he finally moved away and instantly lost the desire to post negative things about Phuket. That says everything you need to know.


It seems to me a lot of people have not visited there home country for

a very long time and do not know how things have changed there and

the inflation in those countries.and crime rates etc etc.

I am always happy to return to Phuket and Thailand after visiting other

countries, and no i do not wear rose coloured glasses, i have seen whats

happening in other countries

Very relevant post. People really do need to do a much better comparison between Thailand and the West before highlighting how bad Thailand is.

People who haven't been home for many years and have only seen how things have worsened here, need to understand that the changes are world wide.

The West isn't as grand as it once was I assure you. sad.png


This why I left Phuket and I am hoping to be non-confrontational.

I left Karon almost a year ago and have not regretted it at all. I had businesses in Karon and I will not go down the greedy suppliers, leaseholders, tuk-tuk etc. road. I admit that there were financial reasons involved in me leaving. Basically both times I was offered a good deal as I was lucky in that I sold both my businesses at the high tide mark or not far off but this was not the reason I left Phuket.

When I first moved to Phuket from Nakhon Si Thamarrat the Thai people everywhere in Phuket were open and friendly. I could walk along Karon beach looking at the sea, the buffaloes and the hills and have a laugh with any Thai I met including tuk-tuk drivers. I was made to feel welcome in any Thai business I went into and in those days I didn't speak much Thai but discovered a minor talent for mime and mimicry. Maybe they thought "look at that silly farang" but I really, really don't think so.

I lived in a small bungalow compound with predominantly Thai families and was surrounded by Thai people and businesses as Soi's around 18 and 20 were Thai and in 8 years I never had a problem with anyone in fact the reverse was true if I had a minor problem the local Thai's would sort it out without being asked. Kreng jai meant something to them!

By the time I left 8 years later I could speak enough Thai to get through day to day but I also understood a lot more of what was being said around me so to go east from the Temple past Karon Whisky down to the roundabout and along the beach road was never pleasant anymore. Aggressive, arrogant and downright rude Thai people everywhere. When someone tells me in Thai to "Go fxxk your mother" in Thai assuming that I wouldn't understand was not uncommon. For those who speak Thai can confirm that this proably the second worse thing a Thai can say to another Thai and boxing or a stabbing usually follows

Others have posted that the Thai's in the service business are under financial pressure or have had enough of rude farangs or their behavior but why do they forget that they are Thai's with a rich Buddhist culture and upbringing?

Where I live now the local population are the same as Phuket locals 9 years ago and long may it remain that way. No farangs getting robbed, beaten up, ripped off big time, minimal dual pricing and we are usually treated with a smile and some respect here. The Thai people from here have not got a single good word to say of Phuket based Thai's,even from the same city, after visiting there and don't let them get started on the prices. Greed is killing Phuket.

That is why I left Phuket.

nice post from a survivor !!


It seems to me a lot of people have not visited there home country for

a very long time and do not know how things have changed there and

the inflation in those countries.and crime rates etc etc.

I am always happy to return to Phuket and Thailand after visiting other

countries, and no i do not wear rose coloured glasses, i have seen whats

happening in other countries

Very relevant post. People really do need to do a much better comparison between Thailand and the West before highlighting how bad Thailand is.

People who haven't been home for many years and have only seen how things have worsened here, need to understand that the changes are world wide.

The West isn't as grand as it once was I assure you. sad.png

Are we talking about Phuket, or Thailand???? There are many places in Thailand that are everything Phuket used to be. I thought we were talking specifically about Phuket, as per the title of your thread.


It seems to me a lot of people have not visited there home country for

a very long time and do not know how things have changed there and

the inflation in those countries.and crime rates etc etc.

I am always happy to return to Phuket and Thailand after visiting other

countries, and no i do not wear rose coloured glasses, i have seen whats

happening in other countries

Very relevant post. People really do need to do a much better comparison between Thailand and the West before highlighting how bad Thailand is.

People who haven't been home for many years and have only seen how things have worsened here, need to understand that the changes are world wide.

The West isn't as grand as it once was I assure you. sad.png

Can I ask how many countries you have lived in ?? You always post as tho its Phuket or 'home'.. I lived in 5 countries before I was 28, the whole concept of 'home' is fuzzy to me.

Theres a whole world of options out there.. Most of them with far easier visa and routes to citizenship and actual assimilation than Thailand.


However, you let yourself down with the very first line quoted above. It's that way of thinking that I find so annoying and unintelligent. In my OP I said as clear as day 'Do they exist for me? No they don't. Do I accept they exist for other people? Yes, of course I do.' Yet in your very first response you say 'you have a bias to deny they either exist or effect anyones lives.'

OK that time you had a rider in there.. But in general you seem to refuse to admit, that anyone who has a problem with some aspect of Phuket is allowed to see it as a problem. Its moaning, its whining, they should 'go home' where ever thats supposed to be. I totally agree people can minimize the downsides and many people are very happy. But Phuket has real problems and pretending they are not a problem, simply because you can avoid it, is head in the sand stuff. Doing that and one day they are too huge to ever solve. Online 'moaning' serves to alert people, to make the point public, to get it discussed by our consuls at the monthly meetings to at least shine a light on the issues at hand.

Read those two statements one after the other and you will see they are a complete contradiction. This is the area that I find it so frustrating that an intelligent person just can't get their head around the difference. I read your post and I can totally accept that those issues were REAL. I totally believe that they DID affect you and totally understand why you wanted to leave. So why can't you do me the courtesy of believing me and all the others when we say we DON'T have those same issues? Why do you insist on saying that the only reason we don't have these problems is because we are in denial and wear rose tinted specs. When you say that it completely diminishes any credibility your argument may have had.

I am not saying everyone suffers those problems.. Only that the problems are there and real. They can be avoided, if you stay within your propertly line, send a maid out to do your shopping, and have good security, your unlikely to experience them. Its not much of a life but it shows its possible to be totally problem free. The fact is tho, most people have interactions within the local society, and those interactions were getting steadily less pleasant.

The vast majority of people haven't been burgled, haven't had fights with tuk tuk drivers (as I know you have had plenty) and they don't have partners that have a new found fear of being home alone. Most people do manage to have good relations with some Thai people, don't need or go near Tuk Tuks, don't get ripped off or scammed, and live a very normal, peaceful life.

I had one real proper fight with Thais in 8 years. Hardly some string of battles as you seem to say. I expect I could count a bunch more small confrontations, however in the Patong orbit where I spent much of that time, theres a significant element that likes to 'push' expecting everyone to immediately roll over in terror. The fact that of those confrontational situations none (except the above ruck) turned into anything physical shows what they were, bullys who backed down when it was crunch time. I am no tough guy, I lose as many as I win, I just dont react to being pushed about well, it doesnt sit well with me.

I also take my hat off to you as it seems you are partly at least accepting that it was disappointment and frustration that lead to most of your negative posts.

It was disappointment and frustration with aspects of Phuket, that made me post negative things about Phuket.. And you find that surprising ??

Its obviously not just me, as you keep trying to paint it, as now I am not there I dont have the same frustrations. I am the same me, but in a different environment dont have those problems. The same as the me I was didnt have those problems at the tail of the 90s and the turn of the millennium. A sadness at seeing it change and degrade shapes your view, if I had moved there to it as it is now (as you appear to have) I would probably see it as the place I made a choice to go to. But the place I first moved to wasnt that way, at least not anything like as visibly.



And you think I'm chasing my tail. Again, I knew about the BIS, that is to say I knew it was here and where it is, that's all. I don't have kids here, there has never been a need for me to know anything more about the place. At your request, I looked at their website. The school is accredited internationally, facilities appear fine, staff appear experienced. Your kids would most likely get a decent education there. Will I have to repeat this again in two posts time???? I gave the stipulation that 50/50 kids MUST go to an accredited International School to have any hope of going to uni in the west. I still stand by that.

Yes, the tuk-tuk situation here does give me the sh*ts. I'm sure I'm not the only one. As you have done, I have adapted and have my workarounds, but I still would like decent affordable public transport on the island. Don't you????

I just quoted "Wellington's" recent thread. I've not posted on it. Infact, I got a laugh out of it. (Wellington - if you are reading this post, no offence meant - your post was just funny in the context of this thread.) You make it sound like every negative post, I make more negative, if that is somehow possible.

You say on one hand, telling someone to avoid catching tuk-tuks here because you may be scammed, is relieving my frustration but a "tad selfish" because it's negative about Phuket and it's just a "tedious good samaritan routine" then, on the other hand you agree with me and say "fill you boots" with advice to someone for not renting a jet-ski here. <deleted>????????

Anyway, did you not read all the positive things I listed about Phuket? They are why I am here, and I'm sure many others, but at least I can see how much better Phuket would be if greed wasn't fueling all the negatives that were listed by another member, and let's face it, enough baht is never enough baht here, so, I see the island going in the wrong direction. That's just my opinion, your differs, fine. We disagree, but that's what forum banter is all about.

I can tell in your post you are frustrated. You've already been banned for abuse, under a different username, for pretty much this same topic. Why take it personally? Everyone is entitled to their opinion. You are happy here, that's fine. I wish you and your family the best. Others have come here and lost everything, their opinion of the place will differ greatly from yours, but they are entitled to it.

Allow me to philosophise:

"Not everyone at the table gets dealt the same cards and plays their hand the same way as you do." NamKangMan 2012 smile.pngwink.pngsmile.pngsmile.png


Ah yes.......still continuing the "if it doesn't bother me, then it shouldn't bother you, but, if it does you're a moaner" type posts.

Different name; same tedious BS.

Re read my posts before making pointless statements. I quite clearly said I fully accept that these problems bother other people, and I have never said they shouldn't bother anyone else. I have simply said that it's not Phuket's fault or mine that people don't have the ability to avoid these issues, and if they spent as much time trying to avoid them as they did telling the world about it then perhaps they would be more successful.

Can I ask how many countries you have lived in ?? You always post as tho its Phuket or 'home'.. I lived in 5 countries before I was 28, the whole concept of 'home' is fuzzy to me.

Theres a whole world of options out there.. Most of them with far easier visa and routes to citizenship and actual assimilation than Thailand.

I have only lived in two countries and I think you will find that is one more than average. Also I was married at 24 to a Thai so it's more than likely that we would either live in England or Thailand from that point on wouldn't you say. You say there's a whole world of options out there but you've still spent by far the lion share of your adult life in Thailand, so a bit of a hypercritical thing to say.


Why not run us through a list of all the things you "love" about Phuket so people don't get the wrong idea from you haters eh?

I love the tropics.. I love waking up pre dawn and never feeling cold, watching that first light creep in.. Or seasonal thunderstorms out over the bay all electrical light show flickering in the clouds.

I love being able to dress in lose jean shorts and sandals. That people are relaxed and mostly dont judge by your watch and clothes.. The guy at the end of the bar in the linen shirt and sandals may well be an ex CEO with a few million in the bank as he is an ex postman getting by on a pension.

Similarly I loved the national diversity, I have been blessed with travelling and working all around, but in each country your meeting mostly that countries people.On Phuket I made good long term friendships with Dutchies, Norwegians, Swedes, Germans, Aussies etc..That national diversity, and the verbal sparring and joking that goes with it in a bar setup is great.

I loved going snorkeling, or just a dip in a quiet beach.. When friends visited taking a speedboat over to coral island or up the coast to the National parks at Karaburi area.. Or visiting my mates resort on Koh Phayam.. Theres island after island around to go explore making any time your feeling the urge so simple to just throw the fins and a bag in the motor and drive to somewhere new.

Also as a water baby I just like being on the water.. If thats on real 'yachts' and big boys toys on trips to Turatao and Langkawai or just dinghy sailing at the Ao Yon club messing about wet sailing with little hobies and the skiffs they had. No other way to say it, pure fun stuff. In fact if theres one thing I miss from phuket, its the ocean, being in and near the sea. I have traded it for mountains and dirtbikes, and have a totally different type of fun I couldnt have there, but I do need to get a beach fix every once in a while. I tend to do a month on Samui every year, even when I was living on Phuket, and I just did a few weeks on Bali and a couple on sihanouk for the same reasons. Its not hard to top up the old beach battery with little trips tho and I kinda look forward to it more, dont take it for granted.

I used to love that every night was like a firday night, it didnt matter if it was a Tuesday, you could always go out, hit the clubs, come home at dawn after blowing off some steam. Many times without ever intending to, popping out to grab a sandwich and coming home 36 hours later. Tho it does leave life a bit unstructured, theres no TGIF feeling.

I loved the kind of thai beach food places.. Used to be Rawai but now more like Nai Yang.. I like the Thai style under the trees like the Sirinath national park up by the airport. In fact the pace of Nai Yang is far more the Phuket of my better memories. But great Thai food, set up somewhere in the shade.. Whats not to love.

There was loads of good things about life there.. I wouldnt have moved halfway around the world if it didnt have many appeals. But in the end, the downsides became too common. Also I wanted to live in a normal society, where people have higher hopes and dreams for their daughters than to simply 'work bar' or find a rich farang to take care. Normal people, working normal honest jobs, who didnt view me as a source of income.


It was disappointment and frustration with aspects of Phuket, that made me post negative things about Phuket.. And you find that surprising ??

No I don't find it surprising. I'm happy you can admit it. It's a vast improvement on the 'NKM' 'I love phuket, I'm happy, I just want to help other people be safe' routine.

I'm happy for you to accept that it was your frustrations and disappointments that lead to the moaning. You will still need to go a long way however to convince me it's a healthy balanced attitude and way of spending your time. At the end of the day you did it for years and what changed? According to you it continued to get worse and you had to leave. So what exactly did you achieve other than to make yourself feel better about the things that were troubling you in your life. Which is exactly why I have always referred to forums as free therapy for unhappy people. Yes it's your right to use forums for that but that doesn't make it good, and you were living proof that it achieves absolutely nothing, and nothing positive ever comes of it when you packed your bags and left.

You point out how experienced you are with living in other countries, yet you spent ten years living nearly entirely in Patong. I think you may have moved to Kathu before you left? which is a mile down the road but hardly opened up your mind to other possibilities did you. I have lived for periods of at least a year in three different places on Phuket all at completely different corners of the island. So I guess that makes me more experienced than you about living in Phuket. tongue.png

if I had moved there to it as it is now (as you appear to have) I would probably see it as the place I made a choice to go to. But the place I first moved to wasnt that way, at least not anything like as visibly.

I didn't live in Phuket back then no, but I spent lots of time on the island twelve years ago, about the same time as you moved there. Yes visiting a country for a month or two is different to living there but you can't possibly say I don't know exactly what the island was like back then because I do, and I've see every change you have. It's just you spent 10 years living right in the middle of it in Patong and I was never that stupid.

You have accepted that you were frustrated and that's why you used to moan and why you stopped moaning when you left. If you can just admit that people who are happy in Phuket don't necessarily have rose coloured specs and aren't burying their heads in the sand, that they are just happy and don't have the same problems you had, then I'll be happy. smile.png

P.S Do you not think living for 10 years in Patong played a big part in your unhappiness with the island? Do you not think you are at a disadvantage to discuss the island never having lived in the quieter North? You try to advise me that there are plenty of options out there but you never took your own advice on Phuket. Having pretty much only lived in what is commonly thought of as the worst place on the island has to have biased your opinion some what.


Sorry guys but despite what the OP said this is quickly becoming an off topic pissing contest between big dogs...So what would need to change before you leave Phuket?

Have you noticed that very few other BM's are now posting?


I remember the first time I went to Phuket a few years back,I wound up in a certain bar in Rawai,after settling down at the bar and drinking a couple of beers I sat back and looked at the clientele around me,I was gutted after the reality struck me that I had traveled all the way to Thailand and this tropical island only to be surrounded by mainly fellow country men,mostly Londoners who resembled little more than a group of football hooligans who had made this wonderful place their home.

That said I managed to find some wonderful locations on the island,at the opposite end of the spectrum,secluded beaches,fantastic views and genuine Thai food,so Phuket like many other resorts in Thailand has the best of both worlds,it all depends on what each individual is seeking,horses for courses as they say.

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I bow to your knowledge KB as I have been away from this forum for a long while having got bored with the pissing matches in the past. I wish I could say the 1st day back was an eye opener.

Stoney that is one the reasons I went "native" and rarely sample the farang places here and after all of those years of being "mine host" and interacting with so many farangs of all different stripes that I am more content to observe than interact when I do venture into them. Please do not get me wrong I had some cracking times and met many good people running bar/restaurants but enough was enough so time for a change. No more Karonation Street thankfully.


It was disappointment and frustration with aspects of Phuket, that made me post negative things about Phuket.. And you find that surprising ??

No I don't find it surprising. I'm happy you can admit it. It's a vast improvement on the 'NKM' 'I love phuket, I'm happy, I just want to help other people be safe' routine.

I'm happy for you to accept that it was your frustrations and disappointments that lead to the moaning. You will still need to go a long way however to convince me it's a healthy balanced attitude and way of spending your time. At the end of the day you did it for years and what changed? According to you it continued to get worse and you had to leave. So what exactly did you achieve other than to make yourself feel better about the things that were troubling you in your life. Which is exactly why I have always referred to forums as free therapy for unhappy people. Yes it's your right to use forums for that but that doesn't make it good, and you were living proof that it achieves absolutely nothing, and nothing positive ever comes of it when you packed your bags and left.

You point out how experienced you are with living in other countries, yet you spent ten years living nearly entirely in Patong. I think you may have moved to Kathu before you left? which is a mile down the road but hardly opened up your mind to other possibilities did you. I have lived for periods of at least a year in three different places on Phuket all at completely different corners of the island. So I guess that makes me more experienced than you about living in Phuket. tongue.png

if I had moved there to it as it is now (as you appear to have) I would probably see it as the place I made a choice to go to. But the place I first moved to wasnt that way, at least not anything like as visibly.

I didn't live in Phuket back then no, but I spent lots of time on the island twelve years ago, about the same time as you moved there. Yes visiting a country for a month or two is different to living there but you can't possibly say I don't know exactly what the island was like back then because I do, and I've see every change you have. It's just you spent 10 years living right in the middle of it in Patong and I was never that stupid.

You have accepted that you were frustrated and that's why you used to moan and why you stopped moaning when you left. If you can just admit that people who are happy in Phuket don't necessarily have rose coloured specs and aren't burying their heads in the sand, that they are just happy and don't have the same problems you had, then I'll be happy. smile.png

P.S Do you not think living for 10 years in Patong played a big part in your unhappiness with the island? Do you not think you are at a disadvantage to discuss the island never having lived in the quieter North? You try to advise me that there are plenty of options out there but you never took your own advice on Phuket. Having pretty much only lived in what is commonly thought of as the worst place on the island has to have biased your opinion some what.

"It's a vast improvement on the 'NKM' 'I love phuket, I'm happy, I just want to help other people be safe' routine."

"That would be a perfect time to fill your boots and advise and help until your hearts content."

Once again, <deleted>????????????


That's because most of us have heard it all before. Boring then; boring now.

With a forum as old as this one how could it possibly surprise you that we go over the same old topics time and time again?

Don't worry, my thread discussing the logic of members who open a forum, log in, open a thread, and then reply to the thread just to add 'this is a boring topic, I don't want anything to do with it' blink.png is coming soon.

"It's a vast improvement on the 'NKM' 'I love phuket, I'm happy, I just want to help other people be safe' routine."

"That would be a perfect time to fill your boots and advise and help until your hearts content."

Once again, <deleted>????????????

By not understanding what I'm talking about you are inadvertently proving my point, in that you can't tell what is and what isn't the appropriate time to be be negative (and helpful) instead of being negative (and repetitive, and obsessed) If some one asks about jet skis then of course it's fine to tell them. If someone wants to talk about raising teenagers yet people end up bringing JJ and jetskis in to the conversation and they do so at every other possible opportunity, then that is tedious, unhelpful and would be classed as an ulterior motive. The fact that you aren't aware which constitutes which is the problem.

"Not everyone at the table gets dealt the same cards and plays their hand the same way as you do." NamKangMan 2012 smile.pngwink.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

Can I add to that: When dealt crappy cards some people moan and some people get on with it. When some people play their cards badly they blame everybody but themselves while others accept they made mistakes and move on.

goodnight and goodbye.



Why not run us through a list of all the things you "love" about Phuket so people don't get the wrong idea from you haters eh?

I love the tropics.. I love waking up pre dawn and never feeling cold, watching that first light creep in.. Or seasonal thunderstorms out over the bay all electrical light show flickering in the clouds.....................................

Nice post. It's a shame you didn't realise that you can still have all of that in Phuket and plenty more, without all the negative things you list. You just need to box clever and move out of Patong.

(Not Patong bashing before anyone gives me a hard time, I like Patong but there can be no denying you are more likely to experience the things LivinLOS talks about there than you are in Thalang.)

Try and picture a Phuket exactly as you so eloquently described it, yet where you aren't treated like a mark, Thai people ignore you and let you go about your business, and are for the best part friendly and helpful. You live 5 minutes away from a wonderful stretch of beach several miles long that is normally your own private playground with nobody as far as the eye can see. The nearest Tuk Tuk is probably parked at least 4 miles away. Days turn in to weeks turn in to months turn in to years without being burgled, seeing a fight, getting in to an argument with anybody, having police shake you down, or being scammed in any way shape or form.

Whether you want to accept it or not that life DOES exist on Phuket, you just weren't as life smart as you always claim to be, because you didn't know where to find it. That's what's so frustrating, when people talk about something not existing when you know 100% it does. They then try to tell the whole world it doesn't exist every chance they get. It's a bit like me coming on this forum every day insisting to everybody that it's impossible to do 100 press ups just because I can't.tongue.png How many muscle men do you think would jump down my throat?

You couldn't manage to live a stress and problem free life in Phuket, but don't tell people they are burying their head in the sand or wearing rose coloured specs just because they can, because it makes you sound like a bitter, jealous unhappy person and now that you are happy in CM that no longer needs to be the case.


It seems to me a lot of people have not visited there home country for

a very long time and do not know how things have changed there and

the inflation in those countries.and crime rates etc etc.

I am always happy to return to Phuket and Thailand after visiting other

countries, and no i do not wear rose coloured glasses, i have seen whats

happening in other countries

Very relevant post. People really do need to do a much better comparison between Thailand and the West before highlighting how bad Thailand is.

People who haven't been home for many years and have only seen how things have worsened here, need to understand that the changes are world wide.

The West isn't as grand as it once was I assure you. sad.png

Can I ask how many countries you have lived in ?? You always post as tho its Phuket or 'home'.. I lived in 5 countries before I was 28, the whole concept of 'home' is fuzzy to me.

Theres a whole world of options out there.. Most of them with far easier visa and routes to citizenship and actual assimilation than Thailand.

I do not believe anything you post, for example

!. When the world went into recession you forecast doom and gloom for the Australian

dollar and economy

2. you claim you ride down the Patong hill at 100KPH on your scooter

3.Box jellyfish cannot sting you all over your body they are to small

All previous posts of yours on this forum

I have actually lived in 3 countries and could not care less how many

you claim to have lived in, have a go at me anytime you like i love it


I remember the first time I went to Phuket a few years back,I wound up in a certain bar in Rawai,after settling down at the bar and drinking a couple of beers I sat back and looked at the clientele around me,I was gutted after the reality struck me that I had traveled all the way to Thailand and this tropical island only to be surrounded by mainly fellow country men,mostly Londoners who resembled little more than a group of football hooligans who had made this wonderful place their home.

Agreed, part of the reason I wouldn't want to live in Rawai. At least in Phuket we have the choice though....surrounded by our fellow country men or the complete opposite


I remember the first time I went to Phuket a few years back,I wound up in a certain bar in Rawai,after settling down at the bar and drinking a couple of beers I sat back and looked at the clientele around me,I was gutted after the reality struck me that I had traveled all the way to Thailand and this tropical island only to be surrounded by mainly fellow country men,mostly Londoners who resembled little more than a group of football hooligans who had made this wonderful place their home.

Agreed, part of the reason I wouldn't want to live in Rawai. At least in Phuket we have the choice though....surrounded by our fellow country men or the complete opposite

Sheesh one of the reasons you don't live in Rawai is Because of the bars and people in them

Simple fix, do not go to bars, there are bars and bar ladies all over the island Rawai

has less than other areas actually

I do not go to bars except on the odd occasion and no one i know does, different people

have different ideas about Thailand, bars and the people in them do not represent Thailand or Thai people


I remember the first time I went to Phuket a few years back,I wound up in a certain bar in Rawai,after settling down at the bar and drinking a couple of beers I sat back and looked at the clientele around me,I was gutted after the reality struck me that I had traveled all the way to Thailand and this tropical island only to be surrounded by mainly fellow country men,mostly Londoners who resembled little more than a group of football hooligans who had made this wonderful place their home.

Agreed, part of the reason I wouldn't want to live in Rawai. At least in Phuket we have the choice though....surrounded by our fellow country men or the complete opposite

Sheesh one of the reasons you don't live in Rawai is Because of the bars and people in them

Simple fix, do not go to bars, there are bars and bar ladies all over the island Rawai

has less than other areas actually

I do not go to bars except on the odd occasion and no one i know does, different people

have different ideas about Thailand, bars and the people in them do not represent Thailand or Thai people

I like to go to a have a few drinks in a bar close to where i live so that isn't a simple fix. All I am saying is that the huge expat community of Rawai and Chalong isn't what i came to Thailand for so that's why I don't live there. The good thing is that people have the choice in Phuket...I think the local people have a huge effect on your enjoyment of living in an area/country.

Some people who have posted in this forum seem to have had real issues with the people that they have come into contact with on a daily basis. Personaly I don't, which is one of the reasons I love living where I do.


I remember the first time I went to Phuket a few years back,I wound up in a certain bar in Rawai,after settling down at the bar and drinking a couple of beers I sat back and looked at the clientele around me,I was gutted after the reality struck me that I had traveled all the way to Thailand and this tropical island only to be surrounded by mainly fellow country men,mostly Londoners who resembled little more than a group of football hooligans who had made this wonderful place their home.

Agreed, part of the reason I wouldn't want to live in Rawai. At least in Phuket we have the choice though....surrounded by our fellow country men or the complete opposite

Sheesh one of the reasons you don't live in Rawai is Because of the bars and people in them

Simple fix, do not go to bars, there are bars and bar ladies all over the island Rawai

has less than other areas actually

I do not go to bars except on the odd occasion and no one i know does, different people

have different ideas about Thailand, bars and the people in them do not represent Thailand or Thai people

I like to go to a have a few drinks in a bar close to where i live so that isn't a simple fix. All I am saying is that the huge expat community of Rawai and Chalong isn't what i came to Thailand for so that's why I don't live there. The good thing is that people have the choice in Phuket...I think the local people have a huge effect on your enjoyment of living in an area/country.

Some people who have posted in this forum seem to have had real issues with the people that they have come into contact with on a daily basis. Personaly I don't, which is one of the reasons I love living where I do.

We get on well with our Thai Neighbors in Rawai, Its the odd Farang who is a pain in the butt

Actually we have got on well with our Thai neighbors everywhere and most farang



You state that people who "moan" or who constantly post negative things about Phuket should move away from Phuket. They should go to a place that makes them happier, and more positive.

Why don't you take some of your own advice? If the Phuket forum is not making you happy, you should move to another Thaivisa forum. Then you will make positive posts and be happier. :) :) :) :)

Have you ever considered the Phuket forum may be the most negative forum on the website because Phuket (which includes Patong) is the scam capital of Thailand?

You have said yourself that a lot of negatives exist in Patong, but not in other areas of Phuket. Maybe Patong needs it's own forum because it's so different to the rest of the island. :) :) Where are the members supposed to post about all the negative things occuring in Patong? Currently, it is the Phuket forum. So, if reading the Phuket forum is "not the forum for you" - you should leave and go to another forum that makes you happy and positive. :) :) :) :)

  • Like 1

That's because most of us have heard it all before. Boring then; boring now.

With a forum as old as this one how could it possibly surprise you that we go over the same old topics time and time again?

Don't worry, my thread discussing the logic of members who open a forum, log in, open a thread, and then reply to the thread just to add 'this is a boring topic, I don't want anything to do with it' blink.png is coming soon.

Well, at least it will be a more interesting thread than this one, which is like a cracked record.



You state that people who "moan" or who constantly post negative things about Phuket should move away from Phuket. They should go to a place that makes them happier, and more positive.

Why don't you take some of your own advice? If the Phuket forum is not making you happy, you should move to another Thaivisa forum. Then you will make positive posts and be happier. smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

Have you ever considered the Phuket forum may be the most negative forum on the website because Phuket (which includes Patong) is the scam capital of Thailand?

You have said yourself that a lot of negatives exist in Patong, but not in other areas of Phuket. Maybe Patong needs it's own forum because it's so different to the rest of the island. smile.pngsmile.png Where are the members supposed to post about all the negative things occuring in Patong? Currently, it is the Phuket forum. So, if reading the Phuket forum is "not the forum for you" - you should leave and go to another forum that makes you happy and positive. smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

I agree except - I suspect the majority of posters (who live here) live outside Patong - and yet many experience similar problems.

Few posters just 'moan about Phuket' all the time - so why get upset when they make a criticism?


In no matter which ‘incarnation-du-jour’ the OP appears, it’s always the same MO with these almost troll-like threads. Starts them to wind folks up, then preaches the same drivel over and over.

Ask questions to provoke opposite opinions, then react to those opposing opinions by trying to convince all and sundry that they only disagree because they are either moaners, maladjusted, hanging with the wrong crowd, or not in control of their lives because they chose to live where they’re not happy. Blah blah blah... B-O-R-I-N-G!

Seems to me that asking questions to induce expected responses, just to argue about them, is the same as arguing with oneself. Which suggests one is actually trying to convince oneself. Which also suggests there may be some insecurity issues involved.

And for the record, I’m happy in Phuket, I realize there are downsides, I realize there are upsides. What works for me may not work for others. What I am willing to accept and willing to overlook may not be the same as for others. Up to me, up to them. End of story.

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