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Ubon Hash Run No 45 - "At The Beach" - Saturday 7 April 2012


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No - we are not going 450 k south east, or even 200k West to find a beach. This one is just outside the Ring Road and the sand in question is on the Moon (some say Mun) river. The penis-shaped long meander that provides the setting for this 'run' has some wonderful hashing options and your hare (me) is confident that you will have a great time.

Directions: Meet at the Wrong Way Cafe/Bar (Phadaeng Road in central Ubon) at 4pm on Saturday 4th April if you need a lift. Alternatively, go directly to the start point for a 4:30 start. To get to the start travel north-east bound from the SiSaket intersection of Ubon Ring Road West; immediately after crossing the Mun River (like 20 meters after!) turn left - signposted to Had Ku Dua. Zero your trip meter and after 2.6 kilometres, after passing scores of river restaurants, you will see a delapidated TOT phone box on the left by the river. Park up! You will have passed a TOT phone box at 1.5 kiloms (right hand side) and 2.0 kiloms (left hand side) by the way.

Everyone welcome, runners, walkers (we mostly have that variety - you don't have to be fit!). The idea is to follow a trail of chalk dust - walkers typically do 5 kilometres or less - with pleasant company,then have a few beers and generally socialise. First timers ("virgins") are especially welcome and it the cost for you is an absolute bargain at 150 baht (beers thrown in) and even less for Thais. Bring your other halves.

On On to the Beach/Penis (can I say that here?) Run

Flash Git (aka Santisuk, aka Steve)

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