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Just want to get a UK Visitor Visa for my Thai girlfriend, and I want to get it right first time.

Any recommendations?

Please don't reply with "do it yourself"; if you can't recommend anyone then please don't reply.

I'm new on the Forum so if commercial recommendations break the rules then please PM me on peterclarke0708.

Thanks, Peter


Do it yourself its not difficult, go to the Boarder agency site it will tell you how to do it, save your self some money all A visa agent does is fill in the form with information you give.


Which part of: Please don't reply with "do it yourself" didn't you understand?

And you're a Platinum member? Wood member, as in "Plank" might be a better description. I have tried to DIY route already, as have many thousands of others and not been successful. But simple instructions I can understand. Thanks.

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Don't get personal Peter. I'm sure Thongkorn meant well.

I'll PM you a recommendation from a colleague. Just looking at this website and all the sad stories of failed applications, I'm convinced you're doing the right thing, and in fact it might be cheaper in terms of time and effort saved in the long run - it's not just about cash


Yes, very sorry Thongkorn...I'm a bit frustrated, but what I said was out of order.

Anyway, just contacted Boomer's recommendation by email and we have a Skype conference set up for 8pm GMT tonight - have sent them the info I have.

Fingers crossed


I don't know where your girlfriend lives but Visa Plus and Thai Visa Express, are based in Pattaya and sponsors of this site, will both give your girlfriend an indication on how realistic her chances are.

The guy at Visa Plus is a retired Immigration Officer and has worked in a visa processing environment throughout the world, is very professional and his a good knowledge of the workings of the UKBA here in Bangkok, the guy at TVE also has a good track record. I don't know who boomer recommended but I personally wouldn't recommend any other agents.

I know you did say please don't please don't say do it yourself, and have since apologised to Thongkorn, but his advice was spot on, and reputable agent would tell you the same.

Whatever your girlfriend and you decide, good luck to you both.



I believe they are spammers - trying to promote their own business

But what 'business' was he trying to promote beyond being a bit snippy?

Probably some sort of ip track found out he had been kicked to the curb from TV for previous sins.


How many times do we see the same old thing. Visa for Girlfriend. how many times do Visa Agents on this site who give free Advice tell people how to do it correctly. some times saying it straight is better.


I don't know where your girlfriend lives but Visa Plus and Thai Visa Express, are based in Pattaya and sponsors of this site, will both give your girlfriend an indication on how realistic her chances are.

The guy at Visa Plus is a retired Immigration Officer and has worked in a visa processing environment throughout the world, is very professional and his a good knowledge of the workings of the UKBA here in Bangkok, the guy at TVE also has a good track record. I don't know who boomer recommended but I personally wouldn't recommend any other agents.

I know you did say please don't please don't say do it yourself, and have since apologised to Thongkorn, but his advice was spot on, and reputable agent would tell you the same.

Whatever your girlfriend and you decide, good luck to you both.

I have stopped encouraging people to do it themselves also. Seems they either have too much money,or don't understand :that when you walk into a Agents office,they know nothing about you or your situation,they have to ask you, your name and address,before the can even begin,you also provide the documentation.

Its not cheap. be confident,I did my wifes settlement Visa,and two years later ILR, next year I shall apply for her UK Citizenship.If I can do it so can you.


Steer clear of any Thai visa agents, I've heard some shocking stories of some Bangkok based ones charging up to and over 100,000 baht for a settlement visa application, english test and TB xray.

Preying on Thai ladies whose husbands or partners are based in the UK and not in a position to help out much.

Steer clear of any Thai visa agents, I've heard some shocking stories of some Bangkok based ones charging up to and over 100,000 baht for a settlement visa application, english test and TB xray.

Preying on Thai ladies whose husbands or partners are based in the UK and not in a position to help out much.

And likewise I have heard of some that have been invaluable to people especially when there gf is in the middle of nowhere and he is 5000 miles away. Bottom line is some prefer the security of having someone on hand to do the paperwork and chase the appointments and some would rather go it alone and use up valuable time that in my opinion can be spent enjoying a holiday without the pressure of thai officials and translators etc.

Up to you :)


There are two sides to every argument on whether to use an agent or not. Some applicants, and their sponsors, are confident, and some are not. Some applicants have all the documents they need, and some do not. If visa applications were as simple in every case, as some here would have us believe, then there wouldn't be around 4,500 UK visas refused each year.

I also agree that some agents are in business only for the money. Their fees are high, and they don't really care whether a visa is issued or not. They have their fee. Some agents believe that, if you pay a fee, then you should recieve good service, and hopefully a visa. Some agents, Thai Visa Express and ourselves, give free advice on forums, without any request for fees. Sure, we hope to get some advertising and some business from the exposure, but that is, I would say, to be expected. You don't see us asking OPs to contact us and pay us to assist in a visa application. We do the same as many others do on here, and give what we hope is good free advice. For instance, the OP "randymarsh", contacted me privately as well as posting here. I gave him the same advice in private as I gave in the forum. I didn't ask him to pay for a visa application that I don't think will succeed, which I could easily have done.

We get many enquiries from applicants, and their sponsors, after they have been refused a visa. They took the advice of many in here, and "did it themselves", only to find that the application was refused. And we have been able to assist many of them, either with a new, more robust application, or by getting the refusal decision overturned (often the reasons for refusal are incorrect, or "wrong" ). Let me give you an example - an applicant ( Thai female ) and her sponsor ( British male ) came to our office with two visit visa refusal notices. The applicant was now banned for 10 years. They asked if it would be possible for the applicant to ever get a visa in the future. The upshot ( leaving out a lot of information for you ) was that we were able to get both refusal decisions overturned, the 10 year ban removed, and a visa issued. The applicant did not even need to make a new application. All of this is documented, and can be posted if you don't believe what I am saying. The reason I am telling you this is to give an example of how difficult it can sometimes be. That applicant and her sponsor tried to do it themselves, and had failed, for whatever reasons. They had no idea how to proceed. In fact, the Embassy had messed up rather badly by misinterpreting the facts and the law, but the applicant and her sponsor had no way of knowing that, and would not have found out if they had not contacted an agent.

I'm not trying to say that all applications should be done with the help of an agent. There is obviously no need for that. But, you must accept that there are occasions, and circumstances, where an agent can assist. We don't only deal with visa applications for the UK ( which is what most of the posts on this forum are about ), but we deal with most of the "common" countries. We have a great deal of experience in visa regulations and requirements for many countries, including applications for work permits, students, EEA family permits, etc. We try to provide a service where it is needed, and I believe that there is a place for visa agents in the grand scheme of things. I agree with comments such as " you will find everything you need in the forum ", but only to a certain point. You won't find the answer to everything here, and even we have to look for that answer sometimes. That is because we provide a service, not just to visitors to the UK, or spouses, but to visa applicants in general.

I'll say it again here ( I have said it before ), and I'm saying it now because it won't last forever - I have been assisting in visa applications for Visas Plus in Thailand for more than two years now, and every application for a UK visa has been successful. I can't prove that, of course, but the Embassy ( and they do read this forum ) knows that my statement is true. Also, our customers read this forum, as many of our customers came from here originally, so they can post if I am wrong. But I know that they can't refute the statement. I know that such a record cannot last, and I wouldn't want anyone here to become the first refusal ! We don't guarantee that a visa will be issued, even with such a record. That said, I think the record speaks for itself.

Sorry for the long post, but I think it is only fair to put the "agents" side of things on record. We tolerate "agent bashers" ( most of the time ), but it is not always as "black and white" as they like to make out. I have been speaking for myself here, but I think Thai Visa Express ( as the other sponsor of this forum) probably has similar views.


You might save valuable time to enjoy your holiday but for some, they'd rather save valuable money. Who on earth wants to pay a Thai agent 100,000 baht for a visa, when you can find one of the UK owned agencies for much cheaper.

With a bit of patience, and less time spent on the beach or in a bar, anyone can put together their own visa application. That's just my opinion and each to their own.

I fully appreciate that not everyone wants to, or can. That's where a good, reasonably priced agent can prove invaluable to someone who, like you say, is 5000 miles away.

I'm not knocking visa agents per se, just the greedy ones.


I have never used an agent, always done by myself, have been lucky 5 attempts for wife and mother in law (UK and Schengen visas) and have been successful every time. I read up about what was required, never went over the top with giving in documents, just if they asked for A then they got A, not like some who give them A to Z.

Admittedly if things would have gone wrong, I would have asked the two people on here that are sponsors, for advice.


I think the original OP was going to post back that he had got his Visa thanks to an agent, that agent being himself, I think he was trying to advertise, am sure I have seen something else from him along the same lines before.

Actually he gave someone advice about which agent to use in another post, the one made by randymarsh.


Its the same old story because you practice you get better, Thats the only thing An agent is better at, because they do it day in day out, they can do it nearly almost automatic that's the only difference from doing it yourself, self confidence is every thing. many people have done it themselves by getting good advise from this forum from Visa Agents and people in general. but if you are really serious about being with your partner you would take a good look at the boarder Agency criteria before you do anything. Also i have seen an avert on this site which states guaranteed to get you a Visa, I would like to know how they can say that with confidence.

Also do the Boarder Agency do a back ground checks on Visa Agents, Do they check there Moral back ground, Would an Agent flatly refuse to do a Visa application knowing that the Customer was not telling the truth. Or Is it just a business to make money at any costs,


Its the same old story because you practice you get better, Thats the only thing An agent is better at, because they do it day in day out, they can do it nearly almost automatic that's the only difference from doing it yourself, self confidence is every thing. many people have done it themselves by getting good advise from this forum from Visa Agents and people in general. but if you are really serious about being with your partner you would take a good look at the boarder Agency criteria before you do anything. Also i have seen an avert on this site which states guaranteed to get you a Visa, I would like to know how they can say that with confidence.

Also do the Boarder Agency do a back ground checks on Visa Agents, Do they check there Moral back ground, Would an Agent flatly refuse to do a Visa application knowing that the Customer was not telling the truth. Or Is it just a business to make money at any costs,

Thongkorn, you're getting yourself into deep water here. First, which agent advertises a guaranteed visa on here ? You may be right, but I haven't seen that, so please back up that allegation.

Second, why should the UKBA do background checks on visa agents ? What kind of background checks ? What are you suggesting ? Should they check on you too, as you have been giving advice ?

Third, what is moral background ?

Fourth, yes, we refuse to take on applicants who we discover haven't been telling the truth. We actually have a notice on the office wall saying that.

Fifth, I have already explained that we give advice without charging, so it's not " at any cost".

You obviously have something against visa agents, and don't seem to have taken in any of what I said in my earlier post. If you, and others, would rather that we didn't give any advice, free or otherwise, then say so, and we will go to another forum. I do this in my free time, and can certainly find other things to do if it is not appreciated.


I think the VisasPlus post is an good and fair summary of the discussion.

There are always niche markets for service providers that specialise in specific disciplines. For example, I can easily buy shares in publicly quoted companies, and have done, but I don't pretend to have the same level of knowledge as the specialist investment companies who spend millions on research and are trusted by hundreds of thousands of individuals and indeed pension funds to invest for them. Similarly, I could complete my own business accounts, but I do like to have some free time, so I employ an accountant.

If you have the time and patience to apply for a visa for your GF on your own, then of course it's a fairly straightforward process, normally. But it's a myth to say that it's "free", everyone's time has a monetary value including your own. I certainly wouldn't spend time on what is simply an administrative process because my time is better spent managing my business, looking after my customers and generating revenue.

That's where the Agents fit in, they offer a service for a fee, the client gets what he wants, hopefully, and everyone's satisfied.


Yes which agency offers a guaranteed visa ?

We offer a no visa no professional fees service which is very popular however its subject to qualifying the applicant.


do it urself,,dont give you more chance.

I'm sure that 'swisstouristpattaya' knows what he means by this, but I haven't a clue.

Apparently he is a Swiss tourist in Pattaya. I'm not sure if he is talking about visas, but he is of the opinion that you can do it yourself, and don't need any assistance, in Thailand. It is also cheaper to do it yourself, and the more you do it, the better you get at doing it ( after all these years, I still like some help !). If he's not talking about visas, what can he be talking about ?

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