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Thai Airways Brings WiFi, Mobile Phone Services To The Sky


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That's Cathay Pacific and THAI off my list, then, unless they introduce quiet "phone-free" zones or give the noisemakers their own separate shouting area. There's already enough stressful noise pollution in air travel. No need to make it worse so those who couldn't care less about disturbing their fellow passengers can play with their shiny toys. Come on. how many of these calls are really necessary?

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Ring ring......ring ring.."alai wah?"....ring ring....."hello"........"hello"......."hello?"........"hello"......."hello"......."hello?"......."alai"........"hello"......."hello"......."bai london"........."hello"........"hello"........"hello"........"hello"........."mai aroi".........."hello"........."hello"........."alai."

There will be blood!

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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While I like to use the internet (I'm a bit of an addict), long flights are the time when I enjoy to be incommunicado. I watch movies (personal screens are a must for me - a reason why I have chosen fly other airlines in the past), read a book, or simply relax.

Phone calls, especially if made from my neighbour's seat, are certainly not an improvement to the flying experience. Internet (minus VOIP) is OK, many people work on their laptops during flight and I did that once when I had to complete a quotation.

IMHO, of course.

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I would prefer they start with the basics and install personal screens in all their aircraft first......

They will install personal screens aswell.

You have a source for the info as I personally don't believe it

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Look at the record over this last 2 years, about what they have ordered, and what they are doing. They are trying to re-vitalise their fleet. Apart from 1 or 2 leased 777s and a some airbus deliveries they are still using the Jumbo's on European routes, yes the ones over 20 years, and they said they were to re-furbish these, how far down the road they are with this ??? posters are not saying they have done it, Thai Airways In., are similar to TAT all yap and nothing moving much, I wish the boss would give us an update on what NEW planes Have been delivered===what have been already re-furbished====OR when will it all happen. I have tried to keep up with the gen on the improvements made but nothing new seems be happening.

I am aware as I said all the promises that have been made but have to assume that it is Thai talk, the same lines as the governments promises. Speaks for it'self. Government owned. Please before anyone takes a swipe at me, inform me if I am wrong,and tell me that have already been made---not futuristic.

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What century is this? It's about time.

What century is this? I was on a British Airways flight recently and there was no in-flight WiFi. It looks like Thai Airways is beating them to it.

Clearly British Airways understands the annoyance of all the WiFi can bring to other customers and with COMMON SENSE they choose not to offer the service. You, by the way, have your head up your arse because you cannot see that.

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While I like to use the internet (I'm a bit of an addict), long flights are the time when I enjoy to be incommunicado. I watch movies (personal screens are a must for me - a reason why I have chosen fly other airlines in the past), read a book, or simply relax.

Phone calls, especially if made from my neighbour's seat, are certainly not an improvement to the flying experience. Internet (minus VOIP) is OK, many people work on their laptops during flight and I did that once when I had to complete a quotation.

IMHO, of course.

Just curious, why do moderators make comments in the forums and then never respond back when someone makes a comment to their post?

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While I like to use the internet (I'm a bit of an addict), long flights are the time when I enjoy to be incommunicado. I watch movies (personal screens are a must for me - a reason why I have chosen fly other airlines in the past), read a book, or simply relax.

Phone calls, especially if made from my neighbour's seat, are certainly not an improvement to the flying experience. Internet (minus VOIP) is OK, many people work on their laptops during flight and I did that once when I had to complete a quotation.

IMHO, of course.

Just curious, why do moderators make comments in the forums and then never respond back when someone makes a comment to their post?

You bring up a very interesting point. Since your post is the first comment on the moderator's post you quote you are actually expressing your curiosity as to why this moderator has not responded to any of the comments that have not been made on his post. At any rate, I never felt that once a moderator makes a post the topic should then turn into a personal conversation between the moderator and the member that comments on the moderator's post. I have always seen it as a free for all, anybody can comment on anybody's response to any moderator's or other member's post.

Edited by Puccini
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While I like to use the internet (I'm a bit of an addict), long flights are the time when I enjoy to be incommunicado. I watch movies (personal screens are a must for me - a reason why I have chosen fly other airlines in the past), read a book, or simply relax.

Phone calls, especially if made from my neighbour's seat, are certainly not an improvement to the flying experience. Internet (minus VOIP) is OK, many people work on their laptops during flight and I did that once when I had to complete a quotation.

IMHO, of course.

Just curious, why do moderators make comments in the forums and then never respond back when someone makes a comment to their post?

I have posted the above as a member, not a moderator. As I clearly said, it's my opinion, not a moderating post.

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I would prefer they start with the basics and install personal screens in all their aircraft first......

They will install personal screens aswell.

You have a source for the info as I personally don't believe it

Thai Airways' president, Khun Piyasvasti, said this in the famous luncheon with the German-Thai Chamber of Commerce last year.

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I would prefer they start with the basics and install personal screens in all their aircraft first......

They will install personal screens aswell.

You have a source for the info as I personally don't believe it

Thai Airways' president, Khun Piyasvasti, said this in the famous luncheon with the German-Thai Chamber of Commerce last year.

Yeah nearly 12 months ago and I am still enduring 5+ hour flights with no screens. Had to get very drunk in Beijing last week just so I would be able to sleep and endure the 5 hour flight with no entertainment drunk.gif

My company's choice of airline unfortunately, I would not go anywhere near them if I had the choice.

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tomBkk, exactly=just what my post is saying. Alot of hot air and promises, promoting-without results of the boasting. Could our moderators get any Info (like WHEN) the Thai boss can tell us surely unless they are porky pies to try and keep their dwindling customers.  WHEN ???? after the next election ??? get your prices down and woo the customers, NOT your hangers on on the board.

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tomBkk, exactly=just what my post is saying. Alot of hot air and promises, promoting-without results of the boasting. Could our moderators get any Info (like WHEN) the Thai boss can tell us surely unless they are porky pies to try and keep their dwindling customers. WHEN ???? after the next election ??? get your prices down and woo the customers, NOT your hangers on on the board.

Moderators moderate the forum and make sure the forum rules are followed. Unfortunately, that does not give us any clout with Thai Airways. ;) You are welcome to contact them directly and let us know what they said.

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tombkk, I should have said, via the Nation, as they are the ones that are pushing the Thai Airways thing at us posters, they should give you better answers, and have more clout than a solitary poster. I have an idea what the reply I would get, the same as we read. After all we comment on the reporters news via you people or T.V. I am not being lazy, I just believe more the numbers better answers. I can say you guy's do a brill job controlling some strange posts. Nation do your job-and give us more feedback, we do our bit by giving our feedback in our answers. ginjag

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That's Cathay Pacific and THAI off my list, then, unless they introduce quiet "phone-free" zones or give the noisemakers their own separate shouting area. There's already enough stressful noise pollution in air travel. No need to make it worse so those who couldn't care less about disturbing their fellow passengers can play with their shiny toys. Come on. how many of these calls are really necessary?

no more necessary than the Captain interrupting the movie for 10 mins to tell you in at least 3 languages that you are currently flying over somewhere you can't see at an altitude that is not important and that the temperature outside the cabin is xx degrees.....

Of course on Thai that assumes that the badly maintained projector screen is working in at least 2 colours so you can make out what the movie is about...

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tombkk, I should have said, via the Nation, as they are the ones that are pushing the Thai Airways thing at us posters, they should give you better answers, and have more clout than a solitary poster. I have an idea what the reply I would get, the same as we read. After all we comment on the reporters news via you people or T.V. I am not being lazy, I just believe more the numbers better answers. I can say you guy's do a brill job controlling some strange posts. Nation do your job-and give us more feedback, we do our bit by giving our feedback in our answers. ginjag

This is in the forum rules:

Please be informed that ThaiVisa is an apolitical discussion forum, meaning that we take an unbiased position in regard to political matters in Thailand. As such, ThaiVisa will not permit itself to become a sounding platform for members to lobby other members to effect changes to or suggestions on political issues or Thai government decrees. This does not mean that members cannot voice a political opinion as ThaiVisa is first and foremost a discussion forum, but lobbying for any kind of action is forbidden.

Maybe this helps explain why neither I nor any other mod wold contact a newspaper with such questions. thank you for your kind understanding.

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