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Life In Thai Prison, Is It Really That Bad. ?


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Total b******s. If you give money or food to inmates, they"re OK. Thai inmates take care of foreigners, afterall, they

"re in the boat. Rape is frowned upon although I wouldn"t be surprised about the beatings. Everything you read in books is to sell the book. I actually believe that while outside prison is becoming backwards, inside prison is becoming more humane. There are far worst places to be detained than Thailand.

I had a friend back in Canada who talked abut things they did with broom sticks and one fellow who drowned on sperm.

I think where ever you go you sill find bad conditions unless they are like the maximum security ones where you are in a room all by your self and let out one hour a day for private exercise.

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Being banged up anywhere would be a nightmare for me and I'm not sure I wouldn't be tempted to top myself, but especially in a foreign jail where there's no way to understand the 'rules'. Keeps me on the straight and narrow.

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I would be prepared to do prison visits, however if you lot got to find out you would bribe the guards to keep me in. violin.gif

So I'm not taking the risk

That's so selfish. Stop blethering about how you want fame and fortune when you won't even pop into a Thai prison and run a live feed for us for a year.

Reality TV is where its at pal....you think Sir Sean would have baulked at the idea?


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Total b******s. If you give money or food to inmates, they"re OK. Thai inmates take care of foreigners, afterall, they

"re in the boat. Rape is frowned upon although I wouldn"t be surprised about the beatings. Everything you read in books is to sell the book. I actually believe that while outside prison is becoming backwards, inside prison is becoming more humane. There are far worst places to be detained than Thailand.

I had a friend back in Canada who talked abut things they did with broom sticks and one fellow who drowned on sperm.

How much sperm does it take to drown someone? I think your friend in Canada was spinning a yarn...

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Total b******s. If you give money or food to inmates, they"re OK. Thai inmates take care of foreigners, afterall, they

"re in the boat. Rape is frowned upon although I wouldn"t be surprised about the beatings. Everything you read in books is to sell the book. I actually believe that while outside prison is becoming backwards, inside prison is becoming more humane. There are far worst places to be detained than Thailand.

I had a friend back in Canada who talked abut things they did with broom sticks and one fellow who drowned on sperm.

How much sperm does it take to drown someone? I think your friend in Canada was spinning a yarn...

Is that a euphamism? Not heard that one before...huh.png

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Total b******s. If you give money or food to inmates, they"re OK. Thai inmates take care of foreigners, afterall, they

"re in the boat. Rape is frowned upon although I wouldn"t be surprised about the beatings. Everything you read in books is to sell the book. I actually believe that while outside prison is becoming backwards, inside prison is becoming more humane. There are far worst places to be detained than Thailand.

I had a friend back in Canada who talked abut things they did with broom sticks and one fellow who drowned on sperm.

How much sperm does it take to drown someone? I think your friend in Canada was spinning a yarn...

I have some japanese videos which suggest it would take a lot...

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Victor Bout told that the US prison is much worse. But that isn't a surprise.

I also read this, it was the headline for a news article.

Do five minutes of research and you will find that in fact, he did not make this statement. Actually, the author of the article wrote that headline.

You read it on the internet, so It must be true, right?

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A few years ago an American paedophile was in a Thai jail for his crimes. At the same time there was an unsolved murder of a little girl in Colorado and authorities were still searching for the killer. The paedophile admitted to Thai authorities that he indeed was the killer. Apparently the guy had been in Colorado at the time of the little girls murder, so the Thai authorities contacted the USA and the guy was transferred back to the states. As it turned out the paedophile had nothing to do with the murder, but he knew that once he was back in the states they would put him in a US jail instead, where conditions were much better. That tells me that some of the stories about Asian jails are true. I have no intention of ever doing anything that might remotely put me in a Thai jail... even if it was only for a visit.

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Being banged up anywhere would be a nightmare for me and I'm not sure I wouldn't be tempted to top myself, but especially in a foreign jail where there's no way to understand the 'rules'. Keeps me on the straight and narrow.

Nice avatar - didn't he find time in prison to do something creative with his time ?

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If we follow your logic, then we can also conclude that every farang in that same jail is either a pedophile or dim-witted drug mule!

If we're going to apply stereotypes to other races, why not make things fair and spread the ignorance around!

There are regional differences in crimes, no matter if it is political correct or not.

I got a 1000 attempts of credit card fraud from Nigeria and Ghana but exactly zero.

But I never heard of pedophiles from Nigeria and Ghana.

As I doubt that there is a gene for credit card fraud or drug dealing I would think it is a cultural and educational problem.

But I understand your strategy, if you don't like some facts than shouting "racist/nazi/communist" is nicely replacing any argument.

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A few years ago an American paedophile was in a Thai jail for his crimes. At the same time there was an unsolved murder of a little girl in Colorado and authorities were still searching for the killer. The paedophile admitted to Thai authorities that he indeed was the killer. Apparently the guy had been in Colorado at the time of the little girls murder, so the Thai authorities contacted the USA and the guy was transferred back to the states. As it turned out the paedophile had nothing to do with the murder, but he knew that once he was back in the states they would put him in a US jail instead, where conditions were much better. That tells me that some of the stories about Asian jails are true. I have no intention of ever doing anything that might remotely put me in a Thai jail... even if it was only for a visit.

If this is Alexis Reich/John Mark Karr you are referring he/she was arrested in Bangkok after a request/arrest warrant was issued in the US so was not in a Thai jail before hand.

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seems like the bad bahaving nigerians get an entire cell to themselves <deleted> ??

and the thai guys and farangs are all huddled together nearly sleeping on top of each other .....

should it not be the other way around ?

Why should it be the other way around???

the model prisoners get herded together like sheep

the nigerian ones who fight ,are violent and break the rules get to live in relative luxury and can spread out easily in their own private cell

sounds fair to me ........smile.png

You know nothing, the Thais and foreigners are seperated. Beleive me I have been to the jail on visits many times.

the different nationalities stick together. Yes there are a lot of Nigerians

getting less harsh treatment, or preffencial treatment is possible, but you need money, and all of that has to go through the guards.

You want decent food, no problem you pay, you want a TV no problem, buy one for the guards as well, you want a mattress to sleep on, the guards have a mark up price for that. You want cigarettes, booze, ganga, something harder all possible and not taht expensive

As said I have two friends who for their own stupidity ended up in the monkey house.

IT IS NOT A PICNIC......avoid at all costs, if ever caught for some offence deal with it as early as possible and get out the country ( both friends had sentanced reduced upon large payments of THB ) both left and have been back since.....

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A few years ago an American paedophile was in a Thai jail for his crimes. At the same time there was an unsolved murder of a little girl in Colorado and authorities were still searching for the killer. The paedophile admitted to Thai authorities that he indeed was the killer. Apparently the guy had been in Colorado at the time of the little girls murder, so the Thai authorities contacted the USA and the guy was transferred back to the states. As it turned out the paedophile had nothing to do with the murder, but he knew that once he was back in the states they would put him in a US jail instead, where conditions were much better. That tells me that some of the stories about Asian jails are true. I have no intention of ever doing anything that might remotely put me in a Thai jail... even if it was only for a visit.

That guy was never in a Thai prison. Even if he had been in prison, the Thai government does not just release prisoners early because they committed a crime in some other country. Why would they hand him over to the Americans? They wouldn't, not until he was done serving in Thailand. You can't get out of a Thai prison by saying you committed a crime in some other country and need to go stand trial there. The guy was just crazy, he was a free man and confessed to a crime he didn't commit because he was a lunatic.

Edited by DP25
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A few years ago an American paedophile was in a Thai jail for his crimes. At the same time there was an unsolved murder of a little girl in Colorado and authorities were still searching for the killer. The paedophile admitted to Thai authorities that he indeed was the killer. Apparently the guy had been in Colorado at the time of the little girls murder, so the Thai authorities contacted the USA and the guy was transferred back to the states. As it turned out the paedophile had nothing to do with the murder, but he knew that once he was back in the states they would put him in a US jail instead, where conditions were much better. That tells me that some of the stories about Asian jails are true. I have no intention of ever doing anything that might remotely put me in a Thai jail... even if it was only for a visit.

If this is Alexis Reich/John Mark Karr you are referring he/she was arrested in Bangkok after a request/arrest warrant was issued in the US so was not in a Thai jail before hand.

I stand corrected. That is the problem with spouting second hand information... where I got it from. Thanks for correcting me.

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If we follow your logic, then we can also conclude that every farang in that same jail is either a pedophile or dim-witted drug mule!

If we're going to apply stereotypes to other races, why not make things fair and spread the ignorance around!

There are regional differences in crimes, no matter if it is political correct or not.

I got a 1000 attempts of credit card fraud from Nigeria and Ghana but exactly zero.

But I never heard of pedophiles from Nigeria and Ghana.

As I doubt that there is a gene for credit card fraud or drug dealing I would think it is a cultural and educational problem.

But I understand your strategy, if you don't like some facts than shouting "racist/nazi/communist" is nicely replacing any argument.

"Replacing any argument"? I was very clear and my point was valid. If you want to apply derogatory stereotypes, then don't exclude you're own race. Singling out Black Africans is easy. But consider this:

- Black Africans in this country are required to pay covers at many bars we go to for free

- Black Africans are required to pay additional visa fees

- Black Africans are subjected to discrimination by Thai Police on a regular basis

- Educated hard working Black Africans are discriminated against in employment (typically teaching; refused jobs regardless of education)

I had an African American friend over from the U.S a few years ago who was refused entry to a popular Sukhumvit nightclub for no other reason than being black (the man has a degree in engineering from Cornell University). Racism against blacks; regardless of whether they are Nigerian, Cuban, or American is systemic in Thailand.

Is it not beyond the realms of possibility that many of these "Nigerians" (if you do you're homework you will find out that many are not Nigerians) have been picked up on B.S. charges due to the fact that they are black? Happens in the U.S. in every major city on a daily basis.

My point is, the reputation of farangs over a certain age in this country is no better than the lowest Nigerian drug dealer. Perceived as being sex perverts, pedophiles, and losers who had to fly around the world to get laid; who can judge the next man for being something that he cannot change.

To return to the original derogatory post in which I was referring to; don't think for a second that your average Thai (this does not mean your bar-girl-girlfriend) tolerates you for any reason other than you're money. If this ran out, you might as well be a "Nigerian drug dealer"!

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If we follow your logic, then we can also conclude that every farang in that same jail is either a pedophile or dim-witted drug mule!

If we're going to apply stereotypes to other races, why not make things fair and spread the ignorance around!

There are regional differences in crimes, no matter if it is political correct or not.

I got a 1000 attempts of credit card fraud from Nigeria and Ghana but exactly zero.

But I never heard of pedophiles from Nigeria and Ghana.

As I doubt that there is a gene for credit card fraud or drug dealing I would think it is a cultural and educational problem.

But I understand your strategy, if you don't like some facts than shouting "racist/nazi/communist" is nicely replacing any argument.

"Replacing any argument"? I was very clear and my point was valid. If you want to apply derogatory stereotypes, then don't exclude you're own race. Singling out Black Africans is easy. But consider this:

- Black Africans in this country are required to pay covers at many bars we go to for free

- Black Africans are required to pay additional visa fees

- Black Africans are subjected to discrimination by Thai Police on a regular basis

- Educated hard working Black Africans are discriminated against in employment (typically teaching; refused jobs regardless of education)

I had an African American friend over from the U.S a few years ago who was refused entry to a popular Sukhumvit nightclub for no other reason than being black (the man has a degree in engineering from Cornell University). Racism against blacks; regardless of whether they are Nigerian, Cuban, or American is systemic in Thailand.

Is it not beyond the realms of possibility that many of these "Nigerians" (if you do you're homework you will find out that many are not Nigerians) have been picked up on B.S. charges due to the fact that they are black? Happens in the U.S. in every major city on a daily basis.

My point is, the reputation of farangs over a certain age in this country is no better than the lowest Nigerian drug dealer. Perceived as being sex perverts, pedophiles, and losers who had to fly around the world to get laid; who can judge the next man for being something that he cannot change.

To return to the original derogatory post in which I was referring to; don't think for a second that your average Thai (this does not mean your bar-girl-girlfriend) tolerates you for any reason other than you're money. If this ran out, you might as well be a "Nigerian drug dealer"!

You know:

- Black Africans in this country are required to pay covers at many bars we go to for free

You know about double pricing for Thais/Farangs? You know that many bars for Japanese are complete off limit for white people?

Is it racist? Double pricing: No...they just want to ripp off everyone....

Japanese bars: Yes

Am I whining: No I just leave my money somewhere else. As the fee for the bar comes often with a free drink, it is often to ensure that something is ordered. Farangs usually drink a lot, so no problem.

- Black Africans are required to pay additional visa fees

White Africans are required to pay the same visa fee, while black Germans don't need to pay it. No racism.

- Black Africans are subjected to discrimination by Thai Police on a regular basis.

Evidence? I never heard of that.

- Educated hard working Black Africans are discriminated against in employment (typically teaching; refused jobs regardless of education).

Evidence? And I don't mean the usual English teacher, I mean educated people?

Edit: There is a topic about racism against farangs, which is equal ridiculous. Some people are just always whining.....

Edited by h90
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If we follow your logic, then we can also conclude that every farang in that same jail is either a pedophile or dim-witted drug mule!

If we're going to apply stereotypes to other races, why not make things fair and spread the ignorance around!

There are regional differences in crimes, no matter if it is political correct or not.

I got a 1000 attempts of credit card fraud from Nigeria and Ghana but exactly zero.

But I never heard of pedophiles from Nigeria and Ghana.

As I doubt that there is a gene for credit card fraud or drug dealing I would think it is a cultural and educational problem.

But I understand your strategy, if you don't like some facts than shouting "racist/nazi/communist" is nicely replacing any argument.

"Replacing any argument"? I was very clear and my point was valid. If you want to apply derogatory stereotypes, then don't exclude you're own race. Singling out Black Africans is easy. But consider this:

- Black Africans in this country are required to pay covers at many bars we go to for free

- Black Africans are required to pay additional visa fees

- Black Africans are subjected to discrimination by Thai Police on a regular basis

- Educated hard working Black Africans are discriminated against in employment (typically teaching; refused jobs regardless of education)

I had an African American friend over from the U.S a few years ago who was refused entry to a popular Sukhumvit nightclub for no other reason than being black (the man has a degree in engineering from Cornell University). Racism against blacks; regardless of whether they are Nigerian, Cuban, or American is systemic in Thailand.

Is it not beyond the realms of possibility that many of these "Nigerians" (if you do you're homework you will find out that many are not Nigerians) have been picked up on B.S. charges due to the fact that they are black? Happens in the U.S. in every major city on a daily basis.

My point is, the reputation of farangs over a certain age in this country is no better than the lowest Nigerian drug dealer. Perceived as being sex perverts, pedophiles, and losers who had to fly around the world to get laid; who can judge the next man for being something that he cannot change.

To return to the original derogatory post in which I was referring to; don't think for a second that your average Thai (this does not mean your bar-girl-girlfriend) tolerates you for any reason other than you're money. If this ran out, you might as well be a "Nigerian drug dealer"!

You know:

- Black Africans in this country are required to pay covers at many bars we go to for free

You know about double pricing for Thais/Farangs? You know that many bars for Japanese are complete off limit for white people?

Is it racist? Double pricing: No...they just want to ripp off everyone....

Japanese bars: Yes

Am I whining: No I just leave my money somewhere else. As the fee for the bar comes often with a free drink, it is often to ensure that something is ordered. Farangs usually drink a lot, so no problem.

- Black Africans are required to pay additional visa fees

White Africans are required to pay the same visa fee, while black Germans don't need to pay it. No racism.

- Black Africans are subjected to discrimination by Thai Police on a regular basis.

Evidence? I never heard of that.

- Educated hard working Black Africans are discriminated against in employment (typically teaching; refused jobs regardless of education).

Evidence? And I don't mean the usual English teacher, I mean educated people?

Edit: There is a topic about racism against farangs, which is equal ridiculous. Some people are just always whining.....

You are all over the place with this response. You have an incentive to deny every single point as you posted the original racist post. I rest my case!
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You know, as a foreigner in Thailand, you can contact your embassy and visit inmates if you want to give moral support etc. I can't imagine anyone actually doing this but you could visit fellow countrymen locked up in Thai prisons if you wished, I'm sure they'd appreciate it. I saw a sheet about it the last time I went to the embassy in Bangkok and wondered what it would be like; they'd be really suspicious at first and you'd probably be opening a can of worms, but there you go.

Aussiebebe - I presume you are Australian. I contacted the Australian Embassy a couple of years ago and asked if I could visit a fellow Aussie in Bang Kwang. They said yes - his name was Peter Allen (true story) and he was in for 50 years for drug smuggling.

I went and he turned out to be a fantastic young fellow. He admitted that he was a low life back when he was arrested due to drug addiction and he said he deserved all he got. We talked for an hour and laughed about a lot of things. He was sharing a cell with 12 other guys. He slept on a bamboo mat on concrete. He had served 4 years - 46 years to go but was still positive about life.

He has had no visitors for a couple of years - his family cannot afford to visit and all his mates are drug addicts. He really uplifted my spirit and I will never forget him or my decision to visit him. Best thing I have done in a long time.

Bought him some cigarettes and left some money in his account when I left.

Have you not been back to visit him since ?

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You know, as a foreigner in Thailand, you can contact your embassy and visit inmates if you want to give moral support etc. I can't imagine anyone actually doing this but you could visit fellow countrymen locked up in Thai prisons if you wished, I'm sure they'd appreciate it. I saw a sheet about it the last time I went to the embassy in Bangkok and wondered what it would be like; they'd be really suspicious at first and you'd probably be opening a can of worms, but there you go.

Aussiebebe - I presume you are Australian. I contacted the Australian Embassy a couple of years ago and asked if I could visit a fellow Aussie in Bang Kwang. They said yes - his name was Peter Allen (true story) and he was in for 50 years for drug smuggling.

I went and he turned out to be a fantastic young fellow. He admitted that he was a low life back when he was arrested due to drug addiction and he said he deserved all he got. We talked for an hour and laughed about a lot of things. He was sharing a cell with 12 other guys. He slept on a bamboo mat on concrete. He had served 4 years - 46 years to go but was still positive about life.

He has had no visitors for a couple of years - his family cannot afford to visit and all his mates are drug addicts. He really uplifted my spirit and I will never forget him or my decision to visit him. Best thing I have done in a long time.

Bought him some cigarettes and left some money in his account when I left.

Have you not been back to visit him since ?

No I haven't. And now that I think of it I really should visit him again. I have been in Abu Dhabi for the past 3 years so I haven't had as much opportunity.

Note to self: make the effort and go back!!

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Being banged up anywhere would be a nightmare for me and I'm not sure I wouldn't be tempted to top myself, but especially in a foreign jail where there's no way to understand the 'rules'. Keeps me on the straight and narrow.

Nice avatar - didn't he find time in prison to do something creative with his time ?

Indeed he did - The Ballad of Reading Gaol. Pity he couldn't get to Pattaya as often as I can.

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Two friends of mine have been there, both guilty.

It is not good, I have seen the court system, the corruption, etc. Life in jail is easier for foreigners, a lot worse for Thais.

I actually thought it would be the other way around. Far from home locked up in a small box with with 12 other people sharing a bucket as a toilet and bath. No gym, swiming pool, television, internet access, 3 sq meals a day, cigaretes, weekend leave to go to the movies and shopping, the opertunity to obtain a universty degree (study) full medical and dental coverage and even be paid an allowance to stay. Life in a Thai gaol for a farang would be hell compared to the 5 star resorts in places like Australia.

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Two friends of mine have been there, both guilty.

It is not good, I have seen the court system, the corruption, etc. Life in jail is easier for foreigners, a lot worse for Thais.

I actually thought it would be the other way around. Far from home locked up in a small box with with 12 other people sharing a bucket as a toilet and bath. No gym, swiming pool, television, internet access, 3 sq meals a day, cigaretes, weekend leave to go to the movies and shopping, the opertunity to obtain a universty degree (study) full medical and dental coverage and even be paid an allowance to stay. Life in a Thai gaol for a farang would be hell compared to the 5 star resorts in places like Australia.

Here here mate my Wifes brother in Thai jail in a place near Si Quew or something like that, have visited once it was not nice as chooka said nothing like the 5 star prisons in Australia I work in one so I have a bit of an idea of the standards in Aus.

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Two friends of mine have been there, both guilty.

It is not good, I have seen the court system, the corruption, etc. Life in jail is easier for foreigners, a lot worse for Thais.

I actually thought it would be the other way around. Far from home locked up in a small box with with 12 other people sharing a bucket as a toilet and bath. No gym, swiming pool, television, internet access, 3 sq meals a day, cigaretes, weekend leave to go to the movies and shopping, the opertunity to obtain a universty degree (study) full medical and dental coverage and even be paid an allowance to stay. Life in a Thai gaol for a farang would be hell compared to the 5 star resorts in places like Australia.

its amazing how much someone would give up just to not be bum buggered every day.

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If we follow your logic, then we can also conclude that every farang in that same jail is either a pedophile or dim-witted drug mule!

If we're going to apply stereotypes to other races, why not make things fair and spread the ignorance around!

There are regional differences in crimes, no matter if it is political correct or not.

I got a 1000 attempts of credit card fraud from Nigeria and Ghana but exactly zero.

But I never heard of pedophiles from Nigeria and Ghana.

As I doubt that there is a gene for credit card fraud or drug dealing I would think it is a cultural and educational problem.

But I understand your strategy, if you don't like some facts than shouting "racist/nazi/communist" is nicely replacing any argument.

"Replacing any argument"? I was very clear and my point was valid. If you want to apply derogatory stereotypes, then don't exclude you're own race. Singling out Black Africans is easy. But consider this:

- Black Africans in this country are required to pay covers at many bars we go to for free

- Black Africans are required to pay additional visa fees

- Black Africans are subjected to discrimination by Thai Police on a regular basis

- Educated hard working Black Africans are discriminated against in employment (typically teaching; refused jobs regardless of education)

I had an African American friend over from the U.S a few years ago who was refused entry to a popular Sukhumvit nightclub for no other reason than being black (the man has a degree in engineering from Cornell University). Racism against blacks; regardless of whether they are Nigerian, Cuban, or American is systemic in Thailand.

Is it not beyond the realms of possibility that many of these "Nigerians" (if you do you're homework you will find out that many are not Nigerians) have been picked up on B.S. charges due to the fact that they are black? Happens in the U.S. in every major city on a daily basis.

My point is, the reputation of farangs over a certain age in this country is no better than the lowest Nigerian drug dealer. Perceived as being sex perverts, pedophiles, and losers who had to fly around the world to get laid; who can judge the next man for being something that he cannot change.

To return to the original derogatory post in which I was referring to; don't think for a second that your average Thai (this does not mean your bar-girl-girlfriend) tolerates you for any reason other than you're money. If this ran out, you might as well be a "Nigerian drug dealer"!

To be accurate I think I would change your statement about, " the reputation of farangs over a certain age in this country is no better than the lowest Nigerian drug dealer." from "this country to Thai Visa. Actually the only place I have found any negative age discrimination is on this forum. The rest of the country from Immigration to hospitals to education to beautiful young Thai women has been the opposite. Age is respected in Thailand. Kids get up and give me their seat on a crowded bus and people younger than I wai me all the time. 20 year old women daily ask me if I am married and not in a bar setting because I never go to bars. I think there is a reason all of the older men retire here. Less discrimination and better treatment especially by young people. Of course you have to get out of the Sh** holes like Bangkok, Phuket and so on.

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