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Life In Thai Prison, Is It Really That Bad. ?


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They want to sell books. Wouldn't trust a word out of any of these guys.

Honestly I would be much more afraid of being in a prison back home. A young white guy like me would be fresh meat for the rape buffet if I ended up in San Quentin.

Exactly ! And in Thailand money can buy you peace... not really in US !

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Life in a Thai jail is not as bad as some ex inmates like Fellowes makes out at all.

Yes they are overcrowded, and one's sleeping space is small but knowing the right people in the cell can get a bigger space. Most prisoners have either a mattress or blankets to sleep on, so no hard concrete for any foreigner. Rooms have fans as well. The jails are keep very clean and tidy inside.

Food is some jails is much worse than others but if a person has money, then they can buy all kinds of things at fairly reasonable prices. If a prisoner has visits, then food can be sent in to him or her.

Every prison has a shop that sells a variety of things from soap to bananas etc.

No foreigner works, they are alowed to do as they please, within reason, all day, that would be from about 7 am to about 4 pm.

There are TVs around showing videos, usually on weekends and holidays.

Many jails also have markets inside, prisoners trading items on the pathways.

Prisoners run laundry services, haircutting etc all for very reasonable prices, so a foreigner can live okay.

Rape is very, very rare, as nearly all jails have katoeys who sell their services.

Guards beating prisoners is also quite rare, it does happen but not very often at all, and as for killing prisoners by brute force, no. If a prisoner has a contract out on him, then another prisoner will be paid to do the hit.

Thai prisoners are quite sociable to foreigners but they can get greedy if they see a foreigner has money or lots of goodies, and some will constantly beg.

Foreigners are left alone provided they follow the rules and don't fight or cause problems for the guards, like being rude, selling drugs, making alcohol, etc.

All jails have telephones available for a price, so foreigners can contact people outside.

The police, courts are all corrupt as hell, so if a foreigner or Thai has money, then sentences can be greatly reduced or even made to disappear altogether. Some guards are also very corrupt opening the door for illegal things to be taken in. Money can get you just about most things in a Thai jail, so life can be quite relaxing for the rich if they are forced to do time.

You never set out to convince me that's how it was but you managed to do so.

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Hmmmmm. Never believed david mcmillan escaped from bangkok hilton, probably paid his way out with the contacts he had on outside.

Allways wonder what happened to that animal from ireland ( dennis something or other ) he was a taxi driver from ireland and he stabbed to death a thai girl in pattaya and raped her afterwards. ( sick b*******d ) how did he dissapear. ???

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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You know, as a foreigner in Thailand, you can contact your embassy and visit inmates if you want to give moral support etc. I can't imagine anyone actually doing this but you could visit fellow countrymen locked up in Thai prisons if you wished, I'm sure they'd appreciate it. I saw a sheet about it the last time I went to the embassy in Bangkok and wondered what it would be like; they'd be really suspicious at first and you'd probably be opening a can of worms, but there you go.

This used to be a popular pastime of backpackers in KSR many moons ago, don't know if it still is. From stories I've heard it actually makes the inmates life more difficult.

The prisoners call them banana visits for obvious reasons. But very many times some good comes from these visits, many backpackers purchase food, clothing and deposited small sums of money into the prisoner's account.
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I spent a night in the cells at Soi 9 Pattaya last year after over-doing the G&T's and getting a bit loud with the ex-wife drunk.gif

It wasn't that bad actually, other inmates were very friendly and looked after each other, including a couple of really upset people. Water was provided and some food the following morning.Did have to sleep on the floor though.

I soon paid the fine to get out at about 9.30 am the next morning though.

I met the arresting officer a bit later in the station whilst paying my dues and he sat down and had a chat with me. It was a salutary experience, but the jail itself wasn't anywhere near as bad as I expected.

The TPV's were f**king useless though.passifier.gif

I think you might find it different in a prison rather than police cell.

Like yourself LoveLaos, I too share a great love of Laos, but I certainly wouldnt like to be banged up there.

After reading Kay Danes's book....

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I am friendly with a chap who works in Chumphon prison. [15 years or less.] He reckons conditions in there are not too bad - "Like monk in temple" - if you behave yourself, but all the same, I think I`ll give it a miss. I`m not religious.

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Victor Bout told that the US prison is much worse. But that isn't a surprise.

NEW YORK: -- Russian businessman Victor Bout’s lawyer Albert Dayan on Tuesday filed a motion in a New York court with a request to change the Russian’s prison conditions. Victor Bout has been in solitary confinement for over a year.

"His isolation in a cell is similar to the unbearable conditions of imprisonment of Count Monte Cristo," the lawyer drew an analogy with the literary hero of Alexandre Dumas. The lawyer referred to conditions of Bout’s detention in New York as “barbarian,” compared to those of the Thai prison where Bout spent about two years.

In November a jury found Bout guilty of an attempt to purchase and sell missiles, and of supporting terrorism through cooperation with the group "Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia."

Would you care to show me where Victor Bout made any such statement?

You can't because he didn't say it.

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I spent a night in the cells at Soi 9 Pattaya last year after over-doing the G&T's and getting a bit loud with the ex-wife drunk.gif

It wasn't that bad actually, other inmates were very friendly and looked after each other, including a couple of really upset people. Water was provided and some food the following morning.Did have to sleep on the floor though.

I soon paid the fine to get out at about 9.30 am the next morning though.

I met the arresting officer a bit later in the station whilst paying my dues and he sat down and had a chat with me. It was a salutary experience, but the jail itself wasn't anywhere near as bad as I expected.

The TPV's were f**king useless though.passifier.gif

The OP was referring to PRISON, not spending a night in the lock up. Thats like comparing night and day.

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seems like the bad bahaving nigerians get an entire cell to themselves <deleted> ??

and the thai guys and farangs are all huddled together nearly sleeping on top of each other .....

should it not be the other way around ?

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Victor Bout told that the US prison is much worse. But that isn't a surprise.

NEW YORK: -- Russian businessman Victor Bout’s lawyer Albert Dayan on Tuesday filed a motion in a New York court with a request to change the Russian’s prison conditions. Victor Bout has been in solitary confinement for over a year.

"His isolation in a cell is similar to the unbearable conditions of imprisonment of Count Monte Cristo," the lawyer drew an analogy with the literary hero of Alexandre Dumas. The lawyer referred to conditions of Bout’s detention in New York as “barbarian,” compared to those of the Thai prison where Bout spent about two years.

In November a jury found Bout guilty of an attempt to purchase and sell missiles, and of supporting terrorism through cooperation with the group "Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia."

Would you care to show me where Victor Bout made any such statement?

You can't because he didn't say it.

Will be difficult to find out as they don't allow him any contact to any other humans.

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They want to sell books. Wouldn't trust a word out of any of these guys.

Honestly I would be much more afraid of being in a prison back home. A young white guy like me would be fresh meat for the rape buffet if I ended up in San Quentin.

I'll second that! Used to drink with a guy in a bar back home who did a 10 stretch in Sing Sing supermax upstate NY. Said he apparently "disrespected" (by accident) some Mexicans. Got beat down 27 times by the same gang over one year. Also said some Wall Street guy was getting pimped out several times/day. Can't be much worse over here.
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seems like the bad bahaving nigerians get an entire cell to themselves <deleted> ??

and the thai guys and farangs are all huddled together nearly sleeping on top of each other .....

should it not be the other way around ?

Why should it be the other way around???
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seems like the bad bahaving nigerians get an entire cell to themselves <deleted> ??

and the thai guys and farangs are all huddled together nearly sleeping on top of each other .....

should it not be the other way around ?

I think neither the Thais nor the Farangs want to stay in the cell with the nigerians.

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seems like the bad bahaving nigerians get an entire cell to themselves <deleted> ??

and the thai guys and farangs are all huddled together nearly sleeping on top of each other .....

should it not be the other way around ?

I think neither the Thais nor the Farangs want to stay in the cell with the nigerians.

I'm probably just a bit slow, but I still don't get the point? I have friends Black African, Thai, Latino, etc.

I'm I missing something or are you just a racist??? Please enlighten me!

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I spent a night in the cells at Soi 9 Pattaya last year after over-doing the G&T's and getting a bit loud with the ex-wife drunk.gif

It wasn't that bad actually, other inmates were very friendly and looked after each other, including a couple of really upset people. Water was provided and some food the following morning.Did have to sleep on the floor though.

I soon paid the fine to get out at about 9.30 am the next morning though.

I met the arresting officer a bit later in the station whilst paying my dues and he sat down and had a chat with me. It was a salutary experience, but the jail itself wasn't anywhere near as bad as I expected.

The TPV's were f**king useless though.passifier.gif

I think you might find it different in a prison rather than police cell.

Like yourself LoveLaos, I too share a great love of Laos, but I certainly wouldnt like to be banged up there.

After reading Kay Danes's book....

There is another side to her story which she didn't reveal. I know the story but won't say anything here. ph34r.png I have met a farang who spent a bit of time in a Laos prison after stupidly fighting with a Lao tuk-tuk driver, he spent 7 months inside and it almost killed him. He paid his way out eventually. There is a story of the boiler room boys gang whose leader rotted away in jail here.

Edited by lovelaos
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seems like the bad bahaving nigerians get an entire cell to themselves <deleted> ??

and the thai guys and farangs are all huddled together nearly sleeping on top of each other .....

should it not be the other way around ?

Why should it be the other way around???

the model prisoners get herded together like sheep

the nigerian ones who fight ,are violent and break the rules get to live in relative luxury and can spread out easily in their own private cell

sounds fair to me ........:)

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all jails have katoeys who sell their services.

It makes you wonder about the katoeys response when being told by the judge.........

" You are very bad!! You must go jail 10 years!! with many many sex starved men!! "

I bet some of them are secretly delighted drunk.gif

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seems like the bad bahaving nigerians get an entire cell to themselves <deleted> ??

and the thai guys and farangs are all huddled together nearly sleeping on top of each other .....

should it not be the other way around ?

I think neither the Thais nor the Farangs want to stay in the cell with the nigerians.

I'm probably just a bit slow, but I still don't get the point? I have friends Black African, Thai, Latino, etc.

I'm I missing something or are you just a racist??? Please enlighten me!

You have Nigerian Drug dealer as friends? That is the main crime that brings them in jail in Thailand.

That aren't pleasant people. Less than the small Thai YaBa Dealer.

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seems like the bad bahaving nigerians get an entire cell to themselves <deleted> ??

and the thai guys and farangs are all huddled together nearly sleeping on top of each other .....

should it not be the other way around ?

I think neither the Thais nor the Farangs want to stay in the cell with the nigerians.

I'm probably just a bit slow, but I still don't get the point? I have friends Black African, Thai, Latino, etc.

I'm I missing something or are you just a racist??? Please enlighten me!

You have Nigerian Drug dealer as friends? That is the main crime that brings them in jail in Thailand.

That aren't pleasant people. Less than the small Thai YaBa Dealer.

If we follow your logic, then we can also conclude that every farang in that same jail is either a pedophile or dim-witted drug mule!

If we're going to apply stereotypes to other races, why not make things fair and spread the ignorance around!

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I was asked to work with a group investigating health conditions. I quickly found multiple obligations that made it impossible. TB, lice, skin infections, hepatitis and GI infections are prevalent. No way I was going to get near walking reservoirs of disease.

The worst fate I can think of is having to use a squat toilet with no tp, let alone a bum gun and having to poo in front of 40 guys. A thai can squat and squirt quickly. This farang cannot.

The guys put in for small drug offenses might seem nice enough, but they still have some trust issues. It's the psycho ones that would terrify me. Thailand doesn't have a system of detention centers for wackos, they get put in with the general population. I have no problem getting wedged up between Tak the yaba user and Nok the kathoey, but I don't want to sleep next to Nong who stabs people for fun when he hears voices.

Edited by geriatrickid
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David48.........If you or in fact anybody would like to help out an orphanage, please go online and google.......... BAAN DADA. Its a self funded home for kids between about 4 yrs and 15 yrs. They are run, and founded, by a Philippino guy Richardo Zoleta, he is in fact an engineer but came to Thailand and became a Buddhist monk, dedicating his life to these kids. I can guarantee that absolutely every penny is spent on the kids and to extending the home, and they are always struggling for money. If you want, for a mere Bht100 per night you can stay there, food will be included, but be warned its a vegetarian diet, on my first visit, after a couple of days, my body started to crave fats, so i would go into town to buy myself dry biscuits ! Plus, do not expect any luxuries, its clean comfortable but spartan. The kids really have nothing except safety and security and of course always food. They do everything for themselves, their own washing in a bucket of cold water, plus all the cleaning. And what touched me the most when i first went to Baan Dada was the way the older kids looked after the little ones even to the point of feeding them first, its common and quite 'heart wrenching' to see an eight yr old girl mothering a little toddler as though it was her own. I could tell many stories, but guess that this is not the place, so please google them when you have time.

David L.

Edited by oldsailor35
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Sorry if my last was a bit off line, but it is a passion.

Not at all ... few people have enough passion or compassion in their lives.

Thanks for sharing.

I will google it a bit later, but what area is it in Thailand?

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