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Planes Over Pattaya


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pretty sure it was last tuesday march 27

there was more than one occurrence all around the same time

what sounded like low fast loud flight patterns right over the city

perhaps one or two jets maneuvering and then gone

very unusal to see and hear planes over pattaya proper

even more so low flying (jets) at night

anyone familar with local airport or military base operations???

did anyone else notice, and also think, most atypical?

or do you all sleep early and sleep deep like a thai? drunk.gif

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It happened again today and planes were heard maneuvering overhead where I live around the Lake.

I would imagine they are training exercises and/or test flights of new planes.

I didn't look out of the window to see anything though so can't confirm that.

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probably pilot training out of U-Ta Pao Airport.

They were overflying at fairly high altitude and the noise was from high performance military turbines, had they been using the runway at Utapao I would have seen them in the landing or approach pattern.

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probably pilot training out of U-Ta Pao Airport.

They were overflying at fairly high altitude and the noise was from high performance military turbines, had they been using the runway at Utapao I would have seen them in the landing or approach pattern.

interesting thanks

at night? directly over the city?

most unusual for pattaya

i could not confirm low flying but yes distinctly LOUD, sounding close verses far

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