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Thailand Really Likes Old Western Guys


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I agree on the chocolate but regarding beer it must be either Czech, Polish or Thai.

biggrin.png A long and totally unecessary response to a post you don't even comprehend. A friendly advice, stop painting bullseye on you back. Knock it off with the over sensitivity and you'll see, it will work out just fine.

Well at least you are consistent.  Never a response to my posts only insult and flame.  Is this what passes for intelligent discussion in the Pub? Aye, mate your a cun* no your a cun*, no your a cun*.

The only cosistence is your inability to read posts for what they are.

Never a response to the subject matter only an off topic insult. If you can't respond to what I post why don't you just say so? I'll re post it in case your attention span has lapsed. I guess you are a pretty typical Thai Visa poster. You got drunk last night and posted the following nonsense, "The bashing as you call depends not entirely on your age but the mentality of your generation. I for one do not hate you Kerry and that goes for many others here. Hate is a pretty strong word but I do dislike your way of thinking not because you found sth youre happy with, despite looking at it with a moral aspect in mind. It's more the consequences you neither forsee nor care about. I'm not gonna get into immigration politics and events that might complicate legitimate matters for us who believe in delusional love as someone here put it. Because it's on a different level of understanding than you are used to. Guys from your generation are dream walkers walking on nostalgic clouds, missing the golden days. Days that will never reoccur as time changes. For me your stuck in an age that has passed and thus do not live or care about the real world. Despite a few names Ive been throwing out (which are not meant to be taken seriously) I do think that despite my objections towards the poo yai concept, western youth lack total respect towards the elders. That I agree on but it's on a different level when it regards the Thai elders." I asked you to explain the above and what it had to do with me, and you can't so you began to insult me. I pointed this out and you insulted me some more and got a couple of your bum mates to join in the insult fest. OK Max. You tried to kill the thread which was not about women in the first place; only about Thai people's respect for age. This offends you because you are jealous or envious. I can understand that. I have more women in a week than you probably have had since puberty. Get over it. It means nothing to me. I am not monogamous and never have been. As a species I would say we are not monogamous. Thai women have a good grasp of this and that's why I live in Thailand.

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biggrin.png A long and totally unecessary response to a post you don't even comprehend. A friendly advice, stop painting bullseye on you back. Knock it off with the over sensitivity and you'll see, it will work out just fine.

Well at least you are consistent. Never a response to my posts only insult and flame. Is this what passes for intelligent discussion in the Pub? Aye, mate your a cun* no your a cun*, no your a cun*.

The only cosistence is your inability to read posts for what they are.

Never a response to the subject matter only an off topic insult. If you can't respond to what I post why don't you just say so? I'll re post it in case your attention span has lapsed. I guess you are a pretty typical Thai Visa poster. You got drunk last night and posted the following nonsense, "The bashing as you call depends not entirely on your age but the mentality of your generation. I for one do not hate you Kerry and that goes for many others here. Hate is a pretty strong word but I do dislike your way of thinking not because you found sth youre happy with, despite looking at it with a moral aspect in mind. It's more the consequences you neither forsee nor care about. I'm not gonna get into immigration politics and events that might complicate legitimate matters for us who believe in delusional love as someone here put it. Because it's on a different level of understanding than you are used to. Guys from your generation are dream walkers walking on nostalgic clouds, missing the golden days. Days that will never reoccur as time changes. For me your stuck in an age that has passed and thus do not live or care about the real world. Despite a few names Ive been throwing out (which are not meant to be taken seriously) I do think that despite my objections towards the poo yai concept, western youth lack total respect towards the elders. That I agree on but it's on a different level when it regards the Thai elders." I asked you to explain the above and what it had to do with me, and you can't so you began to insult me. I pointed this out and you insulted me some more and got a couple of your bum mates to join in the insult fest. OK Max. You tried to kill the thread which was not about women in the first place; only about Thai people's respect for age. This offends you because you are jealous or envious. I can understand that. I have more women in a week than you probably have had since puberty. Get over it. It means nothing to me. I am not monogamous and never have been. As a species I would say we are not monogamous. Thai women have a good grasp of this and that's why I live in Thailand.

Kerry, this isn't a flame or whatever but really is a genuine question. How come you seem to end up in an argument (or multiple ones) on an almost daily basis, and how come your posts nearly always degrade into the confusing diatribes that this is such a perfect example of?

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:D And the rambling from a mad man continues...

Kerry I won't put it in layman's terms because it already is. A hint ... Put down the brewski, pluck out the charcoal from your buttocks, get your reading glasses and for the love of god , do actually read the whole post before you make a statement to the matter

Edited by maxme
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Kerry, this isn't a flame or whatever but really is a genuine question. How come you seem to end up in an argument (or multiple ones) on an almost daily basis, and how come your posts nearly always degrade into the confusing diatribes that this is such a perfect example of?

One I have had 2,638 posts and few of them as a percentage have ended up in argument.  I think most of the old guys who post on Thai Visa just let the insults go by the wayside because of the nature of the young Hooligans that normally start the age bashing arguments.  Kananga, how many threads have you started?  Maybe 10.  I think it is the law of averages I would imagine I have started close to 100 topics.  Mostly the arguments come from the young old conflict that takes place on Thai Visa or the racist stuff that some people try to pawn off as science and the anti American, and anti Pattaya, anti hooker, posting that we have all come to know and love.  To sum it up, I don't like  it when old guys, or Americans, Pattaya residents, or hookers or minorities get picked on and that leads to arguments.I always try and respond to another poster's questions without insult. I am truly amazed when I get 4 or 5 flames in a row with no attempt made to answer my question. Maybe it is a dumb question. But I always try and answer and am surprised when others don't do the same.

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To get back on topic, if I unerstood the original post properly it was about older western guys being accepted socially in Thailand, not just about physical relationships between man and women, which it seems the argument has turned into.

When it comes down to it, if you look around its clear that in social circumstances age does not matter. You'll see people of all ages in most establishments and social gatherings having a good time together. You'll often see young and even teenage children holding their parent/grand parents hand for example, you'd rarelly if ever see this in the west.

Now that also boils into relationships. Anyone can argue both sides because both are techncially right. Some are with older men just for money, but many are with them for natural reasons. Now what is the percentage of each side,who knows? And who cares.

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Never a response to the subject matter only an off topic insult. If you can't respond to what I post why don't you just say so? I'll re post it in case your attention span has lapsed. I guess you are a pretty typical Thai Visa poster. You got drunk last night and posted the following nonsense, "The bashing as you call depends not entirely on your age but the mentality of your generation. I for one do not hate you Kerry and that goes for many others here. Hate is a pretty strong word but I do dislike your way of thinking not because you found sth youre happy with, despite looking at it with a moral aspect in mind. It's more the consequences you neither forsee nor care about. I'm not gonna get into immigration politics and events that might complicate legitimate matters for us who believe in delusional love as someone here put it. Because it's on a different level of understanding than you are used to. Guys from your generation are dream walkers walking on nostalgic clouds, missing the golden days. Days that will never reoccur as time changes. For me your stuck in an age that has passed and thus do not live or care about the real world. Despite a few names Ive been throwing out (which are not meant to be taken seriously) I do think that despite my objections towards the poo yai concept, western youth lack total respect towards the elders. That I agree on but it's on a different level when it regards the Thai elders." I asked you to explain the above and what it had to do with me, and you can't so you began to insult me. I pointed this out and you insulted me some more and got a couple of your bum mates to join in the insult fest. OK Max. You tried to kill the thread which was not about women in the first place; only about Thai people's respect for age. This offends you because you are jealous or envious. I can understand that. I have more women in a week than you probably have had since puberty. Get over it. It means nothing to me. I am not monogamous and never have been. As a species I would say we are not monogamous. Thai women have a good grasp of this and that's why I live in Thailand.

Seriously Kerry, maybe some people are unfairly persecuting you, but you're not helping your cause by responding with such massive "wall of texts" that few people would bother trying to parse.

IOW do please use the Enter key once in a while, try to structure your thinking (sic) into a structured sequence of paragraphs.

And if you think someone's attacking you, maybe just let it slide? You're just provoking more useless back and forth by responding in kind. . .

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Mostly the arguments come from the young old conflict that takes place on Thai Visa or the racist stuff that some people try to pawn off as science and the anti American, and anti Pattaya, anti hooker, posting that we have all come to know and love.

Kerry, I would say you are stuck in some sort of mind warp. I'm 43, been wed, and worked in Thailand for 20 of them years, yet I love Pattaya and drinking with Bar Girls downtown...

I wouldn't say I'm an "upstart" nor "racist" (which seems to be a term of convenience for you) but you seem to think your age gives you some sort of high ground in debates on this forum. It doesn't.

There are too many old timers here who think the same way - that their age gives them some sort of superiority in Thailand. It doesn't.

Are you one of those dreadful old men who sees a younger guy out and about and then proceeds to give an impromptu lesson in Thai History/Language/Culture.....?

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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My comment was not a 'flame' as you call it, but merely an observation based on multiple examples.

No, pointing out that one's posts are incoherent rambling is (close to) an objective observation.

Attributing such to senility is unwarranted and an attack. There are many many possible causes, most of which may well be out of his control.

Probably best to just ignore such posts if they bother you that much.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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Kerry, this isn't a flame or whatever but really is a genuine question. How come you seem to end up in an argument (or multiple ones) on an almost daily basis, and how come your posts nearly always degrade into the confusing diatribes that this is such a perfect example of?

One I have had 2,638 posts and few of them as a percentage have ended up in argument.  I think most of the old guys who post on Thai Visa just let the insults go by the wayside because of the nature of the young Hooligans that normally start the age bashing arguments.  Kananga, how many threads have you started?  Maybe 10.  I think it is the law of averages I would imagine I have started close to 100 topics.  Mostly the arguments come from the young old conflict that takes place on Thai Visa or the racist stuff that some people try to pawn off as science and the anti American, and anti Pattaya, anti hooker, posting that we have all come to know and love.  To sum it up, I don't like  it when old guys, or Americans, Pattaya residents, or hookers or minorities get picked on and that leads to arguments.  And there is the woman thing.  I don't like people who hurt or try and control women.  There is a lot of that on Thai Visa.  The boob thread was a good example as well as NGO's who arrest women and teach them how to sew.  Or those who defend people who don't want women to drive cars or be educated.  I always try and respond to another poster's questions without insult.  I am truly amazed when I get 4 or 5 flames in a row with no attempt made to answer my question.  Maybe it is a dumb question.  But I always try and answer and am surprised when others don't do the same.

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My comment was not a 'flame' as you call it, but merely an observation based on multiple examples.

No, pointing out that one's posts are incoherent rambling is (close to) an objective observation.

Attributing such to senility is unwarranted and an attack. There are many many possible causes, most of which may well be out of his control.

Probably best to just ignore such posts if they bother you that much.

I never mentioned senility in any of my posts. You are confused.

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I pointed this out and you insulted me some more and got a couple of your bum mates to join in the insult fest.

If that isn't a "flame" then I don't know what is...?

OK I'll give you that. Since you can identify a flame, Me 1 and Max how many?

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Kerry, this isn't a flame or whatever but really is a genuine question. How come you seem to end up in an argument (or multiple ones) on an almost daily basis, and how come your posts nearly always degrade into the confusing diatribes that this is such a perfect example of?

One I have had 2,638 posts and few of them as a percentage have ended up in argument. I think most of the old guys who post on Thai Visa just let the insults go by the wayside because of the nature of the young Hooligans that normally start the age bashing arguments. Kananga, how many threads have you started? Maybe 10. I think it is the law of averages I would imagine I have started close to 100 topics. Mostly the arguments come from the young old conflict that takes place on Thai Visa or the racist stuff that some people try to pawn off as science and the anti American, and anti Pattaya, anti hooker, posting that we have all come to know and love. To sum it up, I don't like it when old guys, or Americans, Pattaya residents, or hookers or minorities get picked on and that leads to arguments. And there is the woman thing. I don't like people who hurt or try and control women. There is a lot of that on Thai Visa. The boob thread was a good example as well as NGO's who arrest women and teach them how to sew. Or those who defend people who don't want women to drive cars or be educated. I always try and respond to another poster's questions without insult. I am truly amazed when I get 4 or 5 flames in a row with no attempt made to answer my question. Maybe it is a dumb question. But I always try and answer and am surprised when others don't do the same.

From my personal experience ALL your arguments have started because you think Canada isn't a cold country and you think that people who dont think all Asians look identical is a racist of equal standing to the Nazi regime of the 1930s. Both are preposterous notions for which you were guilty of provoking me with 'flames' and 'insults' when I disagreed with you. You are as bad if not worse than the very people you complain about.

Chill out. Seriously, chill out. You are way too oversensitive and defensive.

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I think Max is merely trying to get a reasoned reply from you Kerry.

It's not difficult. You've accused him of being a "Drunken Typical Thai Visa" poster in your rather angry (and poorly edited) reply above...at least do him the courtesy of a reply to any point he may have made...

One thing I can recognise is a man fighting a losing battle and just banging his head against the wall.

Now, lets have a beer and be friends...guitar.gif

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One thing I can recognise is a man fighting a losing battle and just banging his head against the wall.

Losing battle? I think you and your buddies are seriously overstating your power of persuasion. Kerry's made a number of valid points related to his OP and is defending himself pretty well against what amounts to a herd of attack dogs. This thread wasn't even about Thai women and old men necessarily, but simply how seniors are treated compared to the west. But some of you guys have tried to make it be about 80 yr old westerners and 18 yr old BGs. Perhaps you can clarify what the "battle" is exactly and us casual observers can determine who's winning.

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Perhaps you can clarify what the "battle" is exactly and us casual observers can determine who's winning.

Well, the "battle" is that Kerry seems to think that his age should somehow be an instant factor for gaining respect from "attack dogs" like us. Sadly fr him he seems to be blundering around somewhat.

Kerry's made a number of valid points related to his OP and is defending himself pretty well against what amounts to a herd of attack dogs

Could you be a love and find them for me cos I'm <deleted> if I can.....

This thread wasn't even about Thai women and old men necessarily, but simply how seniors are treated compared to the west

Yes it was. It was just another chance for Kerry to bang on about his sexual conquests with hookers....

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I think Max is merely trying to get a reasoned reply from you Kerry.

It's not difficult. You've accused him of being a "Drunken Typical Thai Visa" poster in your rather angry (and poorly edited) reply above...at least do him the courtesy of a reply to any point he may have made...

One thing I can recognise is a man fighting a losing battle and just banging his head against the wall.

Now, lets have a beer and be friends...guitar.gif

For some odd reason Firefox and Ubuntu are not letting me make paragraphs or edit. I am working on it. If I knew what kind of reply Max wanted I would try and oblige. But I havn't a clue.

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Perhaps you can clarify what the "battle" is exactly and us casual observers can determine who's winning.

Well, the "battle" is that Kerry seems to think that his age should somehow be an instant factor for gaining respect from "attack dogs" like us. Sadly fr him he seems to be blundering around somewhat.

Kerry's made a number of valid points related to his OP and is defending himself pretty well against what amounts to a herd of attack dogs

Could you be a love and find them for me cos I'm <deleted> if I can.....

This thread wasn't even about Thai women and old men necessarily, but simply how seniors are treated compared to the west

Yes it was. It was just another chance for Kerry to bang on about his sexual conquests with hookers....

I would if I could but I don't have the vaguest idea how to brag about sexual conquests with hookers.

That would be like saying I have a beautiful Chinese Thai wife.

No one wants to hear about it anyway.

There is a web site that if frequented by thousands of British and American go go dancers. Now there is a place where people really don't want to hear about sexual conquests with Thai hookers.

I am really just posting this reply to see if the paragraph thing works.

Sorry about the walls of text I can now edit too. I will try and not let it happen again.

Edited by kerryk
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I think Max is merely trying to get a reasoned reply from you Kerry.

It's not difficult. You've accused him of being a "Drunken Typical Thai Visa" poster in your rather angry (and poorly edited) reply above...at least do him the courtesy of a reply to any point he may have made...

One thing I can recognise is a man fighting a losing battle and just banging his head against the wall.

I think you are delusional..

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It's not only you. I had the same issue with kerry completely overreacting, getting confused and then insulting me. That seems to be his 'debate' cycle with people.

It's called senility.

Oh bejeezes boys post something besides a personal attack/flame. Can't you keep up a normal conversation without resorting to insult? What is this? Kindergarten? Is this want passes for wit or debate in whatever small backwater you call home?

Yet he who wasn't given a 24ht posting holiday yesterday for flame/baiting/personal insults, cast the first stone.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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One thing I can recognise is a man fighting a losing battle and just banging his head against the wall.

Losing battle? I think you and your buddies are seriously overstating your power of persuasion. Kerry's made a number of valid points related to his OP and is defending himself pretty well against what amounts to a herd of attack dogs. This thread wasn't even about Thai women and old men necessarily, but simply how seniors are treated compared to the west. But some of you guys have tried to make it be about 80 yr old westerners and 18 yr old BGs. Perhaps you can clarify what the "battle" is exactly and us casual observers can determine who's winning.

That's pretty ironic since I've seen the elders gather against the youth in some threads although that isn't the point here. When you create a new thread or reply to a post you are subjected to different set of opinions, sarcasm and as thus have to make a rebuttal.

This goes for everybody, now if Kerry doesn't like that the youth has a different opinion than his own well tough. The draconian rules of the Poo Yai dont' apply here.

I would gladly debate this with Kerry however he has retreated to self pity and accusing people to the left and right simply because they don't agree with his opinion. You may call it what it want but this nonsense about youth attacking the elders comes from the fact that you can't ignore that different generations DO not think alike, that's justfacts of life, nothing else...

Edited by maxme
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One thing I can recognise is a man fighting a losing battle and just banging his head against the wall.

Losing battle? I think you and your buddies are seriously overstating your power of persuasion. Kerry's made a number of valid points related to his OP and is defending himself pretty well against what amounts to a herd of attack dogs. This thread wasn't even about Thai women and old men necessarily, but simply how seniors are treated compared to the west. But some of you guys have tried to make it be about 80 yr old westerners and 18 yr old BGs. Perhaps you can clarify what the "battle" is exactly and us casual observers can determine who's winning.

That's pretty ironic since I've seen the elders gather against the youth in some threads although that isn't the point here. When you create a new thread or reply to a post you are subjected to different set of opinions, sarcasm and as thus have to make a rebuttal.

This goes for everybody, now if Kerry doesn't like that the youth has a different opinion than his own well tough. The draconian rules of the Poo Yai dont' apply here.

I would gladly debate this with Kerry however he has retreated to self pity and accusing people to the left and right simply because they don't agree with his opinion. You may call it what it want but this nonsense about youth attacking the elders comes from the fact that you can't ignore that different generations DO not think alike, that's justfacts of life, nothing else...

Your point is?

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One thing I can recognise is a man fighting a losing battle and just banging his head against the wall.

Losing battle? I think you and your buddies are seriously overstating your power of persuasion. Kerry's made a number of valid points related to his OP and is defending himself pretty well against what amounts to a herd of attack dogs. This thread wasn't even about Thai women and old men necessarily, but simply how seniors are treated compared to the west. But some of you guys have tried to make it be about 80 yr old westerners and 18 yr old BGs. Perhaps you can clarify what the "battle" is exactly and us casual observers can determine who's winning.

That's pretty ironic since I've seen the elders gather against the youth in some threads although that isn't the point here. When you create a new thread or reply to a post you are subjected to different set of opinions, sarcasm and as thus have to make a rebuttal.

This goes for everybody, now if Kerry doesn't like that the youth has a different opinion than his own well tough. The draconian rules of the Poo Yai dont' apply here.

I would gladly debate this with Kerry however he has retreated to self pity and accusing people to the left and right simply because they don't agree with his opinion. You may call it what it want but this nonsense about youth attacking the elders comes from the fact that you can't ignore that different generations DO not think alike, that's justfacts of life, nothing else...

Your point is?

I think we are way beyond that by now don't you?

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I would gladly debate this with Kerry however he has retreated to self pity and accusing people to the left and right simply because they don't agree with his opinion. You may call it what it want but this nonsense about youth attacking the elders comes from the fact that you can't ignore that different generations DO not think alike, that's justfacts of life, nothing else...

Your point is?

I think we are way beyond that by now don't you?

Actually if you thought about what you said instead of trying to insult you would have found the point of the thread hiding in your words.

You wrote and I quote, “You may call it what it want but this nonsense about youth attacking the elders comes from the fact that you can't ignore that different generations DO not think alike, that's justfacts of life, nothing else...”

That is what the difference is. In Thailand, outside of places like the Big Smoke and the Big Joke (Bangkok and Phuket) the generations think alike and there is very little conflict. Instead there are shared values and shared housing and shared entertainment.

In the West there is conflict between the generations, not so in Thailand. There are 10 pages of illustrations of that before you got here and decided to create some old young conflict ala the West. The thread had nothing to do nor did I mention women in the OP. Thanks for bringing us back on topic.

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I think the thread has definitely passed it's use-by date as much as the Skytrain debacle.

For some odd reason Firefox and Ubuntu are not letting me make paragraphs or edit. I am working on it. If I knew what kind of reply Max wanted I would try and oblige. But I havn't a clue.

Try Ctrl-Enter or Alt-Enter rather than plain Enter?

Otherwise hit the quote button, cut and paste to a plain text editor, get everything the way you want it, and then cut and paste it back.

I never mentioned senility in any of my posts. You are confused.

I stand corrected, that came from HeavyDrinker.

Please accept my sincere apologies.

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The different opinions are not clear as this thread become a battlefield with personal accusations and challenges

over who is the best to judge in a true western fashion. After reading through the thread it is appearent that there

are two main different views of the Thai culture. Is it so hard to accept each others view regardless of background?

The OP states the fact that there is a tremendous family life in the sticks of Thailand without generations

conflicts and favourisation of any age groups, even immigrants are welcome to share their life.

The opposite group claim that the life of the Thai family is not at all joyful, it is affected of poorness and

missing reforms, not at all as good as the life in the west.

I do believe the thruth is somewhere in between, I have already stated that I don't like the western

hunt for success and money and I can't see why the Thais should adopt this way of living as it comes

with a very high price in terms of segregation, stress and disrespect. So I believe where Thailand is

heading now is to use their money to carefully rise the standard of living without taking all the

disadvantages of the western culture but keeping some of their originally eastern way of life.

However, it's not an easy task and there are different opinions of how to go there...

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The different opinions are not clear as this thread become a battlefield with personal accusations and challenges

over who is the best to judge in a true western fashion. After reading through the thread it is appearent that there

are two main different views of the Thai culture. Is it so hard to accept each others view regardless of background?

The OP states the fact that there is a tremendous family life in the sticks of Thailand without generations

conflicts and favourisation of any age groups, even immigrants are welcome to share their life.

The opposite group claim that the life of the Thai family is not at all joyful, it is affected of poorness and

missing reforms, not at all as good as the life in the west.

I do believe the thruth is somewhere in between, I have already stated that I don't like the western

hunt for success and money and I can't see why the Thais should adopt this way of living as it comes

with a very high price in terms of segregation, stress and disrespect. So I believe where Thailand is

heading now is to use their money to carefully rise the standard of living without taking all the

disadvantages of the western culture but keeping some of their originally eastern way of life.

However, it's not an easy task and there are different opinions of how to go there...

The western hunt for success and money? What exactly does that mean? Are Canadians any more hungry for money and success than the Chinese? Are the Italians lives more stressful than the Japanese?

Stop lumping everything bad as 'western' when western is such a diluted generalization it can have no real meaning any more than you can lump the ideologies, culture and work ethic of China, Cambodia, Philippines, Pakistan, Thailand and Taiwan together as an 'Eastern' way of life.

Contrary to what you believe the Western world does not consist solely of brash arrogant 1980s yuppies screwing everyone over.

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