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Abhisit In '2-For-1' Offer


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For me the bigger picture is this. If you let everybody off with an amnesty, the law no longer becomes a deterent, not only for politicians butr for everybody in Thailand. The law will be toothless. Without the fear of the law to govern appropriate behaviour you learn fairly swiftly that if you do wrong, but can garner enough support and kick up a big enough stink, you'll get your way.

Maybe it would just be easier to get rid of all laws instead

Agreed. Thaksin should be retried and in a court free of the taint of bias. The evidence appears to be compelling. If so, then the court will render an appropriate verdict. Abhisit and other need to be held accountable, although the case against Abhisit is tenuous at best and he knows it. Abhisit will most likely beat the rap, whereas Thaksin might not.

What a load of bull sh;t. Thaksin was found guilty in a court free of bias. There is no need for any retrial on the guilty verdicts that have the convicted fugiive criminal ear marked for prison time. The only bias that was being applied was in previous court rulings where Thaksin was putting heat on judges to force the bias. Thaksin should be in prison doing time on those guilty rulings, and being dragged back into court for the rest of his rip offs and also being charged for leading a civil war against Thailand.

Abhisit has nothing to beat.

Guess u forget some facts,hmm more than half of the country stands behind Thaksin,his party won all elections since 2001,u sound like u got brainwashed and u r blind for the real facts

Sondhi said that the reason why Thaksin won so much was because he cheated.

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Those who order the shooting, which lead to 92 death needs to be given life sentence.

That is easy to find out, it is those that paid for and sent in the mercienary blackshirt militia who were fighting for the red leaders and whatever their agenda was.

they did, but for any reason (doggy deal) they stopped on that. If you recall they found a couple of people with huge money transfers.

Some bank accounts were frozen an few unfrozen and than silence.....

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TR @TeamKorn_DP: man accused of causing "91 deaths" refuses amnesty for himself, but the man who "has done no wrong" is doing everything he can to get amnesty... ironic

There is no genuine wish for reconcilation in this country. When Jatuporn and Natthawut speak of this it just seems a tad hypocritical.

The sad thing is that the truth about about who did what and with who's support during the Red Shirt "protests" will never come out.

Same for the Yellow Shirt protests.

Add to that the mystifying statements from Sonthi, it does not bode well. "Forget the past" Yeah, good idea buddy.

Let's all forget how the country got into this mess. It goes back further than 19/9/2006. It goes back further than the crash of 1997.

But let's all forget the past. Let's just fill our "history" books with a load of glorified <deleted>.

edit: Was looking for this because I think applies here:

The problem with Thai politics is the way in which politicians become MPs, it is a mixture of graft, corruption, money and connections, this applies to all parties. Some by sheer good fortune (from the national viewpoint), do have some ability, most are just lame ducks, some are a real liability. This pattern repeats at all levels of society, even at the village committee level. Abhisit impresses many farangs by his Oxford education and his ability to speak clear English, but this is just the icing on the cake, he can talk a good talk but rarely walks a good walk, at heart he is still a self seeking Thai. Indeed his Eton, Oxford background actually fosters elitism, if you are English you will know what I mean. Thaksin for some reason could establish a rapport with the poor, Abhisit patently cannot, yet neither in my opinion have the interests of the poor and the nation in their hearts.

Thailand is not an egalitarian society, the idea of a Prince being charged with speeding would be unthinkable here, yet has happened in England, Thai elite are untouchable, except by other elite and this is what Thai politics boils down to, one group of elite versus another, not for the benefit of the nation but for the benefit of the group members. But all the elite are united in one common objective, that is to keep the rest uninformed and unaware.

We see this in the use of the LM law, the pathetic education system, the impractical populist vote buying decrees, the highly doctored history of Thailand including the reintroduction of past or invented ceremonies, and above all the engender Xenophobia and superiority complex towards other races.

I may seem a Red supporter, but I am not, I do support the concept, but not their immediate targets and methods. I am not sure where the answer lies, many have said the truly able first class Thais either move abroad or do not get involved in politics, I am inclined to agree, Thailand is run by those with second class ability.

source: http://www.thaivisa....ost__p__5132834

It was a good piece with the exception of saying Abhist does not walk a straight walk. While that was true it overlooked the fact that he had to appease many Thaksin trained MPs to hold the position and put down a terrorist attack on Bangkok

Now if they were t have mentioned Thaksin does not walk a straight walk it would have been more credible but with the two blaring omissions it relegated itself the typical red shirt rhetoric.

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"He clearly was trying to emphasise that the government's push for reconciliation was ultimately aimed at whitewashing Thaksin's wrongdoings".

And that is what this 2-for-1 thing is all about. Just another brick for the criminalization wall the Opposition has been trying to build around their political nemesis..............Winning elections is not an amnesty-able matter. But what happened at R'song is very much subject to amnesty discussions. ...Not sure how amenable those directly affected through the loss of loved ones, or those who have been struggling with the effects of injuries since, would feel about those responsible being given a free ride............... Also with respect to Jatuporn and Nathawut, since when is anti-coupism an amnesty-able matter. Mr. Abhisit and Suthep on the other hand, have both political and homicidal liabilities, the latter for which they have a culpability which they are now trying to 'defer and delay"...................... This kind of 2-for-1 gamesmanship is advancement of Opposition agenda's and a 'kick in the head' for those referenced above, who are most directly affected to this day.

Another busy day for you. Is there anything meaningful at all in the spam above?

This is very well played by Abhisit. It's just a massive shame the likes of him and Korn are in very short supply out here.

A visitor made a few jokes last night about the competence of our current lovely PM. Greed is well set to destroy Thailand.

Really? Abhisit's record on corruption is dismal. His administration was characterized by multiple corruption scandals, a caucus where an alleged murderer sits and a finance minister that authorized billions of baht worth of projects without the necessary oversight.

You forget that 40 of the Abhist supporters had been trained in corruption by the master himself who now lives in Dubai.

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Agreed. Thaksin should be retried and in a court free of the taint of bias. The evidence appears to be compelling. If so, then the court will render an appropriate verdict. Abhisit and other need to be held accountable, although the case against Abhisit is tenuous at best and he knows it. Abhisit will most likely beat the rap, whereas Thaksin might not.

And you think were he to be retried right now, with him effectively running the country, that there is no possibility of any bias in court rulings?

Any retrial is going by some to be considered as tainted, just as you consider his existing one to be so. How many retries do you think we will have to go through before everyone is satisfied? We will be here forever. How about, seeing as the evidence was compelling, Thaksin just accepts it? (actually he should be thanking that "tainted" court that they didn't double his sentence for attempting to bribe it)

You claim to believe in the law, then why so quick to refuse to follow basic principles associated with a fair trial. Look at what you wrote. Your argument is predicated on the belief that a satisfactory verdict can only be obtained if there is an illegal act that allows it. The fact of the matter is that the entire process was tainted because of the military coup. The coup was illegal, and no one can argue that it was not. A legally elected government was replaced by a military junta. The judges in place now are mostly the same judges that were in place at the time of the coup. You are now intimating that the judges would be influenced to render a not guilty verdict. Well golly gee, then by your logic, those judges would have been influenced to render a guilty verdict when the junta was calling the shots.

It seems like every one is saying the judges were acting on political ideas.

My question is if Thaksin believed that why did he not appeal the ruling. After all he was the one calling the shots in the government when the ruling came down.

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Those who order the shooting, which lead to 92 death needs to be given life sentence.

or maybe a medal....! Depending on how you view that terrorist situation.. were these not the same people who were burning Bangkok, and if not, what were they doing there on that glorious day.. I think I remember those terrorists being told to break up their illegal protest and go home.. many times...

The burning of Bangkok, dramatic as it sounds, wasn't exactly Dresden revisited as someone else on here pointed out. Whatever, the burnings took place at the end of the breakup of the camp at Lumpini.

Most of the casulties had been inflicted by then and they were hardly in the shape to take part in any burnings or anything else, ever.

Just how many times were the protesters told to go home? Were they told they would be shot if they did not comply?

Other than that your post was entirely accurate, to someone like yourself, depending on your view of the demonstration.

"depending on your view of the demonstration.:

In your view a demonstration that includes armed members takes over the business district in Bangkok refuses to leave. Negotiates a deal to leave peacefully then renigs on it is stages armed invasion of a hospital shoots rockets into a transportation stations builds barricades so no one but them selves or some one who they have OKed is OK

Strange view of life you have.

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There is one simple fact. Thaksin is a convicted criminal who has fled the country and paid lip service to the laws of this country. Thaksin has to be put in prison, and serve his sentence. There should be no amnesty. If there is then the laws of this country mean nothing! Basically anyone with cash and friends in high places are free to do anything they want to. If PTP want to garner any credibility nationally and Internationally they need to show no one is above the law. This starts with Thaksin. Further to this IF anyone is found guilty of a crime (from the red insurgency) Democrat or PTP they too should be jailed with no amnesty. This countries politicians need to start acting within the law and in the best interests of ALL its citizens, before they become a laughing stock on the world stage.

The difference between Thaksin and Abisit is,Abisit is under protection from the powers who kicked out and sentenced Thaksin.It is against forum rules and Thai law to name those powers

Which rule says you can not post a fact if it is provable.

Many posters have said that the army was one of the powers who kicked Thaksin out and now protect Abhist. Have you evidence to prove that they were innocent of these charges or are you just talking to hear your self talk.

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Those who order the shooting, which lead to 92 death needs to be given life sentence.

That is easy to find out, it is those that paid for and sent in the mercienary blackshirt militia who were fighting for the red leaders and whatever their agenda was.

Thaksin is the only person responsible for those 92 deathes. Why cant people see that, It seems very clear to any non drunk person with a brain.

If I agree with you, it will also imply that Thaksin is the one that order the shooting of the nurse inside the temple. Good god!

Are you saying that Thaksin had a list of who to shoot and who not to shoot.

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Those who order the shooting, which lead to 92 death needs to be given life sentence.

or maybe a medal....! Depending on how you view that terrorist situation.. were these not the same people who were burning Bangkok, and if not, what were they doing there on that glorious day.. I think I remember those terrorists being told to break up their illegal protest and go home.. many times...

The burning of Bangkok, dramatic as it sounds, wasn't exactly Dresden revisited as someone else on here pointed out. Whatever, the burnings took place at the end of the breakup of the camp at Lumpini.

Most of the casulties had been inflicted by then and they were hardly in the shape to take part in any burnings or anything else, ever.

Just how many times were the protesters told to go home? Were they told they would be shot if they did not comply?

Other than that your post was entirely accurate, to someone like yourself, depending on your view of the demonstration.

Well that is in the realms of being a first on TV, someone actually condoning an act of terrorism, the burning of Bangkok, and making the crime lighter than it was. Astonishing Phiphidon, a new low in posting!

As for those saying that what Abhisit has said is just political rhetoric and gamesmanship, he was answering a statement from Jatuporn. The whole idea of an amnesty is a political game. Why on earth should there be any form of amnesty? Those that have been charged with crimes should go through the due process and if found guilty then they should pay the price according to law. Remind me again just who is it asking for an amnesty....oh yes all the reds charged with terrorism. As for Jatuporn saying he will rescind his right to amnesty if Abhisit does...that is political rhetoric and absolute BS. That is the same man who told the crowds of reds he would fight with them...he didn't, he would spill his blood with them....he didn't, would take responsibility for their actions...he didn't, he would turn himself in...he didn't...until about the tenth time of declaring so. The guy is an oxygen thief and it is appalling that people on here actually support him.

And a new low in posting for yourself Jim, the gentleman is hardly warranted. Could you please point out where in my post, or indeed any of them, I have condoned the arson attempts. I was pointing out the dramatic rhetoric that is used on this forum - all the more to attract the "likees" I suppose, similar to the way subjects on here are sometimes worded dramatically or controversially to generate hits.

My response was to one of your peers suggesting that medals should be given out for those who responsible for the 92 deaths, perhaps not realising that approximately 11 were Security Officials and the rest included innocent people as well as the not innocent). And then similarly dramatising the burning of Bangkok.

Perhaps your mock affront is to cover up your unease you feel when you realise that you value buildings above human lives. As for the blanket accusation of terrorism, thats best left to the rhetoric of Abhisit, interesting that he always referred to the 5000 plus killings in the south is down to insurgents, not terrorists.....................

Edited by phiphidon
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Those who order the shooting, which lead to 92 death needs to be given life sentence.

or maybe a medal....! Depending on how you view that terrorist situation.. were these not the same people who were burning Bangkok, and if not, what were they doing there on that glorious day.. I think I remember those terrorists being told to break up their illegal protest and go home.. many times...

The burning of Bangkok, dramatic as it sounds, wasn't exactly Dresden revisited as someone else on here pointed out. Whatever, the burnings took place at the end of the breakup of the camp at Lumpini.

Most of the casulties had been inflicted by then and they were hardly in the shape to take part in any burnings or anything else, ever.

Just how many times were the protesters told to go home? Were they told they would be shot if they did not comply?

Other than that your post was entirely accurate, to someone like yourself, depending on your view of the demonstration.

"depending on your view of the demonstration.:

In your view a demonstration that includes armed members takes over the business district in Bangkok refuses to leave. Negotiates a deal to leave peacefully then renigs on it is stages armed invasion of a hospital shoots rockets into a transportation stations builds barricades so no one but them selves or some one who they have OKed is OK

Strange view of life you have.

Your opinion of my viewpoint is exactly that, your opinion. A nonsense rant, but your opinion, thankfully.

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"He clearly was trying to emphasise that the government's push for reconciliation was ultimately aimed at whitewashing Thaksin's wrongdoings".

And that is what this 2-for-1 thing is all about. Just another brick for the criminalization wall the Opposition has been trying to build around their political nemesis..............Winning elections is not an amnesty-able matter. But what happened at R'song is very much subject to amnesty discussions. ...Not sure how amenable those directly affected through the loss of loved ones, or those who have been struggling with the effects of injuries since, would feel about those responsible being given a free ride............... Also with respect to Jatuporn and Nathawut, since when is anti-coupism an amnesty-able matter. Mr. Abhisit and Suthep on the other hand, have both political and homicidal liabilities, the latter for which they have a culpability which they are now trying to 'defer and delay"...................... This kind of 2-for-1 gamesmanship is advancement of Opposition agenda's and a 'kick in the head' for those referenced above, who are most directly affected to this day.

Another busy day for you. Is there anything meaningful at all in the spam above?

This is very well played by Abhisit. It's just a massive shame the likes of him and Korn are in very short supply out here.

A visitor made a few jokes last night about the competence of our current lovely PM. Greed is well set to destroy Thailand.

"He clearly was trying to emphasise that the government's push for reconciliation was ultimately aimed at whitewashing Thaksin's wrongdoings".

And that is what this 2-for-1 thing is all about. Just another brick for the criminalization wall the Opposition has been trying to build around their political nemesis..............Winning elections is not an amnesty-able matter. But what happened at R'song is very much subject to amnesty discussions. ...Not sure how amenable those directly affected through the loss of loved ones, or those who have been struggling with the effects of injuries since, would feel about those responsible being given a free ride............... Also with respect to Jatuporn and Nathawut, since when is anti-coupism an amnesty-able matter. Mr. Abhisit and Suthep on the other hand, have both political and homicidal liabilities, the latter for which they have a culpability which they are now trying to 'defer and delay"...................... This kind of 2-for-1 gamesmanship is advancement of Opposition agenda's and a 'kick in the head' for those referenced above, who are most directly affected to this day.

Another busy day for you. Is there anything meaningful at all in the spam above?

This is very well played by Abhisit. It's just a massive shame the likes of him and Korn are in very short supply out here.

A visitor made a few jokes last night about the competence of our current lovely PM. Greed is well set to destroy Thailand.

i hope its only greed and not desire for total 1 party state and total control. I can live in a devastated country if I and my family have freedom even if very poor. I cant live in a mugabwie Gaddafi or Hitler type state which I think is real danger and risk. After all in west the bankers are devastating various places but have not yet taken away totally freedoms and choice.

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Ooops post removed! O.K. without intentionally mis-spelling his name I agree with what you said H90, however it would be a nice start, and a move away from corruption and general apathy if they enforced the laws of the land. This would make it harder for people who dont like PTP (myself included), to criticise them. This has to start with Thaksin.

The laws are existing. You can expect that to happen if there are demonstrations. Also there are hundreds if not thousands of defamation(spelling??) cases at court. But now there is general apathy only...like you tell.

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Those who order the shooting, which lead to 92 death needs to be given life sentence.

or maybe a medal....! Depending on how you view that terrorist situation.. were these not the same people who were burning Bangkok, and if not, what were they doing there on that glorious day.. I think I remember those terrorists being told to break up their illegal protest and go home.. many times...

The burning of Bangkok, dramatic as it sounds, wasn't exactly Dresden revisited as someone else on here pointed out. Whatever, the burnings took place at the end of the breakup of the camp at Lumpini.

Most of the casulties had been inflicted by then and they were hardly in the shape to take part in any burnings or anything else, ever.

Just how many times were the protesters told to go home? Were they told they would be shot if they did not comply?

Other than that your post was entirely accurate, to someone like yourself, depending on your view of the demonstration.

I have been there 2 weeks after, still the air full of smell of burned things and from the sky train it looked like approx. 5-10 % of the smaller buildings on the other side than Paragon were burned out.

Not Dresden not funny for the shop owner there as well.

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Those who order the shooting, which lead to 92 death needs to be given life sentence.

or maybe a medal....! Depending on how you view that terrorist situation.. were these not the same people who were burning Bangkok, and if not, what were they doing there on that glorious day.. I think I remember those terrorists being told to break up their illegal protest and go home.. many times...

The burning of Bangkok, dramatic as it sounds, wasn't exactly Dresden revisited as someone else on here pointed out. Whatever, the burnings took place at the end of the breakup of the camp at Lumpini.

Most of the casulties had been inflicted by then and they were hardly in the shape to take part in any burnings or anything else, ever.

Just how many times were the protesters told to go home? Were they told they would be shot if they did not comply?

Other than that your post was entirely accurate, to someone like yourself, depending on your view of the demonstration.

I have been there 2 weeks after, still the air full of smell of burned things and from the sky train it looked like approx. 5-10 % of the smaller buildings on the other side than Paragon were burned out.

Not Dresden not funny for the shop owner there as well.

Those people are of little concern to him. Have you ever heard of a red shirt apologizing to the little people who's lives they disrupted and in some cases destroyed.

One must remember that when dealing with those idiots most of them come from areas where many schools have no electricity and they were never given a education just taught to believe what ever they are told. If I remember correctly while the red shirts were on their rampage in Bangkok they were setting up schools in the poorer areas to teach what democracy was.

That must have been interesting trying to teach some thing they knew nothing about. And why try to teach democracy in a country that is not a democracy it has a parliamentarian system.

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Those people are of little concern to him. Have you ever heard of a red shirt apologizing to the little people who's lives they disrupted and in some cases destroyed.

One must remember that when dealing with those idiots most of them come from areas where many schools have no electricity and they were never given a education just taught to believe what ever they are told. If I remember correctly while the red shirts were on their rampage in Bangkok they were setting up schools in the poorer areas to teach what democracy was.

That must have been interesting trying to teach some thing they knew nothing about. And why try to teach democracy in a country that is not a democracy it has a parliamentarian system.

One must remember that when dealing with those idiots most of them come from areas where many schools have no electricity and they were never given a education just taught to believe what ever they are told.

and what's your point here?

your hatred for a large population of people is suffocating btw...

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Those people are of little concern to him. Have you ever heard of a red shirt apologizing to the little people who's lives they disrupted and in some cases destroyed.

One must remember that when dealing with those idiots most of them come from areas where many schools have no electricity and they were never given a education just taught to believe what ever they are told. If I remember correctly while the red shirts were on their rampage in Bangkok they were setting up schools in the poorer areas to teach what democracy was.

That must have been interesting trying to teach some thing they knew nothing about. And why try to teach democracy in a country that is not a democracy it has a parliamentarian system.

One must remember that when dealing with those idiots most of them come from areas where many schools have no electricity and they were never given a education just taught to believe what ever they are told.

and what's your point here?

your hatred for a large population of people is suffocating btw...

And your quick to distort the meaning of what the member said.

I have no doubt whatever that he wasn't referring to everybody who is part of the red / udd masses.

I nave no doubt that he is referring to the red leadership, who claim to be working to: build democracy, respect for justice and equal application of the law, etc., but none of them have ever given any form of presentations on these subjects etc., nothing. Why, becaue it's all a smokecreeen.

Further, there are many Thais and visitors to this great country who would strongly and with no hesitation agree that the masses are downtrodden, they don't receive justice and the gap between the rich and the poor desperately needs reducing to a point where a very large percentage of the population have a decent quality of life.

There people are not idiots, given some better education, better awareness of the world, they can gain some improvements in their lot.

But it needs more and the red leadership have never once espoused any policy whatever nor generated any form of solid discussion, nor distributed any literature about these matters. Why,? Easy answer, because they are a smokescreen for manipulation and nothing more.

Edited by scorecard
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Those people are of little concern to him. Have you ever heard of a red shirt apologizing to the little people who's lives they disrupted and in some cases destroyed.

One must remember that when dealing with those idiots most of them come from areas where many schools have no electricity and they were never given a education just taught to believe what ever they are told. If I remember correctly while the red shirts were on their rampage in Bangkok they were setting up schools in the poorer areas to teach what democracy was.

That must have been interesting trying to teach some thing they knew nothing about. And why try to teach democracy in a country that is not a democracy it has a parliamentarian system.

Well the red schools have nothing to do with democracy...they just hijack that word. You know east Germany was a democracy and North Korea is a democracy (in their own opinion).

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Those people are of little concern to him. Have you ever heard of a red shirt apologizing to the little people who's lives they disrupted and in some cases destroyed.

One must remember that when dealing with those idiots most of them come from areas where many schools have no electricity and they were never given a education just taught to believe what ever they are told. If I remember correctly while the red shirts were on their rampage in Bangkok they were setting up schools in the poorer areas to teach what democracy was.

That must have been interesting trying to teach some thing they knew nothing about. And why try to teach democracy in a country that is not a democracy it has a parliamentarian system.

One must remember that when dealing with those idiots most of them come from areas where many schools have no electricity and they were never given a education just taught to believe what ever they are told.

and what's your point here?

your hatred for a large population of people is suffocating btw...

And your quick to distort the meaning of what the member said.

I have no doubt whatever that he wasn'r referring to everybody who is part of the red / udd gatherings.

I nave no doubt that he is referring to the red leadership, who claim to be working to: build democracy, respect for justice and equal application of the law, etc., but none of them have ever given any form of presentations on these subjects etc., nothing. Why, becaue it's all a smokecreeen.

my intention wasn't to distort...because i have no doubt that he looks on at the red shirts as a whole with disdain and also thinks of them as -

'idiots, most of them come from areas where many schools have no electricity and they were never given a education just taught to believe what ever they are told'

i wonder is that a totally warped presumption on my part, mmmm.

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education is being taught to believe what you're told...

You confuse the art of brainwashing with educating.

Education is being taught to use your own brain, not simply parrot someone else's. Unless you are training monkeys.

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education is being taught to believe what you're told...

You confuse the art of brainwashing with educating.

Education is being taught to use your own brain, not simply parrot someone else's. Unless you are training monkeys.

no, i guess i confuse my experience of what school was like for me...

i didn't sit there questioning algebra, or denying the existence of shakespeare... i guess i was just a trained monkey believing what i was being taught...

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Those people are of little concern to him. Have you ever heard of a red shirt apologizing to the little people who's lives they disrupted and in some cases destroyed.

One must remember that when dealing with those idiots most of them come from areas where many schools have no electricity and they were never given a education just taught to believe what ever they are told. If I remember correctly while the red shirts were on their rampage in Bangkok they were setting up schools in the poorer areas to teach what democracy was.

That must have been interesting trying to teach some thing they knew nothing about. And why try to teach democracy in a country that is not a democracy it has a parliamentarian system.

One must remember that when dealing with those idiots most of them come from areas where many schools have no electricity and they were never given a education just taught to believe what ever they are told.

and what's your point here?

your hatred for a large population of people is suffocating btw...

It is not hatred it is pity.

They blindly follow leaders who could care less about them. Look at the number of them jailed and their leaders left them to rot. The Dem's bailed many of them out and still they listen to their red shirt leaders.

That is because like you they were trained to believe not think.

That is my point they are made up of people who learned just swallowed every thing their teachers said without questioning it.

Edited by hellodolly
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no, i guess i confuse my experience of what school was like for me...

i didn't sit there questioning algebra,

Of course you questioned it. When you are given an equation, a+b=c-d, it is by questioning why a+b=c-d, that you can make your deduction.

or denying the existence of shakespeare...

Using your own brain doesn't mean denying the existence of everything.

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Those who order the shooting, which lead to 92 death needs to be given life sentence.

That is easy to find out, it is those that paid for and sent in the mercienary blackshirt militia who were fighting for the red leaders and whatever their agenda was.

Thaksin is the only person responsible for those 92 deathes. Why cant people see that, It seems very clear to any non drunk person with a brain.

If I agree with you, it will also imply that Thaksin is the one that order the shooting of the nurse inside the temple. Good god!

Thaksin wanted as many thais and red shirts to die as possible, The more that died the more he could wield his power against the dems, Now he is paying compensation to the familys of the 92 victims of thaksin who died in the conflict, He will have as many hired guns as he needs at his beck and call for the next round of confrontation in bangkok, if you were poor and knew that your family will recieve 700.000 baht if you die defending thaksin it sounds like a good career opurtunity, but at 500 baht very afordable for the square one. Edited by maeab
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