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Top Ten Proofs You Have Been Acculturated In Thailand

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--food stall workers without plastic bag hats during rain seem like crazy people

-- your sink has 11 dirty spoons and 1 fork

-- when security guards, staff, etc say hello in passing, you respond with a shortened "'kub" rather than a full "sawatee kub"

-- you are fully aware that on any given BTS ride you could be surrounded by international criminals avoiding capture, pimps, prostitutes, japanese families, terrorists, and pedophiles... and you are ok with that.

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When you have a drink in a bar, the ladyboy sits with you, and you are happy to give him her a bit of a cuddle.

When you start avoiding bars that have too many foreigners drinking in them.

When you start making up excuses to get out of having sex (again) with your wife/gf.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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When you make an appointment to meet someone 2pm the next day, but you never show up.

Never truer word spoken..

After getting quite upset from this despicable behaviour, both from locals and foreigners, recently i started to get less and less upset about it.. To the point that i did it myself 1 or 2 times.

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You invent new English words to impress all your new Thai friends! Acculturation!!!!....Really!

You never use your indicators but wave your magic hand out of the window.

You wonder why there is white paper in the toilet?

You squat rather than sit on a chair as squatting is more comfortable.

You eat something from all the dishes on the table even if you have no idea what you are eating.

You refuse to acknowledge other foreigners even if they are polite.

Acculturation. It's from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary (among several) "cultural modification of an individual, group, or people by adapting to or borrowing traits from another culture; also : a merging of cultures as a result of prolonged contact " Look it up, bud.

My god, I did look it up as suggested and found that the word was first used around 1880!

By the way, I also looked up Bud in the urban dictionary, definitions below:


~1. A womans clitoris, the small protrusion. 'to suck on the "bud" gives a woman great delight'

~2. Your friend, 'hey buddy'

~3. short for Budweiser, American beer. "Gimme a bud"

1. Suck the bud as she parts her lips

2. Hi bud

3. "Gimme a bottle o' bud"

I do hope that your use of the word bud means that you think of me as definition 2.

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