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Indonesia rescues 120 asylum seekers who refuse to disembark


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It is ironic, yet symptomatic of the times when you find yourself having to refute accusations of racism for criticizing the most racist, bigoted and discriminatory ideology ever created by man.

I never thought of it that way Dan , but thinking on it ,I could not have put it any better , maybe others should dwell on your simple yet highly accurate description .thumbsup.gif
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It is ironic, yet symptomatic of the times when you find yourself having to refute accusations of racism for criticizing the most racist, bigoted and discriminatory ideology ever created by man.

I never thought of it that way Dan , but thinking on it ,I could not have put it any better , maybe others should dwell on your simple yet highly accurate description .thumbsup.gif

My post was nothing to do with Muslims, as you well know. I was responding to you stating as a fact that the UK now has "rivers of blood", as predicted by Enoch Powell 50 years ago. I ask you for a third time, where in the UK are the "rivers of blood"? Not, ah but there would be if all the bad Muslims were not in prison. There are no "rivers of blood", and to state otherwise is clearly racist nonsense.
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It is ironic, yet symptomatic of the times when you find yourself having to refute accusations of racism for criticizing the most racist, bigoted and discriminatory ideology ever created by man.

I never thought of it that way Dan , but thinking on it ,I could not have put it any better , maybe others should dwell on your simple yet highly accurate description .thumbsup.gif

My post was nothing to do with Muslims, as you well know. I was responding to you stating as a fact that the UK now has "rivers of blood", as predicted by Enoch Powell 50 years ago. I ask you for a third time, where in the UK are the "rivers of blood"? Not, ah but there would be if all the bad Muslims were not in prison. There are no "rivers of blood", and to state otherwise is clearly racist nonsense.

Sorry but this thread is all about Muslims and Jihad and the implantation of Sharia law in the West or later in Australia ,and has nothing whatsoever to do with racism , racism is the discrimination about the colour of their skins and sweet FA to do with their religious orientations , I am merely pointing out that but for our excellent security services the prisons would not hold so many Islamic extremists who seek to destroy the Christian way of life by murdering us ,you can call it what you want but what I write is the Irrefutable Truth or is attempted murder not a crime according to you? ,and I seem to recall I mentioned Martin Luther King who quoted " you do not judge a man by the colour of his Skin but by the contents of his character" which according to your yard stick that makes him my hero too , the problem being he was a negro ,so just where does your claims of me being a racist fit in to your totally groundless accusations ??whistling.gif Edited by Colin Yai
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It is ironic, yet symptomatic of the times when you find yourself having to refute accusations of racism for criticizing the most racist, bigoted and discriminatory ideology ever created by man.

I never thought of it that way Dan , but thinking on it ,I could not have put it any better , maybe others should dwell on your simple yet highly accurate description .thumbsup.gif

My post was nothing to do with Muslims, as you well know. I was responding to you stating as a fact that the UK now has "rivers of blood", as predicted by Enoch Powell 50 years ago. I ask you for a third time, where in the UK are the "rivers of blood"? Not, ah but there would be if all the bad Muslims were not in prison. There are no "rivers of blood", and to state otherwise is clearly racist nonsense.

Sorry but this thread is all about Muslims and Jihad and the implantation of Sharia law in the West or later in Australia ,and has nothing whatsoever to do with racism , racism is the discrimination about the colour of their skins and sweet FA to do with their religious orientations , I am merely pointing out that but for our excellent security services the prisons would not hold so many Islamic extremists who seek to destroy the Christian way of life by murdering us ,you can call it what you want but what I write is the Irrefutable Truth or is attempted murder not a crime according to you? ,and I seem to recall I mentioned Martin Luther King who quoted " you do not judge a man by the colour of his Skin but by the contents of his character" which according to your yard stick that makes him my hero too , the problem being he was a negro ,so just where does your claims of me being a racist fit in to your totally groundless accusations ??whistling.gif

So where in the UK are the "rivers of blood"?
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Sure, lets address facts. For accuracies sake i didn't say Muslims were a race, don't know where that came from. There are a few on this forum who clearly have an unhealthy, paranoid obsession with Muslims, but certainly not me. I was responding to a poster who stated as a FACT that The UK now has "rivers of blood". This is clearly scaremongering racist nonsense. As for Enoch Powell, it is interesting that as Minister of Health in the early 1960s, he was responsible for the recruitment of people from the Commonwealth to work in The UK public services. Indeed he appeared in advertisements in cinemas all over the Commonwealth imploring our "coloured cousins' to come to the UK, which they then did in their thousands. A fact that he conveniently never mentioned during his subsequent rants about immigration. I remember him being tackled on the subject by the late Sir Robin Day on a BBC Panorama programme, he squirmed and prevaricated, and got very flustered. He was a hypocrite and a racist, albeit a very clever and erudite one. A fact that was even recognised by his own Conservative Party, who withdrew the whip. He was of course a very powerful and mesmerising orator. But then again so was Adolph Hitler.

It is possible as you have to make a case against Enoch Powell, less so Samuel Huntington, whose 'clash of civilizations' is indeed looking prophetic; but in terms of the OP discrediting Enoch is a straw man argument, which deflects from the fact that immigrants from many Muslim Countries prove to be very problematic for western cultures, this is beyond dispute even citing Muslim sources as I did. With respect to Australia there was the recent burning down of an asylum hostel by it's residents not to mention a jihadist plot to attack an Australian army barracks. I can see how the Australian public might view yet more of the same, let's hope their government reflects their wishes.

The burning down of the hostel puts the lie to all the illegal immigrants that arrive claiming to be refugees. Obviously they don't just want to be safe from being killed, but rather, want to jump the queue to be able to work/ get benefits/ whatever in a western country. Unfortunately, the Australian governments response is one of appeasement, rather than of deporting all the culprits. So the lesson is obvious- get to Australia, burn down your detention camp and you too can get to live in the society, and you won't even be expected to assimilate!

IMO, the problem with allowing mass immigration of people from an alien culture is that they are no longer expected to assimilate- rather, they are allowed to live in ghettos of their own kind, and perpetuate cultures that are fundamentally opposed to the predominate culture of their host country.

As for "rivers of blood" Enoch never said that literally, but claimed to have a vision of the future if nothing changed. Although he was instrumental in bring large scale immigration to Britain, perhaps he realised that it was a mistake.

Indeed, had they had a similar policy to saudi, all those that came to Britain to work would have had to return home once their jobs no longer existed, or they became too old to work- problem solved!

I believe the reason that they form thier own ghettos is a political one. City areas are divided into electoral boundaries the larger population they have then they can stand thier own candidate in elections thus giving themselves more power in the government to make changes to suit the islamic way of life. They will put pressure on the non muslim people in areas to vacate thier homes. A few years back my family and I were residing in a military house (married quarter) in Melbourne many times we had our windows broken and told by a group of men who constantly turned up telling us it was a muslim area and we were not welcome. We had to organise another home for my families safety.

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It is ironic, yet symptomatic of the times when you find yourself having to refute accusations of racism for criticizing the most racist, bigoted and discriminatory ideology ever created by man.

I never thought of it that way Dan , but thinking on it ,I could not have put it any better , maybe others should dwell on your simple yet highly accurate description .thumbsup.gif

My post was nothing to do with Muslims, as you well know. I was responding to you stating as a fact that the UK now has "rivers of blood", as predicted by Enoch Powell 50 years ago. I ask you for a third time, where in the UK are the "rivers of blood"? Not, ah but there would be if all the bad Muslims were not in prison. There are no "rivers of blood", and to state otherwise is clearly racist nonsense.

And the 2005 train bombers were just "naughty boys"?

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IMHO by refusing to leave the ship these people have refuted their refugee status, and should NEVER be accepted in Oz.

A few points:

The highest sentence for rape in Oz was given to a muslim whose only participation was phoning all his mates to join in, with no lack of takers.

Some of the worst racial violence in Oz in recent times was caused by muslim men on a south Sydney beach spitting on women in bikinis and then assaulting the lifesavers who intervened.

It is illegal to enter banks and most shops wearing a motorcycle helmet, but not a burqua

The boat lost of Christmas Is was expected by family members who IMHO funded the trip - none were charged with aiding illegal immigration

Several cases have been uncovered where a husband precedes the family falsely claiming nationality and refugee status, but when the family arrives illegally they know nothing of the area where they supposedly lived. All documents were destroyed making it difficult to repatriate them

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IMHO by refusing to leave the ship these people have refuted their refugee status, and should NEVER be accepted in Oz.

A few points:

The highest sentence for rape in Oz was given to a muslim whose only participation was phoning all his mates to join in, with no lack of takers.

Some of the worst racial violence in Oz in recent times was caused by muslim men on a south Sydney beach spitting on women in bikinis and then assaulting the lifesavers who intervened.

It is illegal to enter banks and most shops wearing a motorcycle helmet, but not a burqua

The boat lost of Christmas Is was expected by family members who IMHO funded the trip - none were charged with aiding illegal immigration

Several cases have been uncovered where a husband precedes the family falsely claiming nationality and refugee status, but when the family arrives illegally they know nothing of the area where they supposedly lived. All documents were destroyed making it difficult to repatriate them

<All documents were destroyed making it difficult to repatriate them>

Simple answer, send them to a camp in the middle of the Australian desert till they "remember" where they're from, as even that would be better than living in the middle of a desert for ever.

However, so long as the PC liberal tossers that predominate in western governments continue to run the show, expect to find more and more turning up looking for the promised land.

The only permanent solution is to make it so unattractive to move somewhere illegally, that only genuine refugees would want to, but try getting that through what purports to be parliament these days!

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I believe the reason that they form thier own ghettos is a political one. City areas are divided into electoral boundaries the larger population they have then they can stand thier own candidate in elections thus giving themselves more power in the government to make changes to suit the islamic way of life. They will put pressure on the non muslim people in areas to vacate thier homes. A few years back my family and I were residing in a military house (married quarter) in Melbourne many times we had our windows broken and told by a group of men who constantly turned up telling us it was a muslim area and we were not welcome. We had to organise another home for my families safety.

This is perfectly true and can be corroborated by supporting evidence from around the world, I'm quite shocked to think that it is already a problem in Melbourne, which seemed like Sydney a lively and cosmopolitan city on my visit last year. Coming to think of it 'cosmopolitan' used to have positive connotations of varied food and cultural festivals, as oppose to no go crime ridden ghettos, ethnically cleansing themselves of the original inhabitants.

Edited by Steely Dan
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I believe the reason that they form thier own ghettos is a political one. City areas are divided into electoral boundaries the larger population they have then they can stand thier own candidate in elections thus giving themselves more power in the government to make changes to suit the islamic way of life. They will put pressure on the non muslim people in areas to vacate thier homes. A few years back my family and I were residing in a military house (married quarter) in Melbourne many times we had our windows broken and told by a group of men who constantly turned up telling us it was a muslim area and we were not welcome. We had to organise another home for my families safety.

This is perfectly true and can be corroborated by supporting evidence from around the world, I'm quite shocked to think that it is already a problem in Melbourne, which seemed like Sydney a lively and cosmopolitan city on my visit last year. Coming to think of it 'cosmopolitan' used to have positive connotations of varied food and cultural festivals, as oppose to no go crime ridden ghettos, ethnically cleansing themselves of the original inhabitants.

In the city of Moreland (Melbourne) 8 of the 11 councillors are now muslim and an old historical church (130 yrs) have been cleared for demolition by the council to make way for a new mosque it is however the subject of court action from Australians to preserve a historical landmark. Yes it is true that they refuse to assimilate into society prefering to build thier own communities and yes I do believe the reason is for political gain. I also do not understand why they pass through islamic countries to get to a christian society only to build an islamic society.

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A beautiful fairy appeared one day to an asylum seeker claimant outside the Centrelink Offices.

'My good man,' the fairy said, 'I've been told by Julia Gillard to grant you three wishes, since you've just arrived in Australia with your wife and seven children -- all costs to be borne by Australian Tax Payers.'

The man told the fairy: 'Well, in XXXX where I come from we don't have good teeth, so I want new teeth, maybe a lot of gold in them.'

The fairy looked at the man's almost toothless grin and PING !!!

The Asylum Seeker had a brand new shining set of gold teeth in his mouth!

'What else?' asked the fairy, 'two more wishes to go!

The Asylum Seeker refugee claimant now got bolder

'I need a big house with a three car garage on the Gold Coast with eight bedrooms - and a Gold Visa Card in each room - for my family and the rest of my refugee relatives who still live in XXXXX. I want to bring them all over here'

PING ! -

In the distance there could be seen a beautiful mansion with a three car garage, a long driveway, a walkout patio with a BBQ, and a sparkling swimming pool and a BMW, full of his nephews playing their music.

'One more wish left for you', said the fairy, waving her wand.

The Asylum Seeker refugee claimant really decided to go for broke now and said "I want to be Australian with Australian clothes instead of the rags and shawl,

and I want to have white skin like the Australians.'

PING ! - The man was transformed, wearing worn out Stubbies shorts, a dirty Bonds T-shirt and a greasy terry-towel hat. He had his bad teeth back and the mansion had disappeared from the horizon.

'What happened to my new teeth?' he wailed.

'Where is my new house? Where's my Visa Gold Card?' Where is my BMW?

The fairy said 'Tough luck. Now that you are Australian,

you're entitled to sweet F@#k all, just like the rest of us".

And she disappeared........

Nice, would be funnier if it wasn't so true.

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Nice, would be funnier if it wasn't so true.

Enjoy the satire, that will soon be the only avenue of speaking out about what's going down if present trends continue.

I'd say it's already too late. Try telling a Muslim joke anywhere in public....................................!

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I know this may sound callous, but perhaps Australia should opt not to resettle refugees or it's relatively low population would result in enormous financial strain being put on it's taxpayers, which in turn may lead to knock on public order problems. All it takes is one bad apple and you have a financial disaster. To give a UK example, according to a group known as the taxpayers alliance radical cleric Abu Hamza has so far cost Britain 2.75 million pounds in wellfare payments, council housing, NHS and prison bills.

Aside from this there 'should' be a clear principle in the E.U where asylum seekers are processed in the first E.U Country they enter, instead of being allowed to make a bee line for the Country with the most generous social provision. Australia has some trade links to ASEAN and I don't see why similar agreements can't be entered into with neighboring Countries Granted this would still no doubt cost Australia money, but if the expectation of being able to choose where to apply for asylum was removed then this might separate the persecuted from the economic migrants.

Far from being Callous Dan its the simple truth ,which more and more cannot be either written or spoken due to "Political correctness" or fear of being branded an "extremist", millions think the same as me but Ain't the guts to air their opinions in public.

I dont mind airing my opinions ,they fight tooth and nail to get to the west for the freebies and promptly try to change where they are living in freedom into the shitholes they came from ,my old home town is a point in case.

by the way talking of jokes ,i was kicked out of a muslim store the other day ,all i asked for was a bomber jacket.

Edited by thenervoussurgeon
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Actually, Muslims hassle among themselves big time. Look at Bahrain or Yemen or Syria. Tensions in those countries are partly political, but just as much stem from secterian rifts. So I don't believe in the 'no need to preach to the converted' camp.

Indeed, it might be that Europe and Australia are easier prey for radical Muslims, because Europeans and Australians are generally more laid back in their beliefs. Less radicalized, so therefore easier to sway to a more intense philosophy. Either that, or more easily cowed by threats.

Yet, in the big picture, I think the main reason Muslims want to get their butts to more liberal countries is for the better/easier lifestyles. There's more abundance, more tolerance, and better paying jobs and benefits. That's why the 120 so-called refugees didn't want to disembark in a fellow Muslim country - and instead hope to get to Australia.

Plus, look at the natural resources in most Muslim countries. Some oil in the ground, lots of sand, but little else. Not much fresh water, no real forests, no wild animals, little else. The Middle East has had thousands of years to trash their environment, and what you see is the result. People want green grass, trees, flowing water, friendly people around. If I was a Middle Easterner, I'd sure as shootin' get my buns to a more habitable place. Even Siberia looks rather good. At least they've got water and forests there, and with GW, it should warm up a bit, shouldn't it? Now might be a good time to buy a few thousand acres of Siberia - for the grandkids' heritage, while it's still cheap.

Israel is in the Middle East. It has is the same acrid, dry, infertile geology as its neighbours and very few mineral deposits and little oil.

The Israelis have introduced desalination, irrigation, fertilisation and productive farming methods and have a successful agricultural industry yet the country is only a about 65 years old. What does that indicate about the character of the people of its neighbouring countries. If it were not for the oil which the Westerners got out of the ground for them they would still be riding around on camels instead of Mercedes Benz motor cars.

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It is ironic, yet symptomatic of the times when you find yourself having to refute accusations of racism for criticizing the most racist, bigoted and discriminatory ideology ever created by man.

'Racism' and 'racist' have become the most powerful political words in the English language and have been used indiscriminately by liberals and lefties to further the cause of swamping multiculturalism. It's astonishing that so many accusations of racism are flung around on these Thailand forums at men who have chosen to marry or cohabit with Asian women.

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I know this may sound callous, but perhaps Australia should opt not to resettle refugees or it's relatively low population would result in enormous financial strain being put on it's taxpayers, which in turn may lead to knock on public order problems. All it takes is one bad apple and you have a financial disaster. To give a UK example, according to a group known as the taxpayers alliance radical cleric Abu Hamza has so far cost Britain 2.75 million pounds in wellfare payments, council housing, NHS and prison bills.

Aside from this there 'should' be a clear principle in the E.U where asylum seekers are processed in the first E.U Country they enter, instead of being allowed to make a bee line for the Country with the most generous social provision. Australia has some trade links to ASEAN and I don't see why similar agreements can't be entered into with neighboring Countries Granted this would still no doubt cost Australia money, but if the expectation of being able to choose where to apply for asylum was removed then this might separate the persecuted from the economic migrants.

Far from being Callous Dan its the simple truth ,which more and more cannot be either written or spoken due to "Political correctness" or fear of being branded an "extremist", millions think the same as me but Ain't the guts to air their opinions in public.

I dont mind airing my opinions ,they fight tooth and nail to get to the west for the freebies and promptly try to change where they are living in freedom into the shitholes they came from ,my old home town is a point in case.

by the way talking of jokes ,i was kicked out of a muslim store the other day ,all i asked for was a bomber jacket.

Try and purchase some Danish bacon in many London butchers shops now and you'll be lucky not to get your throat cut!

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Israel is in the Middle East. It has is the same acrid, dry, infertile geology as its neighbours and very few mineral deposits and little oil.

The Israelis have introduced desalination, irrigation, fertilisation and productive farming methods and have a successful agricultural industry yet the country is only a about 65 years old. What does that indicate about the character of the people of its neighbouring countries. If it were not for the oil which the Westerners got out of the ground for them they would still be riding around on camels instead of Mercedes Benz motor cars.

I bet the Israelis also have a lower birth rate than their neighbors. It may not bode well for them maintaining a standing army, but it's smart in the long run (if there is a 'long run' for them).

Meanwhile, Palestinian women are popping out babies like rabbits (7 to 9 children per woman), yet they can't understand that it's a major reason why their lives are generally miserable. Tens of thousands of people on a parcel of property which can possibly support a small fraction of that. That's a contributing factor for so-called refugees. They usually come from countries which have waaaaay overtaxed their carrying capacity for humans. Rats and cockroaches are probably doing fine, though.

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