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Exiled Thaksin Inches Closer To Return To Thailand


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The fact of the matter is even if you don't like Taksin those who voted for "his party" again and again should not have had their voting rights rendered meaningless. This should have not have resorted to a coup.

And as PM he should not have been corrupt and abused his power.....he got all that he deserves except the prison sentance which still, although I have to say it's unlikely, may happen....

Indeed. And as far as voters not having their voting rights rendered meaningless, this is precisely what happens in working Western democracies when politicians are tried and found guilty, and when politicians are impeached.

Heiwa, do you think Western democracies, to avoid ever rendering voting rights meaningless, should not allow politicians to be tried, and should do away with impeachment?

My God man do you really think Western leaders are doing what their elected majority want them to do. London has become Londinstan. Changing financial laws to cause collapse. Western world is only allegedly civilised. I guess in conclusion the law of the jungle applies anywhere we are and DEMOCRACY IS A FICTION. Ever heard of the 1%. On your reasoning every government in the world would have to be impeached. In summary the Thais understand the world is a savage world fighting over money. Westerners delude themselves that it is not. We pretend our governments are not corrupt while they are more realistic in knowing that their governments are corrupt. Look in USA and Europe the police being paid to beat the crap out of protestors in the name of the rich wall street guys who fleeced everyone. Oh - but we are all angels in the West and have perfect democracies. Spare us the holier than thou attitude.

And just because it happens everywhere doesn't make it RIGHT or an acceptable practise. If that was so why do we have anti-corruption laws.

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This isn't Thailand it's the internet, where people often gather to give opinions. You have no say on how the internet is run so maybe you should shut up if you want to follow your own advice.

For most of the foreigners on here they have will have an interest in what happens as they may be living here or investing here and many have family here.

In my opinion you are right that people shouldn't incite violence although I don't know if that is against Thai law but I seem to remember there was a lot of incitement to violence during the red shirt protests. I haven't checked to see if anyone has actually suggested that Thaksin should be assassinated by the way.

You're also right that others have been corrupt as well and should be dealt with the same but it's noticeable that the Thaksin / PTP supporters usually complain about posters accusations aimed at Thaksin in threads on this forum that arise out of news stories. Why are there so few, if any stories or threads about corruption in the opposition?

Well when you've got the Nation as your primary news source.....

You, as a member, can post news from other news sources in pre-existing threads.

You, as a member, can also post news from other news sources as an original thread in General forum and request it be moved to News forum.

Sounds like hard work. biggrin.png

It's easy and would be even easier if more members participated in that manner.

It certainly is better than moaning endlessly about the lack of diversity in news sourcing that's posted on the forum. ;)


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Foreigners can have no say in Thai politics so should just shut up.

We can not vote, we can have a say. Through this forum for example, or through discussions with our friends and (Thai) relatives.

Kind of scary to read your 'shut up' remark.

I don't think he'll hear you. His head is in the sand....or far up his ar*e

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Hey there, Old Sailor:


Please don't put the masses of expat critics of Thaksinistas and redshirts (the majority of expats according to polling) in the same boat as a very small number of extremists who would post about assassinating anybody! Also, it's totally specious to suggest anti-Thaksinistas consider any Thai politician as squeaky clean. Nice try. Actually, not nice at all ...

"the majority of expats according to polling" - poll? Which poll was this?

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1,000 people I thought there was supposed to be in the ten's of thousands, I guess they didn't do to well with every thing he gave them,

April 10, 2012

Red Shirt Leader Nisit Sinthuphrai said about 50,000 Thaksin supporters are expected to leave for Laos to meet him there as he pays a brief visit to Laos and Cambodia during the festival.

No money - no honey (no people) cowboy.gif

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It certainly is better than moaning endlessly about the lack of diversity in news sourcing that's posted on the forum. wink.png


Not aimed at me in particular one would hope. wink.png

Certainly not. There's a number of posters that do that.


I do believe, Buchholz, that you once congratulated remarked upon my numerous choice of sources. Now if I can do it...........

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It certainly is better than moaning endlessly about the lack of diversity in news sourcing that's posted on the forum. wink.png


Not aimed at me in particular one would hope. wink.png

Certainly not. There's a number of posters that do that.

I do believe, Buchholz, that you once congratulated remarked upon my numerous choice of sources. Now if I can do it...........

Sure, anyone can, too.

But invariably the complainers don't and instead choose to clutter up threads with complaints about the lack of diverse news sources, rather than rectifying their complaint by posting news themselves.

It's in practically every News thread and one that is easily solved.... if the issue was as profound as some try to paint it.


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This joker seems oblivious to the fact that he is driving a knife straight through this country's heart and in turn has the ability to bring it down on its knees. All because of his ego and cowardice in facing the music. He also has a death wish the way he is currently conducting himself. He would do good to just come back home and take his medicine in the monkey house.

death wish =granted

he should hang himself.

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'Death threat' report disrupts Thaksin's Laos arrival

VIENTIANE: -- Ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra was given special protection when he arrived in the capital of Laos yesterday, amid rumours of an assassination threat against him, according to people close to the former leader.

Seems a bit manufactured to allow for cancellation of events when Thaksin finds out that only a handful of people turn up, not the tens of thousands he has been told will be in attendance. Thaksin is obviously happy in Dubai, he's putting a bit of weight on I see.

In the other papers coverage, Thaksin thanked the Lao government for the added security as he states that he has been able to survive four previous assassination attempts through a combination of good luck and wearing a protective amulet.


Everyone's luck runs out sometime; and since when did an Amulet stop a high velocity bullet?

do you have TS birthday numbers/ weekday/town/zodiac, what kind of amulet he's wearing?

They all together will tell you when his time is up.

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Hey there, Old Sailor:


Please don't put the masses of expat critics of Thaksinistas and redshirts (the majority of expats according to polling) in the same boat as a very small number of extremists who would post about assassinating anybody! Also, it's totally specious to suggest anti-Thaksinistas consider any Thai politician as squeaky clean. Nice try. Actually, not nice at all ...

"the majority of expats according to polling" - poll? Which poll was this?


TS the sailor @ 90?

Popeyeof the North.

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Sure, anyone can, too.

But invariably the complainers don't and instead choose to clutter up threads with complaints about the lack of diverse news sources, rather than rectifying their complaint by posting news themselves.

It's in practically every News thread and one that is easily solved.... if the issue was as profound as some try to paint it.


Well actually it's only easily solved if you can post news articles as a beginning of a thread.

As mere mortals we can't and end up having to react to the stuff that is given us to read and comment on.

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Sure, anyone can, too.

But invariably the complainers don't and instead choose to clutter up threads with complaints about the lack of diverse news sources, rather than rectifying their complaint by posting news themselves.

It's in practically every News thread and one that is easily solved.... if the issue was as profound as some try to paint it.

Well actually it's only easily solved if you can post news articles as a beginning of a thread.

As mere mortals we can't and end up having to react to the stuff that is given us to read and comment on.

You can. To repeat, as a member, can also post news from other news sources as an original thread in General forum and request it be moved to News forum.

How hard is that? I've done so several times myself.

If it's a pre-existing News thread, post news from sources that counter the OP if you disagree with the OP news source.

Both are easy, but quite a few choose not to and instead rail endlessly about the news that is posted as OP. It's all lazy BS.


Edited by Buchholz
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Hey there, Old Sailor:


Please don't put the masses of expat critics of Thaksinistas and redshirts (the majority of expats according to polling) in the same boat as a very small number of extremists who would post about assassinating anybody! Also, it's totally specious to suggest anti-Thaksinistas consider any Thai politician as squeaky clean. Nice try. Actually, not nice at all ...

"the majority of expats according to polling" - poll? Which poll was this?

It would be more polite to do your OWN searching. Next time, OK?


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One of the really depressing things about the return of Mr.Thaksin, is that it was a certainty in many peoples minds from the moment his sister announced she was standing for PM.

The whole "Thai elects a woman PM" after the election which some of the dreamers in the western media called a "victory for all women" was viewed by many women including me as actually a blow to the equality-movement. I sincerely hoped to be proved wrong by her, and find that she was to be a strong female leader with her own agenda and convictions.

In Thailand, over half the University graduates are women, yet in the workplace they are grouped in the low-pay jobs especially traditionally female menial domestic-servitude jobs. Wife-beating is still seen as a man's right in many parts of Thailand, male-head-of-family still over-rides land ownership, male supremacy is largely socially unquestioned & females are treated as cattle & a product that can be sold. While this is also true in other parts of Asia & Africa, in 21st century Thailand with broadband and now free computer-tablets for schools, the casual misogeny in mainstream Thai society actually contrasts with the surrounding modernity.

There have been equal pay and other equality acts in Thailand in the last 15 years, but in reality women in Thailand are subservient and second-class.

For this reason, the election of Yingluck was seen by many as always & clearly a precursor to the return of Thaksin. The very idea that a normal hard-working Uni-grad & attractive & smart Thai woman (of which Thailand has a huge number)would ever become PM in Thailand is laughable against the social backdrop. This is a strong male-heirarchy and the only reason Yingluck got the top spot is that she was sister of a powerful man. For that reason, it has to be realised that she was just doing what women are supposed to do - tidy the house & clean things up before the man returned home.

I wonder how many of your likees have maids or house cleaners?

In the meantime as a presumably "normal hard-working Uni-grad & attractive & smart Thai woman " you would seem to be in a better position than most to affect change. What are doing about it, apart from joining in the bandwaggon of prodominantly western mature expat right wing democrat supporters jeerings about the present government?

Do you have views on the plight of your up country normal hard working woman - what do you think of the Womens Fund? Will the 300 baht minimum wage attract the women away from the grind that is "tidy the house & clean things up before the man returned home". Is there anything else that could be done? This kind of viewpoint would be refreshing on here.

No disrespect, but what we don't need on here is another "good 'ol boy" whining, there's enough of those already.

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For this reason, the election of Yingluck was seen by many as always & clearly a precursor to the return of Thaksin. The very idea that a normal hard-working Uni-grad & attractive & smart Thai woman (of which Thailand has a huge number)would ever become PM in Thailand is laughable against the social backdrop. This is a strong male-heirarchy and the only reason Yingluck got the top spot is that she was sister of a powerful man. For that reason, it has to be realised that she was just doing what women are supposed to do - tidy the house & clean things up before the man returned home.

In the meantime as a presumably "normal hard-working Uni-grad & attractive & smart Thai woman " you would seem to be in a better position than most to affect change. What are doing about it, apart from joining in the bandwaggon of prodominantly western mature expat right wing democrat supporters jeerings about the present government?

In your rush to bash a member, you overlook that no where does the member state she is what you say she is.


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I have only been in Thailand 1 year,please take this in to account when reading this post.I am amazed at the venomous attacks on Mr T has he caused Farangs living here so much pain and misery.I think the best people to decide if and when Mr T returns are the Thai people themselves.If the prospect of living here under a Mr T governments fills farangs with such dread,the only course of action is too cut your loses and run.If the Thai people decide to elect a monkey to govern it"s ok with me,as long as I can have my visa stamped every year and the price of cigarettes stay the samejap.gif

I heard Thaksin isn't a Hi-So, he's a Hi-Bee...!

Don't you realise that the posters on here are so erudite that, unless they are aficionados of Irvine Welsh, they will have no concept of what you mean? Livi Lions rule!
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Hey there, Old Sailor:


Please don't put the masses of expat critics of Thaksinistas and redshirts (the majority of expats according to polling) in the same boat as a very small number of extremists who would post about assassinating anybody! Also, it's totally specious to suggest anti-Thaksinistas consider any Thai politician as squeaky clean. Nice try. Actually, not nice at all ...

An interesting view but the assassination suggestions occur regularly without condemnation from the majority of expats on the forum......Why is that?
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Hey there, Old Sailor:


Please don't put the masses of expat critics of Thaksinistas and redshirts (the majority of expats according to polling) in the same boat as a very small number of extremists who would post about assassinating anybody! Also, it's totally specious to suggest anti-Thaksinistas consider any Thai politician as squeaky clean. Nice try. Actually, not nice at all ...

An interesting view but the assassination suggestions occur regularly without condemnation from the majority of expats on the forum......Why is that?

They are probably the ones that think it is OK to assassinate someone, but are against capitol punishment which is legal here.

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Extrajudicial murders as occurred massively under Thaksin are presumably NOT legal in Thailand. coffee1.gif

Nice try but hardly an answer to my question. Why are there no condemnations of the repeated suggestions that Thaksin should be assassinated?
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Sure, anyone can, too.

But invariably the complainers don't and instead choose to clutter up threads with complaints about the lack of diverse news sources, rather than rectifying their complaint by posting news themselves.

It's in practically every News thread and one that is easily solved.... if the issue was as profound as some try to paint it.

Well actually it's only easily solved if you can post news articles as a beginning of a thread.

As mere mortals we can't and end up having to react to the stuff that is given us to read and comment on.

You can. To repeat, as a member, can also post news from other news sources as an original thread in General forum and request it be moved to News forum.

How hard is that? I've done so several times myself.

If it's a pre-existing News thread, post news from sources that counter the OP if you disagree with the OP news source.

Both are easy, but quite a few choose not to and instead rail endlessly about the news that is posted as OP. It's all lazy BS.


Well obviously it's not hard, if you are aware that you can do that. If you are not, like I and probably a good many more than it isn't easy. It's not as if its shouted down from the rooftops on here is it?

Where do you find this stuff out? I only found out about the max. no. of quotations thing by trial and error.

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Sure, anyone can, too.

But invariably the complainers don't and instead choose to clutter up threads with complaints about the lack of diverse news sources, rather than rectifying their complaint by posting news themselves.

It's in practically every News thread and one that is easily solved.... if the issue was as profound as some try to paint it.

Well actually it's only easily solved if you can post news articles as a beginning of a thread.

As mere mortals we can't and end up having to react to the stuff that is given us to read and comment on.

You can. To repeat, as a member, can also post news from other news sources as an original thread in General forum and request it be moved to News forum.

How hard is that? I've done so several times myself.

If it's a pre-existing News thread, post news from sources that counter the OP if you disagree with the OP news source.

Both are easy, but quite a few choose not to and instead rail endlessly about the news that is posted as OP. It's all lazy BS.


Well obviously it's not hard, if you are aware that you can do that. If you are not, like I and probably a good many more than it isn't easy. It's not as if its shouted down from the rooftops on here is it?

Where do you find this stuff out? I only found out about the max. no. of quotations thing by trial and error.

Don't take up parachuting.

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quote name='luckyman' timestamp='1334233070' post='5213315']

I bet you admire Mao and his 'Cultural revolution' too, don't you?

The Cultural Revolution as much as I abhor it laid the foundation for China today. Unfortunately, one cannot make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. My family lost everything after the revolution and the family patriarch was incarcerated for being a british "counter revolutionary". I am fully aware of the suffering and pain many endured. However, today, China is a super power because of that phase of the nation's development.

Sorry, I don't buy it.

Amazing all those dead amounts to a few broken eggs for progress. Pathetic.

Seems many other places didn't need that great leap forward to be BEYOND China.

The US Civil War destroyed 2 generations of Americans.

The multiple revolutions of England

The 30 years war, considered the most destructive war in the history of Germany.

The Mexican Revolution

The Canadian rebellion that laid the foundation for a modern nation that removed of the family compact (think of Thailand)

And countless internal civil wars and uprisings.

One cannot pick and choose and say just because the commies in China behaved like Europeans that the Chinese Cultural revolution was any worse that what occurred in farang lands. As I stated, it was bad, sHowever, like the far worse barbaric slaughters in farang land, something better eventually rose out of the ashes of destruction. I am well aware of what went on in China as my family suffered. Do I hate the Chinese for the beatings and imprisonment of my family? No. Do I blame the Chinese for the loss of assets and the expulsion of my family for being white europeans? No. It was all part of a nation's growth. The fact that the Chinese did this later than others was only because of the colonialisation of the country.

You can not possibly be comparing the Cultural Revolution with;

The US Civil War, The multiple revolutions of England,

The 30 years war, Mexican Revolution.

Utterly different in composition and aims.

If you want to compare it to the Cambodian Killing Fields fair play.

Otherwise way of the historical path of understanding.

Really a sad attempted rebuttal.

Oh yes, the reforms of Dung Chow Ping set the path of Current China,

but could not be attempted till Mao was well in the grave and Gang of 4

truly tarnished and removed from reverence.

Edited by animatic
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Hey there, Old Sailor:


Please don't put the masses of expat critics of Thaksinistas and redshirts (the majority of expats according to polling) in the same boat as a very small number of extremists who would post about assassinating anybody! Also, it's totally specious to suggest anti-Thaksinistas consider any Thai politician as squeaky clean. Nice try. Actually, not nice at all ...

"the majority of expats according to polling" - poll? Which poll was this?

It would be more polite to do your OWN searching. Next time, OK?



Oh <deleted>, do you expect me to take you seriously after that! Your own poll on this forum, how representative is that? Even the official polls of 1500 odd people "from around" thailand are pathetic, but that, words fail me............

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