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Too Soon To Come Back, But It's A Good Year, Thaksin Says


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The Thais, that is the majority of Thais have already decided and always believed in Thaksin. Why do you think his sister is PM, because the majority voted for her because of who she is the sister of. The sad fact is that the country is split between the majority (the poor Thai people) and the minority ( the power hungry rich elite) who think that the poor are their servants and incapable of voting because they believe they are uneducated buffalos.

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From several news reports I've read, it was not "thousands" of Thais that went to see him ... it was less than one thousand.

Far beit for me to support the big T in any way but the Cambodian immigration said 7,400 odd red shits went through Arranyapathet where they took several hundred buses to Siem Reap. Still well short of the 10's of thousands some Red's have tried to claim. But, they were all getting free transport, accommodation and entry to Angkor so it was still mostly a rent a crowd and so nothing to be proud of.

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The Thais, that is the majority of Thais have already decided and always believed in Thaksin. Why do you think his sister is PM, because the majority voted for her because of who she is the sister of. The sad fact is that the country is split between the majority (the poor Thai people) and the minority ( the power hungry rich elite) who think that the poor are their servants and incapable of voting because they believe they are uneducated buffalos.

Absolute twaddle, I know plenty of Red Shirts who understand very well just what a self serving scumbag Thaksin really is. They still vote for PTP becuase they really hate the Dems and the Hi So's, who they know will not do anything for them. It's very much a case of which bunch of thieving scumbags do you want to vote for. For most they know that the Big T has given them something, 30 baht health care, housing whereas historically the Dems did nothing. I understand why people vote for PTP but to claim that they all want Thaksin back is complete rubbish.

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Then why not grant a re-trial so he can return. I don't blame him not wanting to spend 2 years in a Thai jail and what about thos in the democrat party who were involved in the ordering of troops to fire live rounds at red shirt protesters 2 years ago. Will they be brought to justice? Wipe the slate clean, let Thaksin come back and move on, that's what the majority want not just Thaksin.

Don't wipe any slate clean! If the Democrat Party is responsible for crimes against society, let them go to prison for it! They would fully deserve it. But first have an independent investigation in what really happened, don't you think that's fair. You might be surprised to find out who bankrolled and ignited these killings. Also let's look at the War on Drugs, Tak Bai and other incidents during previous governments. Let's investigate that as well, just in respect for the families of those who were killed.

Your remark of a re-trial is ridiculous, sorry to say so, but 'If you can't do the time, don't do the crime' mister Thaksin.

Didn't Abhisit propose that a possible amnesty would not involve himself, Suthep and Thaksin?

I wholeheartedly agree, Thailand needs to start investigating and locking up these so called leaders for the various crimes they have committed (on both sides). No more, mai pen rai, no more talk of amnesty, no more inactive posts. JAIL!

Lets face it you couldn't go too far wrong if you simply turned parliament and the police HQ into jails.

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The Thais, that is the majority of Thais have already decided and always believed in Thaksin. Why do you think his sister is PM, because the majority voted for her because of who she is the sister of. The sad fact is that the country is split between the majority (the poor Thai people) and the minority ( the power hungry rich elite) who think that the poor are their servants and incapable of voting because they believe they are uneducated buffalos.

In fact a power hungry rich elite did massive vote buying and the poor Thai people fall for 500 Baht.

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What ever you write on this forum that is pro Thaksin is always going to be called complete twaddle or I know better or what about what Abbisit said. Come on don't try to spin my posts cause I'm pro Thaksin. I'm pro democracy, when has the democratic party been democratically elected? What has the war on drugs and drug dealers got to do with civilians being shot by the army under orders of the last government 2 years ago? and if I were a red shirt who didn't like Thaksin I sure wouldn't tell anyone, rather than be angry with you they'd probably laugh. That's like saying I'm a yellow shirt but hate the elite. Go spin someone else's posts, anti Thaksin supporters.

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Then why not grant a re-trial so he can return. I don't blame him not wanting to spend 2 years in a Thai jail and what about thos in the democrat party who were involved in the ordering of troops to fire live rounds at red shirt protesters 2 years ago. Will they be brought to justice? Wipe the slate clean, let Thaksin come back and move on, that's what the majority want not just Thaksin.

Don't wipe any slate clean! If the Democrat Party is responsible for crimes against society, let them go to prison for it! They would fully deserve it. But first have an independent investigation in what really happened, don't you think that's fair. You might be surprised to find out who bankrolled and ignited these killings. Also let's look at the War on Drugs, Tak Bai and other incidents during previous governments. Let's investigate that as well, just in respect for the families of those who were killed.

Your remark of a re-trial is ridiculous, sorry to say so, but 'If you can't do the time, don't do the crime' mister Thaksin.

Didn't Abhisit propose that a possible amnesty would not involve himself, Suthep and Thaksin?

I wholeheartedly agree, Thailand needs to start investigating and locking up these so called leaders for the various crimes they have committed (on both sides). No more, mai pen rai, no more talk of amnesty, no more inactive posts. JAIL!

Lets face it you couldn't go too far wrong if you simply turned parliament and the police HQ into jails.

Look at smaller cases. Corrupt (or other criminal) police or corrupt civil servant will be either transfered to inactive posts or sent in the south.

Unthinkable in any other country.

And no one ever thought that it might not make peace easier if you send the worst to the south....

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Berlustconi, his Brother in Megalomania amd Logorrhoe (Diarrhoe of words) came back to power two times in Italy. This (third) time he his exorcized by Italian people and the Law.

Sexual misuse is a very very bad act. Psychological misuse of his sister and of many blind trusting poor people is not far away....

Edited by lungmi
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I don't think he will ever be able to "sit down and eat noddles at a roadside store " ever again without looking over his shoulder. He might do well to come back and sort it out like am man. Not a coward as is the case at the moment.

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Please return so we can finally end this bitterness, feud between the elite and Thaksin. It is time to get over it and move ahead, as there are far more important things for Thailand to worry about, the asean, china slow growth this year, the strong baht, high speed rail links, potential flooding again, tourism, etc...


Please shut up and stay away so we can finally end this bitterness, feud between the elite and Thaksin. It is time to get over it and move ahead, as there are far more important things for Thailand to worry about, the asean, china slow growth this year, the strong baht, high speed rail links, potential flooding again, tourism, etc...

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Wow, thats hilarious! if I change a few words in someones post I can spin pro Thaksin posts into anti Thaksin posts. Post something creative, inspirational, poetic other wise like your member name why bother posting at all.

I was just pointing out that there is more than one way to move forward.

The red shirts have got their party in power. They're getting their free handouts. Why do they need to bother with Thaksin? After all, he doesn't know them.

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If only it was that simple. Thaksin is the red shirts, the pue thai party, the thai rak thai party the whole thing was started by him. Thaksin is the working class hero in Thailand, thats why people want him back. Why all the fuss every time he is in a neighbouring country or makes any comments on Thailand or meets with members of the pheu thai party or red shirt movement. In the yellow shirts mind he is public enemy number one and they the elite that is know how much of an influence he has and power he has if he returns. But the truth is that this is mostly in the heads of the paranoid elite and that he will probably lead a quiet life when he returns and just be an advisor to the government. Whats the worst that can happen by letting him return. Surely not letting him return will only make things worse.

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If only it was that simple. Thaksin is the red shirts, the pue thai party, the thai rak thai party the whole thing was started by him. Thaksin is the working class hero in Thailand, thats why people want him back. Why all the fuss every time he is in a neighbouring country or makes any comments on Thailand or meets with members of the pheu thai party or red shirt movement. In the yellow shirts mind he is public enemy number one and they the elite that is know how much of an influence he has and power he has if he returns. But the truth is that this is mostly in the heads of the paranoid elite and that he will probably lead a quiet life when he returns and just be an advisor to the government. Whats the worst that can happen by letting him return. Surely not letting him return will only make things worse.

Given how quiet he has been in his years in self-exile, I doubt he would lead a quiet life if he returned.

The red shirts want him back, but they don't need him. They've already got what they wanted. And they would get a lot more if Thaksin would stop disrupting things.

The worst that could happen if he came back is what it was leading to before he was ousted. He had control over too many things. There's a reason why he and Hun Sen are "eternal friends".

If it's not that simple for him to stay away, why would you think it would be simple for him to return?

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By letting him return I mean dropping his 2 year jail sentence, obviously he can return now but he'd have to serve 2 years in a Thai prison sentence first. Would you spend 2 years in a Thai prison? Can't blame him for his self exile.

Do you man just ignore all the crimes that he's been charged with (or would be if he was here)?

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OP: various statements by k. Thaksin

k. Thaksin saying all this is not really surprising. It's just that he states without giving a single shred of proof. If I did the same here I would be verbally crusified crying.gif

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Your right he did have a lot of family members in important powerful jobs, but maybe that was because all he could trust was his family. Remember that even today Thailand is still run by the army, the elite and the old school politicians. Democracy has yet to flourish fully in Thailand, if its not Thaksin today who will it be in the future. You can't stop what the people want, look what happened last year in north africa and the middle east, the arab spring. Look whats happening in China with rumours of an uprising or coup. The people will get what they want eventually and in Thailand they want the man who gave them a chance for democracy Thaksin Shinawatra, the longest democratically elected Prime Minister of Thailand.

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Your right he did have a lot of family members in important powerful jobs, but maybe that was because all he could trust was his family. Remember that even today Thailand is still run by the army, the elite and the old school politicians. Democracy has yet to flourish fully in Thailand, if its not Thaksin today who will it be in the future. You can't stop what the people want, look what happened last year in north africa and the middle east, the arab spring. Look whats happening in China with rumours of an uprising or coup. The people will get what they want eventually and in Thailand they want the man who gave them a chance for democracy Thaksin Shinawatra, the longest democratically elected Prime Minister of Thailand.

Suggest you reread the history. trust is an interesting word, fear is also an interesting word, and I don't mean the man fearing employees / civil servants etc., I mean the civil servants etc fearing him, strongly.

'Longest democratcically elected PM in Tailand' - again I suggest you read some broader history about vote buying etc. And please don't say 'yes but all parties do it', which is true, on a scale. it's deeper than that, and the words 'mass manipulation' come to mind.

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Your just another Thaksin critic falsely accusing him of crimes he didn't commit, you'll say anything to discredit him. Admit your a yellow shirt supporter in bed with the elite and their cronies. Why don't you read the news from this link and brush up on your history. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=4&ved=0CDoQFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.co.uk%2Fnews%2Fworld-asia-pacific-14010235&ei=aSWMT_qmCIeaiAeN7pziCQ&usg=AFQjCNFVRsnAYpOWQp4_AZI-ztdADnUpSA

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Your just another Thaksin critic falsely accusing him of crimes he didn't commit, you'll say anything to discredit him. Admit your a yellow shirt supporter in bed with the elite and their cronies. Why don't you read the news from this link and brush up on your history. http://www.google.co..._AZI-ztdADnUpSA

What does the election have to do with Thaksin's crimes?

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"I'm very happy to see that the people support me and are calling on me to return home," he said.

"I was moved to see men crying and telling me to go back home … the people love and have mercy for me a lot."


He doesn't see much farther than past his left elbow, does he?

"the people"??? What, the trivial ones who were set up by your cronies to make up numbers that pretend a lot? giggle.gif

And here was me thinking that by now you were highly experienced, Mr T. passifier.gif


I think it was the Cambodians crying out for him to return home.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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