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Too Soon To Come Back, But It's A Good Year, Thaksin Says


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Your just another Thaksin critic falsely accusing him of crimes he didn't commit, you'll say anything to discredit him. Admit your a yellow shirt supporter in bed with the elite and their cronies. Why don't you read the news from this link and brush up on your history. http://www.google.co..._AZI-ztdADnUpSA

That article had nothing to do with Thaksin.

Why don't you read it.

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Why bother posting anything pro Thaksin or should I say pro Democracy on this forum when all you get is anti Thaksin or should I say anti democratic posts back. Hell if I was anti democratic I would tell everyone to no vote in the next election and place pictures of stero typical stupid animals in suits with red neck ties on.

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Lets suggest a truce, you got your point of view and I got mine. You don't like Thaksin and I do. Your a yellow shirt supporter and I'm a red shirt supporter. You want whats best for Thailand and I want whats best for Thai people. You understand poverty, I want to help the poor. You don't like change and I think a change is what we need.

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Lets suggest a truce, you got your point of view and I got mine. You don't like Thaksin and I do. Your a yellow shirt supporter and I'm a red shirt supporter. You want whats best for Thailand and I want whats best for Thai people. You understand poverty, I want to help the poor. You don't like change and I think a change is what we need.

Why do you think there is only red and yellow?

Change is needed in Thailand. Thaksin isn't.

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Lets suggest a truce, you got your point of view and I got mine. You don't like Thaksin and I do. Your a yellow shirt supporter and I'm a red shirt supporter. You want whats best for Thailand and I want whats best for Thai people. You understand poverty, I want to help the poor. You don't like change and I think a change is what we need.

You want to help the poor but support Thaksin, one of the wealthiest and corrupt men in (out of) Thailand. LOL, you lost your plot completely!

Edited by KireB
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Okay, I've had my say Whybother, What do we need if we don't need Thaksin? Do you like, respect his sister the current PM who was democratically elected last year by a huge majority of Thai people? Come on its easy to post negative stuff. Tell us the masses what you would like to see happen in Thailand politically and don't try to manipulate us.

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Somebody show me a truly Democratic political process anywhere in the world and I'll show you the holy Grail itself. Now the debate is 'How corrupt?" and I remember that I have more important things to do...like anything else. The only way to beat these people is to walk away from their game and remember not to be drawn back into it.

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Okay, I've had my say Whybother, What do we need if we don't need Thaksin? Do you like, respect his sister the current PM who was democratically elected last year by a huge majority of Thai people? Come on its easy to post negative stuff. Tell us the masses what you would like to see happen in Thailand politically and don't try to manipulate us.

No. I think she's useless. She is clearly a puppet.

I would like to see education, so that people could actually understand who they are voting for. Politicians that weren't corrupt would be good too.

Thaksin was education minister, and nothing changed while he was in power. The PTP are spending billions of baht on computer tablets, which is taking money away from providing basic education.

The poor have a voice. They just have to use it for what they want, not what the local feudal poo-yais tell them. They don't need Thaksin. They need to move forward, not go back to his corruption.

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So corruption is your reason for hating Thaksin. Have you any proof of his corrupt activities? Education and tablet computers, well thats great, all Thai children can have access to the world wide web and find out about stuff such as what its like to live in a democratic society. What else, what other reasons do you have this distaste with anything Thaksin? Let it out, I'm listening.

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Why bother posting anything pro Thaksin or should I say pro Democracy [...].

Maybe you should make up your mind whether you are pro-Thaksin or pro Democracy, since both are at the opposite ends of the legal spectrum.

Also posting pro Thaksin is like posting pro Pinochet, pro Mussolini, pro Franco, pro Mugabe, pro Kim-Il Sung etc. - tasteless. Although, if you dig deep enough you will no doubt find some tiny positive traits in any of these characters.

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Then why not grant a re-trial so he can return. I don't blame him not wanting to spend 2 years in a Thai jail and what about thos in the democrat party who were involved in the ordering of troops to fire live rounds at red shirt protesters 2 years ago. Will they be brought to justice? Wipe the slate clean, let Thaksin come back and move on, that's what the majority want not just Thaksin.

He had the right to appeal the verdict, but he chose to run away.

Acording to a recent poll the majority of Thais would like to see him return to appeal the verdict in court. This may be the best way to reconcile the country.

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Then why not grant a re-trial so he can return. I don't blame him not wanting to spend 2 years in a Thai jail and what about thos in the democrat party who were involved in the ordering of troops to fire live rounds at red shirt protesters 2 years ago. Will they be brought to justice? Wipe the slate clean, let Thaksin come back and move on, that's what the majority want not just Thaksin.

He had the right to appeal the verdict, but he chose to run away.

Acording to a recent poll the majority of Thais would like to see him return to appeal the verdict in court. This may be the best way to reconcile the country.

To appeal a court sentence AFTER the 30 period in which that could be done would require some legal adjustments first, or in other words retrograde.

Seems a wee bit difficult although I'm the first to admit not the know the finer details of Thai law. Maybe ask Dept. PM Pol. Captain Chalerm who wrote some proposals in his spare time wink.png

Edited by rubl
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who cares i dont ive given up caring after 17 years. Ive put a lot of money here and made a lot but nows time for out Taksin will ruin this country more than all corrupt generals PM's and rest and those who cant see him for what he is need new glasses. You can debate reds versus yellows until cows come home but I now will admit Taksin is as clever as Borgius of ROme as corrupt as all tin pot dictators and will in end probably manage to totally destroy this country. Those who can see real truth and are able will get what they can out the masses will just suffer as those in Cambodia Zimbabwie suffered and those sensible enough will have already made their preparations to safeguard their fmaily. Ive lived over 20 years + through Thailand's totally corrupt governments but never seen dangers which I now see for all people living here. Im prepared and if worst comes very sadly will leave at the right time and mourn those unable to do the same.

I certainly hope im wrong since id rather stay here but most of ops here have no idea of what is about to unfold.

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If only it was that simple. Thaksin is the red shirts, the pue thai party, the thai rak thai party the whole thing was started by him. Thaksin is the working class hero in Thailand, thats why people want him back. Why all the fuss every time he is in a neighbouring country or makes any comments on Thailand or meets with members of the pheu thai party or red shirt movement. In the yellow shirts mind he is public enemy number one and they the elite that is know how much of an influence he has and power he has if he returns. But the truth is that this is mostly in the heads of the paranoid elite and that he will probably lead a quiet life when he returns and just be an advisor to the government. Whats the worst that can happen by letting him return. Surely not letting him return will only make things worse.

"he will probably lead a quiet life when he returns"

I suspect that one part of Thaksin's problem, in wishing to negotiate to return home, is the suspicion that he wouldn't lead a quiet life, any more than he "quit Thai politics" in 2006, before going-on to form the Red-Shirt movement as you say, and that it's hard to think of any convincing guarantee on this which he might give.

"Whats the worst that can happen"

A dictatorship lasting 20+ years, with family-members in all major roles, perhaps ?

Okay, I've had my say Whybother, What do we need if we don't need Thaksin? Do you like, respect his sister the current PM who was democratically elected last year by a huge majority of Thai people? Come on its easy to post negative stuff. Tell us the masses what you would like to see happen in Thailand politically and don't try to manipulate us.

"elected last year by a huge majority of Thai people"

As the risk of being repetitive, how does 48.4% of the people who bothered to vote, or some 39% of the eligible voting population (17.5 million out of some 45 million), qualify as "a huge majority" ?

Not that I'd deny that PTP did very well in the election, just that a "huge majority" suggests much more, than "the largest minority", which I'd say is more accurate. Why overstate that fact ?

Edited by Ricardo
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oops, did I say something wrong? Now I'm all alone. It's times like these when I wished I'd booked that ticket to Siem Riep. Oh well, I've always got Thaksin live on twitter.

and with your other hand..........

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Someone posted that I've lost the plot raving on about how great Thaksin has been for democracy in Thailand and theres some of you posting that if Thaksin returns it will be the end of days for Thailand and compare Thaksin to Robert Mugabe or Pol Pot. Thaksin has already been in power before and did a great job and it was nothing like a dictatorship, rather the most uncorrupt, democratic time Thailand ever had.

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Someone posted that I've lost the plot raving on about how great Thaksin has been for democracy in Thailand and theres some of you posting that if Thaksin returns it will be the end of days for Thailand and compare Thaksin to Robert Mugabe or Pol Pot. Thaksin has already been in power before and did a great job and it was nothing like a dictatorship, rather the most uncorrupt, democratic time Thailand ever had.

Where have we heard all this before?
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Then why not grant a re-trial so he can return. I don't blame him not wanting to spend 2 years in a Thai jail and what about thos in the democrat party who were involved in the ordering of troops to fire live rounds at red shirt protesters 2 years ago. Will they be brought to justice? Wipe the slate clean, let Thaksin come back and move on, that's what the majority want not just Thaksin.

He had the right to appeal the verdict, but he chose to run away.

Acording to a recent poll the majority of Thais would like to see him return to appeal the verdict in court. This may be the best way to reconcile the country.

Agreed. A fair trial and let the chips fall where they may. if he is convicted in a fair trial then he must accept the verdict.

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Someone posted that I've lost the plot raving on about how great Thaksin has been for democracy in Thailand and theres some of you posting that if Thaksin returns it will be the end of days for Thailand and compare Thaksin to Robert Mugabe or Pol Pot. Thaksin has already been in power before and did a great job and it was nothing like a dictatorship, rather the most uncorrupt, democratic time Thailand ever had.

Where have we heard all this before?

In your dreams? Your conscience speaks to you and says to stop the vendetta and instead reach out and to embrace your enemies.

Feel the love. Share the love.

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Someone posted that I've lost the plot raving on about how great Thaksin has been for democracy in Thailand and theres some of you posting that if Thaksin returns it will be the end of days for Thailand and compare Thaksin to Robert Mugabe or Pol Pot. Thaksin has already been in power before and did a great job and it was nothing like a dictatorship, rather the most uncorrupt, democratic time Thailand ever had.

Where have we heard all this before?

In your dreams? Your conscience speaks to you and says to stop the vendetta and instead reach out and to embrace your enemies.

Feel the love. Share the love.

Wow thanks Dr. GK. I feel so much better now. wai.gif
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Okay, lets put it to a vote, those in favor of a re-trial let yourself be known, those in favor of no re-trial, yellow shirt protests and another coup let yourselfs be known.

None of the above.

Why put "no re-trial, yellow shirt protests and another coup" in the same choice? Surely if there was no retrial and Thaksin was actually put in jail we would see a repeat of the "peaceful protests" of 2010.

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who cares i dont ive given up caring after 17 years. Ive put a lot of money here and made a lot but nows time for out Taksin will ruin this country more than all corrupt generals PM's and rest and those who cant see him for what he is need new glasses. You can debate reds versus yellows until cows come home but I now will admit Taksin is as clever as Borgius of ROme as corrupt as all tin pot dictators and will in end probably manage to totally destroy this country. Those who can see real truth and are able will get what they can out the masses will just suffer as those in Cambodia Zimbabwie suffered and those sensible enough will have already made their preparations to safeguard their fmaily. Ive lived over 20 years + through Thailand's totally corrupt governments but never seen dangers which I now see for all people living here. Im prepared and if worst comes very sadly will leave at the right time and mourn those unable to do the same.

I certainly hope im wrong since id rather stay here but most of ops here have no idea of what is about to unfold.

If I remember correctly you've been threatening to leave since last May but pop up every now and then to tell us how rich you are and how you're liquefying all your assets. Just let me know when you've done so, I really don't need the updates.

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