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Multiple League Combine Check In At Etihad?


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I fly home now in 3 days!

I heard The romour from a Tourist that etihad change The Maximum allowed Weight back to Munich ?

From bk to Munich should be 20 kg before 30 kg!

For 3 4 kg overweight payed 100 dollar!

He also says that etihad allowed multiple league check in from bk when more person in a group check in together , the can combine the allowed weight in total of a group!

Can someone confirm this?

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Even if Etihad have changed their baggage allowance on this route, the amount of baggae your allowed to check in is stated on your ticket and this can not be changed after the ticket has been issued.

Just get your ticket receipt and read it and carry it with you.

Just from memory when flying with Etihad previously, they used to permit all econnomy passengers to check in 30KG, but this was changed to only permit 23KG of checked in luggage per adult pax. Nearly 2 years ago though.

I would suggest having a read of their website to get info.



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